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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Jun 1957, p. 1

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a SHR RY SRE RET die €rel, ae TT I WHER SUES EUV RY S108 MEERA RR ed Ry 4 i 8 SB ! EF 5 vr : > fr J 15 vin ie IN STIS AA al AA IE ESE IS OY igi tit wis : Sets NG eid Tis} SEFTON CRE in STI TEN Fd THE PORT PERRY STAR pzize& Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. * PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 13th, 1957 > 2 2 ; Return 'Mike' Starr to Ottawa wil $2.00 per year. Single Copy 5c. * - GARDEN BROS. CIRCUS In the almost 400 years that the island of BERMUDA has been a Bri- tish colony it has seen almost every- thing . . . except a circus. This year, for the first time, all the magic of sawdust and spangles has moved into this island paradise. The circus is Canada's own GARDEN BROS. CIR- CUS and this overseas showing is by } way of being a FIRST for this old - Canadian company . . . this is the first time it has ever played outside of Canada. It is being sponsored in Bermuda by the Lions Club and early returns indicate that it is going to aise a record sum for charity . . .. running into tens of thousands of dol- lars! Beginning in June, fresh from its triumph overseas, GARDEN BROS. CIRCUS will play ONE HUNDRED cities and towns in Ontario and Que- bec. In each case the circus will be 49 under the auspices of a local service organization and it is hoped that the record-breaking job of raising funds for such an organization in Bermuda will be repeated in every town and city it plays in Canada. Advance sale from everywhere in- " dicates that seats may well be at a premium. It is suggested that tick- ets be purchased well in adavnce from the service club in your community under whose auspices the circus is playing. 'Outstanding features of the show this year are the magnificent new BIG TOP, the herd of ELEPHANTS; the unique ROYAL INCA LLAMAS, as well as the host of CLOWN and AERIALISTS and TWENTY other exciting displays. Be sure and see the ALL NEW GARDEN BROS. CIRCUS, under the auspices of PORT PERRY LIONS CLUB at the FAIR GROUNDS on MON., JUNE 17th, 8.30 pm. games will resume. Teen Town Teen Town baseball got under way last Saturday afternoon at the High School, Team 1, "Rovers" A. Menzies, Capt.; B. Wallis, D. Morton, D. Popert, I. Keizebrink, D. Innes, M. McLaughlin, M. L. Mac- Eachern, M. Luke, I. Luke. Team 2, "BeBops" G. Edgar, Capt.; S. Haugen, J. Croxall, R, Cawker, R. Tanton, C. Tanton, J. Buller, I, Ptolmey, J. Wil- son, H. McLean, G. Menzies. Team 3, "Groovers" W. Sanderson, Capt.; R. Hutchinson, J. Burnett; P. Warriner, C. McCart- ney, G. Hobbs, J. Hergott, R. Hough- land, B. Barnes, M. MacMillan, K. Hastings. Team 4 "Disc Jockies" W. Venmning, Capt.; C. Espie, J. Edwards, J. Nottingham, S.Fralick, D. Lowcock, R. Amell, D. Pride, L. Fra- lick, Grant Menzies, J. Aird, M. L. Robertson, J. Bell. Team 5, "Rock a Billies" H. Wilbur, Capt.; C. Beare, K. Gib- son, A. Williams, K. Fralick, P. Clark, B. Parry, R .Leach, D. Smith A. Bai- ley, E. Benschop. Teen Town Softball Schedule-- Saturday, June 8, 1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4; Team 5 Umpires. Saturday, June 15--1 vs, 5; 2 vs. 8; Team 4 Umpires, } Saturday, June 22--1 vs. 4;.2 ys. b; Team 3 Umpires. Saturday, June 29--2 vs 4; 8 vs. b; Team 1 Umpires, Saturday, July 6--1 vs. 3; 4 vs. b; Team 2 Umpires. . Last Saturday, the "Groovers" de- feated the "Disc Jockies" 23 to 16, and the "Rovers" won over the "Be- Bops" 17 to 18. Next Saturday, at 2:30 p.m. the At the end of the schedule, the two top teams will play. off at the Teen Town Picnic sometime in July. There will be a Teen Town Dance '| this Friday night, June 14, at the Public School Auditorium.' At the Teen Town Dance last Friday June 7, a good crowd attended." Also, the welfare of the club was discussed, concerning behavior at the dances. It is surely the desire of all concerned, not to louse up a square deal which we have been getting, just for the foolishness of a few. Record winners at this dance were: Claudette. Boulanger & Bob Carnegie, Marilyn Bray and Allan Bailey, and Kay Hastings and Richard Carnegie. HARTI bag, x rd 2 » | 2 wa NEW DEEP SEA DOCK FOR GREAT LAKES J First big dock built in the Great % Lakes to handle deep-sea ships is this $2,000,000 whalf of St. Lawrence Cement Co., Clarkson, Ont, Premier Leslie M. Front formally opened the cement plant between Toronto and Hamilton, Wednesday, June 12th. In production since November, 1946, the plant has been shipping cement to the St. Lawrence Seaway development, and throughout Ontario. Another plant has been in production in Quebec for more. than two years, The dock will handle tonnages up to the Sea- way"s limit. First ship to load at Clarkson was the m.v. "Hutcheliffe Hall", Montreal. First passenger ship was the s.s. "Lady Hamilton" carrying visitors to the official plant opening, Here is a list of the teams: Wedding SULMAN-JAMES White snapdragons graces the can- dle-lighted altar and chancel of the Anglican Church of Ascension, Port Perry, Ontario, for a wedding at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, June 8th, when Mayrene Elizabeth James was united in marriage with Peter Ernest. Sulman. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. James and the bridegroom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. Ernest Sulman, all of Port Perry, Ontario. The Reverend K, W. Scott perform- ed the double ring ceremony and con- duoted the service of Holy Communion, Mrs. Florence McClintock played the nuptial music and accompanied Mr, Kenneth Hallett who sang "The Lord's Prayer" prior to the ceremony and "0 Perfect Love" during the signing of the register, Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of chalk white silk peau de soie. The princess neckline was enhanced with a band of chiffon shirring with narrow Alen lace, which was repeated in the double ac- centing the bell skirt which features a chapel train, The soft puff sleevevs were complements with lily point mittens. A tiara studded with seed pearls and sequins held her cascaded finger tip vveil of tulle illustion, scolloped at the edge, her jewellery was a pearl neck- lace with matéhing earrings, and she carried a white bible crested with a white orchid and clusters of baby chrysanthemums, Miss Jean Williams of Port Perry and Oshawa, was maid of honour, and her flowers were a cascade of yellow roses. The other attendances were Mrs. Albert James of Myrtle Station, a sister-in-law of the bride; Mrs. Robert Storry and Miss Sandra Pugh of Port' Perry, and they carried cascades of yellow gold roses. The ballerina length gowns worn by all the attend- ants were fashioned on identical lines of white embroidered silk organdy over acqua taffeta. The slim bodices featured an oval neckline with short sleeves and an acqua taffera cummer- bund and bustle bow with long stream- ers at the back of the billowing skirt. They each wore headbands of white rosebuds, short white gloves and white shoes. Mr, Fred DeNure of Port Perry per- formed the duties of best man and the ushers were Mr. Floyd James, brother of the bride, of Port Perry; Mr. Stew- ard Annand of Uxbridge and Mr. Charles McFadden of Cannington, Ont. The reception was held in the parish hall, which was decorated with ar-| "Integrity". {verses. rangements of white snapdragons. To receive the guests the bride's mother | wore a mauve linen sheath dress top- | ped with a matching duster coat, small | white hat with matching accessories. | Mrs. R. Rayfield of Toronto, aunt of | the bridegroom, who assisted chose a | dress of silk cotton irridescent tan topped with a beige duster, a large mushroom beige hat of straw misted in tulle, and beige accessories. They both wore corsages of yellow rose- buds with white stephanotis. White tulle formed the setting for the three tier wedding cake centering the candlelighted bridal table. Lilies- of-the-valley and forget-me-nots_ de- corated the tables for the guests. The wedding dinner was served by the Evening Guild of the Church of the Ascension, The toast to the bride was proposed by Reverend Scott and responded to by the bridegroom. For the honeymoon to Bermuda, the bride donned a sheath dress of blue- gray silk shantung, with matching duster, a white picture hat, white and black accessories, and a white orchid corsage, On their return the couple will reside in Oshawa. Following the reception the guests were entertained at the home of the bride's parents, Ash street, Port Perry Out-of-town guests were present from Toronto, Oshawa, Cannington, Uxbridge, Stouffville and Newcastle. Miss Mayrene Elizabeth James whose marriage to Mr. Peter Ernest Sulman took place in the Church of Ascension, Port Perry, this Saturday afternoon, has been entertained at Brigades the W.A. enjoyed their annual pot 6 p.m. in the church basement, [ Sam Griffen. The theme for June District Fire Popular Vote in : It was "Mike" Starr all the way i DISTRICT FIRE BRIGADES TO Monday's Ontario riding election. HOLD EXERCISE IN PORT PERRY The 16-year-old Progressive-C vative federal onset Community Co-operation is the standard bearer retained his theme for a special mutual aid exer- cise which will commence at the laka front in Port Perry at 1 p.m. on Sun- day. Five Brigades from all centres in this area will unite in a giant training exercise when methods will be worked out to co-ordinate the equipment and services of the various hrigades- so that they will be able to cope with a disaster, should we be unfortunate enough to experience such a thing. Brigades are expected from Beaverton, Sunderland, Uxbrid- ge, Ajax, Whitby, Pickering, Oshawa, Brooklin and other places. The acti- vities will begin along the strip of abandonned railway north from Water Street to Beech Street, cat with a tremendous endo sation from 18,386 voters as compared with 13,726 for CCEFer John Naylor and 10,758 for Dr. Claude Vipond, the Liberal. The popular PCT candidate hefore exhibited never such vote-vathering powers as he raced to an carly lead and remained well in front of the op- position throughout the night. Although. Naylor won Oshawa city with 0,576 to Stary's 8,322 and Vip- ond's 5,376, the PC candidate had com- fortable majorities in polling subdivision. every other No. 192A-K----U. ¢ Basement... i - No. 192L-Z--U, C. Basement .............. United Church No. 193A-L-- Municipal Offices No. 193M-Z Municipal Offices Women's Assoc. [3 195 Preshytevian C. Basement Public Library .............. - A goodly number of members of - PORT PERRY TOTAL ..oneeennn. Township of Reach luck supper, Tuesday, June 4th, at After the tables were cleared away, Murs. Jessie Robertson's group enter- . . . 4 tained the members with a fine pro-{ Nn, so Community Hall, Utica =. gram, as follows: . No. 183-88 No. 11, Epsom School... Vocal solo -- Mrs. Gordon Robert-| No. 181 home of Colin Lovimer, . ei . M3 Uxhridee son--*"Life's Lovely Things". Piano 4 RL Ly i ------ , Solo -- Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Jr. "Bras| NO. 185 Community Tall, Greenbank hmn's Rhapsody". Mrs. Martyn Ren-{ No. 186 nick gave a very interesting demon- No. 187- stration on "Weaving". No. 183--Cedar Creek Public School. No. 189 ~Township Hall, Manchester Mrs. Jackson presided for the busi- | No. 100 --ITealey's Store, Saint field ness session. Minutes were read by Secretary Mr. G. M. Williams, and Treasurer Mrs. Chas. Ree- home of Win Keen Seagrave Prince Albert. Public School REACH TOTAL FE approved. : (sor gave a gratifying financial re- T bi iS | port. Murs. Smallman, visiting and | OWLS 1m G cugoy Christian Fellowship Convener, re- { ported fifty calls had been made on s sick, shut-ins and newcomers by W.A. "since May. Mrs, Griffen | nothing definite had been done about furniture forthe Parsonage, as yet. No, 191 Township Hail, Scugogr i : SCUGOG TOTAL oo reported i Two groups (namely Mrs, Oldfield's and Mrs. Hoskin's) have been asked "to cater for a wedding, August 10th "in the Church. The President extended best wishes to all for a happy summer holiday. The Devotional was taken by Mrs. Job - 2:1-10 Seripture, Mrs. Jackson closed the meeting with Prayer. < << several pre-nuptial events, A miscellancous shower was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Storry, Port Perry, the guests being friends and relatives of the future bride and bridegroom, and the hostesses beings Mrs. Storry, Mrs. Dave Brunton, Mis Jean Williams, and Miss Sandra Pugh. A corsage of mauve chrysanthemums was also presented to the bride elect. The girls from the Accounts Recciv- able Department of General Motors of Canada, Oshawa, entertained at a dinner at Harmony Church hall recent- Exams ly and presented a slipper chair, up-| ¢ » holstered in gold satin, A corsage of + Mr. Adelmo Melecei red carnations was also received hy | current examinations Yor the Roval Conservatory of Music of Toronto in JOHN W. NAYLOR Conduci Music will conduct the bride-to-be. On Thursday afternoon, Miss James | Port Perry on June 15th, 1957. was again honoured when she was pre- sented with a white enamel junior mixmaster (mixette) from the onto, Mr. Meledei has a teaching co staff of the Accounts Receivable Div. cor of almost thirty vears hehind him, ision of General Motors. Principal of the Willowdale Following the rehearsal this Friday of the Conservatory, he evening, the bridal party will be enter- ganist "at Richmond [ill tained at the home of the bride's par- He has Music of Tm Roval Con ervitory of Branch al 0 ol United Church, Toronto, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. James, as soloist on the Toronto Star Free in Port Perry. i | Concerts. Honouring his marriage, Mr, Peter Mr. Melecei "ecampleted his music studies in New York, and has given comeses in chureh music in Elizabeth, New Jersey, Ernest Sulman was presented with a telephone table, a floor lamp and a monetary gift from the staff of Link- Belt Limited, Scarboro, Ontario. Pete | 'Teaching piano, organ, and theory, was also honoured at a stag party | Mr. Melecei «till finds time to com- last week in Port Perry and was pre-| pose mus ie for the piano, His musie sented with a gift of money from hi<| has been published in the United friends. States, Great Britain and Australia. Village of Port Perry A prominent faculty member of The | | Riding Sets Record | |] h Large Majority A record popular vote of 42,870 out of a possible 56,071 was turned in for a percentage of 7.0 --a near all-time high for this riding, The popular vote was 60 per cent in 1953---when clected--and 78 per cent in the by-election in 1952 when the CCE won Ontario riding. Starr was also "MIKE™ STARR, M.P. Naylor Starr Vipond IR 69 43 39 7 38 21 89 45 16 89 36 35 150 66 28 144 71 178 G18 C298 Naylor Starr Vipond 21 85 46 30 75 26 15 29 33 47 1 73 31 68 38 80 70 44 3 46 22 31 113 59 8 47 27 206.604 368 Naylo Starr Vipond 27 Od 71 27 04 71 CLAUDE VIPOND Seagrave Man Seriously Injured Saturday afternoon Mr. Bill of Seagrave was seriously in- wed when his track was involved in a collision on Lilla Street just north of the Y intersection with Perry Street. Mi. Stone was rushed to Oshawa Late Stone | General Hospital by Brignal's ambu- Loch Memorial Hospital, | heen heard Lined after he was attended at the At the time of the accident Mr. was. travelling north on Lilla Street when he was struck by a truck of the Wilson Furniture Co. of Osh- asa, Stone Mi. Stone's truck was completely smashed, the Wilson Furniture truck lec seriously damaged. The driver for Wilson Furniture, although badly haken up was not injured. Mr. Stone received injuries to the head and body, but at the time of writing his condi- tion was reported as favorable. MONSTER AUCTION Rummage and Home Baking Sale SAT., JUNE 15th. < ce wT 1.30 p.m. Sharp Memorial Arena Huron Avie x BN ar he el Hei Te rg a TN \, Tw og onde 5 » 1} s 4

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