v5 3 ia re Fo. > Lo 8 FLA ES id ' od gE LAA EE A TR ON BL EL eB Ye RAN Tn Er di Sere id i X NIE AN RH - Ciba diene Shih a a N pil ds ma YY EASES SRE BE WES ERG EASE TE PASS AR EIR TA FOPLIET SREY ELE JE RST | SI Ton THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 196756 CO OC OOO OO OOO OO CB BOBO OBOE CA OIE CCI A a RR RR RR RR RR RR RRR HERRERO RE ha LLL LL LL ELS SS SSS SSS SY A - - chores dorfe and be with us? We hope " u and A favored by Caesars as - . {| District Churches |View ity Use of Leisureds [0 5 "= = Fortune Jubilee of our summer guests with us on the . On Sunday, it was a pleasure for| sland, namely: Joan Rutherford S ] Pp bl Perhaps the Canada Council which D To My your minister to occupy all three pul- ! ocla Io em raw ¢ n Pamela Miller, Mrs. M, Tuck and Pat, is being set up under such capable pits again, and Beverley Head of Oshawa; Mr. With mechanization moving in more | leadership to promote culture and the It was four Sundays since he preach-| and Ms, Mason of Toronto, Mr. and and more and working hours being | arts will be of great help in giving ed at Manchester, and three Sundays Mrs. Wm, Martyn of Prince Albert; reduced, the problem of what to do direction in the wholesome use of at the Island. The three morning] M;. Frank Sumner of Toronto. On with increased leisure needs to be |lcisure. According to Chinese Philoso- services went well, and as the dist- Friday the Manchester- Ladies are' Juived because leisure unwisely spent | phers, leisure is a fine art. coupon which gave her $28.90. ances are not great, the congregations | holding a Bake Sale, and two weeks | has inherent dangers } 5 This week the draw is to be held in were not kept waiting. It was Whit-| after on June 28th the Prospect Ladies] Sy. the arena at 3.30 and the Diamond suntide Sunday, and the theme was | will do likewise. ; This social problem was discussad Mine contains $310.10. -- "The coming of the Holy Spirit into at the Pacific Northwest District the lives of the disciples at Penticost." Conference in Vancouver recently. Fortune Jubilee Draw was held on Saturday, June Bth with a good crowd in attendance. The lucky winner was Mrs: Helen Tanton with a 1 share Supporters We wish the following many happy returns of their birthdays which fall SEE ONTARI [o] At Manchester we were glad to have this week: Marie Aldred, Ruth Aldred, : On the theme that the devil finds a Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sharp from Green- Murray Slute, Bill Pogue, Peter Hood, [ work for idle hands, Joseph Prender- 12th Annual Ontario bank. Mr. Sharp sang for us, and| 4 Hilda Kreig of the Island; and] gast of New York, director of the Na- - was accompanied by Murs. Sharp. At little John Steer of Manchester. Mus. | tional Recreation Association, pointed RX Co. Field Day Scugog "Grace the eholy sang "If prank Gerrow is still holding her own) out that shorter work weeks, auto- Heard the Voice of Jesus." We were in the Port Perry Hospital. She has | mation and greater life expectancy D glad to have the Junior Choir lead in her moments of consciousness. Little | have created "mass leisure" which song at the Evening Service, with noi) jolby is in the Sick Children's Bonnie Jeffrey and Linda Fralick at and Volunteer Workers The 12th Annual Ontario County Junior Farmer Field Day was held j at the Community Park, Brooklin, on could develop into a dangerous situa- when R Saturday, June Sth. Sports enthu. 3 . the piano, and Mrs. Thos. Redman con- gi Th for i to re nv © and ™ 1 | sinsts from all the Junior Farmer and 4 My sincere and grateful thanks for lib sm me Rein con ove and prayer: | here are more and more people unio stitute Club in the ssunty : 3 go out to all homes where there is) with more and more time for recrea- m 3 sweetly, and we thank you boys and sickness. There is quite a number o! tion", he said. "But they have loss school \ were present, Phe weather was splen- 4 i Your Splendid Support sing for your Suleibhsson; pola : cases of measles again. We hope that and less space in which to use it." Ji hd and all events Were keenly eon. y 53 y evening service, and the church | ;,,, wi) all soon recover. . ° ct . i 3 was three-quarters full. It was a spe- All of which points to the need for 1S out | Ihe Field Day was under the di- 4 L YL cial service for the Ordination of the careful planning to provide adequate (rection of the following committee-- £ Ww. JOHN NA OR Elders, and the Installation of our Ste- TT space for parks and green belts in our / "chairman, Maustyn McKnight, Ken 43 32 wards, for the Pastoral Charge. With rapidly expanding cities. Too often the 2 "Alsop, Ruby Leask and Anna Philip. § . very few exceptions, they were nearly D i 0 t th pleas of park advocates are drowned 7 Grounds Preparation committee-- : , 3 C. C. F. Candidate all present with us. The following us Y wen d e out by the argument that park sites | Brooklin Tries Farmers Association. y 4 Sh EAR : ET ) : 8] Elders were ordinated to the Elder- R d B cannot be permitted to obstruct in- Score Keepers--Qirls' Events-- Ly A A A AR . ship by the laying in the hands: e arn dustrial development. ree oy Uxbridge; Boys' ¥ Messrs. W. D. Munro, Clinton Midgley, Ourr young people are being ad- vents -Wes. Johnson, Port Perry. A Harvey Dobson, and Mrs. Gladys Dusty Owens, one of the most popu- | versely affected by our apathy about | Prize List Next Week D Archer of Manchester Church; Messrs. | lar young Radio and Recording stars, | constructive recreation. Wing Cmdr. ! rze 438 ex . ke il Leslie Smith, Byron Holtby, Garnet |ever to be heard over WWVA, Wheel. John Tttt, DFC, of Ottawa, theman in » ; : i Cochrane and Eugene Dearborn of [ing West Virginia, will make his final charge af RCAF recreation, told the i J Prospect Church: Messrs. Robert | public appearance in Oshawa, Thurs., conference there is an alarming trend i . Prentice, Clarence Fralick, Cecil Fral- {June 20th at the Red Barn. being shown by Canadians to sit idly P Shi AR z : : { ¢ ick, Stewart Rodman, Everett Pren- by rather than participate" in sport. dCe 1pS LL ~ lo 43 § : F ; : tice,-Allen Martyn, Clifford Redman, ; " ¥ he DEALER IN and Laverne Martyn of Scugog Ch. Millions are being spent on watch- Peterboro Boats LA ing, and promoting watching, he y Two of our Elders had previously been CHEVS = OLDS - CHEV. TRUCKS ordained, Messrs, W. D. Munro and ; ? Leslie Smith, but they came forward J : - y with the others. The following Ste- 24 Hour Road Service : wards were present and duly installed vi in their offices: Messrs. Kenneth Fra- WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE WILL BE lick, Clinton Midgley, Wesley John- A DEALER IN son, and Wright Crosier, of Man. chester Church: Messrs. Jack Holtby, TEXACO OIL PRODUCTS {|i sniherman, Liovd smith, mi WE WISH TO THANK ALL OUR REGENT CUSTOMERS | | Yebster, of Prospect Church: Messrs. FOR PAST PATRONAGE AND HOPE WE WILL Sameron: Sard, o Siavnce_ Carter, £ J John Sweetman, Alvin Heayn, Mel- CONTINUE TO SERVE THEM ville King, Maurice Fralick, Keith COME IN AND SEE OUR RED STAR--GREEN-T Crozier, and Robert Tetlow, of Scugog A SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK of 13-20 : Church. Mr. Clarence Fralick is our Among Dusty's many hit records Clerk of Session, and Mr. Lloyd Smith "« "oa ; are "Hello Operator", "If that's the the Chairman of the Board of Ste- life you want to live", "Just call on wars for the Charge. 2 ; me", and many many more. Last Friday, Scugog "Grace" W.A. ; : Lo ro, 3 Used Cars and Other Thin S reports a very fine gathering at the| When Dusty was just breaking into i \ g Murray McLaren's home in the after- | Show Business, one of the first spots noon for their Iris Tea. The Minister | 1¢ appeared at in Canada, was the pointed out, while the money should 0 a ! J h v3 M { be going into parks: and playfields iwi 0 nson 0 ors ONTARIO TRAVEL of our spare time driving around, where everyone can join in. 737 Parllament Bldgs. Teronte | Fishin Tackle 4 In this business of spending most| Send FREE literature to ~ - g & ' 3 ! LL. Paint watching or just plain sitting goes on| Name > | V.l.la. ain S iy np Tol ploy ou ura Address J 0 d M . ¢ will be on the skids -- that too wi : be in the same historical position as| Post Office f ® r e arine ¥ imperial Rome before it folded up Orient Dsante pee "PORT PERRY "HONE 503 under the debilitating dict of bread | Hoa. L. Cathcart, Minder -~ = > --ne > | AR ° < ; < . n 0 Nn : CONMAASRARSSSARRARN LAR EB At AWLER EPARTMENT ~~ ete ep ote pe Tepes epee ple a 0 0 0 0 1953 OLDS 98 and his wife regret that they had to be | Red Barn, and very few people turned 5 - 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN ig away at Whitby Ladies' College to the | ©ut to see him, but soon he became A ) : : 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN AUTOMATIC 25th celebration of Mr. Braham's|one of the best liked entertainers on 1953 CHEV.SEDAN graduation from Emmanuel College. Radio, and when he appeared in Osh- i 1951 ¥, TON TRUCK Speaking of celebrations, we wish Mr. | 8Wa again last year, the Red Barn + 4 and Mrs. Clarence Fralick every joy | was jammed with his fans. = Most and happiness, and God's blessings on | People agreed, that his Show was one the occasion of their 50th wedding an- | of the best they had ever scen. niversary this Wednesday. Also on But now Dusty is leaving show the same day, our best wishes go out | business, as abruptly as he suddenly {§ . C A Ww K E R B R 0 S. ) to Mr. and Mrs. Burnsell Webster on appeared amongst the recording stars. 3 their 17th Wedding Anniversary. Dusty is leaving his carcer behind to | % - Next Sunday will be Father's Day. | enter the ministry. Shortly after re- | Th f Prospect are meeting for' yn; r ; or | yi oe ° ° € men of Prospect are meeting for turning to U.S. he will be taking over || practice on Tuesday evening at the! hig pew post as minister of a Baptist n d h 1h 59 Church at 9.00 p.m. and the men of Church. Steakettes, lean and ¢ olce ... Ih. LE | Erin Rented voi al NE York Frozen Orange Juice 2 fins 25¢. Church at 9.00 p.m. We are having last chance to see and hear Dusty | 3 4 ially invite all the men of our three Along with him will be lovely Dona | Etats NLR AE EAE RE AL | | OPP BPO S SOPOS B s HALLMARK OF COMFORT AND QUALITY THE RAGLAN Bond Street Value $1 7 °5 A handsome Continental eC 9C rt Se ee en SW in fine-grain imported calf Over 100 other styles from $15 to $50 ~~ "Male Choirs" on Sunday. We cord-! gens singing his famous songs. |! i a or a nto ep os ep a ogee rn ep eee Te ng ug ug OPOPORO | Churches to come and worship with us Darlene, Buddy Spiker (Spiker) (the |} FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING : on Sunday. Could some of you men | ungational young fiddle player), the |! UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK not rise a little earlier, get your|Rodeo Boys, and CKLB Radio's Gold- PHONE 29 "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY en Valley Boys. Duck's Summer Shoes Dack's Complete Line | Savage $15.00, $17.95 and up | "Wi Mow sw; "Hot Shols" Rec'd from Bowling ......... 395.60 i . $ - . WHITE BUCS, OXFORDS, $6.95 Rec'd from Prize Bowling Nite 31.0014 Sisman CAMPErs = cinorens puMps, ete. $1.95 Misc. Profit re Banquet ............ 18.10 BOYS $1.95 also showing oo $602.30 MEN'S $5.95, $6.95 and $7.50 Best of the Badmen sono In Technicolor, starring Disbursements ROBT. RYAN Remuneration re Sec.-Treas. $ 50.00 DeNure Bus Line, trip to MONDAY-WED., JUNE 17-19 Whitby coon 18.00 INGRID BERGMAN with Sandiland Jewellers, trophies 60.0H H. N. Gibson, Chickens and YULE BRYNNER Turkeys for Prizes ............... 40.50 (Star of "King and I") Bruton Drugs, chocolates and ~~ in . cigarettes, for prizes ....... 9.00 Phone calls re banquet ............ 1.90 "A I Entertainment, banquet ........... 66.00 nastasia Washing dishes .........ccocvvviiinnnns 3.00 Cinemascope Technicolor | Banquet soft drinks ................ 8.00 Meal--banquet ....... . 122.60 " Mise. expense on 2.00 THURS FRIDAY, JUNE 20:21 Hall Rent--banquet ........o....... 36.00 " Second Prizes ...ccoovvevvvriviirneninns 24.00 The True Story on 0 Total Expense .......ccvnniiiennnnns 428.95 / nn 0 01 JESS JAIME |Balance in bank coors 78.35 le cliant Rtatatootototatototcecns sre | ROBT, WAGNER~--Cinemascope $602.30 a Tatts te teto ste ste caste stent ste ain Bast ste te ate stunt ste " ROXY THEATRE at or Uxbridge / Men's Five Pin --| Bowling League Receipts 0% I'RIDAY-SAT., JUNE 14-15 The Bowery Boys, in Attention: Parents! Young People! | SUMMER SCHOOL CLASSES [ i will commence at the : Oshawa Business College | Tuesday, July Zud, 1957 and continue until | Friday, August 30th, 1957 i HOURS 9:00 UNTIL 1:00 Acquire NEW Skills! Take a REFRESHER Course! ®4& TYPEWRITING -- BOOKKEEPING -- SHORTHAND CB BUSINESS MACHINES Bank Bal. from 1955-56 ........ $ 54.70 SrA, AEAASSASARAASAAARRAARAANS, Ladies' Dress Pumps Boys Mocassins . $3.95 VERY NICE STYLES WHITE, BEIGE, PATENT Work Boots, $6.50, $7.95 Popular price $695 | " f J - Ladies' Casual Canvas Athletic Boots WHITE, BEIGE, Several Styles, $3.98 BOYS 2: cinsisssiionisncssmusasssasases «$2.50 ¥ MOCASSINS, $2.98 and $3.95 MEN'S $2.95 H RE Phone 43 | A Port Perry, Ontario § EE EEE ER RBS 202000080 90 eCe0ecececececececececy 2090 Register Now -- Enrolment is Limited! Ask for Free Literature, 111 Simcoe Street, South Oshawa Dial RA. 5-3376