Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Jun 1957, p. 6

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DUAR SR Lif i hE y 75. k g rs Ee a ra a a La a CIRCE SEINE E ES SHEE Heh LE So Ss PUPESLN SERS Fe Ow 1 ol FENN Lay Mie PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1067 BUSINESS DIRECTORY T. V., Radio and Electrical Service PHONE 545 GORDON "Tug" Wilson Port Perry, Ont. "Cur Radios a Specialty" Sept. 27 Wanted lo Buy Timber land and logs, Elm, Beech, hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock t.1. INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry Dead Stock Service removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each call. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Tor- onto lim, 3-3636. Gordon Young Ltd. Dec. 31, 19567 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge (2-r-14, Lindsay 5282. Head Office, Vt oodville 32 r 11. D. PECONI, - Argyle : On July 30, 195%. ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, "Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry } Septic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 24 Hour Service ARWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231-R June 16, 1957 od: {0)4\ LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT - Port Perry '- Onfatio Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 80, 1957 "qd SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone 451 y July 11, 1967 XY Good Gravel, etc. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, washed sand and stone, also good loam, CALL 322-W Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry Ontario July 20, 1967 DEAD STOCK and Crippled animals Hogs, Calves, Horses and Cattle picked up promptly. No Charge. G. R. ELSON Phone collect, Uxbridge 541 24 hour service, 7 days a week. July 11, 1967 AIR -- LAND -- SEA Information, Reservation, Tickets, Air Lines, Railways, Steamships, Hotels, Tours, Cruises Consult I G. CROSBY, Travel Agency, Uxbridge Ont, P.O. Box 364, Phone 128 or 290W, Office at Howard Shier's. No service charge. sept12,67, WITTEC MILLE " TO REACH, 15 WoT ALWAYS TO ATTA Jack Pargeter Service Station AUCTION SALES Saturday, June 22nd., 1957: Auction Sale of valuable house and lot, on Church Street, in the Village of Mark- ham, belonging to the estate of the late Mary E. Davies. Sale at 2.30 P.M. sharp. Terms 109, cash on day of sale "| balance in 30 days. The dwelling is a frame 8 room dwelling, hydro through- out, in a fairly good state of repair. Frank Burkholder executor of the estate. House will be open for inspect- ion from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, June 156th, Subject to reserve bid. Ken and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, JUNE 22nd, 19567-- i Auction sale of household furniture, dishes, glassware, etc, at corner of Elizabeth St. and No. 2 Highway, in the Village of Pickering. Property of the estate of the late Mrs. Harvey Barret. Terms cash, no reesrve, Sale at 1.30 p.m. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. Hereford and Shorthorn Cattle, WD Allis-Chalmers Tractor, Threshing Machine, Implements, etc., the pro- perty of Gordon and Bev. Starr, lot 17, Con. B, Mariposa, south-west of Valentia, on Thursday, June 20th, Sale at 1.30, REG JOHNSTON, Auctioneer. BULLDOZING i" ROOT and ROCK RAKE SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION \ 1 ~ LIMITED Phone 392W (Office) Reaidence--Wm, Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J ---- . TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK EXCAVATING i FOR LAND CLEARING ATI. pt A WT _ { AEE REFER RAGE Ws 2h ERT FETs LE a Use THR Le LE ie $05 ae Hult & Rats] : TL TRE HAR She a I Ta Rp A oe i Pf RULE bw SF VEEARCE See ha po ----y Seassiseo Lali chad ad STATA "hs Eas LL SPREE RY FOR Qu - CEMENT WORK--Driveways, side- walks, cellars and steps. Phone 140M, Port Perry. T.F. FOR SALE: J. C. Higgins Boy's Racer in good condition: also Colum- bia Electric 8 speed phonograph, reasonable, Phone 6524W. June 13 OPPORTUNITY Large well-known Canadian Life Insurance Company is seeking a full- time representative for this district. "xcellent salary induction plan for first two years. Married man desired. Box 6, Port Perry Star June 13 REGISTERED Shetland Pony Stallion standing for service at farm of J. W. Forster, lot 20, con. 14, Reach, West of Seagrave. Phone Port Perry 92r2. June 13 ROBERT G. ECKEL Florist BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Phone 190 Grower of cut mums year tf. *round. - PERSONAL v/ "OLD AT 40, 50, 60?" MAN! You're Crazy! Thou peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For rundown feeling many men, women call "old". New "get-acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All druggists. IN WOMAN DRIVING to Vancouver, leaving the end of June, can take a couple, or two ladies. BOAT FOR SALE--12ft. runabout. Canvas covered. $35.00. Apply to Leslie McDonald, corner of Caleb and Elgin. © FOR SALE--Several Ice Boxes and Coca Cola ice cooler, cheap. Birdseye Center. FOR SALE--"62 Pontiac Sedan in good condition, One owner, Ryerson Beare, 125-r-22, FOR SALE--Studio Couch in good condition. Very reasonable. Phone 120-r-4, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Restaurant Equipment: 2 pop coolers, $75.00 each; hot dog warmer, $50.00; hamburger grill, $20.00 (gas); potato chipper $1650.00 (electric); potato dicer $10.00; two small gas plates; sundry pots, pans, display shelves. Phone Orono 1028 or write George Collins, Orono, FOR SALE--Motor Boat, recently painted. Bowerman make. $200.00. Apply Stewart Collins, phone 214. STORE FOR RENT -- Next to Theatre. R. A. Gibson, phone 288W. FOR SALE--'54 Ford Convertible, black with white wall tires. Many extras. Phone 874. PASTURE FOR RENT-- Telephone 226-M, Port Perry. Cedar Creek Miss Flossie Spencer attended the wedding on Saturday afternoon. of her great neice, Betty Gibson. She married Wm. Spencer of Brooklin, The wedding was held in Columbus United Church. Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kendel and family in Port Perry on Saturday afternoon. Several from the district attended the funeral on Saturday afternoon of the late Mrs. Alex Vance. The fun- eral was conducted by the Rev. R. H. Wylie. Interment was in Pine Grove Cemetery. Pallbearers were Robert Coates, Fred Hunter, Courteny Graham, Wil- her Thoms, Sam Oyler and Wilber Vance. John Greenwood attended a Service Officers Conference for the Canadian Legion, Port Perry branch, in Lind- say on Sunday. 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie of Osh- awa were Sunday evening visitors of Mrs, Kilpatrick and George. Leonard Greenwood celebrated his 16th birthday on Sunday. Cedar Creek had a record turnout of voters on Monday. 118 names were 'on the voters list and 101 voted. The results were 33 for John Naylor, 46 for Michael Starr and 22 for Dr, Vi- pond, Mrs. Hattle Moore was the deputy Please state age experience, etc. to]. returning officer and Miss Flossie Spencer was the poll' clerk. George Kilpatrick and Samuel Parm were the scrutineers. Dr. Vipond called at the polling booth in the forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Duff of Shir- ley were Monday evening visitors of Mrs. Frank Harris, Prospect The the president, Mrs. Murray Holtby. pastor, Rev, Braham, offered prayer and Mrs. Braham officially We are happy to welcome back Mr, { opened the bazaar, It was a pleasure and Mrs. Durham to the Roberts|to meet so many friends from neigh- boring communities, Our thanks to everyone who contributed to this project. farm; after cight years absence in the Hamilton area. The W. cess. The guests were welcomed by A. bazaar was quite a suec- : ] An 3 SMZAUT was 4 5 Our congratulations to Miss Elaine Yeo and Miss Barbara Diamond on rs en Sp PORT PERRY LIONS are sponsoring this Circus Atthe Fair Groundson MONDAY, JUNE 17th, 1957 i GARDEN BROS. (APPEARING UNDER'THE BIG TOP) their graduation from Oshawa Gener- al Hospital. In their honor, quite a number from this area attended the Graduating Exercises of the School of Nursing, at Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational Institute on Friday even- ing, June 7th. Prospect and Manchester W. As enjoyed a Garden Tea, guests of Scu- gog W. A, on the beautiful lawn of and Mrs. McLaren on Friday af- ternoon, Congratulations to Rev, and Mrs. R. G. Newman of Epsom, on the birth of a daughter. He has been posted to Hearst, Ontario. Mrs. George Smith of Whitby, was a guest of her sons, Leslie and Lloyd, on Sunday, The June meeting of the W.A. was held at the parsonage, Scugog Island, on Wednesday evening. Marion Web- ster conducted the opening exercises, also read the lesson thoughts. Willa Holtby read the scripture lesson. Our pastor favoured with a. fine. violin solo, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Braham, Mrs. Murray Holtby presided over the business session, A gratifying report of the bazaar accounted for nearly $190. It was decided to hold a baking sale at Prospect corner on Fri., p.m., June 28. There will be no meetings in July and August, It was a pleasure to have Mrs. Durham join the W. A, again. She had been a former president, Marion Webster conducted a word contest, which was won by Jean Holtby. The hostess was assisted by the group--Marion Webster, Willa Holtby and Mrs. Ewart Diamond, in serving refreshments, Phone 90-r-21. |. Apply to Geo. Beare, Phone]. CIRCUS CANADA ONLY CIRCUS 20 EXCITING CIRCUS DISPLAYS - FEATURING THE ROYAL INCA PERFORMING LLAMAS THE FIRST TIME TO APPEAR ANYWHERE PLUS!!! A HERD OF ELEPHANTS... CLOWNS BEAUTIFUL TRAPEZE ARTISTS . . . PONIES SENSATIONAL ACROBATS ... CHIMPANZEES . .. JUGGLERS DOGS & MONKEYS . .. HORSES GLAMOUR! THRILLS! LAVGHS ! POPULAR PRICES GENERAL ADMISSION RESERVED SEAS ADULTS .......... $1.00 -- $1.35 CHILDREN . ........ $ .50 -- $ .88 & 8.30 P.M. Performance: = « - [3 Monster AUCTIO RUMMAGE and HOME MARIVS SALE | PORT PERRY ARENA SAT, JUNE 15th at 1.30 p.m. If you have worthwhile articles to be picked up, kindly contact any Port Perry Merchant or Phone 38W, 332 or 333. THE ARENA WILL BE OPEN BETWEEN 7 and 8.30 p.m. COMMENCING JUNE 11th, FOR THOSE WHO CARE TO DELIVER ARTICLES THEMSELVES. THE ARENA IS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT, SO PLEASE SUPPORT IT BY DONATING and ATTENDING. Proceeds to Reduce the Deficit on Arena. Save B/G DOLLARS! bine 6 coal NOWY/ Get the finest hard 'coal 'on' thé 'blue coal' buying planl 1. Special discount by ordering now. 2. Only a small down payment--fits. ? your budget. . - P- 3. Months to pay the balance. There lu cost bt is a supply of dependable 'blue Mas] heat from coal' safe in your basement, your living room™ _ 4. No red tape--casy as ABC! REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Phone 73 Port Perry NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Reach at its meeting to be held on Tuesday, the 2nd day of July, 1857 PROPOSE To PASS A BY-LAW. BY-LAW NO. Of the Corporation of the:Township of Reach WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Reach did on the 156th day of November, 1867, passed By-Law Number 430 of the said Township opening up and establishing as a public Highway a Road in Lot 1, in the second Concession of the said Township, the description of which is as follows: -- "COMMENCING on the west limit of Lot No. 1 in the Second Con- cession at the distance of 16 Chains 95 Links from the south-west angle thereof, then north 79 degrees 30 minutes east 9 chains 70 links on the property of Mr. Green, then south 69 degrees 30 minutes east on the property of Mr. Pile, 9 chains 79 links then south 78 degrees: east 8 chains 29 links to an oak tree then south 69 degrees east 9 chains 0b links to a pine tree then south 48 degrees east, 3 chains 90 links more _ or less to the front of the Concession, the road to be three rods wide and the line as above described forming the southern limit thereof". WHEREAS pursuant to Section 4069, 1B, of the Municipal Act, Chapter 243, R.S.0., 1950, Application has been made to the Council to alter the said By-Law as set out in By-Law 430. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the Township of | Reach that from and after the passing of this By-Law the road as des- cribed in By-Law 430 as set out be altered and the road to be described as follows:-- "ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and pre- mises situate, lying and being in the Township of Reach and County of Ontario and being composed of part of Lot 1 in the Znd Concession of the said Township which said parcel is more particularly described as follows: PREMISING that the bearing of the west limit of the said Lot is N 17° 19' 10" W and relating all bearings used herein thereto; COMMENCING at a point in the west limit of the said Lot distant northerly therein 1,110.44 feet from the south-west angle of the said Lot 1; THENCE N 74° 01' E 622.40 feet; THENCE S 74° 16' 10" E 580.29 feet; THENCE 8 77° 41' 10" E 356.09 feet; THENCE S 66° 42' 40" E 548.88 feet; THENCE 8 78° 45' 20" E to a point in the east limit of the said Lot 1, a distance of 242.86 feet; THENCE N 17° 59" W along said east limit of Lot 1, a distance of 76.44 feet; THENCE N 78° 456' 20" W 196.97 feet; THENCE N 66° 42' 40" W 548.67 feet; THENCE N 77° 41' 10" W 865.01 feet; THENCE N 74° 16' 10" W 685.46 feet; THENCE 8 74° 01' W to a point in the west limit of the said lot 1, a distance of 656.70 feet; THENCE 8 17° 19' 10" E along said west limit of Lot 1 a distance of 67.67 feet to the Point of Commencement, AND the road hereinbefore latterly described shall be and the same fis hereby established and confirmed as a public road or highway. BY-LAW read a first time BY-LAW read a second time BY-LAW read a third time and passed. This By-law is being passed so that the latter description will replace the former description as set out in by-law No. 480 passed on the 16th day of November, 1867, the latter description being the description of the road as it now exists, June 20, 1967.

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