Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Jun 1957, p. 8

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8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1957 4 On Thursday evening the Explorers | panied by Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers| Miss Betty McArthur is taking a ronto, and Miss Jessie McArthur, Mr. | service was solemnized in Trinity Col-, seat 100 people. Blackstock held a very impressive service when|of Bowmanville, are leaving to-day | ten weeks summer course at O.CE. in| Gordon Paisley and Mr. Richard|lege chapel. The Barbershoppers have accepted their treasure chest was dedicated and | (Monday) 24th, for a trip to Calgary. | Toronto. Bowles are remaining, also Mrs. Geo.| There will be service in the United | the invitation to come to Blackstock on . The last Mission Band for this sum. | ¢XPlerers affiliated with the W.M.S.| They expect to make several calls en-| A troop of Cubs and their leaders| Wolfe for Home Economics and Mr, | Church next Sunday morning as usual | October 26th. vie Vas held Tu 5ny 30 the Sunday Donna McLaughlin, Chief Explorer, | route and attend the Calgary Stam-| from Claremont, and who are camping | Neil Bailey, shop work. - at 10 a.m, and Sunday School at 11.15. Final plans were made to cater to School voor with Elizabeth Thompson presided, Linda Kyte, keeper of the| pede, _, in the vicinity; also*#fie Explorer Girls| In the Public School the staff will] The family of the late Mr, and Mrs. | the Hoskin-Graham wedding on Juny esiding Mooting opened by Sing: log, read the report of the mis-| pont forget Decoration service at) of our own church attended the United | be Mrs. John Venning, Mr. Neil Bailey, | Norman Mountjoy held a gathering at | 20th. b ' oe the i be the Earth" sionary exploration. Janice. Byers, | the Union Cemetery on Sunday, June | church on Sunday morning, Mr. Grant Campbell, Mrs, Bruce Hea- | Greenwood Park on Sunday afternoon Shirley Turner thanked the mem- wd the "Pur ose" and P rd' keeper of the treasure, presented the| goth at 2.30 pam. Rev. P. Rowmeril] Congratulations to the following] slip, Miss June Armstrong, Mrs. Ivan| and eveining, bers for catering to the Durham ro yeh Worship talk on "Fol. | treasure, and Mrs. Kemp, Whitby,| will be the speaker, students--Miss Jessie McArthur, who | Mountjoy, Mrs. Mitchell and Miss 0.N.0. CLUB NEWS Teachers' Association banquet in June. Prayer Jesus" and prayer was given | Fresbyterial secretary for affiliated | 0 High School dance was well | received her High School Teacher's|Joan Venning. The June meeting of the O.N,0.| Many new ideas were heard from & by Mrs. C. Hill Offering was taken | Explorer Groups, received the gift, attended Friday night and a pleasant certificate; also Elementary Physical] Rev..P, Romeril preached in Black-1 Club was held at the home of Mrs, | the roll call, "A household hint", The by Cher 1 McCormick and Sharon Lar. | 30d gave a most interesting and help-| reported, and Health Education Certificate. stock in the morning and Haydon Sun-| Elenor Werry. There were 30 mem- | next roll call will be "A favorite sup- i ish the prayer Minutes and | ful short talk, and offered prayer. The Sincere sympathy is extended Mr,| Miss Doreen VanCamp and Ralph|day School anniversary in afternoon | pers present, and two visitors Mrs, | Per dish or salad plate." ig roll were read by Nancy Dorrell, Brian | 81118 then put on the following very | =o ae oo King, who recently | Strong have passed their second year|and Evening. Rev. Fred Jackson of | Elaine Romeril and Mrs, Betty Scott.| Sunday visitors of Mrs. R. H. Banks Mountjoy gave a reading "The Three fine program-----all sang the Explorers moved from our village to Port Perry Arts Course at Victoria College. Mr. | Tyrone, took the service at Cadmus, Jean McLaughlin gave the financial | at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Palk were Silly Kittens". Lorne Wright read | hymn; piano solo, Janice Byers, poem, | "poo dden passing of their six|Pave Swain has completed his three | Caesarea and Nestleton. report and it was decided that we| Mrs. W. Woods Bensford Mr. and Mrs, "Never Afraid Again". Helen Swain | Alice Taylor, and Mary Bradburn; months old daughter in Port Perry| Year electronic course at Ryerson In. Mrs. S. A. Devitt and Mrs. David [should buy enough stack tables tol W. Patton and George, of Millbrook. 5 sang a solo "Stories of Jesus" with | Piano solo, Joan Suggett; reading, Hospital on' Saturday night. stitute and is working at Interna-| grin spent the week-end in Richmond y 0h her mother, Mrs. Hurold Swain at the | C810! Raham; piano duet, Donna Me- Mr, and Mrs. Grant Ferguson and tional Business Machines, Toronto. | Hil) und Toronto, being guests at the ; piano. Mis, I. Kyte told the story, | l#ughlin and Cherl Metcalf; recitation children of Toronto visited the Roy| Reginald Hooper, Peterboro, a form-| wedding of Douglas, Richmond, Hill, TR 0 AI 0 EER "The Service Room and the EIf", After by Murgaret Carnaghan; piano solo, Fergusons on, Saturday er Blackstock boy, has got his second | grandson of Mrs. David Hill, to Miss ] singing a hymn and repeating the Mis- Macy Bradburn; reading, Linda Bytes Mr ti Mrs. Wm, Lawrenceson, at year in honour psychology at Victoria. | Moria Patricia Sowby, 2Aanghvist 'of . FRESH BAKING DAILY sion Band Benediction all 18 children song, Lorraine hayes; Dig, S00 hy View Lake, spent a couple of days last New teachers engaged for the High Rev. Dr, Sowby and Mrs, Sowby, of : . present and leaders went out to church | Anne Ginson, Al Hpeale gre: week with the Albert Wrights. School are: Mr. Anthony Sgro, of To-} Upper Canada College. The wedding : BUNS - BREAD - PIES - CAKES - TARTS | lawn and had pictures taken. Bright Pathways" an sang he uX- Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherfond, = > } plorer song, "Long Ago the Friends of All Miss Dinrne Blair: Oshawal M7 r : - "Miss Tyrrell has been awarded a| jesus" and repeated their benediction, | 4 4 fond # he Br Ki dM > i Saturday Specials special bursary by the International Time was then given for the mothers i rs, Geo, Jee i ig 1h, yi d r i ' Nickle Co. of Canada, to be used dur-| friends to view the fine work of | X®Y pn oy bey iy ay cous IN V7/4 5 "BANANA LAYER CAKE" - "CHERRY PIE" ing 1957 at summer school at Queen's | yp, yivly after which the girls treated | BUe5tS of Mrs. Geo. Fowler, CFT "savs" woo University. She will be taking an| fe candy. The Leader, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Martyn and k : m ET Ty ey FR a or | errs : ! GERROW'S BAKERY High School is closed and all teach- | deserve great credit for their time and Storuoon and Kolnsd a Siéhiate her 7) 7 Ar orile a : : : ers gone to their respective homes.| work they have put into this very hin oie ! " 7 Z ' : PHONE 32W 5 _ G. M. GERROW . Bogart of examinations in another | fine girls' work. Mr. and Mrs. Faweell, Joyce and Floor Tile 0 0 0 Miss Shirley MeDermott, Jamaica, dh and Mrs, Benson Dunn, Oshava; Murray, of Meaford; Mr. and Mrs, D. ' 3 who has been attending O.C.K, at To. | Visited her brother Mr. Will Forder | yo kety and children, of Oshawa, were ral ni SRN; i. ronto, is week-end guest of Rev, and and Mrs. Forder on Friday. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Os- Ceiling Tile $ , £8 Mrs. P. Romeril. Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder accom-| mond Wright, PORT PERRY FARM EQUIPMENT £8 4 5 . --3 D ] & 5 ; : oors, Trim | ; \ ! ; N # ) n . 3 sore Ae carry AY ; : Vv WATER STREET HD LETTER OF CRED) [ : ; $3 ] . 8 FACE, WHKH 15 HONOURED 1 Masonite, etc. 3 Dealer for : ; WHEREVER THEY GO. : 5 " 5 : : + ; i - International Harvester Company TERMS ARRANGED ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS 4 ~an y 8 JOHN BALLARD LUMBER || ARM rue ; + 42 3% . 4 ° i i ¥3 PORT PERRY PHONE 280 * 4 Complete Line of Farm Machinery e i ; 4 +, - SPECIAL % " i Representative: % SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOPS--50c., $1.00, $1.50 || B. I. WANAMAKER + mayl t.f. : . : s Phone 513 5 After hours Phone 116 r 4 § : H : AIAN SE AAAS A RAR NSS 8% : § "BEST BUY" "BEST BUY" "BEST BUY" "BEST BUY" Say a Aylmer Fancy gE 7 " - Doo. Ballard's 3 LT : ; -, Dew Drop Heinz ». Lawronece Champion Nn No } ® , 20-0z. tin © 10-0z, tin 25-01. Hin 16-05. tin : 4 2 ror 35¢ "3 ror Yc 53c 3 re 3c ° | bh Paramount Fey. Red Cohoe Billionaire York Brand i Ging | al [![m S SALMON SARDINES GREEN BEANS 14-1b. tin Club Des Sila 'Oholoe - 20-ox. fin 3 ie oie 2 for 69 © 2 for 35 2 for says Lastem Constuetion Company, limited Treesweet York Brand Baby Swift's Premium LEMON JUICE DILL PICKLES WHOLE CHICKEN 6-0z. tin 16-oz. jar 8 Iba, 4 ox. ta 3 for 29¢ 21c 1.39 King's Choice Tomatoes, Aylmer Fruit Cocktail, 28-0z. tin 4 for 1.00 15-0z. tin . 8 for 40¢ Libby's Sliced Pine a S ohaced "Hineapp le, for $1 Aylmer Tomato Catchup, 20-0z. tin . 3 for $1.00 11-0z. bottle 2 for 3c Diet Delight Assorted Fruits, : 8-0z. tin ee 25€ | Aylmer Vegetable Soup, Solo Brand Margarine, 1-1b. pkg. _ 29¢ 10-0z. tin 8 for 35c i FROZEN -- Birds Eye Lemonade, 6-0z. tin __ 2 for 20c 5 Birds Eye French Fries, 9-0z. pkg. _______ 2 for 39¢ FOODS - Libby's Blueberry Pies, 10%-oz. 2 for 59c Red - Ripe - Bursting with Juice Swift Premium -- Tendergrown WATERMELON Predressed - 2 to 3 lb. average ° \ cach §O. Chickens b 39- . Swift Premium - Ready to Eat 1. It's the ruggedness Sweet - Juicy - Sunkist - 163 size Fully Cooked Fargo builds into a truck Oo 2 d 49 Li pays oO yeni ° ° ig-muscled Fargos ra nges OZ. C Picnics Ib 49. Mork day in, day out, " Ripe, Luscious, California - Large size ] siructicn Jobo ko this os . i 2,000,000 ject. PLUMS - - - oo 35¢ | swift Premium - Rindless - Sealed pkg. Its pn ri Home Grown - Tasty - Large Heads BREAKFAST BACON . 89¢ that requires reliability. RaW, o's : ' ' C A U L I F L 0 Ww E R 24c . : 2, This Fargo Jegnchive. 3. Extra V-8 power, rated from 4, Safer operation is a cin Large Heads Swift Premium - By the piece tion Jor tn meet all 180 to 232 h.p., makes Fargo too. Big wrap-around winds! Fi G H Gr the demands placed on trucks the power leaders in their and optiona wrap-around rear irm - Green - Home Grown B 0 L 0 G N A = = Lb 29¢ it--and then some! prico ranges, from agile Fargo _ window, constant-speed electria <r L E T T U C E - = 2 For 25¢ Frame has double-width express and panel models 5 windshield wipers are just fow . : Swift Premi 10 SBI rugged heavy-duty trucks. of many safeguards, = - i Mav -E I -- 10-0z, Mild, Flavourful, Hothouse - Extra large w em an chrome-alloy steel. Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited y CUCUMBERS - - 19¢| Braunschweiger Chubs 35¢ : ! --- " a d . You're Way Out Front in a i , Model D700 Tractor, [7 because Fargos are built to fit jok . IE wa wget n. Aloo o fit your job F : D li See us...and see why more Fargo Trucks are in use today than ever beforel ; ree Delivery ; | i p Port P SE INNES MOTOR SALES hone Nn or erry : PHONE 168 (R.R. 4 PORT PERRY) . -. - re

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