Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Aug 1957, p. 4

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4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST. 1st, 1057 T LOCAL NEWS RRO NER, Announcement HEAYN---Joyce and Alvin Heayn Wish to announce the birth of their 'daughter, Betty Ann, 6 lbs, 4 ozs, 'at Oshawa General Hospital, July 16, * 1957. A little sister for Linda. a -- "Announcement HOWES -- Mr. and Mrs. William Howes wish to announce the birth of their daughter, Nancy Lynn on July 13, 1967, at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Announcement HEALEY -- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Healey are happy to announce the . birth of their daughter, Joan Nadine, on July 26th at the Community Me- morial Hospital, Port Perry. A sis- ter for Sandra and Susan. In Memoriam LEE--In loving memory of a dear mother and father, Bertha Lee, who passed away Aug. 2, 1956 and Tyson Lee, who passed away May 28, 1964. "In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, a There is not a day dear parents, "That we do not think of you. Lovingly remembered by the Family. Meetings Held By Crop Improv. Ass'n, The Ontario County Soil and Im- -.provement Association held two very ;.successful meetings during the week at the co-operative rod row test plots. :. On Wednesday, July 24, the meeting was held at the farm af Mr. Frank , Carson, Claremont, and on Thursday yo July 26 at the farm of Clifford Ross, "Beaverton. - .. Dr, D. N. Huntley, head of the field i Hyshandry, O. A. C. Guelph, was the AY ; guest speaker. He described each var- sd Jety in the plot, pointing out its good ih and weak points, . .«2.The varities in these rod row plots are as follows: .» Oat Varities - Garry, Rodney, Clint- ;, Shield, M.C. 60-40, Vicar, Garry EL de oats and Brant barley mixture, Rod- y ney oats and Herta barley mixture, --. Barley Varities - Brant, Moncalm, Parkland, Nord, Herta, G.B.-61. + = It will be a few days before these - rod row varisty tests are harvested. Any farmer who is interested" in =svisiting the plots are very welcome "to do so, "+: Over 200 farmers and 4-H Grain :Club members visited these plots at + the time of these meetings. .. The rod row test plots are the co- operative effort of O. A. C. Guelph, the farmer who has the plots on his . farm, and the Ontario Department of ..Agricultural office, at Uxbridge. 'Hospital Costs In (Ontario A complete analysis of the cost of . hospital care in public general hospit. als in Ontario has been made avail- able to all hospitals throughout the province. Described as a very compre- , hensive analysis of hospital costs, the study was prepared and distributed by the Ontario Hospital Association. According to the Associaion's Execut- ive Secretary-Treasurer, Mr. 8S. W. Martin, the entire study was based on 4965 figues which were the latest 'the medium or smaller hospitals. The CHURCH OF THE ABCENBSION Rev. E. W Fuller, B.A, L.Th., Rector, Sunday, August 4th 1 11 a.m.~Holy Communion < Sermon, The Rector. of ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Ministér; Rev. B, D. Armstrong, B. A., D, D. Sunday School will be discontinued during the month of August. The congregation of St. John's Church have been invited to enjoy morning worship with the United Church duy; ing this month while our minister is on holidays. In The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D. Sunday Services, August 4th-- 9.16 a.m.--Prospect Church '10.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 11.16 a.m.--Scugog Church ¢ Sunday School and Church Service are held at the same hour, The child- ren worship with the adults, and then go to their Classes during the preach- ing of the Sermon. Come and wor- ship with us, and bring the children. | t PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister Sunday, August 4th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--God's Master Plan. The Minister, Session and congrega- tion of the Port Perry United Church extends a sincere invitation to the congregation of St. John's. Presby- terian Church and to summer visitors to worship with us during the holiday month of August. 171 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor Sunday, August 4th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday at 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting Everybody Welcome THE SUNDAY. SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 1860 on your Dial fet Every Sunday Morning at 10.08 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." Dec, 26-57 work was to determine the per diem cost for standard ward care, it is un- derstood additional figures were given which included per diem costs for pri- vate and semi-private care, nursery care, and individual costs for various hospital services. It was learned that the over-all average per diem cost of one day's care in a standard ward of the general hospitals of Ontario dur- ing 1966 was $12,07. The cost of pro- viding care was generally higher in the larger teaching hospitals than in average cost in the 13 large hospitals of the province amounted to $13.60; 66 hospitals of 100 to 600 beds aver- aged $11.78, while the 82 hospitals under 100 beds averaged $9.22. "The entire study," said Mr. Martin "will prove of infinite value to hos- pitals, who by carefully studying the various schedules contained in the an- alysis, will be in a much better pos- ition to determine just rates for their services," It is understood that the results of the analysis are to be used by Ontario Hospital Service Commission officials in establishing estimated costs of the soon to be instituted hospital care insurance plan. This will give the government of Ontario a much sound- er foundation on which to base the . available, While the primary purpose of the cost of their programme. | DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Ontario NOTICE -- Free Coupons will be discontinued on July 81, «jl 19567. Anyone wishing to redeem their coupons PLEASE 1| DO SO BEFORE AUGUST 165, OPEN EVERY NIGHT until 9 p.m. : > CLOSED ON TUESDAY at 1.80 P.M. For Free Delivery Phone 405 w 1967. | Scugog Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Heayn on the birth of a baby girl, Betty Ann, on July 16th. Also to Mr, and Mrs, Bill Healey on the arrival of their new daughter on July 26th, ; ' Mrs. A, Ashton has béen visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman for the past week, ¥ Mrs. C. Carter and family spent last week-end with Dr. and Mrs. Best in Burlington, We hope that Mr. T. Redman will soon be home again after spending some time in the Toronto Western Hospital undergoing treatment. Our Sunday School will begin again next Sunday at 10 a.m., and we hope all will be back after a few weeks of no School. Don't forget the W.A. picnic of the Head, next Wednesday afternoon at Stephenson's Point. Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and Bill attended the Perry family re-union at Brougham last week. Gerald Crosier, Toronto visited his grandparents here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vanderby, Holland, are spending a few months with their son and family here. Mr, and Mrs. E, Mulholland enter- tained a few friends on Saturday evening, Miss Hilda Braam, Acton is spend- ing two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Jel- la Mulder. Mr, and Mrs. DeHaan and children of Courtice were guests at the Mulder home last week. Mrs. Sadie Masters, Port Perry, formerly of Manchester is visiting in Edmonton, Alta. Pine Grove Mr. George Rice and friend, Miss Marie Rice and friend and Miss Julie Rice of Toronto spent Sunday with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie, Mrs. David Brock is spending some time with her daughters at Polgrave. W.A. will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Ballard, August 7th. 4 1 YEAR TO 4 1 HOUR TO @ At this busy season on the form it's easy to neglect fire recoutions. But remember . . . YOUR WHOLE YEAR'S ORK CAN BE DESTROYED THROUGH A MOMENT OF 0 - CARELESSNESS | . You can prevent fire. on YOUR FARM by toking these ® simple precautions 1-- I - HARVEST TIME IS DANGER TIME! ry + « . DO ground oll machinery driven by a flat belt «+o. DO moke sure your equipment is properly LEN lubricated ; «+ « DO make sure your cutter knives are sharp . E «++ DO have on adequate supply of water avallable USE QUR FREE INSPECTION SERVICE IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT ... IT COSTS YOU NOTHING... IT CAN SAVE. YOU $0 MUCH. NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE LJ T. Birkett & Son Stouffville 259wW1 = Bowmen & Gibson Whitby MOhawk 8-352) George E. Edwards Sunderland 15 A Ronald A. Elliott Gormley ; 5303 el - H. W. & Geo Emmerson Port Perry 4 0) R. H. Howden Columbus Brooklin 624R21 John E. Jarvis Newmarket Twining 5-2591 ve H. B. Lockie Zeph Mount Albert : 2 ey 120612 Neil F. Porter Orono 12516 Ken Prentice Markham - 346 ) Rex Smith Queensville 18W George H. Vick Whitby MOhawk 8-3579 () ° : Brooklin a8 Arthur T. Whitney Uxbridge 81 S. Everton White Bowmanville R.R. 4 MArket 3-2270 Mansel E. Wright © Bethany 24R4 - 23R1 THERE'S A MAPLE LEAF AGENT NEAR YOUI THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS PUBLISHED AS A PUBLIC SER- oo VICE IN THE INTEREST OF GOOD FARMING EVERYWHERE J =) Tie MAPLE LEAF FARMERS [5 MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY J FILL A BARN DESTROY IT COLUMBUS, ONT. ONTARIO EXTERIORS and INTERIORS ---- | Roofing also Contractors WILL TAKE ALL WORK ON CONTRACT or OTHERWISE PHONE OSHAWA RA. 5-2216 FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN ECORATORS Port Mr. David Brock had Saturday supper with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Mr. and Mrs. Manson Woods of Toronto visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kirk of London are Holidaying with Mr, and Mrs, E. Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill visited one evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Locke of Port Perry. Miss June Hill and friend Miss Mary Smith spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Palmer of Toronto' visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill, ' Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ballard visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Noble on Monday evening. June Beetle. There was a large flight Treatment For White Grubs White grubs are causing congider- able damage to lawns at the present time, both in the town and in the coun- try. The white grub is the larvae of the of June Beetles in late May and early June last year. Where those flights were large last year precautions shou- 1d be taken as there may be extensive white grub damage this year. For lawns, apply any one of the following materials to 500 square feet of lawn surface: 5% aldrin dust or granular 1% 1lbs.; 5% chlordane dust or granular 2% 1lbs,; 6% dieldrin granular 114 lbs.; or 2% % heptachlor dust or granular 8 lbs. Spread the material evenly and wash thoroughly into the turf with a sprinkler immediately after applicat- ion. Wetable powder or emulsions of the materials listed above may also be used. Follow the manufasturers' directions as stated on the container. The white grub has a three year life cycle, There is not likely to be much damage again until 1960. There is one exception to this, In the south of the county there are some areas along Lake Ontario where emergence takes place a year earlier. In those aress there will likely be some damage from white grubs in 1969. For further information on white grub control contact H. L. Fair, Ag- ricultural Representative, Ontarlo Department of Agriculture, Uxbridge. IMPATIENCE CAUSED THIS FATAL LOCATION: North of Barrie, on Highway 11. TIME: 10.38 p.m. ROAD SURFACE: Asphalt, Dry RESULT: Two killed. Three seriously injured. ACCIDENT The driver of the car on the left became impatient - - behind a string of five cars and pulled out to pass them. He accelerated hard because the station wagon was approaching. He didn't make it. The driver of the station wagon apparently realized too late that the impatient You can see what happened. The impatient driver was seriousl river was coming too fast to stop in time. y injured. His com- panion received a fractured skull. The driver of the station wagon and his wife were killed. Their 65-year-old son was badly injured. Before about the above picture. Jon become impatient behind the wheel, think e ; DEPARTMENT -OF TRANSPORT -- ONTARIO right here STAR CO. LTD. Smith-Corona SMITH - | corona PORTABLE Arrangement with For your convenience we have made arrangements to represent the Smith-Corona people in selling their famous line of portable typewriters ranging from the precision built SKYWRITER, weighing only nine pounds in its modern leather carrying cage, to the SUPER-SILENT in a wide range of decorator colours. .... Your SMITH-CORONA Portable can be bought on easy terms if you wish--as little as $6.00 per month. Why not drop in and see us? : PORT PERRY STAR C0. LTD ith ; THE WORLD'S FASTEST PORTABLE TYPEWRITER IS NOW AVAILABLE TO YOU THROUGH THE OFFICE OF THE PORT PERRY ily. voicing, etc It can go the cottage your needs. gift for the The SMITH-CORONA Portable is an ideal machine for all the fam- It can handle the demands of business correspondence, reports with plenty of carbon copies, in- take care of your personal corres- pondence or help Junior get his school notes in an attractive and readable condition. versity or business school this fall, . and then go home to with you on trips or to to be always ready for i It makes an ideal student entering Uni- "> » A i

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