Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Aug 1957, p. 6

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£0 VERTEREARIR SRB AR di Licensed Electrician . 92-r-14, Lindsay 5282. Head Office, ELAR NE © NT Nig : AA TN \ 2 tad ast fs Ena * 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1067 ---- -- -- BUSINESS DIRECTORY © GORDON "Tug" Wilson Radio &T.V. Service "CAR RADIOS A SPECIALTY" PHONE 6545 Port Perry, Ont. Sept. 27 Good Gravel, efc. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, washed sand and stone, also good loam. CALL 322-W Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry Ontario Sept. 26, 1957 INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge Woodville 82 r 11. ED. PECONI, Ontario July 30, 1958 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone 451 September 26, 1957 Argyle CROWN] 9 § gd NSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - Ontario AIR -- LAND -- SEA -- BUS Information, Reservation, Tickets, Air Lines Railways, Bus, Steam- ships, Hotels, Tours, Cruises. Consult F G. CROSBY, Travel Agency, Uxbridge Ont,, P.O. Box 364, Phone 128 or 290W, Office at Howard Shier's. No service charge. sept12,67 x ROBERT G. ECKEL ~ Florist BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Phone 190 Grower of cut mums year round. if, - NY * » Wedding Flowers A SPECIALTY I'uneral Wreaths and Corsages. PORT PERRY FLORISTS Phone 428, Port Perry Sept. 26, 19567 DEAD STOCK and Crippled animals Hogs, Calves, Horses and Cattle picked up promptly. No Charge. G."R. ELSON Phone collect, Uxbridge 541 24 hour service, 7 days a week. July 11, 19567 'BUY THE BEST ON BUDGET! Buy Famous Reading An- thracite at low spring prices. : 4 yf ~ Use our easy budgef plan. Call us for details, Port Perry Fuels PHONE 289 PORT PERRY DONT WAIT FORA PLACE TV BEMAPE FOR 00, MULE IT FOR YOURSELF. .. Jack Pargefer Service Station Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 80, 195% The month of March is Red Cross month throughout Canada. Your help is needed now--be, gencrous | * * * 3 Through the Canadian Red Cross you are not alone--when you need help or RS Tr ---- Paceships / Peterboro Boats Johnson Motors Fishing Tackle: - C.LL. Paints J. ORDE, Marine Port Perry when you give help. BULLDOZING - EXCAVATIN "TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK" ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES --by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Phone 392W (Office) Residencqg--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Two large rooms and kitchen with built in cupboards, all city conveniences, pri- vate entrance and semi-private bath- room." Phone evenings after 7. Phone 196-r-14, Port Perry. Aug. 1 WANTED -- A copy of "On the Shores of 'Scugog" revised edition. Will pay $3,00 for copy in good con- dition, Apply Sadie Hortop, Port Perry, Greer & Kelly's Office. Auglb ICE FOR 'SALE CITY PURE (artificial) ICE at Stephenson's Point, Scugog. Maurice Fralick, Aug. 1 FOR RENT--Two apartments, self contained. Phone 209. Aug. 1 FOR SALE--Frame House on Casi- mir St., Port Perry. b rooms, summer kitchen, bath. Must be sold to close estate, Apply 'Allan Jackson, phone 600-r-21, R.R. 4, Port Perry or Mrs. Murray McLaren, Phone 122-r-6, R.R. 8, Port Perry. Aug. 1 i FOR SALE--New Mildmay Threshers, also used Threshers, Patent . straw cutters and shredders, grain throwers. Get our. prices and terms. Beare Motors Ltd., Port Perry or Lokinger Bros., Mildmay, Ontario. WANTED: A small office safe suit- able for use in home. Apply Box 9, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE -- Car Radio, custom built, push button model. To "fit 49-50 Ford, Meteor. Reasonable. Phone 148 or contact Lloyd Balfour. FOR ' SALE--Wheat Straw--baled or in the 'stack. Phone 184-r-5. 'FORSALE -- '51 Mercury 3-ton truck with hoist and box. Phone 462-r-6, Port Perry. WANTED TO RENT: Apartment for a business couple, No. children. Possession by Sept. 1st. Phone 92 r 2 LOST--On Lake Scugog, about. 4 miles north of Port Perry, a white ash water ski, with blue harness, on Friday, July 26th. Reward. Phone | Toronto HO. 1-7218. i FOR SALE--2 Bolted picnic tables; 1 play set (2 swings and glider); kerosene 2-burner heater; arborite table. All-$20.00 each. Fina Sta- tion, 2 miles north of Greenbank. LOST--Cat, orange and white, .in 'augl FOR SALE -- Guerney Gas Stove (nearly new); kitchen Stove, Happy Thought; Oak Buffet; Dining Table; 6 leather seated Dining Room Chairs; Walnut Bed Suite, 3 pcs; Painted Bedroom suite, 2 pcs; Settee; Fern Stand; Writing Desk; Odd Chairs; Chest of Drawers; Hall Rack; Step Ladder; Garden Tools; Lawn Mower; Garden Hose. Can be seen at the home of Mrs. Geo. A. MacMillan, corner of Perry and Shanley Sts, Port Perry. FOR OIL TANK TRUCKS or used construction machinery contact Grif- fen Truck Equipment Limited, 5461, Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. FOR SALE--Upright Palmer Piano. Phone 196-r-6. WINTER BARLEY FOR SALE-- Phone 479-r-8. WANTED TO BUY--Scugog dist- rict, small house. Kindly state par- ticulars as to location, size, construc- tion, conveniences, lowest price. Box 10, Port Perry Star. Aug. 16. FOR SALE--ILH.C. Power : Binder in A-1 shape with rubber trucks; 83- 48 Waterloo all-steel Threshing Ma- chine fully equipped, on rubber; Scotch Collie' Dog about 1% years old.. Apply Howsam Bros., Green- bank, Phone 498-r-4, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Grade Holstein Cows, milkers and springers. Going out of dairying. Phone 462-r-3, FOR "SALE--Good building 'lot on Cochrane St. 'Phone-4b. i FOR SALE -- Piano; Sewing Ma-. chine; cot; bed, springs and mattress; arm chair; 2 small tables; fernery; power lawn mower, Phone 56. TOIRENT: iin Brooklin, 5-ro0M all modern ground floor apartment. Oil Furnace, Private entrance. Posses- sion, 'Sept. 1st. "Phone 8567-J, Port Perry. SPECIAL FOR SALE--UsedM-H self-: pro- | pelled Combine, 12 ft. table, A-1 con- dition. 'Also several new models. Massey-Harris Dealer, Little Britain, Phone 37. - Blt 0.LD. Driving School Whitby, Ontario Phone MO 8-3428 until 6 p.m. Oshawa, Ontario Phone RA 65-6681 24 hr, service Sept. 6-57. Lakeside . Beach area--Phone. 84-r-b. Fishing ...and Port Perry Branch the Future "Saving made this holiday possible. Continued saving will help me look after! Debby's future. She's one good reason I save regularly at THE CANADIAN "BANK OF COMMERCE" 765 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOO J. R. Helm, Mgr. Prince Albert | {day of. June, . A.D. 1957,- are hereby .the Estate of Ethel Louise Gerrow, We are very grateful to Dr. B. D, Armstrong who has ably occupied our pulpit for month of July. Now a happy vacation is wished for Mr, Armstrong and his wife. It is ex- pected Mr. Wylie 'will be back to re- sume his duties next Sunday. Wayne Pugh enjoyed havitig the young group present at his party last Friday, Wayne also dropped his birthday money in the wee church at Sunday School, A number of interested friends as- sembled in the school Saturday night when choir members sponsored a lin: Va A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS Limited .. Realtors 46 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto $1,600.00 DOWN 7 Room country home on 4 acres of land with several fruit trees. Fresh- ly - decorated, hydro installed, base- ment: and garage. Only 1 mile from highway--in 'Reach Township--full price $3,000.00-=call H. 'McMILLAN - GREENBANK Phone Port Perry 247-r-2 '| Miss Carol Heayn, who recently mar- en shower for one of its members, ried Mr. Douglas Southwell. Miss Gail Hodgins in her bright manner filled in as mistress of ceremonies and escorted the bride and groom to the love-seat. A few numbers of sing-song ac- companied by Mrs. G. Hunter as pian- ist. A romantic poem read by Mrs. B. Smith. Now Gail who had pre- pared, read a suitable-address to the honoured couple, Barbara Davidson and Kathy Brown assisted by. carry- ing the decorated hampers containing articles that would be welcome in any house. After the last parcel, Carol and Douglas graciously expressed thanks, also requested we all visit them in their Oshawa home. A satis fying lunch ended another evening by helping send another pair to travel road of married life, Bis Mr, and Mrs. W, J." Martyn recent- ly accompanied Mr. and Mrs..B, Wan- amaker and Bill, Seagrave to their cousin's cottage 'Mr. and Mrs. Mori- son; Hawkstone Beach on Lake Sim- coe. Mr. and Mrs. St. Martin, Hamilton, spent last week with his sister Mrs. Jas. Davidson, Jr. and family, also visited Jim in Toronto hospital. Larry and Ken Brown are home after. being with their auntéand unle ) J} Mr. 'and "Mrs. \H. Wagg- and Ronsld 8 Porter all of Oshawa. Miss Marion Martyn is: holidayipg with her cousins, Wanamaker broth- ers of Seagrave. 1 Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Foster and family. bf .Oakville at Mrs. Luke's"on Sunday. "Denise Jeffrey "is home from hav- ing fun with her cousins Sandra abd Donald Harper, Saintfield. Mr. and*Mrs. Joe Bradburn and fa- mily, 'Blackstock with Mr. and Mrs.. L.=Beacoe k. i Mr, and Mrs. G. Hunter and family with her parents Mr, and Mrs. A. Robertson, 7Omemee. Mr. and Mrs. B. Snelgrove and fa- mily are on vacation in Cobalt area. Mrs. Luke was hostess:at a dinner party for her sisters.and brothers, on - Friday, it being the Birthday anni- "versary of Mrs. W. Bond, Toronto. 'A lovely birthday -cake "graced the table. T = - \ 3 - Notice 'to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SARAH ANNETTE JACKSON All persons having claims against the Estate of Sarah Annette Jackson, late of the Village of Port' Perry, in ithe: County - of 'Ontario, "Widow, ' de- ceased,-who died on: or-about the 26th notified. to. send to. the undersigned on or before the 20th day of August, 1957, full particulars of their claims, Im- mediately after the said date the as- sets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed vamong the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. . DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 16th day of July, A.D., 1957. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, &ec., Box 181, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above Estate. Aug. 1st ' - ard A TO-DAY DAY ' YOU WORRIED ABOUT - YESTERDAY, i Plywood | 7 Ceiling Tile TERMS ARRANGED ON:HOME IMPROVEMENTS JOHN BALLARD LUMBER PORT PERRY . SPECIAL SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOPS--50c., :$1.00, $1.50 'Arborite 'Floor Tile ait a ~ Doors, Trim Masonite, efc. PHONE 280 'Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF ETHEL LOUISE GERROW, DECEASED; All persons having claims against late of the Townhip of Scugog, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of June," A\D., 19567, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 81st day of August, 1957, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said' date the as- sets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed -among the - parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of-'which: they shall then have notice. DATED - at * Port Perry, Ontario, this 28rd day of July, A.D., 19567. GREER AND KELLY, ; 'Barristers, &c., "Box 181, Port' Perry, Ontarlo, Solicitors for the above Estate, July 25, Aug, 1, Aug. 16. enquiries will be welcome, our yard, PHONE 73 | Aa -- : Lumber and Builders" Supplies We carry a complete line . of . lumber and. builder's § supplies. Our: warehouse contains, Gyproc board and lath, # Donnacona, both 'primed interior and exterior; Plywoods Hi of all thicknesses as -well-as- Phone 73 or pay us a call at | REESOR FUEL & 'EUMBER fancy-wallboards. . Your fPORT PERRY SOME OF THE CROP Ji WW WELL,AL, THIS JUST. GOES 1% TO SHOW TWAT ITS A 7 MONEY ON ANEW STOVE HERE, READ 4 LOT SAPER TO BUY ied B VOUR IMPLEMENTS F OUR DEALERS IN

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