Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Aug 1957, p. 4

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b * ¢-THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th.1957 LOCAL Thank You, Friends The Port Perry Star wishes to thank the many friends and former residents who have sent us letters and stories for our forthcoming historical and memorial edition. They are all great- ly appreciated. Card of Thanks . Thanks to every one who sent me fruit and cards during my recent stay in the hospital. It was much appre- ciated. THOMAS REDMAN Adoption John and Ruth Buzza (nee Ruth Hall) are happy to announce the ar- rival of their chosen daughter, Julie Ann, In Memoriam - HOWARD--In loving memory of a dear father, and grandfather, Herbert George Howard, who paassed away August 28th, 1958. God took him home. It was His will. Within our hearts He liveth still. Sadly missed by daughter Ethel, son-in-law Jim and grandchildren. Greenbank Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phoneix and Connie had a vacation trip to the 1000 . Islands and Kingston last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson of Sask- atchewan are guests at Mr. and Mrs. © Joe Phoneix. The September meeting of the Fi- delas Class will be held at the home of Mrs. Keith Howsam next Wednes- day Sept. 4th, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Foster and family - are vacationing at a cottage on Lake Simcoe. Mr. Russell Lee is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee. We are glad to report that Mr. Wi. Sommerville is gradually improving after his recent heart attack. Don't forget Sunday School at 10 a.m. and Chirch at 11 a.m., next Sunday service is under the auspices of the Bible Society with a guest speaker. MIDNIGHT .DANCE | Sunday, Sept. Ist (Doors open 12.01 a.m') Featuring Jack Kingston Wally Traugott and the Main Streeters from HAMILTON T.V. OLD TIME and MODERN MUSIC Admission $1.00 RED BARN Oshawa NEWS CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. E. W Fuller, B.A, L.Th., Rector. Sunday, September 1, 1957 11 am.--Holy Communion f ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' Minister: Rev, B. D. Armstrong, B. A, D, D. Sunday, September 1, 1957 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship B The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A. B.D. Sunday, September 1, 1957 10 a.m.--Scugog Head S.S. 10.15 --MANCHESTER CHURCH 11.16-- PROSPECT CHURCH 11.16 --SCUGOG CHURCH This is "Elders Sunday" and the Elders are in chgrge of the services. kiveryone is invited to come and wor- ship with us, \ PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 1, 1957 Prof. Rev. Kingsley Joblin of Emmanuel College, Toronto, will conduct the service at 11 a.m. rel 2 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 1st, 1957-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evyangelistic Service Wednesday at 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting Everybody Welcome TILE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa 1360 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "We need our Church-- our Church needs us." Dee, 26-7 * Pine Grove Mrs. Howard Emby and family of Campbellford visited the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill, Eleanor is staying a week, Mr. and Mrs. Bev Evans and David of Ancastor and Miss Brenda Locke, were holidaying last week at E, Ball- 'ards, . W.A. will be held in the Church on Wednesday, September 4th. The Claremont ladies will be our guests. "| Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans visit- Jed Sunday evening with McDonald and sons, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice of Toron- to visited Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie vis- ited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gourlie. : Master George Fee is holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Banks. Mrs. Bob Banks had a welcome home party for the. McLaurin boys on Saturday with a number of child- ren. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ballard and Mr, and Mrs. Manson. Woods of Tor- onto had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard on Sunday. Miss Adill and Janice Locke are staying a few days with E. Ballards. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ballard are moving near Uxbridge shortly. PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL ANNOUNCES SCHOOL OPENING Tuesday, September 3rd « GRADE I to GRADE VII pupils will assemble in their respective classrooms, for registration, at 9 a.m. COMING EVENTS Ladies' Night Dance sponsored by Canadian Legion BESL, Branch 419. Corsage at door. Buffet lunch; three door prizes; Spot Light Dances and Featured Entertainment. Montgomery Orchestra, Saturday, September 21st, 8 p.m. To be held at Port Perry Public School. Tickets available now or at dance. $1.50 per couple. Notice | Any men interested in singing®in the chorus of "H.M.S. Pinafore" to be presented by the Unitéd Church Choir early in November, please onc- tact Mrs. Dobson or Mrs. D. Hillier. Rehearsals to begin September 12. Both basses and tenors will be wel- come, - Turkey Supper MANCHESTER UNITED oy Wednesday, September 11, 1957 5.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Admission--Adults $1.35, Children 75¢ ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ON "SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th Morning 11 a.m.. Evening 8.00 p.m. sept b Anniversary Service Prince Albert United Church will p.m. Rev. Mr. Linstead, formerly of Moorfield who is taking Rev. Wylie's pastorate will be the speaker, H.M.S. Pinafore Rehearsal for the ladies of the chorus of H.M.S. Pinafore will be on Thurs- day, Sept. b at 7.30. There will be no rehearsal for male members of the cast until Sept. 12. ~ NOTICE To Hydro Users in Port Perry whose accounts are numbered 1 to 345, inclusive. In future the bills for these ac- counts will be dated the first day of each of the months: September, Nov., Jan,, March, May and July.: Bills for all other Hydro accounts will be the same as herefore. This change is being made to make more even the number of hydro bills to be sent out each moiith. spt.b Notice Excerpt from April 25th, 1957, By-Laws of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association "The Association recommends that its members adopt the practice of in- dicating that missed lessons should be paid for, unless due to unvoidable 'circumstances and maintain a reason- able minimum fee to compensate for services as teachers, $1.50 per half hour," .As members of the Ontario Regist- ered Music Teachers' Association the undersigned teachers will comply with the minimum schedule as recommend- ed by our organization, starting with the fall term in September. This minimum fee per half hour lesson ap- plies to all Grades in piano and theory. Special consideration will be given if there is more than one student in a family. Mrs. Florence McClintock Mrs. Helen Stouffer Mrs. Gertrude Jackson ' Prince Albert Quite a large number of the con- gregation were present for worship service last Sunday morning. Mr. Wylie occupied the pulpit and un- folded a pleasant personal message before commencing his farewell mess- age. We are glad to welcome two members into our church by way of transfer, they are Mrs. B, Smith and Mrs. W. Vance. Holy Communion was observed. The annual Sunddy School picne was held Tuesday afternoon at "Lake- side Park" on Scugog Island. Upon arrival all the children enjoyed the usual bathing. About four o'clock the water fans were called in to part- -ake of sport events conducted by al committee in charge. Following are the race results: . Girls 6 yrs. & under--Denise Jeffrey Boys 6 yrs. & under-- John Love Girls. 10 yrs. & under--Sharon Will- iams; Boys 10 yrs. & under-- Grant Beacock; Girls 11 yrs. & over--Beth Hunter; Boys 11 yrs. & over--Craig Williams; Three-legged race--Bruce Martyn and Craig Williams. All other children received a suck- er each; Married woman's race--Mrs. C. Love, Mothers nou get the tables with liberal amount of delicious food. Around sixty folk of all ages sat down and sang "Grace" before comm- encing to eat. Thursday skies were noisy but no rain-drops while at the table. At this time a prize was given to little Susan Tripp for being the youngest child present. Also a re- membrance each to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Martyn for being the oldest couple present. We are gratful to Mr, James Doupe for supplying lots of ice-cream. Shortly after six o'clock everyone was nearing there own home after a happy afternoon. On Wednesday - evening a large gathering of friends "assembled in the church parloxs for the purpose of a social get-to-gether in honour of our Minister and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wylie who are departing from us to live in Toronto. They, shall be great- ly missed as we certainly observed their sterling worth. Mr. E. Martyn acted the duty of chairman, and started the program off with a sacred sing-song. Mr. B. Snelgrove contributed a violin sel- ection. Reading by Mrs. B. Smith after which Mr. A. Newnham showed interesting color slides on flowers, bird-life and also the interior of our church since re-decorated. The choir rendered a couple of anthems. Earl now requested our guests Mr. and Mrs. Wylie to come to the front and occupy two chosen chairs. Mrs, C. 'Newnham read the following address: Dear Friends: It seems hardly possible that with- in a few days you will sever conn- ection with us. . During the years you have spent with 'us you have en- deared yourselves to us by your un- selfish devotion to the welfare of the Church and Community you have gerved so faithfully. You have always been one of us, sharing our joys and our sorrows; thus a chain of golden friendship has been formed which" binds us to-gether in a real and abiding fellowship, To you Mrs, Wylie we would say your genial and kindly manner has always been an inspiration to us. your wise counsels and hearty co- operation in the meetings of our Woman's Association has been déep- ly appreciated by all who have been associated with you in this import- ant branch of our church activities. You have always been a welcome guest in our-homes where your friend- ship interests has enriched our family life. We owe more than words can ex- NOTICE ADVERTISERS eo @ o L - YOUR.CO-OPERATION IN SUBMITTING DISPLAY ADVERTISING COPY BEFORE 4pm. on Tuesday TO ALL '| gift with the wish that it may be Ee Dl NE IN AT A Tv SEER Cin Bus 0 XY SARIN TYRONE ad EE SR press to you, Mr. Wylie in the beaut- ifying of the Sanctuary where you have ministered to us with such pro- fit for our spiritual needs. The high (ideals you have set before us have been in keeping with the Master's teaching, Eternity alone will fully reveal all that your gracious ministry has meant to us all, And now dear friends as a token of our deep gratitude and apprec- iation of your loving service among- st us we desire that you accept thid used in bringing into your new home some memorial of our fellowship to- gether in Prince Albert Church. Be l assured that our best wishes and earnest prayers accompany you to ! your new field of service. The Women's Association The Sunday School The Young Peoples' Union and The Church Board | At this time the parcel containing ,86 Silver Dollars was presented by Mrs. E., Kerihen to the "surprised "couple, "+ Mr. and Mrs. Wylie in turn express- ed their happy feelings refering to | pleasant associations that revealed during the six years. After a hearty | thank-you for the gift, they invited all to come and see them in thelr smaller home but at the door lay a larger welcome mat. Everyone joined in singing "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" with Mrs. G. Hunter at the piano. Lunch was served mingled with warm greet- ings and touching good-bye to Mr, and Mrs. Wylie. < Several from our midst attended Blackstock fair on Saturday. Congradulations to Mr, and Mrs, 'M. Gerrow and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bond upon arrival of a new baby. Little Joanne Martyn of Scugog Island enjoyed a holiday with her aunt and uncle Mr, and Mrs. E, Mar- tyn, : : Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock and boys were paid a few days visit from his mother Mrs. W. Beacock of Nestleton and her 'sister Miss Ida M. Camp- bell, Regina. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle and children have returned from thé west coast. Mrs. G. Plaunt and Donna of Réa- boro, her sister Mrs. H.- Jeffrey, Denise and "John, Mrs. A. Brown and Kathy, also two sisters Mrs, L. Dev- itt, Oshawa and Mrs, L. Beacock all met together for their annual picnie, Monday afternoon at Lakeside, BALLET -- TAP -- BATON Register for the Fall term at the Port Perry High School, Saturday, Sept. 7 from 10 a.m. to 12.noon, Phone Oshawa, RA 65-6122 oct3 Ul Mb tM - ed Which Theory? TORONTO -- The double-edge threat of inflation and unemployment will be John Diefenbaker's biggest headache in trying to turn his election promise into action, Ottawa expert Blair Fraser writes in the current issue of MacLean's, The Conservatives are on the car- pet to find about $420 millions more than the Liberals budgeted for, Fra- ser reports, Here is the way the tally- sheet shapes up. Boost in old-age pensions, $40 million More cash to provinces, 100 million Cut in income taxes, 1956 million Cut in auto taxes, 85 million Total $420 million. The extra money can be found, Fraser writes. The Liberals could have found it themselves, he claims, L) if they'd wanted to. The question is whether putting that much money into the pockets of Canadians is going fo grease the wheels of an already fast-moving in- flationary cycle. The Liberals be- lieved it would, nad that's why they hung onto the money. Diefenbaker and his cabinet say if somebody has to hang onto the money the people are capable of doing it themselves, They claim inflation is caused more directly by wasteful government spending than by -indiv- idual spending. The only way to find out who's right is to test both theories. The country has been run on the Liberal theory for twenty-odd years; now we ate going to see if the Conservative system works any better, Fraser says. If the Conservatives weren't already sold on their theory, their hand would probably be forced by the unemploy- ment situation this winter anyway. fe] started with us 6 Are You? a letter telling us about interview (act now). STOP and THINK where will you be five years from To-day? Many men who years ago are to-day sure of their future.- Nothing just happens -- You must plan it~ if you have the will, determination and desire to make real money and if you feel you have a sales personality write us yourself and we will arrange an _=-_-_---__e.--,------------s-|------ Box 13 PORT PERRY STAR. J The Causeway contact Mr. Frank Hastings, NOTICE PORT PERRY, will have time available for league bowling. Anyone wishing to start a league or group bowling please or mixed groups are welcome. Bowling Lanes Phone '161R. Ladies', men's : sptb 1 Groceries, - OUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Ontario FULL LINE OF ~~ Fresh and Cooked Meats . ALWAYS IN STOCK : : OPEN EVENINGS--CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOON. For Free Delivery Phone 485 Frozen Food Ww NO Ww right here SA STAR CO. LTD. Smith-Corona famous line of portable "you can buy your SMITH- CORONA PORTABLE Arrangement with For your convenience we have made arrangements to represent the Smith-Corona people in selling their THE WORLD'S FASTEST PORTABLE TY PEWRITER IS NOW AVAILABLE TO YOU THROUGH THE OFFICE OF THE PORT PERRY ily. typewriters The SMITH-CORONA Portable is an ideal machine for all the fam- It can handle the demands of business correspondence, reports with plenty of carbon copies, in- voicing, etc, and: then go home to take care of your personal corres- pondence or help Junior get his school notes in an attractive and readable condition. =~ RLLLLL + NO ranging from the precision built SKYWRITER, weighing only nine pounds in its modern leather carrying case, to the SUPER-SILENT in a wide range of decorator colours, ..., Your SMITH-CORONA Portable can be bought on easy terms if you wish--as little as $5.00 per month. Why not drop in and see us? PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD Wr di bc EVERY WEEK WILL BE APPRECIATED. REMEMBER -- EARLY COMPOSITION SECURES A GOOD POSITION. : ce @ ; Hi "PORT PERRY STAR : R. H. CORMIER, | Telephone |) ' I : i It can go with you on trips or to the cottage to be always ready for your needs. It makes an ideal gift for the student entering Uni- versity or business school this fall, NOTE--GRADE VIII pupils will assemble at 10:15" a.m. KINDERGARTEN-PRIMARY pupils will assemble accord- ing to arrangements made last June. Group One at 9 a.m., and Group Two at 1:30 p.m. 03 NOTE -- Beginners who have moved to Port Perry since t June 29th must be five years of age before January 1st, 1958, ih order to register. : S. E. BEARE, Chairman of Board. - sa RRA nt penis . . at aa i) Anes SIRE SE raat ja RT AEG po WAS tl MA A : Sh PT VIE os SM oo es :

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