Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Aug 1957, p. 6

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6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th,1057 rrr -- BUSINESS DIRECTORY GORDON AIR -- LAND -- SEA -- BUS "Tug" Wilson" Information, Reservation, Tickets, i - - Licensed Electr clan Air Lines Railways, Bus, Steam- R di & T V ships, Hotels, Tours, Cruises, adlo Ve. Consult F G. CROSBY, - Travel Agency, Uxbridge Service : Ont., P.O. Box 3564, Phone 128 on "CAR RADIOS A SPECIALTY" } 200W, Office at Howard Shier's. UNION AVENUE No service charge. septl2,67 Port Perry, Ont. R-- Sept. 27 - ER Wedding Flowers Good Gravel, etc. |" coving PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE | A SPECIALTY For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, washed sand and stone, also good Funeral Wreaths and Corsages. PORT PERRY FLORISTS loam. CALL 822-W Phone 428, Port Perry Port Perry .Ontario Sept. 26, 1967 ol su: G. ECKEL Florist BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Phone 190 Grower of cut mums year round. tf. INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 = Port Perry FOOFING | [hue Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry THE BET THE TOPO i WTO A HOHE MIDE GUE Farm Service od 5 oR TEE... Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs ((nothing under 300 lbs) picked up for disposal. 'WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR FOR SLAUGHTER + Phone collect: Uxbridge 641, - Woodville 32 r 11 Jack Pargeter Service Station Ed. Peconi --- BR ,e:-sMht SPECIALS FOR SALE -- First litter English' Yorkshire sows, bred to Landrace hog. Fred 'Milne, Blackwater, phone Sun- derland 8r8. aug For Sale -- English Yorkshire hogs serviceable age, also a few good Eng- lish Yorkshire first litter sows bred to Landrace hog. Fred Milne, Black- water, phone Sunderland 3 r 3. FOR SALE: Small frame house, house only, Rosa Street, Port Perry. Would like it removed from property ' by March 16, 1968. For information con- tact Earl Wallace, Phone 261. Sept. 6 For sale white enamel. cook stove phone 129 w FOR SALE -- 1963 Pontiac 2-door Club Coach. Good Tires; good run- ning condition. Phone 372-R. FOR SALE -- Princess Pat Cook Stove, good condition. Phone 184-r-12, FOR SALE -- Astral Refrigerator in good condition, Phone 494-J. FOR SALE--100 light Sussex pul- lets. Apply KE. Makin, Saintfield. Phone Port Perry 496-r-12. FOR SALE--Two Holstein calves for vealing. Phone 184.r-b. FOR SALE--I12 acres of good ond cut alfalfa and red clover hay R. E. Steer, Phone 164-r-23, FOR SALE: Ducks, wild and tame. W. Lowe, Utica, FOR SALE: Genesse Wheat regis- tered seed, Power cleaned and treat- ed. Phone 119 14. Murray Holtby Sept. 12. FOR SALE -- One fresh Holstein Cow, milking 66 lbs. per day; also 3 heifers due to -freshen. in. October, and a number of opén heifers and heifer calves, all vaccinated; accredit- ed and registered. R. E. Steer, Phone 164 r 28, WANTED--Used Wooden Silo. Joe Redmond, R.R. 1, Nestleton, Phone Blackstock, 47-r-21. WANTED--3/4 size Boys Bicycle in good condition. Phone 154. july 30, 1968. Timken Bearing Wagon, New, 15" Ca LUE in Tim niin 40000$3115.00 | o{={®)""4\ Ya-ton steel box trailer, Ib" tire : $79.00! i | - . : 'S' model Cate Tractor, slightly ; USE Jahuiinminisimiide $1196.00, IN S URANC E COMPANY Farm Trailer, flat platform -- $49.00 Ploughshares for most makes of Consult the Crown Life Man ploughs--cast or ductalloy. CEC. KING AGENT' Port Perry - Cedar Fence 'Posts ......... 26c. and up Clothes line posts. 2 used farm wagons on rubber $29. and $39.00 1950 Austin Sedan, as is, ...... $69.00 1949 3 ton International, Racks Ontarie + and steel DOR sevice ns $276.00 Dead Farm Stock 1941 Ford %-ton Steel Box With fenders ....coioevieeninenninnen. $69.00 ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up 'Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 ; MARGWILL FUR FARM % ton steel bpx with racks--$59.00 FRANK HOSKIN Phone 2 Blackstock Tyrong, Ont. Aug. 80, 1957 Woop SEPTIC TANKS Elgg -- Beech -- Mixed Wood cleaned by Elm--$18.00 per cord PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service | REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone 451 September 26, 1967 Beech--$24.00 per cord Mixed Wood--$17.00 per cord All prices plus delivery. FRANK HOSKIN Phone 2 ii BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK - ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING . SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FL / FREE ESTIMATES --by Hour or Contract, TRIPP CONSTRUCTION LIMITED ' Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J SEA GE | 86. 'ADULTS. trim trees in village. ing Boyd, Star office. Apply to Irv- Phone 60 or OFFICE CLERK WANTED: For permanent positipn, Typing preferr- ed. Accuracy ential. working condition§, all company ben- efits. Apply. §ilverwood Dairies, Ltd. Port Perry phone 154 tf FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR RENT: Bed sitting room, kitchen and bath, opposite the High Sshool Phone 421. Aog. 29 FOR RENT: Well furnished 6 room house, sun room, oil furnace, complete | - bathroom from, September 1st. Phone 89R APARTMENT FOR RENT: on main floor, private entrance, semi-private bathroom. All city conveniences. Phone 195 r 14. Aug. 22 GARAGE FOR RENT on Cochrane St., phone 129-W. FOR RENT--3 room frame house, fuinished. Hydro and: phone; in Manchester. Phone 466-r-12. Furnished room for: rent préferably Ladies. phone 129 w, FOR RENT--4 roomed cottage near Port Perry. Heavy duty wiring, wa- ter on tap, large garden. Apply Box 14, The Port Perry Star. Sept. 4 IMMEDIATE INCOME Ladies, daily cash profits, part or full time, showing lovely knitted wear, lingerie, children's wear to friends, neighbours. Big repeat Com- missions. Satisfaction. guaranteed. Write British Knit, Simcoe, Ontario August 29 RR 0.1.D. Driving School Whithy, Ontario Phone MO 8-3428 until 6 p.m. Ouhawa. Ontario Phone RA 65-6681 24 hr. service Sept. 6-57. WANTED -- Workman to cut or : Pleasant |: AUCTION SALES Saturday AUGUST 81st. -- Auction Sale of Ford tractor, and Ford trac- "tor equipment, electric motors, elec- tric saws, blowers etc, walnut house- hold' furniture, electric deep freeze, electric kitchen range, electric refrig- reator, new electric washer and dryer, carpenter : tools, garden: tools, pile scrap: iron, dishes, glassware, cooking utensils, ornaments, and many useful articles - not 'mentioned. 'Property of Clarence Smith, South side of No. 7 Highway, just West of Unionville. Sale at 1 P.M, sharp. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Property Sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. FARM SOLD--Auction sale of Farm Stock) Implements, Ford Tractor, the property of CHAS. HORNER, Lot 11, Con, 6, Georgina Twp., % mile west of Virginia on Sutton Line, on Monday Sept. 9. Terms: Cash. Sale at 1.80 'p.m. REG. JOHNSON, 'Auctioneer. GIVING UP MILK BUSINESS~-- Auction Sale of 656 Holstein Cattle, Pure Bred and Grades; McD. Swather, Hindman Milker, the property of Jas. Porter, lot 21, con. 8, N. Gwillimbury, 13% 'miles North and % mile West of Keswick, on Wednesday, Sept. 4. Terms. Cash, . Sale at 1.00.p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Action sale of Furniture," the prop- erty of Bob. Spacil, at his residence Prince Albert on Saturday, Sept 7th including Refrigerator, Electric Range, Washing Machine as well as the usual' household furniture. - Sale at-1 p.m..- Terms Cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, ,] 1967--Auction sale of registered and high grade Holstein cattle, also Here- ford and Angus beefers, near new and late models of farm machinery, in- cluding self-propelled combine, pick- up baler, tractor, Surge milker, cooler, baled hay, grain, hogs, lumber, house- hold furniture and effects, etc. At lot 8, rear of concession 5, Whit- church Tp., in the 6th line. Property .of Tom H, Carter. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms. Cash. No reserve, as tenant's lease has expired. See sale bills. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. SATURDAY -- SEPT 14th -- Real Estate and Furniture in the Village of Brooklin, belonging to the estate of the late Eliza Ellen Rogers. Terms cash, Sale at 1.30 See bills. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer : = THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12-- Joseph Zubowski; Lot 10, Con. 3, Twp. Manvers, W. of Hwy. 86, 1 mile north of Pontypool. 40 Beef: Cattle, 2 Horses, 'Sow Pigs, Fowl, Hay and Grain, Implements and Furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. i 1 SATURDAY, SEPT. 14--George: K. Beare, Lot 12, Con. 10, Reach Twp., 6 miles east of Uxbridge, Hwy. 47, 1 mile south of Greenbank--46 Holstein Cattle, pure bred, reg. and ace., farm Stock, Implements, Pigs, Hay and Grain. Sale at 1. pm. Terms Cash. No reserve. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE SUB AGENT-- We require an energetic man or woman to represent us in Port Perry area to list and sell all types of pro- perty in the immediate area. Full or part time, Car essential. Experience not necessary, we will train you, Ex- cellent commission arrangement, plenty of advertising, and full office assistance given. Ideal for retired person or housewife who has the time and desire to supplement their income. For full particulars write to Mr, Jef- frey, Jack Jeffrey Real Estate, Thormn- hill, Ont. septh Little Britain Two American Missionaries were Dominican Republic August 8rd--L. Little Britain congregation of Jehov- ah's Witnesses, announced yesterday. Fare was paid by the Dominican Re- public and the missionaries were es- corted under arrest to the plane, Action came on the heels of "a wave of persecution equalled only in Com- munist countries" dismissed by a total \ pty aim aera h Cl ahi itaee «TA rare TED JACKSON, Auctioneer| deported to Puerto Rico from thel: Le Poidwin, presiding minister of the ; A aftus se ban preseribing the work of Bible edu- cation conducted by the Witnesses in the Dominican Republic since 1946. An ultimatum to the Christian mis- sionaries to announce all association with the organization and cease com- munication with their Brooklyn, VI,V., office or leave the country was made last month by Major General Artaro Espaillat, Minister of Security, whom the U.S. government has sought to question in the disappearance of Dr, Jesus le Galindeg. Some of the mis- sionaries have been in the country for 11 years. According to official news sources of the Dominican Republic, prosecu tion of the Christian activity of Jehavah's Witnesses was organized by President Hector Trugillo on July 25, and the law carries penalties of from one to three months imprisonment with fines of from thirty to one hun- dréd dollars. It was announced that over one million dollars had been ap- propriated by the Dominican govern- ment to enforce the ban. Mr. Le Poidwin said a full-scale campaign to'restrict the religious free- dom of the Witnesses has been under way since July 1. Kingdom Hall meet- ing places had been ordered closed and about 250 of Jehovah's Witnesses were brought in for questioning, The Wit- nesses have been subjected to beat- ings and violence by police and prison | guards in an effort to. make them re- nounce all association with the move- ment. Mr, Le Poidwin stated. About 650 are now in prison, some. with sen- tences of two years. Canada's $10,000 House! WHEN WILL CANADIANS GET IT While $20,000 houses' stand 'empty for lack of buyers the Canadian of average $3,600 income can't find a a three-bedroom brick bungalow in 24 hours. Besides focusing public atten- tion on the company's sub-division, the purpose of the stunt was to determine if the new money-saving techniques could be adapted to mass building to reduce house-building costs. One big saving discovered, for example, was that the crane roof was 25P cheaper than a usual roof, Some less spec- tacular efforts to reduce the cost of houses have been going steadily for- ward. One of the more important of them is the National House Builders' Association's standards committee which meets each January with the Central Mortgage and Housing Cor- poration. Purpose of the meetings is to discuss ways to bring CMHC's building standards more into line with the standards of the National Building Code. The National Code is the building - by-law -for more than 600 communities and is less strict in sone of its requirements than the CHMC regulations, But there are still some formidable obstacles to a drop in house prices, continues the Canadian Home and Gardens article. Biggest single hurdle say the builders, is land costs. Ready to becupy new houses with no takes emphasize that the market for so- called medium-price houses $16,000 to $30,00) has finally become saturated while the low-cost market remains virtually untouched. Economist David W. Slater of Queen's Uhiversity re: 'ports that most people are no longer willing to sacrifice everything they have for a home of their own. They would rather spend their money on such things as cars and television sets. If this'is thg case, builders will be forced to concentrate on the low: cost market, [AVENE] / a GE | Get hn 1S MAY BE A MANS WORLD BUT MOST OF IT IS IN THE WIFES NAMIE, PORT PERRY mar tf. TERMS ARRANGED' ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS OHN BALLARD LUMBER SPECIAL SMALL ARBORITE TALLD Tore, $1. 9, $1.50 Plywood Arborite. Floor Tile Ceiling Tile. Doors; Trim' = Masonite, elc. PHONE 280 house he can'afford. The problem en. | EHF== gaging the attent{ofi of Canada's more serious-minded 'builders is the urgent need for 'the low-cost house in the $10,000 bracket. Building Editor Jas. A. Knight, writing in Canadian Homes and Gardens states, however, that pro- spects have seldom been brighter for these low-cost houses. For instance, principles of housing.that can be ap- plied anywhere in Canada to lower construction costs are being develop- ed by the National House Builers' As- sociation in collaboration with the Na- tional Résearch Council's Divisioh of Building and Research, and Central Mortgage and Housing. Corporation. An experiment with the same goal was tried by a Toronto building firm this July, Consolidated Building Cor- poration set itself the task of building NEW L LOCATION. THE OFFICES OF REESOR FUEL & LUMBER NOW LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF WATER and SCUGOG: STREETS (at the Mill Yard) YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL IN AND SEE OUR New Office and Lumber Warehouse. REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PHONE 73 PORT PERRY Enjoy one of the greatest events of your lifetime . the Canadian National Exhibition, the largest An exciti Women's king World famed comed hy, star, headlines the lavish * Evening Grandstand Spéctacul arevery nightat 8.15 p ~ with top entertainers; dancers, singers climaxec by a gigantic fireworks' 'display. ORDER YOUR YICKETS Now RINGLING BROS. AND BARNUM & BAILEY CIKCUS Don't miss 'The Greatest Shot on, Lory" at the Fit WER ON 1 tian Sh 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 nd 81;-at 2:30 p.m. 'NEW MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR QUEEN ELIZABETH BUILDING new setting for Fashion Shows and ctivities with a 1,360 seat theat Is) fashion shows, fur re. NY plus rid 5 Vg 0 mpion Aquatic stars, track and field rr ec Canada's Olympic trainin Joy 20d field, reais VISIT'CANADA'S SPORTS HALL OF FAME WORLD'S LARGEST AGRICULTURAL BUILDING 4 's prize. of Canada fruit, grain and divestoch, a d ; cat shows, NATIONAL HORSE SHOW. Aug. 23,24, 26, 27, 28, 29 in the Coliseum; INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITS' * The famed products of countries all over the world. MILE OF MIDWAY New rides, new shows, new games. FOOD PRODUCTS BUILDING - Centre of attraction for almolt thrée million people. IRISH GUARDS BAND' World celebrated on the Bandshell RNATIONAL AIR 8 hing two hour show Sept. 6 and 7 only. CANADA ON DISPLAY , dairy products, on display . » band from England daily AUG.23 . annual exhibition in the world, Three hundred and . fifty acres of fun, entertainment and interest. Fred T, Walsh, President ny Hiram E, MoCallum, General Manager _ CLL By Pre - Be a -------- 5 A As RT A a A A A. fay RG { rn Be ter -- cos te ~ ppehinn oh STREET HTS ------a ---------- a \

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