Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Aug 1957, p. 8

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EAN RR FE FA TO EA sR a aX AR lite] x hy ar SA RAY Th \ te Ea odd Method rallies ¥ A Mal witisetin te Mad - _-- ----- - 8-~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th.1057 District Churches BCUGOG, MANCHESTER, progress of the sun, and lengthen a PROSPECT UNITED CHRCHES--| day here or there but mayhe, it is best The Summer is nearly over, and fall| that we cannot, or we would never : approaches quickly. Our world is full | have the surprises of tomogrow. There will be interesting and adventurous. Sometimes we would like to stay the congregations this summer. We would like to keep them; but we cannot, This week many will return to the City and take up the treads where they left off, The holiday season is over, and our cities and towns and villages will of changes and guarantees that life have been so many new faces in our be teeming with boys and girls going PEAMEALED -- Lean, Meaty Cottage Rolls 1b 6 3c SWIFT PREMIUM -- Sliced -- Cello 6-0z. pkg. Cooked Ham 49 SWIFT PREMIUM - 45c Pork & Turkey Loaf SWIFT -- 4 Cold Cuts in one 12-o0z. pkg. \/ : Platter Pak - - - - 49 SWIFT PREMIUM ~-- By the Plece : b. 2.Qc Bologna - ad Choice MEATS i 6- -0zf of vik "BEST. BUY" "BEST BUY" § "BEST BUY" ; HEINZ LUX GERBER'S WHITE VINEGAR| TOILET SOAP BABY FOODS 38.0z. bottle Pastel Shades 23c¢ 3 for 29¢ 4 for 37c¢ RED & WHITE "BEST BUY" §-oz. ii Instant Coffee - - - 90 HEREFORD "FEATURK® ~ 12-ox. tin Corned Beef - - = - 35¢ CLOVERLEAF SOLID WHITE "FEATURE" 44's tin : Tuna Fish - - = 3:1,00 OALIFORNIA - SUNKIST - Good size ORANGES 2 vor. Ge Ontarlo Grown - Large size .'10c PEPPER SQUASH 2 ro 25¢ Home Grown - Extra Tender Ontario Grown - 6-qt. heaping basket CORN-ON-THE-COB _»- 39c Red or Blue PLUMS - 69: "Three Great Coffees" "Grind it yourself for full rich flavour" YELLOW LABEL - - - RED ~LABEL .e « « 1b 89c SILVER LABEL - - .- "Labour Day Biscuit .Value" Assorted Mallows - Choco Fudge - Assorted Sandwich Creams KINGSDALE - 3 pkgs. 00 Biscuits - - Mazola SALAD OIL, 16-0z. bottle 4lc¢ Miracle Whip SANDWICH SPREAD, Popular Brands of CIGARETTES, BrOZ; JA cee remismereresesinrmseninces. SIC " Carton of 200 2.99 Kraft CHEESE SLICES, Plain, Paramount Fancy Ned Sockeye TEP Farmdresh od 1{e] 011 [ef = Golden - Ripe BANANAS - - = Pimento or Deluxe, Y2-1b. pkg. on abe SALMON, Y's tin... 20¢ be Solo Brand MARGARINE, General Electric LIGHT BULBS, { 1-1b. pkg. ~_ 20c 25,40,60 watt _____.__ 4 for 9c i "PRESERVING SUPPLIES A CROWN 1 wen 1.89 SEALING WAX - vr 16c Br JARS 12 smn 1.69 CERTO LIQUID pou, dlc Wh Grape Juice, 6-0z. tin 2 for 39¢ {54 BIRDS EYE Strawberries, 15-0z. pkg. 39¢ A Mixed 'Vegetables, 11-0z. pkg. 27¢ fr FROZEN FOODS Sole Fillets, 12-0z. pkg. 35¢ Dowson's Food Marke ~~ Freeg Delivery Phones91 Port Perry and coming from school. May you love the change boys and girls; and may you give your heart and mind to the gathering of knowledge. A word to those who will have to repeat a Grade here and there--You are in good company, for most of us had to do that very thing at one time or an- other. If we can learn from our mis- takes, the future is assured. Our P.M.S, HiC Club will soon be working again. The Counsellors will meet and plan with you our first meet- ing very shortly. It will be good for us all to get together again. Maybe we will combine a corn roast with our first regular meeting, Our Anniversary Services are upon us; and September will be a busy month. On Sunday, September 8th, Manchester will hold Anniversary ser- vices at 11 a.m, and 8.00 pm.. The joint choir of Manchester and Pros- pest will lead in song at the morning service, together with solos. Due to the holiday season, we will not be able to announce the Preacher in the morn- ing until next week. Our anniversary envelopes are ready to go out; and our objective for this year is $600. In con- nection with our anniversary we are having a Turkey Supper on the Wed- nesday evening, September 11th, and for full particulars we refer you to our Special Advertisement. We hope that all the friends of Manchester will be with us at both services, and be sure to join us at the supper. The Minister will preach at the evening Service, and the Scugog Choir wilt lead in song. We have had a won- derful year. Let us all show our gratitude, and be generous with our gifts, And then on Sunday, Sept. 22, Prospect will have their Anniversary Services at 11 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. Both Manchester and Prospect will unite for these services. The Elders are in charge of the Ser- vices on Sunday. = Prospect church has changed the hour of service to 11.16 a.m. The men are meeting this evening (Tuesday) at the Church to get the music in hand. The Speaker at both Manchester (10.16 a.m.) and Prospect (11.16 a.m.) will be Mr. L. Wagg of Uxbridge. Rev. Girard Gra- ham of Port Perry will be the Preach- er at Scugog at the regular hour of 11.16 am. Let ts give these services our hearty support. It is good to have our laymen taking charge of a service once-in-a-while. We rejoice that the sick are re- covering rapidly. Little Billy Mec- Cartney had to be rushed to Oshawa Hospital. He is well out of danger, and doing very well. We were pray- ing for you Billy. Mr. Robert Pren- tice is doing very well, too, and we hope that he will be home soon. And our love and sympathy go out to the Roordas of Prospect in the loss of their little baby. May God in Christ comfort all who mourn, and lift up all who are bowed down. Happy birthday to Marilyn Johnston of the Island; Gordon Vernon of Pros. pect; and J. D. Witherspoon of Man- chester. Manchester Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Jack Wannankohf and family in the death of her mother in Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. Harrison, Willowdale was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rob.t Aird on the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McNamara, Regina, Sask. spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holtby en- route to Ottawa to visit thelr sons Vern and Allen MsNamara. Misses. Wendy Brydon and Elaine Townrow of Brampton are visiting y8 Archer, - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bagshaw, Cam- bray called on Mr%. Joe Johnston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Stevens, June and Walter are having a weeks va- cation in Midland and district. Mrs. A. G. Christie is visiting her sister Miss Rose Brown in Toledo, Ohio. Seagrave The August meeting of the Wo- men's Association met on the even- ing of August 11, in the 8.8. room with the west group in charge of the worship period. Under the leader- ship of Mrs. Reynolds, Meeting open- ed with Theme Song and hymn Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult, Seripture lesson was read by Mrs. Scott from Psalm 108 and Prayer offered by Mrs, Fishley. A splendid topic was given by Leona Reynolds, her subject being Understanding the Senses. We were pleased to have Mrs. Murray of Woodville present. Mrs, Murray who is the president of Lindsay Presby- tery, in a few well chosen words brought greetings from the presby- tery. She also rendered a lovely voeal solo entitled "My Cathedral". Hymn Love Divine closed the devotional period, ¢ « AY the formers grandmother Mrs. Glad-. sent and expressed her appreciation of the devotional by the West Group. Roll Call was answered by 23 ladies and, offering of $5.90 received. Min- utes of previous meeting were read and treasurer reported $804.00 on hand. Corresponding Secretary Mrs. McTaggart read two thank-you notes and reported receiving a $6.00 donat- fon, A committee was appointed to have a table top put on the new cnp- board. Hymn Blest Be the Tie that Binds closed the meeting, A humor- ous reading Moving to the City was given by Mrs. Fishley. Two contests were conducted by Leona Reynolds. Lunch was served by west group and social hour spent, Utica The annual anniversary service of the Utica United Church will be held on October 6 at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Ralph 'King of Gravenhurst a former min- ister, will be the speaker. There will be special music by the Colby Boys Choir, . It has been decided to have the formal opening of the Utica Comm- unity Hall on the evening of Oct. 25. Several of the men are busy painting while others work toward the com- pletion of the building. Sutherland Brothers have donated a purebred Hel- stein heifer calf for a draw and tickets can be obtained now. There is a large basment where tables and a kitchen will be installed. The main floor has a good-sized auditorium, wash-rooms, a cloak-room, a stage and dressing- rooms, and florescent lighting. Visitors at Sutcliffes were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sandford and Mrs, Bond of Toronto. Bill Mitchell is working at Pargeters Garage Port Perry, Sunday guests with Mr. and Mus, Bill Brown were Mr, and Mrs. Hughey of Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. John Butler and Mr. George Fawcett of Seay orough and Mr. and Mrs. Jack of Ajax, ri Toogood visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervine Storie last week and Mrs. mother. anniversary Monday, guests were Mr, and Mrs. Gerry Nelson of Hamilton. Port Perry Fair, week-end guests of Mrs. Ackney. of Port Perry on Sunday: tageXv Mrs. Keen then welcomed all pre-j. Special Edition LANS are in the making for a special Anniversary Edition of the Port Perry Star sometime in September. This will mark fifty years of publication by the Farmer family -- Over forty years of which Mr. 8. Farmer was owner and publisher, ' Merchants who wish space in this Special Number should contact us BY AUGUST 30th. Special features will include letters from old friends and residents--as well as items of interest from our files." EXTRA copies will be printed and will 'be sold at 16¢. per copy. Send your order any time. P orl Ferry Star C . Lid BOX 220 PORT PERRY A Storie returned to Toronto with her § ik gion: Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Robertson of | & Shirley visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph |g Wilbur, Sunday, their frst wedding |g The Nelsons have purchased a home |33 in Port Perry and are moving this gt wd. Mr. Nelson is returning to work | #3 next week, his, first assignment being 5 Mr. and Mrs, Stan Prizeman were B Mr, and Mrs. Tom Sutherland and 2 family visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geer i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall spent i Tuesday, 4t Beaverton with Mr. and |g Mrs, €/ Cassidy at their summer cot- | PERRI is made for the people who want the best. Be sure jto have extra for the School Lunches. ~ Saturday Special range Layer Cake" mle Doughnuts" - PHONE 82w G. M. GERROW EEE TE CE EE] PORT PERRY FARM EQUIPMENT WATER STREET Dealer for ] International Harvester Company 5 / Ta FARM EQUIPMENT / eo Complete Line of Farm Machinery eo / . Representative: B. L. WANAMAKER Phone 513 After hours Phone 116 r 4 f LOCATION: No. 10 Highway, $ of Brampton. TIME: 1125p.m. ROAD SURFACE: t. Very gr because of heavy drizzle, RESULT: Two killed, ---- This car was travelling south at a speed far too hi gh © for the rodd surface condition. The car phead signalled a left-hand turn, and pumped his brakes to give additional warning because he had to wait for an oncoming car before making his turn. The driver of the high speed car jammed on his brakes and the car went into a violent skid. It shot off the road, clipped a tree, then smashed head-on into another tree, ay Both the driver and his passenger were killed instantly. Before you travel too fast for the road surface con- dition, remember this picture. It could happen to you. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, | GERROW'S BREAD ] GERROW'S BAKERY | ky mA ER ee

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