Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Sep 1957, p. 4

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¢--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1957 fon is wre is eg 2 RGR -. al - |COMING EVENTS| Will Save Cash |. 2c: ttt P= 1 ave a short visit with Mr, and Mrs. Thom. y - : - LOCAL N EWS On Snow Plow Sigpe 3 Brits Aliwe "Opportunity -- This Area Aas oslo } ---- ee S Mrs, Gordon Jeffery has returned EE i dh fi nn NEC Turkey Su er 1 after a tour of Western Canada and Canadian Company operating on a national scale has immediate Midi A li CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION MANCHESTER UNITED CHURCH| Ontario and federal metallurgists | the United States, openings for ambitious men and women to manage local business deal- own pp dance Anglican Church of Canada Wednesday, September 11, 1957 met at Ottawa last week to discuss| Weil, kida, Sept. 5. is the diy Wh ing with some of Canada's largest chain stores; ean be handled in . Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A., L.Th., Rector 5.30 p.w. to 8.30 p.m. snow plowing. e's K1C8, Sep. ©, Is the day when |B spare hours at start if desired; honesty and dependability more im- 3 issi the bells ring in the beginning of an- portant than past experience. Our liberal financial assistance enables inner Sunday, September 8th, 1957-- Admission--Adults $1.25, Children 75¢ ty other school year. We hope everyone rapid expansion. This is a business on a high plane for high type Port Pusey 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer ANNIVERSARY SERVICES ON Provincial government experts ex-|is panto with the thought and that|[] men or women of character only. ¥ ) % : i Sermon, The Rector. ¢ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th ined : Ppy : . Wish to announce the winner of "5 Sveni amined a new part for snow plows|pe future year proves successful. their Electrohome T.V. contest. The Morning 11 a.m.. Evening 8.00 p.m. | developed by the federal mines depart- ; Applicants Must Have Approx, $1,700.00 number of Tubes and Parts in the ST. JOUN'S sept § ment at. the request of the Ontario| Several citizens of Epsom have re- ' ' Electrohome Chassis 'was 284 Mrs PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH reverse Highways Department. cently attended the Canadian National (Which is secured), and good references. These openings will pay JUNE SYMES, R.R. 4, Port Perry, Miniter; Anniversar : Exhibition, and the Port Perry Fair|l Jo. exceptionally high monthly income immediately, and rapidly in- with a guess of 285 was presented tev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A,, D. D. 2 Y Development of the part--a metal| on Monday. crease as business expands. Prefer applicants aspiring saruinge with an Electrohome Clock Radio. Sunday, September 8th, 1957-- S : shoe on which the snow plow's huge Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. D. || from $10,00.00 to $20,00.00 yearly. No high pressure men wanted as 3 Qe i i z NO SELLING required. If you can qualify and have necessary cash on Y 10 a.m.--Sunday Sehool er vice blade rides--is expected to save the Taylor (Miss Faye Hayden) who were write today pla, phone number ok particulars for local interview. : _ re Mr. and Mrs. J. G. MacLean and| 1! a.m.--Morning Worship _ Prince Albert United Church will | Ontario government thousands of dol-| ed in Uxbridge on Saturday, Aug. Manager, P.O. Box 126, Station B; Montreal, Quebec. 8pt.26. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fisher from Cam-| _ } be held on Sunday, October 6 at 2.30 | lars annually. 81st. ? lachie visited their gunt Mrs. N, Wil- i. ; , . pam. Rev. Mr. Linstead, formerly of : Yinson } The United Church of Canada Moorfield who is talking Rev. Wylie's| Snow plow shoes are solid chunks | Mr. and Mrs. Don Asling and fam- SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE | uctorate will be the speaker. of metal which take the wear and|ily attended the wedding of their Rev. J. A. and Mrs. MacMillan of Minister: : teat of the plow's contact with road | "ePhew and cousin, Mr Ronald Asling Carding) called to see Mrs. W. Wil- Rev, 3 5. 0am MAC BIS, - surfaces. The blade which sweepfs the | in Brooklin on Saturday, Aug. 31. 3 tnson, 8150 their so John of London. : HM.S. Pinafore snow aside does not touch the surface We extend deepest sympathy to the M E N Tom Midgley, son of Mr. and Mrs. a ptehe; Shy Aus S Rehearsal for the ladies of the éhorus | °f the road. Lickiss and McGregor family former STOP and THINK Herman Midgley, Port Perry has join- : tee 13, of H.M.S. Pinafore will be on Thurs- residents of Bethesda, on the passing : ed the Royal Canadian Rifles and is| !0-00 a.m.--Scugog Church day, Sept. b at 7.30. Snow plowing machines have been! of Mrs. Lickiss last week and also to where will you be five years from To-day? Many men who stationed at Calgary. He reports that 11.156 a.m.--Manchester Church There will be no rehearsal for male running into trouble in recent years| Mr. Wm. Ross on the death of his started with us 6 years ago are to-day sure of their future. he enjoys the country there. - : Ann ersary Sorvleas ; members of the cast until Sept. 12. | because of the short life of the shoes. | brother-in-law Mr. Clarence Holeman, Are You? : } 0 lei ft ) os 00 p.m.--Manchester Church. : formerly of Ashburn. Nothing just happens -- You must plan i Mr. Clinton Short, Vancouver, was | This will be Manchester Church Anni- The mines branch recently develop- : 3 " if you have the will, determination and desire to make real } in town last week calling on versary. The Minister will preach NOTICE ed a shoe made of a nickel-hardened Miss Linda and Mr. Thos. Lakey, of money and if you feel you have a sales personality write us quaintances. He was on his way to| Morning and Evening. There will be / allow. Its design was based on tests Brooklin, have returned hoe after a a letter telling us about yourself and we will arrange an beterbobugh on a business trip. no Service at Prospect Church. Come To Hydro Users with a variety of shoes cast by the Tye haljdey Wn Disk grandparents interview (act now). . ------t---- and worship with us. or, branch and used experimentally last ran Pe, hogers, ; Box 13 PORT PERRY STAR. 4 In Memoriam " - lL) ) in, Port Perry whose accounts are| winter on plows working out of the isitors during the week-end with R-- , HE \ numbered 1 to 846, inclusive. Ontario communities of Carp, Stitts-| Md, and Mrs. Medd and family were LUKE--In loving memory of our 5 orl A yED CHuRen In future the bills for these ac-| ville, North Gower, Wernon and Cum-| Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hadfield, Toronta, : dear son and brother, Howard Luke, 20 ~ el ony Sel y i - counts will be dated the first day of | berland, and Miss Donna Potter, Toronto.. who passed away suddenly, Sept. 4th, 1 aor ay a hi 'each of the months: September, Nov., : 1955. am. ning Worship Jan., March, May and July. Bills for Mr. Tom Anderson, Jr., left on Sun- . Dr. S. L. Osborne, Whitby Ladies le : day for a motor trip to New Bruns- He bade no one his last farewell, College, will be tI onk all other Hydro accounts will be the es : He said good-bye to none. i 2 vin rogue, le safe as herefore. Lay Mrs Gourlie, Uxbridge, visit Y i ; : . r. y e 2 . The Heavenly gates were opened This change is being made o make EPSOM ; 2 : oh h 2 C B 1 I, A loving Voice said, "Come". PENTECOSTAL CHURCH more even the number ro bills od a Hie Armsizongs on Fridgy g e auseway ow ng anes i ink : ve to be sent out each : : : gvening: A > i ' The te . f hei Inpho Rev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor | © S¢tit out each mon wpLs Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prentice, Ross,| Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stewart, Barbie PORT PERRY, will have time available for league,bowling. We i Soy you had i" die Bh do Bebisube z hv F357 Murray and Don spent Saturday and 24 Daoughe, spent the week-end with |} Anyone wishing to start a league or group bowls please .m.--Su ol, u . and Mrs. : : + : ' Without a chance to say goodbye. 1 Tay Worship Motice Sunday at a cottage at Fenelon Falls, [ Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart contact Mr. Frank Hastings, Phone 161R. Ladie Ton . Though out of Sight, you're ever 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Will the ladies interosted' In bowl. Miss Patsy Bray of Raglan is holi- Rip Sunday Mr. Majtalm Siena) or mixed groups are welcome, - 8p Still missed, still loved, still ours. | yy.q.'g p.m.--Prayer Meeting . : daying with her grandparents, Mr, and | th¢ funeral of Mr. Burt Reid, Orono. irs You will live with us in memory, [ga 8 p.m.--Special Youth Rally. ing on the Monday Night League Mrs. Leach, y Nl Visitors with the Cummings during i Until the end of time. Rov Keyes from Toronto. Come Please Prong Mi jon, Dune, ~ | the week-end were Misses Gladys and Sadly midsed by Mother, Dad, and hear of his ministry amongst the wispy 3 b i) LG > Tozior [Phone |, Several friends of Ross Wagner | Doreen Cummings of Toronto, and Mr. | cum Sisters and Brothers. | {yuck drivers on our roads . o-r-4, by Monday Kvening. visited him Monday evening at a Tor-| and Mrs. Doug. Kimlin, Toronto, and | gi. 3 : i . on. oe | onto hospital, where he has been since | Messrs. David and Larry Cummings. ; Everyone Welcome o h ; 1] I M - - Correction '| a recent operation, Mrs. Murrell has returned. home after D : nn emoriam . : a visit with her daughter and family, : ¢ . : Miss Patsy Bailey is visiting in Tor- : & : Is : THE SUNDAY SCHOOL There was an error regarding the : Mr. and Mrs. Kent, Elliott and sons | | P X Alb 0 LUKE -- In memory of our friend OF THE AIR advertising for the Ladies Night nti week with Mr. and Mrs. at Tomstown. : \ ji rince ert, niario and companion Howard Luke who Radio Station CKLB, Oshawa |D2nce sponsored by the' Canadian Le- ' Mr. and Mrs. Christie and Darlene ; Lie J passed away suddenly September 4th, 1350 on. your Dial © | gion, B.E.S.L. 419. All tickets MUST| Mus." Elmer Wilson, Dougie and |yisited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squelch at FULL LINE OF Gi sate td 1956. | = Prrery Sunday. Moriing at 1025 be bought ahead of time. There will Floyd spent a week at Mrs. Wilson's | Columbus. x ; When evening shades are falling, "We Toefl our Chueh : not be any tickets sold at the dance, { brother's cottage at Big Bay Point, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. Gr ocer 16S, - F X ozen Food . And we " in quiet alone, our Church needs us» | Which is being held on Sept. 21st." | near Barre. Reid (nee Anderson) on the birth of F d C \ k d M : : EB I* rns sighs: Die, 26-57 L : Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton, Ash- Seog 8 he Perry hospital on 9 esh ana LookKke eafs Friends may think we have forgotten, eter S Wanted Jon, isis on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Case Floris, Angling, and Jo- > : ALWAYS IN STOCK When at times they see us smile, M h ; Mrs, James Swan who lived in Port Pols anne have been visiting with Mrs. OPEN EVENINGS--CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOON. But they little know the heartache, dallC ester Perry and vicinity for so many yeara| Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, Miss | Floris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martins " . Our smiles hide all the while. - ] is confined to bed with a broken right | Redfard and Mr. and Mrs. Seabrook, | and family of Uxbridge. Fi F : D li i Ph 485 Ever remembered by his buddies,| Anniversary services will be held arm. She would love to hear from her [all of Owen Sound and Mr. Wes, Ack. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rose, Agincourt, or xxree ve 1Ver Y one w ; Bill, Art, Jim, Ross, Lloyd, [here on Sunday next, Sept. 8th, at 11 old friends and neighbours. At pre- | ney, Uxbridge and Mr. and Mrs. John | spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ' ; : 5. ts : Ken and Bill,|2.m. and 8 p.m. Rev. J. K. Braham Stone, Columbus were Sunday callers y - a In Memoriam "WRAY -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Russell 'Wray, who passed away September 8th, 1866, . | do not need a special day To bring you to my mind, ": For husband the days I do no} think of you Aré very hard to find. Ever remembered by his wife and : sons Dennis and Boh, * Card of Thanks I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours for the many cards, flow- ers and for the kindness shown to me during my recent illness. : Ethel Mark. Birth SWEETMAN -- Jean and Keith Sweetman wish to announce the arri- val of their son, Kenneth Wayne, on Wednesday, Aug. 28th, 1967 at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, a little brother for Valerie. will be the minister at both services. Special music is being prepared. On Wednesday evening, Sept. 11th a deli- cious turkey dinner will be served in the basement of the church. Mr. Lawrence Wagg, Sandy Hook, was the guest speaker at Church on Sunday morning. All enjoyed his message. School opened on Tuesday morning with a good attendance and with Mrs. Samells as teacher. Mrs. Viola Schnapp, Buffalo was at her home here for the long week-end. Erica Green returned to her home in Toronto on Sunday after spending the summer with Mrs. Dolly Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Willmott Croxall and Linda of Toronto were with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Franklin and family on the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. E. Smurthwaite, Con- cord were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holtby and family last week. Mrs. Harold Honey, Port Perry was with-her mother Mrs, Miller on Sun- day and attended church service. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Crosier and children of Chatham were recent visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Wright Cro- sent her address is 751 Indian 'Road, Port Credit, Ont, oF Hospital Penny Draw Tickets are still available at Greer's Office or from any member "of 'the Auxiliary. Representatives are re- quested to hand in tickets by Thurs- day, September 12th. The draw will be made on Saturday, Sept. 14th. Time and place to be announced later. Your Pennies help our Hospital, Euchre The Women's Guild of the Church of the Ascension are holding a euchre in the Parish Hall on Thursday, Sept. 26th at 8.80 p.m. Admission b0c. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Medd and family, ry Mr. John Colburt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robinson, at Prince Albert. - Several neighbours and friends were guests at a corn roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson on Saturday night. As the weather was damp, the party was held indoors but the damp- mess had no ill effect on a good time which was reported. Misses Betty and Elaine Medd spent several days with their uncle Mr. Wes. Ackney in Uxbridge, last week. We're sorry to report that Mrs. John Millman has been confined to bed with illness since the latter part of last week. We hope that a com- plete recovery is immediate. Teen - Tow ' Jordan and family. - PORTABLE right here STAR CO. LTD. you can buy your SMITH- CORONA / THE WORLD'S FASTEST PORTABLE TYPEWRITER IS NOW AVAILABLE TO YOU THROUGH THE OFFICE OF THE PORT PERRY The SMITH-CORONA Portable Arrangement with Smith-Corona ) For your convenience we have made arrangements to represent the Smith-Corona people in selling their famous line of portable typewriters ranging from the precision built SKYWRITER, weighing only nine pounds in its modern leather carrying case, to the SUPER-SILENT in a wide range of decorator colours. .... : Your SMITH-CORONA Portable can be bought on easy terms if yon ! wish--as little as $5.00 per month. Why not drop in and see us? ~ ~'PORT PERRY STAR (0. LTD. aif is an ideal machine for all the fam- ily. It can handle the demands of business correspondence, reports with plenty of carbon copies, in- voicing, ete. and then go home to take care of your personal corres- pondence or help Junior get his school notes in an attractive and readable condition. It can go with you on trips or to the cottage to be plwass ready for your needs. It makes an ideal gift for the student entering Uni- versity or business school this fall, » sier. Archie was recently appointed manager of Yhe Bank of Commerce at Chatham, Announcement Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Clements of Greenbank, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Joyce : Marguerite, to Harold Grant Howsam, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Howsam, of Motor Vehicle 'Uxbridge. The marriage will take 'mn » place Saturday, Oct. 5, 1957, at 8.00 Registration Up o'clock, in Greenbank United Church, Greenbank, ~ DANCE FRIDAY, SEPT. 6th 8.00 to 12.00 p.m. ii \ Ontario mgtor vehicle registrations ie, 8 ---- reached a record at the end of June Tie EE | ith a total of 1,670,185 vehicles 7 "BALLET -- TAP --BATON |licensed for the roads, the provincial +4 motor vehicles registration office dis- Register for the Fall| losed last week. . term at the Port Perry High School, Saturday,| An incerase of 93,708 vehicles over Sept. 7 from 10 a.m.|last year represented a jump of 6.9 to 12 noon. per cent. There were 74,980 more cars registered than last year with the new record at 1,338,062 and 8,808 more commercial wehicles for a total of DRESS -- SCHOOL CLOTHES ---------- | JA dod : : ' x

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