Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Sep 1957, p. 6

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i Vio +4 37 ried ini waa ¢---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1957 -- LOCAL Midtown Appliance Winner Port Perry Wish to announce the winner of their Electrohome T.V. contest, The number of Tubes and Parts in the Electrohome Chassis was 284. Mrs. JUNE SYMES, R.R. 4, Port Perry, with a guess of 285 was presented with an Electrohome Clock Radio. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. MacLean and Rev, Sunday, September 8th, NEWS CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Turkey Su MANCHESTER y Supped_ CH FREER REC FANT RR) abbot a SNORE, dapibic PR EARS Anglican Church of Canada E. W. Fuller, B.A., L.Th., Rector 1957-- 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer { Sermon, The Rector. ¥ Wednesday, September 11 -f 5.30 p.m. to 8,30 p.w/ Admission--Adults $1.25, Ct ANNIVERSARY SERY, SUNDAY, SEPTE} property by r information con- Sunday, September 8th, 1957-- Morning 11 a.m.. ST. JOHN'S sept b PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH = = Minister: Rev. B. D, Armstrong, B. A, D. D. EY' or 261, Sept. 6 ---- Anni: CLERK, WANTED: For ent position, Typing preferr- Service racy essential. Pleasant litions, all company ben- Prince Albert 'y Silverwood Dairies, 10 a.m,--Sunday School } 11 a.m,--Morning Worship washed sand and stone, also good loam. CALL 822-W Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry Ontario Sept. 26, 1957 INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurauce need® may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry FOOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs ((nothing under 300 Ibs) picked up| for disposal. 'WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR FOR SLAUGHTER Phone collect: Uxbridge b41, Woodville 32 r 11 Ed. Peconi july 30, 1968- (ei=10)""4\ LIFE" INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry ke Ontario Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 80, 1967 SEPTIC TANKS . cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone 451 September 26, 10567 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fisher from Cam- be held on Sunday.y phone. 164 tf lachie visited their gunt Mrs. N, Wil-|. . pm. Rev. Mr, L* kinson. The United Church of Canada Moorfield who WN SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE | ion NT=-4 roomed cottage near Rey, Jd. As aud Mrs, MacMillan of pastorate Will y Heavy duty wiring, wa- PROMP AHL al 28 Minion 2, large garden, Apply Box For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, | Funeral Wreaths and Corsages. 14, "I'ne Port Perry Star. Sept. 4 PORT PERRY FLORISTS Phone 423, Port Perry Sept. 26, 1957 ROBERT G. ECKEL Florist BROOKLIN, ONTARIO 'WANTED TO BUY -- 3 bedroom house; no agents. Apply Box 16, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE--German Shepherd, sil- ver and grey, registered, 7 weeks old, female; also wedding. dress, white; size 14. Phone Sunday or Monday 463-r-22, : ~--FOR-SALE--1949 Pontiac in good running condition, good tires. Phone Phone 190 392-J, Port Perry. Grower of cut mums year 'round.] FOR SALE--Boy's C.C.M, Bicycle, > SL 28", in good condition. Phone 195:x-5. WwooD Elm -- Beech -- Mixed Wood -- _ Elm--$18.00 per cord Beech--$24.00 per cord Mixed Wood--$17.00 per cord WHI WILE All prices plus delivery. FRANK HOSKIN Phone 2 Blackstock TO SILVERWOOD DEALERS and LOCKER PATRONS--Our office and plant will be closed Saturday after- noons at 12 noon for the fall and win- Effective Sept. 7th. : Sept. 12 argefer y Jack Parg Welding Electric and ng | Service Station PORT PERRY FARM.EQUIPMENT 5 Phone 513 TER SPECIALS/ Timken Bearing Wagon, New, 15" TUE ANIMAL THAT WIVES \ bic OIE OUT OF THEIR 2G 1 INK 8 ter months. FOR SALE--Now is the time to order your Agrico and A. A. Fertilizer for fall wheat and pasture. Cash prices, 3-12-12, $57.00 a ton and 2-12- 10, $50.90 a ton, delivered. Agent for Hire crn eeiieid $116.00 , LE.L. Chain Saws, Heyward Short, : . ] Phone Manilla 11r-14. Sept. 19 lu-ton steel box trailer, 16" tire = : $79.00! FOR SALE--Dual Thermo Oil Heat« er with blower, pipes and 2 barrels: Phone 124-W. FOR SALE-- Corn Bindef, power drive and on rubber. Phone 116-r-4, FOR SALE -- Combination Fertili- zer and grain drill, Cockshutt. Port 'S' model Cate Tractor, slightly used Farm Trailer, flat platform -- $49.00 Ploughshares for most makes of ploughs--cast or ductalloy. FRANK HOSKIN Blackstock - Phone 2 116-r-4. 3 FOR SALE -- Frigidaire Electrle Refrigerator; 2 burner rangette with oven; sewing machine; buffet; section cupboards; table; 2 dining room chairs 2 wash tubs; lawn chair. Plone 18-W, FOR SALE -- 3-piece Chesterfield suite, Reasonable. Phone 279. . 0.1.D. Driving School Whitby, Ontario Phone MO 8-3428 until 6 p.m. Oshawa, Ontario Phone RA 5-6681 24 hr. service Speci Cedar Fence Posts .... 26c. and up Clothes line posts. Sept. 6-67. 2 ed farm wagons on rubber ARR $29. and $39.00] 1960 Austin Sedan, as is, .......$69.00/| 1949 3 ton'International, Racks and steel box ......... enn $276.00 1941 Ford %-ton Steel Box with fenders .....ovniinn worries $69.00 FOR RENT -- 3 room apartment, | 3 ton steel box with racks--$59.00 self contained. Phone 209, Port Perry. FRANK HOSKIN Sept. 19 Phone 2 - Blackstock FOR SALE--Genesse Wheat from registered seed, Power cleaned and treated. Phone 119-r-14, Murrdy Holtby. Sept. 12 BULLDOZING - ROOT and ROCK RAKE TRIPP CON TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, Cl AM WORK SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE SUB AGENT-- EXCAVATING wéman fo represent ds fn Port Perry area to list and sell all types of pro perty in the immediate area. Full or i part time. Or essential. Experience - not necessary, we will train you. Ex- \ cellent commission arrangement, plenty of advertising, and full office assistance given. Ideal for retired FOR LAND CLEARING STRUCTION LIMITED person or housewife who has the time ; : and desire to supplement their income. . Phone 392W (Office) For full particulars write to Mr, Jef- Residence--Wm, Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892) frey, Jack Jeffrey Real Estate, Thorn hill, Ont, fo i Perry Farm Equipment, Phone 513 or. We require an energetic man or] = AUCTION SALES FARM SOLD+Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Ford. Tractor, the property of CHAS. HORNER, Lot 11, Con. 6, Georgina Twp:, %4 mile west of Virginia on Sutton Line, on Monday Sept. 9. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30 p.m, REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE" Action sale of Furniture, the. prop- erty of Bob Spacil, at his: residence Prince Albert on Saturday, Sept 7th including: Refrigerator, - Electric Range, Washing Machine as well us the usual. household furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. Ted. Jackson, Anclicussi WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1967--Auction sale of registered and high grade Holstein cattle, also Here- ford and. Angus beefers, near new and late models of farm machinery, in- cluding self-propelled combine, pick- up baler, tractor, Surge milker, cooler, baled hay, grain, hogs, lumber, house- hold furniture and effects, etc. At lot 8, rear of concession b, Whit- church Tp., in the 6th line. Property of Tom H, Carter. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. No reserve, as tenant's lease has expired. See sale bills. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. SATURDAY -- SEPT 14th -- Real Estate' and Furniture -in' the Village of Brooklin, belonging to the -estate: of the late Eliza Ellen'Rogers. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 See bills, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 12-- Joseph: Zubowski, Lot 10, Con. 3, Twp of Pontypool., 40. Beef Cattle, 2 Horses, Sow Pigs, Fowl, Hay and Grain, Implements and. Furniture. Sale at 1 p.m, . Terms Cash. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer SATURDAY, SEPT. 14--George K. Beare, Lot 12, Con. 10, Reach Twp, 6 miles east of Uxbridge, Hwy. 47, 1 mile south' of Greenbank--456 Holstein Cattle; pure bred, reg. and-acc., farm Stock, Imfplements, Pigs, Hay and Grain. Sale at 1. p.m. Terms Cash. No reserve. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. SEPTEMBER 24th -- Auction Sale of Registered and High Grade Hol- stein Cattle, listed, vaccinated and ac- credited; Hogs, Sheep, Pony and some implements, the property of . Alvin Bruce, Lot 23, Con. 11, Reach, b miles North of Port Perry on Tues., Sept. 24th. Sale at 1.30 p.m, Terms Cash. Sam Gough, Pedigree announcements. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. BLACKSTOCK Heartiest' congratulations. to the Port Perry Star on the fiftieth anni- versary, which you are celebrating this month, and best wishes to the family of the late Samuel Farmer and the staff who.are carrying on the paper Mr, Farmer started. Couples club met in 'the Sunday School room Wednesday night. Re- '| creation_as usual was held at the commencement. Then an interesting discussion on municipal affairs follow- ed by lunch and devotions. Rev. P. Romeril was back in his own pulpit Sunday morning and preached a fine sermon on "The Touch of His Hand". Allan and Clifford Dayes sang a duet. All the organizations 'are planning on commencing their fall meetings this week or next. l= Miss Gloria Van Ryswick gave a fine report for Sunday School of her week at Young Peoples' Hi-C Camp at Qui-MosLaec. Mrs. Chaperlin went to Toronto on Monday to have a cataract removed. We all hope she may have a very suc« cessful operation. Canon:.Chaperlin will be on holidays for the month of Sept. and Rev. Pelle. tier of Port Perry will be in charge of services in the Anglican Church. Mra. Charlotte Forder, Bowmanville spent Sunday with friends in the vil- lage. with the following teachers in charge --Mr .Gordon Paisley, Principal, of Dunville, teaching French and Latin; Richard Bowles, English, History, and Boys' P.T.; Miss Jessie McArthur-- English _and Science and Girls' P.T.; Anthony - 8gro, Toronto, Mathematics and Science; Mrs. George Wolfe, Home Economics; Neil Bailey, Shop Work; Public School--Grade 1, Mrs, Mitchell, Ballyduff; Grades 1 and 2, Mrs. John Venning (Principal); 2 and 8, Miss School opens to-morrow (Tuesday) Joan Venning; 8 and 4, Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy; 8 and 4, Miss June Arm- strong, Burnt River; Girls 6 and 6, Mrs. Bruce Heaslip; 6 and 7, Grant Campbell; 7 and 8, Neil Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey spent a few days with the Roy Trewins at the cottage, Coe Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer spent Saturday in Haliburton County. Allan Rutherford has returned to his home.. in. Oshawa : after. spending a month. with his: grandmother. Mrs. G. Fowler. Mrs, Fowler went home with him for a few days with her.daughters Mr. Swain .VanCamp,, of Listowel, spent the week-end: with Mr. Gordon Paisley, at Dunnville, at Mrs. W. W, VanCamp and other. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lamb and Sandra of Belleville, are visiting his. aunt Mrs, Thos Smith and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lamb. Judy and Peter Lindsay, spent Sun- day. there. Miss Joyce Graham returned home Sunday from a two-weeks trip to the East coast. Mrs. S. A. Devitt and Mrs. D. Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lade at ::Devle", Myrtle, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Le Noury of Hamilton, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril last week. Doris Griffin spent Sunday with friends in Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ténnant and fam- ily and Mrs. Jas, Ginn spent last week at Pleasant Point where 'Mr. and Mrs: Harvey Ginn are spending the' sum- mer. Pore CHA Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Hoskin, Ron and Larry, spent the week-end at St. Catharines and' 'Bronte. Miss Pat Hoskin is' visiting her | == cousin 'Miss Eleanor Head, Enniskillen' Sunday' visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy "McLaughlin and family were-- Manvers, W. of Hwy. 35, 1 mile ty Mr, and Mrs. Ross Ashton and'family, || Haydon; Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, of Burketon; Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Wright; of Oshawa. Mr. and 'Mrs. John 'Hamilton and Brian left Saturday fora holiday: with: their daughter and sister Mrs. Jerry Ware and Mr. Warne; Winnipeg. Gale 'Polgrain,: Toronto, spent last week, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Polgrain the week-end with Mr, and: Mrs, Wm. Taylor. > Mrs. Oakley Carley: and Ane spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Marlow before starting back at Whitby Ladies' 'College. "Miss. Pearl 'Wright, Toronto, who has just: returned from: a pleasant. two- months trip to England, Scotland and parts of Europe, spent the week-end with her parents and sisters and their | families. Donna McLaughlin spent a dow days with . Mr, and Mrs. Harold. Wright, in Oshawa... Sharon Larmer. returned home on Sunday. evening. from.a holiday with her cousins Karen and Brenda Yellow- lees at Solina. Mr and Mrs." Notman 'MeNally of 'Colborne, who are on their way home from a trip to Victoria, 'B.C., spent the week-end with friends'in the: village, Mrs. Wm, Botwright, Miss Mildred Botwright and Miss Margaret Todd, Toronto, called on Mrs. Geo. Craw- ford and Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearce on Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Craw- ford and Mary Lou of Port Perry on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Laundry and Fern, of Bancroft, visited Mr, and Mrs. Carl Wright, on Thursday. ° Mr. and Mrs. John Carnaghan and family spent a day in Minden last week: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong, Bob] | and Beth, are having a few daya holi- days and are away on a trip to points east. Mr, and Mrs: Ralph Larmer, John and David, visited Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden of Courtiice on Sunday. ' Want To Bea Stewardess? "Why walk when you can ride" is an outdated philosophy for an air- line stewardess at least. According to] a survey taken among more than 1200 American Airline Stewardessess, the typical airborne maiden is also a spectacular .walker. During a girl's sky career, which? | - only Jasts an average of 26: months before marriage pulls her back to earth,-she actually can log as much as 600,000 miles flying in American's Flagships, But while she's flying, the aver- age stewardess also walks a total of 300 miles up and down the aisles of her airliner. At an average plane speed of more than 800 miles an hour, she actually covers a distance of 90, 000 'miles on foot. Girls interested in flying -- walk- ing -- careers, now have a chance to apply at the same time they ave taking in the Canadian National Ex- hibition. According"to P. E, Priest- man, Canadian Sales Manager, Amer- ican will 'retain a stewardess recruit- ment booth at the General Exhibits Biiilding from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day to interview young women aged 20 to 23, between b foot 2 inches and 6 foot 7 inches, and between 1056 and 130 ponnds. - "Young ladies who apply now," said Priestman, "probably will accum- ulate enough seniority to inaugurate our 500 'miles-an-hour jet airliners which go into servvice early in 1959. It won't be long before New York to Los Angeles is just a nice, liesure- ly five hour walk." ~i er ae ae 0 a. EO Pi A FINANCIAL HEADACHES ARE wAD. SEVERE PAIN EXTENDS .DOWN¢ AS FAR-AS Bl Plywood Arhorite Floor Tile Ceiling Tile Doors, Trim ATHE PANTS POCKET TERMS ARRANGED ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS JOHN BALLARD LUMBER PORT PERRY: PHONE 280: SPECIAL SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOPS--50e., $1.00, $1.60 mayl t.f. Masonite, efc. ~NEW LOCATION THE OFFICES OF ' REESOR FUEL & LUMBER NOW LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF WATER and SCUGOG STREETS (at the Mill Yard) You ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL IN AND SEE OUR New Office and Litmber Warehouse. REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PHONE 73 ~ PORT PERRY NO. 28 MUTTAR Port Hope Hwy., Just West of Kawartha Golf Course / - 1951 Nok Star + $2195 MADE OF ONLY THE MIGHEST QUALITY MATERIALS BY CANADA'S LEADING PACT AGED HOME MANU. FACTURERS. The low cost North Mow features a large kitchen. two: bedrooms, bathroom: and living room. Ife completely. semibilt, saving you time and money, eliminating coslly waste of materiale--most of the work Is done for you af the factory. TOR.THE FIRST TIME IN CANADA YOU I!CAN BUY AN ATTRACTIVE DURABLE HOME AT PRICES AND TERMS ALMOST ANYONE CAN AFFORD, © BUY YOUR HOME AT THE LOW FULL PURCHASE PRICE of only $2,,95.00 © OR PAY A SMALL AMOUNT. DOWN AND LOW i; MONTHLY. PAYMENTS / © OR PAY NO MONEY DOWN' AND 'ONLY $28.00! PER MONTH MUTTART 'BRAND ROMES No, -28- Highway Plocne send me more information about Muttart Brand Homes with no obligation. Mame ddrees Orop in. at: Muttarts 'and find out more about i this sensational buy, The display house Is i open every evening from 7 to 9 except Satur. day and. Sunday. for. your convenience, HIGHWAY @ P.O. BOX 534 8 PH. Tf AUILDERS Hi 3.288)

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