A RR - a : ry od itl dor TY ats URL RAIA RA 4) LEAL EE RAN ee 4 "Reh Wh be ASL SEATTLE Rha 5 4 gai Y CLE TALS (13 LA SURREAL RN Al PVETRERST IR Bo BLE 4¢--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1967 LOCA Ee In Appreciation I would like to take this opportunity of expressing sincere appreciation to all the kind friends and neighbours who helped in so many ways during my illness. The personal, letters, cards, gifts, flowers, etc. and the acts of kindness toward my family were deeply appreciated. G. E. Nelson. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Ora Ann to Mr. Charles Vie- tor Lown, son of Mrs. Clara Lown and the late Victor Lown. The marriage will dake place in Port Perry United Church on Saturday, September 28th at 2.30 o'clock. Births MIDGLEY -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Midgley are happy to announce the arrival of their baby daughter, Janice Carol-Anne, 5 lbs. 10% ounces, at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, on Sat., September 7, 1957. PAYNE--Mary and Herb Payne are happy to announce the arrival of their third son, Randy Albert, on September 3rd, at Oshawa General Hospital, \ In Memoriam BENNETT -- In loving memory of our mother Pearl Bennett who passed "away September 8, 1954. Peaceful be thy rest dear mother, It is sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. Lovingly remembered by her sons Grant, and Edward and family. In Memoriam BENNETT--In loving memory of Pear] Bennett who passed away Sept. 8th, 1964. : The depth of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. ~ Lovingly remembered by Georgie and Guy. Death BEARE, Ryerson -- At the Port Perry Community Hospital on Wed. Sept. 11, 19567, Ryerson Beare, beloved . husband of Elsie Real and dear father of Ivan and Joyce(Mrs. Ewart Willis) Toronto, George of Greenbank and Laverne of Buffalo N.Y., in his 70th year. Resting at the Chapel of Me- Dermott-Panabaker, Port Perry until Friday noon. Funeral service from Greenbank United Church at 2.30 p.m. Interment Bethel Cemetery Green- bank. Casket will be open in the Church from 1.30 p.m. until time of service. Farm Radio Forum "The National Farm Policy" has been selected as the topic to open the 18th season of National Farm Radio Forum on November 4th" announced the Secretary, Floyd Griesbach. "With a new Federal Government the Forum opinions on this topic will take on a new significance. Farm organizations will also be concerned with the con-' clusions reached." Should farm machinery be more versatile? is the type of question to be asked when the topic, "A New Look in Farm Machinery', comes up for discussion later by "some 15,000 rural people meeting in neighbour- hood gréups across the country each Monday evening. A special feature, 'Modern Marketing', during January will be a series of three discussions dealing with present-day production, pricing and selling problems. These will be dealt with under the headings of 'Production Restrictions', 'Price and Income Supports', and 'Producer Mar- keting'. Two dates have been left open for a discussion of current issues in the farm field. Other topics dur- ing the winter are 'Farm Credit', Im- port Controls ---- are they necessary?' 'Let's Make it Legal', 'The Low In- come Farmer', and 'Canada's Role in World Affairs', Broadcasts will be carried over the Trans-Canada network of the CBC from 8:80-9:00 p.m. in all provinces (except Newfoundland) every Monday | NEWS CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Anglican Church of Canada Rev. E. W, Fuller, B.A., L.Th., Rector Sunday, September 15th-- 11 a;m.--Morning Prayer Mr. F. H. Wilkinson ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH » Minister; Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B. A., D. D. Sunday, September 15th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School ) 11 a.m.--Morning Worship { The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D, Minister Sunday, September 15th-- 10.00 a.m.--Scugog "Head" S.S. 10.30 a.m.--Manchester - Prospect at Prospect Church 11.16 a.m.--Scugog "Grace" \( Our Ladies will be in charge of the Services. Come and worship with us. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 15th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship vl PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. Harold J. Williamson, Pastor Sunday, September 15th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m--Morning Worship 7 p.m.-- Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Fri., 8 p.m.--Young Peoples Mrs. (Mum) White of Bowmanville, speaker. Come and Worship with us. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE AIR ~ Radio Station - CKLB, Oshawa 1360 on your Dial Every Sunday Morning at 10.05 "\¥e need our Church-- our Church needs us." Dec. 26-R7 Ont. County Juniors Jo Well at CNE A number of Junior Farmers from Ontario County attended the Junior Day at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, and took part in the various sections of the judging competition. This is a splendid day for Juniors. They are entertained after the compe- tition at a complimentary dinner and! are also given free scats on the grand- stand for the Night Performance. The winners from Ontario County and their placings in the various sec- tions are as follows: Beef Cattle, 4-H Club Section z2nd--Keith Shier, Cannington, R.1. Dairy Cattle, Senior Section 11th--Robt. Holliday, Columbus, R.1 Dairy Cattle, 4-H Club Section 7th--Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, R. 2 13th--Lorne Disney, Brooklin, R. 1 Tractor Safe Driving 2nd--Murray Jones, Ashburn, R. 1 11th--Murray Carson, Claremont Grain & Roots, Senior Section 6th--Aubrey Carson, Claremont 9th--Bruce Yake, Uxbridge, R. 1 16th--Murray Hockley, Claremont R.1 Grain & Roots, 4-H Club Section 4th--Lloyd Wilson, Uxbridge, R. 2 ARI. Special Buys i Paceships Peterhoro Boats Johnson Motors Fishing Tackle C.LL. Paint J. ORDE, Marine 'Port Perry I --_"---- BALLET -- TAP -- BATON 'Register for the Fall term at the Port Perry High School, Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 12.00 noon, Phone Oshawa, RA 65-6122 oct3 COMING EVENTS The Evening Guild, Church of the Ascension invite you to it's Annual Fall Rummage Sale on Saturday, Ogtober bth, at 2.830 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Good used clothing, Home Bak- ing and "Afternoon Tea. Everyone Welcome. Sept. 12 - 26, Oct. 8 Bazaar The United Church W. A, will hold their annual Bazaar in the Church basement on Saturday, November 2, beginning at 8 p.m, Anniversary Service Prince Albert United Church will be held on Sunday, Oct. 6 at 2.30 p.m. Rev. Linstead ,formerly of Moorefield who is taking Rev. Wylie's pastorate will be the speaker. Oct. 8 H.M.S. Pinafore Rehearsal for the ladies of the chorus of H.M.S. Pinafore will be on Thurs- day, Sept. b at 7.30. There will be no rehearsal for male members of the cast until Sept. 12. Letters Wanted Mrs. James Swan who lived in Port Perry and vicinity for so many years is confined to bed with a broken right arm. She would love to hear from her old friends and neighbours. At pre- sent her address is 761 Indian Road, Port Credit, Ont. ' Hospital 'Penny Draw Tickets are still available at Greer's Office or from any member of the Auxiliary. Representatives are re- quested to hand in tickets by Thurs- day, September 12th. The draw will be made on Saturday, Sept. 14th. Time and place to be announced later. Your Pennies help our Hospital. NN - n Svecial Notice The Hospital Penny Draw will be made on Saturday, September 14th at 3 o'clock at the Theatre corner. n a Police Notice The Chief of Police, Archie Menzies, requests that merchants and other business men to exercise every pre- caution when cashing cheques, as more forged cheques have turned up in lo- cal stores. Cub and Scout The meeting of the Scout Mother Auxiliary will be held at the home of Murs. Leslie Beacock, Monday evening, Sept. 16. . Please assemble at Post Of- fice about 8 o'clock regarding trans- portation, Men's Bowling Meeting A meeting of the Men's Bowling League will be held at the Port Perry Star office on Thursday, Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. All captains of teams are re- quested to be present. 'at Prospect Church. Mothers' Auxiliary District Churches Scugog, Manchester and Prospect United Churches Manchester Anniversary Services have come and gone, and the results were very gratifying. The Church was filled at the Morning Service, and there was a very good congregation at the Evening. Our Joint Choir of Manchester and Prospect sang in the Morning "He lives!" and there were Vocal Solos by Mr. Percy Chase and his daughter Sylvia. Mrs. Johngon our Pianist did remarkably well. We were grateful to Mr. Stouffer for helping us, At the Evening Service, the Scugog Choir sang "O be joyful in the Lord" and "Dear Spirit lead me," The Church was beautifully de- corated. The Minister preached in the Morning on "The dethronement of God", and in the Evening on "Friend- ship requires faith." The offering at the Morning Service was most gener- ous, and we have every hope of reach- ing our objective. We say "Thank you" to all who helped to make the Services such a success. We are look- ing forward to Wednesday evening with great expectancy, to our Turkey Supper, We know that all Manchester friends will be there, and that they will enjoy the Supper and the fellow- ship. "It takes an event of this kind | to get everyone working. On Sunday the Ladies will be in charge of the Service. At Scugog "Grace" the Guest Speaker will be Mrs. Philip Romeril of Blackstock, and the time will be 11.16 a.m. Man. chester will worship with Prospect in the Prospect Church at 10.30 a.m. and the Speaker will be Miss Ruby Wilson of Epsom, who has been a Missionary in Nigeria, Africa, and is home on furlough. Miss Wilson will show glides of her work in Nigeria, The Minister will preach at St. Lawrence Church, on the Gananoque-Pittsburg Pastoral Charge, at the re-opening and rededication of their little stone Church. And then on Sunday, Sept. 22, there will be Anniversary Services Rev. A. M. But- ler, B.A., Minister of Ajax United Church will preach at 11.00 a.m. and Rev. J. K. Braham at 8.00 p.m. We are hoping to have the Junior Farmers Quartette sing at the Morning Service and the Joint Choir of Manchester and Prospect at the Evening Service. We give a cordigl invitation to all the friends of Prospect to be with us. The, Counsellors of our P.M.S.HiC Club are planning a get-together and weiner roast on Thursday evening, Sept. 19th, at Scugog Church "Grace" at 8.30 p.m. Further particulars will be given later. We hope that all our Young People will reserve this date and be with us. We are glad that there are still a number of our Summer Guests with us on the Island. There was a goodly number at Church on Sunday, and we just hope that they will remain with us as long as possible. To those who 'have been busy on Sundays during the Summer; it will take a little will pow- er to commence attending Church a- gain. We hope that many of you will make the start this coming Sunday. To the shut-in and sick, we send you our love, and our prayers ascend for you. Remember that our Lord has promised us--" My Grace is sufficient for your weakness." Donald Richberg offers this timely' advice: What is most needed and first needed is an education of the so-called intellectual stratum of American life to a clear-eyed comprehension of the unchecked growth and continuous spread of labor union monopolies. REEVES RED BARN OSHAWA night from November through CE GRAND OL' OPREY NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, presents in person LOUVIN BROTHERS (I don't believe you met y) JIM REEVES (Four Walls) ® Paul Yandell ® Tennessee Tune Toppers ® Golden Valley Boys TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 TWO SHOWS 7.30 and 9.45 p.m. Many neighbours and friends enjoy- ed a corn roast around the open fire held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jor- dan and family on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rose of Agincourt and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McDonald of Tor- onto were the out-of-town guests. " Mr, and Mrs. Roland Armstrong spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gour. lie and Jim of Uxbridge. . : Visitors on Sunday with the Leach's were Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Leach and family of Manchester, : Mr. and Mrs. H. Sanderson of Rich- mond Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton of Toronto were Sunday guests with Mr: and Mrs. Boynton. Mrs. Boynton returned to Toronto with her son for a short holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Lakey and family of Brooklin and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mowbray of Brooklin were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. Congratulations to Messrs. Doug- las MacCannell and Ross Bailey on winning leather club bags as consola- tion prizes for taking part in the "Calf Scramble" at the Exhibition on Wednesday. Mrs. Stewart visited with her dau- ghter, Mrs. H. Clarke, Prince Albert during the week-end and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Graham, Oshawa were guests at Stewart's on Sunday. On Friday night a charivarie gang serenaded the recent bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Taylor at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor. After being so rudely awakened the occupants of the house good naturedly invited the gang in for lunch. Mr. Malcolm Bailey and Ross re- turned home on Sunday from New Jersey. rie : There was a good attendance at Church on Sunday evening, including several visitors, some of whom were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson and family of Sutton and Miss Ruby Wilson. Mrs. Case Floris, Angelina and Joanne spent the week-end at Mrs. Floris' parents Mr. and Mrs. Martens, Uxbridge. CAUSEWAY BOWLING LANES / " Port Perry ~ Open Bowling Friday and Sat. EE ---------- | Port Perry Chamber of Commerce MEETING NOTICE A General meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 17th in the PUBLIC LIBRARY, at 7:30. p.m. "STOREY E. BEARE, President. RT -------- Announcing a Calering Service v To the Businesses of Port Perry JACKSON'S PASTERIES will be supplying Hot Coffee, Do-nuts, Meat Pies, etc., starting MONDAY, A.M. Sept. 16. If you wish us to call--Phone 611. write today giving phone number an Opportunity -- This Area Canadian Company operating on a national scale has immediate openings for ambitious men and women to manage local business deal- ing with some of Canada's largest chain stores; can be handled in spare hours at start if desired; honesty and dependability more im- portant than past experience. Our liberal financial assistance enables rapid expansion. This is a business on a high plane for high type men or women of character only. " Applicants Must Have Approx. $1,700.00 (Which is secured), and good references. These openings will pay you exceptionally high monthly income immediately, and rapidly in- crease. as business expands. "Prefer applicants aspiring earnings from $10,00.00 to $20,00.00 yearly. No high pressure men wanted as NO SELLING required. If you'can Qualify and have necessary cash, particulars for local interview. Manager, P.O. Box 125, Station B, Montreal, Quebec. spt.26 BOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Prince Albert, Ontario ASSORTMENT OF OGILVIE CAKE MIXES : 5 CENTS OFF REGULAR PRICES SNOW FLAKE SHORTENING .........c.cconiuvunnen.nnn. 26 cents ROYAL YORK COFFEE, freshly groundi............... 85¢. 1b. CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP .............ccceernnenenn2 tins 25¢. 2 LB. JARS, NEW WHITE HONEY ..........curnu...... 59. OPEN EVENINGS--CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOON. For Free Delivery Phone 485 w -- s Help Yourself to Portable Portable Typewriter. is full-size. STUDENTS Success witha SMITH-CORONA Neater notes . . easier studying . |. better marks! Make this your formula for success with the help of a new Smith-Corona . Your notes and assignments will be clear, far easier to read. And higher grades just naturally follow! Try a Smith-Corona Portable in our office now and see how its light, peppy touch makes typing fast and accurate, Its Super-speed keys won't Jam at any speed. And its key-board Many exclusive features, too, like the time-saving Page Gage for fool-proof, even margins, AVAILABLE ON EASY CREDIT TERMS PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD (Surveys show that students using typewriter obtain 38% better marks) The SMITH-CORONA Portable is an ideal machine for all the fam- ily. It can handle the demands of business correspondence, reports with plenty of carbon co ies, in- voicing, ete, and then go ome to take care of your personal corres- pondence or help Junior get his school notes in an attractive and | readable condition. It can go with you on trips or to the cottage to be always ready for your needs. It makes an ideal gift for the student entering Uni- versity or business school this fall, HEALED FON SPRERD 2! EE SR 4 pA it A AA i AEB IAs hh Saas