§ 5 RR 8 { SS MISE S10 4 i go YEE BN LE BA % XSAN IA ALINE 8---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1957 Port Perry Fair T. Eaton Co. Special in Hogs . Howard Malcolm, Janetville. . Floyd Stinson, Janetville. . Art Rowan, Janetville, . H. Kerry, R.R. 1, Port Perry. . M. Stone, R.R. 2, Seagrave. 6. N. Ashton & Son, Ashburn. Champion Carcass -- Howard Mal- colm--receives a Red End Hog trough courtesy of Westeel Products Ltd. Reserve Champion--Floyd Stinson, Field Crop Competition, Final Score wpe or "County of Ontario SALE. OF LAND FOR TAXES To Wit: BY VITURE OF A WARRANT issued by the Warden of the County of Ontario and bearing the date 7th day of August, 19567, the sale of lands in arrears for taxes in the County of Ontario will be held at the Court House, Whitby, at the hour of ten o'clock in the morning on the 10th day of December, 1967, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale is being published in the Ontario Gazette in the issue of September 7th, 19567. Copies of said list may be had at my office. WM. G. MANNING, Treasurer, County of Ontario Treasurer's Office, Whitby, August 20th, 1957. dech 1, Howsam Bros. and Clare Vernon tied; 3. Ted Lamb; 4. Earl Martyn; b. Lloyd Smith; 6. Murray Holtby; 7. Edward Oyler; 8. Christie Bros. and Les. Smith, tied; 10. Lawson Honey. Class 1--Clydesdales 1. Yeld Mare or Gelding -- Keith Hobden; Keith Hobden. Class 2--Belgians or Percherons Heavy Draft 1. Yeld Mare or Gelding--Sinclair Nesbitt, Wilmot Shea, Fred Wheeler, ' Cochrane, Russell Cochrane. Keith Hobden. 2, Three Year Old Filly or Gelding --Sinclair Nesbitt, Sinclair" Nesbitt, Leonard Stephenson, ' | 3. Brood Mare (must Tove foal by side)--Wilmot Shea, Wilmot Shea, F. Wheeler, F. Wheeler. 4. Foal of 19567--Wilmot Shea, Wil mot Shea, Ken Hubbert, F. Wheeler. | Ralph Sadler, Allan B. Mann, Allan b. One Year Old Filly or Gelding-- Wilmot Shea, L. Shephenson, K. Hub- bert, L. Stephenson. 6. Two year old Filly or Gelding-- L.. Stephenson, L. Stephenson. 7. Percheron Team in Harness Hit. ched to suitable vehicle--Wilmot Shea. 8. Light Draft Team in Harness, rane. suitably hitched--Wilmot Shea, Keith | Hobden, Fred Wheeler, 0. Belgian Team in Harness, hitch- ed to' suitable vehicle--Sinclair Nes- bitt, L. Stephenson. 10. Light Draft Team in Harness, suitably hitched--L. Stephenson. 11. Four Horse Team, not necessar- ily owned but driven by one man-- Remember The STARR -DYMOND Testimonial Dinner | Friday, Septemebr 27, 7:00 p.m. AT THE OSHAWA AIR PORT In honour of Ontario Riding's two new Cabinet Ministers: HON. MICHAEL STARR, Federal Minister of Labour, HON. DR. MA'T'I. DYMOND, Ontario Minister of Reform Institutions. Tickets are available from the following: AJAX Bill Thompson, Ajax 186 UXBRIDGE TWP. Geo. Todd, Stouffville 65563W4 UXBRIDGE Sid Eggington, Uxbridge 342 SCOTT TWP. 'Wm. Stevenson, Uxbridge 280r12 NORTH REACH 8. MacFarlane, Port Perry 92r14 SO.'REACH, Malcolm Bailey Port Perry 113 r 3 SCUGOG TWP., John Sweetman Port Perry 112 r 12 PICKERING SOUTH Bill Newman, Pickering 77 W 2 PICKERING NORTH - Hugh Miller, Claremont 3-2802 PORT PERRY Bob Kenny, Port Perry 256R EAST WHITBY John Howden, Brooklin 624 r 21 WHITBY TWP. Geo. Andrew, Claremont 31410 WHITBY TOWN n Harry Jermyn, MO.8-3322 OSHAWA Ernie Marks, RA. 8-4211 Wilmot Shea, 8. Nesbitt, Russell Co- | chrane, L. Shephenson. Class 4--Wagon Horses 1. Team in Harness, hitched to suitable vehicle---Alvin Mark, Russell Cochrane, 2, Single Horse, hitched -- Russell Cochrane, Alvin Mark, Alvin Mark, R. Cochrane, 8. Team hitched to suitable vehicle --Russell Cochrane, Russell Cochrane. 4. Single Horse, hitched -- Russell BEST HORSE ON GROUNDS-- Sinclair Nesbitt. BEST TEAM ON GROUNDS-- Wilmot Shea. i Class 5--Carriage Horses Two Year Old Filly or Gelding-- Ralph Sadler, Alan B. Mann. Team, Mares or. Geldings hitched-- B. Mann. ' Single Mare or Gelding, over 16% hands, hitched--Ralph Sadler, Allan B. Mann, Allan B. Mann, SPECIAL--Best Type Horse, Road- ster or Carriage--Ralph Sadler, Ivan Cochrane, Ralph Sadler, Ivan Coch- Class 6--Roadsters Team, Mares or geldings, hitched-- Ivan Cochrane, Lorne Hoskin, Allan B. Mann. Half Mile Race, team must be same team as in Section 5--Allan B. Mann, Single Mare or Gelding, over 16% hands,- hitched--Ivan Cochrane, Ivan Cochrane, Lorne "Hoskin, Allan B. Mann, , : Single Mare or Geding, 16% hands, and under, hitched--Lorne Hoskin, I. Cochrane, I. Cochrane, A. B. Mann. 'Half Mile Race, single--Allan B. Mann, Ivan Cochrane, I. Cochrane, A. B. Mann, Gentleman's Turnout (usual equip- ment)--Ivan Cochrane, Lorne Hoskin. Lady Driver--Ralph Sadler, Lorne Hoskin. Saddle Horse--Ray Cochrane, Sin- clair Nesbitt, Joseph Wilson, Eddie Johnson, Class 7--Ponies Brood Mare, over 12 hands, foal at side--Ray Cochrane, Ray Cochrane, Albert Cawker, Glen Hill. Foal from mare over 12 hands-- Glen Hill, Albert Cawker, Ray Coch- rane, Ray Cochrane. Brood Mare, under 12 hands, foal at side--Mrs. John Graham, Garry Hayes, Glen Hill, Garry Hayes. Foal from Mare under 12 hands-- Garry Hayes, Garry Hayes, Mrs. Gra- ham, Glen Hill, Pony in harness, over 12 hands-- Lorne Hoskin, Ralph Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Jewell, Ray Cochrane. Pony in harness, under 12 hands-- Mr. and Mrs, Jewell, Clare Vernon, Ray Cochrane, Glen Hill. Husbands! Wives! Get Pep, Vim; Feel Younger Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out exhausted because Pody lacks iron. For new ounger feeling after 40, try Ostrex Tonic ablets. Contain iron for new pep, vim; plus supplement dose Vitamin By. In a single Ys Ostrex supplies as much iron as 16 doz, raw oysters, 4 lbs. of liver, 16 Ibs. of beef, ""Get- acquainted" size costs little--only 80¢, Or get Economy size and save 75¢. All druggists. far less waste than. with less need to tend your furnace, when you PHONE 73 BONY BE COLOR-BLIND ViWEN YOU BUY CORAL! JT COSTS YOU MONEY I Get 'blue coal' With 'blue coal' you're sure of top-quality hard coal. Tinted blue as a trade-mark, 'blue coal' burns clean and hot. And there's ordinary coal-- ...and be surel - heat the 'blue coal' way. | © So don't be color-bind when you buy coal! Get 'blue coal' today! You can sed the difference when you buy it--you cas Jeel the difference when you burn it, Reesor Fuel & Lumber PORT PERRY Pony Team, open -- Ralph Sadler, Mr. and Mrs. Jewell, Allan B. Mann, Ray Cochrane. Hackney Pony, hitched single, open --Ralph Sadler, Ralph Sadler, Allan B. Mann, Ray Cochrane. JOHNSTON'S SPECIAL--Boy's or Girl's Turnout, exhibition and show- manship--Mr, and Mrs. Angus Jewell. Class 10--Aberdeen Angus Bull, two years and over--M. Bailey, R. Marquis, R. Marquis. Bull, one year and over--M. Bailey, R. Marquis, M. Bailey. Bull Calf under one year--M. Bail- ey, M. Bailey, R, Marquis, R. Marquis. Cow, 38 years and over--M. Bailey, Bailey, R. Marquis, Marquis. Heifer, two years and under threé-- M.. Bailey, R. Marquis, Marquis. Heifer, one year and under two-- M. Bailey, Bailey, R. Marquis, Marquis Heifer Calf, under one year -- M. Bailey, R. Marquis, R. Marquis, M. Bailey. : Herd of 6 animals--M. Bailey, R. Marquis, Marquis. } Three Animals, get-of-sire -- M. Bailey, R. Marquis, Bailey, Marquis. Two Animals, progeny of one cow--- M. Baiey, R. Marquis, Bailey, Marquis. Baby Beef--M. Bailey, M. Bailey, R. Marquis, R. Marquis. tr Class 20--Grain, Seeds, Etc. Fall Wheat--Murray Holtby, How- sam Bros., E. L. Brethour. No Barb Barley--E. L, Brethour. Rye--E, L. Brethour. Oats, Late Variety--Clare Vernon, Howsam Bros., David Mosienko. Timothy Seed--E. L. Brethour, N. Wilson, Red Clover Seed--E. L. Brethour. Stalks of Fodder Corn, 10 stalks-- H. Kiezebring, J. Phillips, M. Holtby. Sheaf of Late Wheat--N. Wilson, E. L. Brethour. . Sheaf of Late Oats--N. Wilson, H. Skerratt. Sheaf of Early Oats--E. Brethour. Class 21--Vegetables and Roots Coll. of Vegetables--Mrs, T. Fines, Mrs, M. Annis, Mrs. S. Moore. Coll, Pickling Veg.-- T. J. Sager, Mrs, Skerratt, Mrs. A, Whitmee. Table Beets--Mrs. Allan Card, M. Butson, A. Walsh. Fall cabbgge--E. L. Brethour, Mrs. L. Thompide. Mrs. N. Wilson. Winter Cabbage--E, L. Brethour, Mrs. L. Thompson, T. J. Sager. Red Cabbage--Mrs, H. Skerratt, E. L. Brethour, Mrs. L. Thompson, Cauliflower--Mrs. H. Skerratt, E. L. Brethour, Mrs. M. E. Abrams. . Table Carrots --T. J, Sager, Mrs. Allan Card, Mrs L. Thompson. Celery--Ben Smith, M. Butson. Citrons--E, L, Brethour, T, J. Sager, Mrs. Ted Fines. Muskmelons--Mrs. M., E. Abrams, T. J. Sager, E. L. Brethour. Cucumbers--E. L. Brethour, Mrs. Don Leslie, A Walsh. = of. Vegetable Marrow--E. L. Brethour, T. J, Sager, Mrs. G. T. Taylor. Onions, Spanish--E, L. Brethour, Mrs. A. Whitmee, Mrs. M. Annis. Onions, A.0.V.--A, Walsh, Mrs. T.' Fines, E. L. Brethour Early Potatoes--Mrs. A. Whitmee, Mrs. J. Phillips, Mrs, Ted Fines. Late Potatoes -- Mrs. Ted Fines, Mrs. J. Phillips, Mrs. A, Whitmee. Largest Pumpkin or Squash -- A. Walsh, E, L. Brethour, Mrs. N. Wil- son. Pie Pumpkins--Mrs. M. Annis, M. Butson, T. J. Sager. - Hubbard Squash--M. Butson, T. J. Sager, Mrs. H. Skerratt Tomatoes--Mrs. M, Annis, Mrs. Ben Smith, Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Coll. of Tomatoes--E. L. Brethour. Swede Turnips--E. L. Brethour, Table Turnips--E. L. Brethour, K. Ashton, T. J. Sager. Red Mangels--E, L. Brethour. A.0.V. Mangels--Mrs. T. Fines, E. L. Brethour, Mrs. H McLaughlin _ Parsnips--Mrs. T. Fines,. Mrs. A. Whitmee, Mrs. M. Annis, .. Yellow Sweet Corn--Mrs. J. Phillips Mrs. A. Whitmee, T. J. Sager. Hay First cutting 1967--H. Skerratt, M. Holtby, L, Thompson, T. Lamb, Les. Smith. Second cutting 19567 -- M. Jackson, | E John Leask, Ruby Leask, Lloyd Smith Mabel Niddery. Field cut Hay--H. Skerratt, N. Wil- son, L. Thompson, D. Irwin, E, Oyler. 'S Hay Ensilage--Les. Smith, A. Mec- |= Millan, D. Irwin, : Class 22--Fruits Coll of Apples--D. Mosienko, Lloyd | Smith, Les. Smith, Baldwin--Lloyd Smith, D. Mosienko Northern Spy--D. Mosienko, Lloyd Smith, Greening--D. Mosienko, Lloyd Smith Coronation T. 5th ANNUAL MEET Saturday, September 21, 1957 FREE to Members. Membership. Adults $1.00 ov Events--under 13 in AM. 138 and over in p.m. PRIZES ON TICKET SALE. Any seller of 5 BOOKS .......cccccouveninnnnrnrnnnnnererarerernnennnr. $2.00 cash Of 10 BOOKS ..evevcrreserre of 20 Books .........cieuvenne and F. Club ol) PB. 10c. H.S. 50c. consrnnennnnn $8.00 Track Suit creesneseneneeenopecial Golden Russet--D., Mosienko. Snow--D, Mosienko. McIntosh--Lloyd Smith, Les Smith, D. Mosienko. Talman Bweet--Lloyd Smith, Les. Smith, Melba -- D. Mosienko, Mrs. Don Leslie, St. Lawrence -- Lloyd Smith, Les. Smith, : Wealthy--D. Mosienko Delicious--Lloyd Smith, D, Mosien- ko. Stark--Les Smith, Lloyd Smith. Blenheim Pippen--Lloyd Smith. Class 24--Flowers Eb Basket Gladiolus, 10 spikes, any fo- i liage allowed; 2 colour--Mrs. A. Whit- mee, T. J. Sager, Mrs. M. E. Abrams. | Basket Gladiolus, 16 spike, mixed colours, any foliage--Mrs. A. Whit- mee, Mrs. Abrams, T. J. Sager. Modernistic flower arrangement-- , Mrs, L. Guy, Mrs, S. Moore, Mrs. A. Walsh. Coll. Dahlias, Pom Pom--Mrs. L. Guy, Mr. Abrams, Mrs. R. Prentice. Christmas Table Centre--Mrs. Sker- ratt, Mrs. A, Walsh, Mrs, S. Moore. Boquet of mixed Asters--Mrs. Guy, Mrs., Whitmee, Mrs. G. T. Taylor. Boquet of Snapdragons, Stocks and Carnations--Mrs. Leslie, Mrs. Whit- mee, Mrs. Guy. =~ Pansy Arrangement suitable for ' Child's sick-room--Mrs, Skerratt, Mrs, Coates, Mrs, S. Moore. ; i Gladiolus, 8 spikes, white -- Mrs. Whitmee, T. J. Sager, Mrs, Abrams. | Gladiolus, 8 spikes, yellow--T. J. | v son. Gladiolus, pink--T, J. Sager, Mrs. Whitmee, Mrs. Fines. Gladiolus, red--T. J. Sager, Mrs. Whitmee. Gladiolus, best spike, individual T. J. Sager, Mra. Whitmee, Mrs. Dow- son. French Marigolds -- Mrs. Coates, Mrs. M, Holtby, Mrs, Whitmee, African Marigolds--Mrs. Guy, Mrs. M. Holtby, Mrs. Don Leslie. Double Petunias--Mrs. Coates, Mrs. Abrams, Mrs, Moore. 3; Vase of single red petunias--Mrs. Abrams, Mrs. Guy, Mrs. Skerratt, Zinnias, giant--Mrs. Whitmee, Mrs. Abrams, Mrs. Coates, Zinnias, Pom Pom -- Mrs. Coates, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Guy. Boquet of Calendulus--Mrs. Walsh, Mrs. Whitmee, Mrs. Moore. Vase of Garden Roses--Mrs. Guy, Mrs. Fines, Mrs. Abrams. African Violet--Mrs. Skerratt, Mrs. Coates, Mrs. Abrams, Gloxinia -- Donna Samells, E. 'L. Brethour, Mrs. Card. Display of Plants & Flowers--Mrs. Abrams, Mrs. Prentice, Mrs. Coates. Herbert Hoover says: The supreme purpose of history. is a better world. ' History gives a warning to those who would promote war. History brings inspiration to those who seek peace. Sager, Mrs. Whitmee, Mrs. Bert Dow-! In short history helps us learn. Yes- terday's records can keep us from re- peating yesterday's mistakes. "Chocolate Date PHONE 32W : 3 I 12 0c 1 to BE Try Some of Our Delicious Baking made fresh each day, DOUGHNUTS, PIES, CAKES, TARTS Saturday Specials yer Cake" 'GERROW'S 'BAKERY "Pumpkin Tarts" G. M. GERROW 10 1 Dc OO. v1 tL 1 EE EOR00080R00080R00080000R0R000080R0008000 $25 #70 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 4% 0% 0% 4 WATER a) Complete Line of Phone 513 Dealer for ' : International Harvester Company FARM EQUIPMENT Arc and Acetylene Welding Representative: B. L. WANAMAKER ; , After hours Phone 116 r 4 BTS NEE, 0 8,80 700% 40 870,07 40 0 STREET SEE Farm Machinery ° The scout is saving odd-job earnings : to buy a movie camera oth have a bank account-and a purpose for saving THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Each has a differerit objective, but both ase working on the same idea: that to get ahead it is important to save ahead, too. The scoutmaster ks saving to cover future expenses of his growing family ent BL Your reasons for wanting to build up yous bank account can be as varied as human hopes and needs. . , a vacation, your childs education, a new rug, camera equipment; or simply the deep satisfaction and sense of security : that a cushion of ready cash creates. ; A chartered bank is a convenient place to 3. oo keep your savings safe, and to keep them 5 : growing. Whether your account is large or small, the trained and friendly staff is these $9 take care of all your banking needs, ad H, Save at a bank -- millions dol vd z X i i!