Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Oct 1957, p. 14

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"Compliments to the Farmer family ~ on_serving this community for 50 - "years. May we continue fo further the progress of this community together." TR eo TT i a er Ao Tr cs » (ome. te re ' Te : ' PORT PERRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE STOREY E. BEARE, : President. -- iu oe wi IR in LW a oT FRANK GODLEY, Secretary. Page 6--PORT PERRY STAR HISTORICAL and MEMORIAL EDITION NEWS ITEMS of PAST 50 YEARS WHEN YOU THINK YOU HAVE TROUBLES AND WORRY OVER THE PROBLEMS OF TO- MORROW, REMEMBER A DIAMOND IS JUST A LUMP OF CARBON THAT HAS BEEN PRESSED FOR THOUSANDS OF CENTURIES. - COMPLIMENTS OF I. R. BENTLEY, JEWELLER and Optometrist ee .._..e = he Pate HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS TO THE PORT PERRY STAR terete _ "FOR FIFTY YEARS OF SERVICE TO et es Res aes er Macs act ecto acs od ns Fess Ss fact CUE AS At Bras A A AEE A SEA a 2 THE COMMUNITY AEP OP 0 0 OS 0S O08 eee ote EARL WALLACE "Roofs our specialty" PORT PERRY, ONTARIO te es a te ee fe BPO EPO OO SS PP SOS OOPS IP SS 8 AAA AA A A A tA A A RA I SA A LAA LS A AT AS PERAARRABAARARSAAAARSSAARRNAAARSARAAAIRSLISASARARNASASARA an x hae Can aa a SS ahi FE -- 7h WE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPOR- MACY : po TUNITY TO CONGRATULATE THE PORT Un PERRY STAR ON 50 YEARS OF FAITH- FUL SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF PORT PERRY AND DISTRICT. "HOPE'S SMOKE SHOP PORT PERRY IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE WE OFFER OUR SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES TO THE "FARMER" FAMILY and the PORT PERRY STAR UPON REACHING THEIR 50TH ANNIVERSARY IN THE PRINTING AND PUBLISHING BUSINESS. - Er -------------------- 'SILVERWOOD DAIRIES LIMITED PORT PERRY He The Year 1925 Reeve--Philip Figary. Council -- H. G. Hutcheson, Neil Sweetman, R. D, Woon. JAN.--Reach Township has voted to retain statute labour. On the' basis of the government grant they refuse a gift of $2250. rather than' give up the opportunity to labour on the road. This does not mean that they will not pay any direct tax, but it will be smaller for those who labour, -- Osh- awa separates from the County of Ontario. -- St. John's Church vote 88 for and 98 against church union. -- Total eclipse of the sun viewed by Port Perry citizens. -- not again in this area until year 2144. -- R. M. Holtby- appointed fieldman for the Canadian Holstein breeder Ass'n, FEB.--Rev. A. E. Thornley resigns from pulpit of St. John's Church to join the United Church. It was de- cided that for the present all who be- lieved in Church union would worship in the Methodist Church. -- James McKee and Son to add grocery de- partment to their Shoe store. Become Superior Store. : MARCH--Earth tremors felt in Port, Floors heave, dishes fall. No real damage. -- John Rolph sells out Har- ness Business. -- Well known and loved, Dr. S.J. Mellow passes. -- W. T. Rodman opens tailor shop in the McCaw Block. -- Mrs. G. W. Schell, is selling out. -- N. Ewers has re- sumed his truck service. APRIL~--Port Perry Cafe opens, Fong Soy, prop. --Reeve Philip Figary dies. Active in many community affairs. MAY -- John Rolph dies nearly 100 years old. Wag Irish immigrant leav- ing Ireland in the days of the Potato Famine. When he first came to Port Perry there were few houses and no streets except-Queen St. -- Mr. Ross Roach has 2000 baby chicks: -- Mx, Neil Sweetman, acting Reeve. Mr. H. G. Hutcheson, new councillor, JUNE--W. Ward, Decorator. -- Mr, JULY--Neil Sweetman, reeve by ac- : clamation, 10 people attend nomina- $| tion meeting. R. D. Woon, gcouncil- 3 | lor by acclamation. -- Mr. I. R. Bent- s| ley has bought the McKee Jewellery and Stationery Store and will move into these larger Premises. -- Mr. F. $| A. Kent is appointed to the Director- ¢ | ate of the C.N.E. -- N. F. Patterson, *| K.C. dies in Port Dover. $ | tised law in Port Perry for many yrs. 3| and was among-the first to receive $| the title of Q.C. when it was estab- 2! lished by Queen Victoria. $ | Currie home (later the Farmer House). He prac- Built the AUG. -- Controversy, who pays for $ | Continuation school being built in S. S. 2, Cartwright? -- The Tennis court is closed due to the damage being done to nearby property in spite of the er- ection of a back-stop. -- Milling bus- $ | iness for sale by tender. $| SEPT.--L. G. Hall has sold his but- #2 | cher business to Cawker Bros. -- W. A. Hare announces the opening of an optical parlor in the Leonard Block. --A special sand sucking machine is at work widening the channels on the Scugog Game Co. Reserve, --Scugog Bridge (causeway) is being widened. SEPT.--The Church of the Ascension is being redecorated. ; OCT.--Cartwright Fair holds Diamond Jubilee. -- Ed. Balfour announces the opening of "Cash and Carry" butcher shop in Rolph Block. : NOV.--Harry Birkett killed instantly when removing Bell Telephone wires. Wires dropped on high Tension wire. He had been instructed not to undet- take the work. -- New exit for the town Hall on the West side near the stage. DEC.--Tower removed from Baptist Church (now closed). This building was erected by the Mechanic Institute (Public Library) in 1858. About 1860 the Baptist Congregation took the building and the Tower was built, very well built, too. - The Baptist church boasted the first choir and organ. The organ made by J, 'W. Davis, grand- father of Miss Grace Davis, When the tower was in place Lake Ontario could be seen from its peak. -- An- other nomination meeting needed for Port Perry. The Year 1926 JANUARY--Geo. Sweetman, Scugog | Reeve, named Warden. FEB,--Harry MacMillan successor to Chas, A. Rundle. APRIL--Port Perry Schools complete. ly destroyed with fire. Schools to be temporarily housed in the church- es, iT JUNE -- W. H. Doubt, tailor, going out of business, -- Robt. Balfour and Son, butcher business (apparently took over from Ed, Balfour). AUGUST--By-law passed for compo- site Public and High School---248 ma- jority. F. A. Kent wins sweepstakes at Tor-- 3 | onto Rose Show. -- Chautauqua here. | S.0.E.B.S. 50 years old. SEPT.--Harold Archer shot in thigh in attempt to stop tire thieves. The car was smashed up and abandoned but the men escaped. NOV.--A Ralph Whitfield of Toronto was found guilty of shooting with in. tent in the wounding of Harold Archer who attempted to stop a robbery. DEC.--Plans shown for new high and Public School. The Year 1927 FEB.--W. R. Willan announces the purchase of W. H. Doubt Tailoring. MARCH--Fred Ferguson offers the bankrupt stock of W. S. Short Estate. --Miss E. V.-Gamble; well known teacher, passes. } APRIL--Perey 8. Jones takes over Chas. A. Rundle business (Harry Mac- Millan). --Mrs. I. G. Hall, millinery, Union Ave. -- New Schools opened May 18th, Hon. J. 8S, Martin per- forms opening ceremony. JULY--Dr. Robert Archer, well known physician and surgeon, dies. -- Car- negie - Day Motors (Ford). AUGUST--Queen St. made "through" street. Approaches now "stop" Sts. SEPTEMBER -- 34th Ontario Regi- ment camp at Port Perry. Tents were pitched in Fair Grounds. The occa- sion was marred by the death of Sgt. W. F. Huxtable, who fell from the back of an advance guard truck, re- ceiving head injuries that caused death in two hours. -- Mr. Dugald Mec- Bride passes. Mr. McBride was well known as principal of the Port Perry High School. . NOV. -- Goode Bros. capture Butter Sweepstake at Royal." DEC.--Two Port youths arrested re theft of car from Alix Gilboard. Names of lads not given. The Year 1928 FEB.--Willard & Co. selling out dry- goods department. -- D. Corbman, fruit and confectionary moved to Leo- nard Block. -- F. W. McIntyre Dry- goods store sold out end of Feb. MARCH--A new concrete bridge is being built in the causeway, connect- ing Scugog to Port Perry. APRIL--F. W. Ferguson, new* Whip- pet dealer. JULY--Geo. Gerow, former reeve died. AUGUST--Gala Day on Scugog--Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wilson open grounds at seven Mile Island for garden party when whole community attends. (We can't think of it without a feeling of shame for the way in which the crowd actéd, more like hungry regugees than guests). Outstanding feature of the day, swim from Port to Seven Mile Island. Robert Harris and Ar- thur Carnegie entered. Arthur was taken out of the water after a few miles, Robert finished in 4 hours and thirty four minutes. Both received a gold watch from Mrs, Wilson. --- Lake Scugog Improvement Ass'n formed to maintain water level, keep open channels, control weed growth, secure good fish supply. A. R. Wil- son gives $1000.00 to Ass'n. : SEPT.--Sutcliffe and Sons of Lind- say open drygoods and clothing store in former McIntyre location. -- A. G. Clark opens farm machinery shop in Blong Block. -- John Burnham, 45 yrs. post-master, died. OCT.--Old England Lodge, No. 9, NOV.--Jas. McKee and Son in new location (Shoes and clothing). DEC. -- Alix Gilboord Store robbed again. -- Smallman Blacksmith Shop robbed. -- Brock's Store robbed. Rob- bers caught. The Year 1929 Reeve and Council re-elected by ac- clamation, JAN.--Mr, T. H. Folick, retired prin- cipal, dies in burning house at Niag- ara. Was High School principal here for fifteen years. APRIL--Severe storms cause damage and wash-outs. Wash-out- on Whitby Lindsay railway causes tie-up for sev- gral days. Two lives lost when car plunges into Harmony Creek, Harm: ony, Ont., as bridge is washed out by storm. : MAY--Another wash-out derails train just North of Manchester. Both en- gineer and fireman were able to jump {free and no one was hurt. Road lo Manchester also impassable, no traf- fic in or out for days. -- Trees planted and ground levelled at water front.-- Former Standard Bank property will be vacated. Amalgamate with Bank of Commerce, H, G. Hutcheson, man- ager. E. B. Walker, remains. for a time ag associate. -- Dr. Rennie will occupy the Archer home, His mother is coming to keep house for him, -- He R. Archer" has bought the H. H. , Stone Store. -- Walter Cook is open- ing a restaurant in the Rolph Block, opposite Dr. Rennie's home. JUNE -- Over 100 people of Scugog , and Port Perry searched all night to find a 3 year old child, asleep on a | - tog in a boggy area,--The Royal Bank | will move to the Ferguson Block, just east of Post Office. JULY--Mr. Geo. Jackson caught a 22 Ib. Muskellunge. AUG.--Earthquake tremors were felt in Port Perry. Very little damage, a few broken dishes, --» Cement High- way from Manchester to Port Perry is now under construction, Now the mud will no longer halt spring traffic. Formal opening September 80, Hon. Geo. S. Henry performs the ceremony. OCT.--W., H. Doubt, tailor has moved to Oshawa. -- Stephen Lambkin and Wm. McKay raise the price of milk to 12¢, qt, NOV.--Gordon Sweetman takes form- er Graham Garage, next to Star Of- fice. -- Carnegie-Day Motors dissol- ved. Will now be Carnegie Motor Sales. J. M. Carnegie, : DEC.--F. W. Brock's Grocery Depart- ment becomes Red & White Store, The Year 1930 "Council -- Reeve Robt, Somerville, W. W. Crosier, James McKee, J. E. Jackson, Norman Ewers, JAN.--Major-General MacBrien visits Can. Legion in Port Perry. Banquet in his honor, FEB.--Reeve Robt. Somerville, chair- man of the Pension Board for Ontario County. Receives $6.00 per day-and be. per mile for services. 3 MARCH--W, R. Willan, tailor, goes out of business. -- By-law fixes speed limit within corporation at 20 miles per hour. $5.00 and costs for viola- tion. -- A. J. Davis is retiring and has sold business to A. M. Lawrence, Phm.B., of Oshawa. APRIL--Mr. Lewis McLean wins two scholarships. Bachelor of Divinity at Knox College, won $125. Gordon Mor- timer Clark Scholarship; and $460. Elizabeth Scott Scholarship. -- Rail- way board refuses appeal to detach certain lands from Corporation and attach to Reach Twp. : MAY--The train stays for the present. The morning train from Whitby to Lindsay will remain for the present. --Greer & Humphries, law office. JUNE -- Wednesday half hclday starts, -- F. E. Reesor starts business in Port Perry. Coal and building ma- terials. -- S. N. Griffin, successor to Port Perry Milling & Lumber. JULY--Chautauqua in Port Perry, 5 days. -- H. R. Archer starts Sunday on 3200 mile trip to Vancouver via Chicago. Accompanied by. Murray Williams expects to make trip in five days. -- Tom Bowerman-takes launch he made to owner in Point Au Baril. via water. 'The Falcon" is construc- ted of finest mahogany entirely by Tom Bowerman. Beautiful workman- ship. -- Zion Church badly damaged by wind, roof and one wall destroyed. SEPT.--Suitable cattle shed on Fair Grounds -- Best fair in yéars! -- Alf. Andrus, radio service. OCT.--Four Toronto men caught raid. ing Peel's Poultry Farm, pursued to Myrtle the run away car left the road and one of the thieves was injured, taken to Port hospital. Other three lodged in Whitby gaol, -- John Medd wins 6 firsts at Victoria County Plow- ing Match, also Silver cup and silver tea set at Peterboro Plowing Match. NOV. -- Roland Jamieson, Toronto, sentenced; to Guelph Reformatory for year, re attempt to rob Peel's Poultry farm. -- Curts home burned to ground (corner Water and Scugog). DEC.--Yellow school burned. Total loss. -- Geo. Leask, Seagrave wins many prizes with his shorthorns at the Royal. -- Hugh Campbell, merch- ant tailor. (continued on page 7) GEORGE JACKSON (Deceased ) An outstanding figure was Mr. George Jackson, Auctioneer, He was a genial personality, and a successful auctioneer, who had a Provincial wide reputation as a fine salesman. He will long be remembered as a fine up- standing citizen, who made a host of friends wherever he was known, Lp TPARFRISH | 1 JUUUTUOUU EIFS gg» aduaning hy <i v N& The Parrish Hardware Store as it appeared before the fire of 1884. The store on.this site now is Peel's Hardware Letters from Friends 'and Former Citizens Port Perry, Ont., August, 31st, 1957 The Port Perry Star, Port. Perry, Ont. : . Dear Friends: Congratulations and Best Wishes on the celebration of your Fiftieth Anniversary. May your wonderful newspaper enjoy continued success and prosperity. I beg to take this opportunity to express a personal word or two about the late Editor and Publisher of "The Port Perry Star", Mr. Samuel Farmer. No doubt others will have written about the wonderful contribution that he made to Port Perry and dis- trict through the medium of his newspaper, his loyalty to his church, his love of home and family, and his deep sense of true citizenship. + I would like to recall that Mr. Farmer made a tremendous County of Ontario and the Province of Ontario, For many years he gave without reserve of his time and wisdom to the Port Perry High and Public schools as a member of the Board of Education. I Mr, Farmer, was the first resident of this village whom I had the pleasure of meeting; I was soon made to feel at ease in his presence; I soon 'appreciated that he possessd a keen pro- gressive attitude towards schools and education. | a busy man that day, as he was on all days; "The Star", was about to come off-the press. However, he took time out to personally, introduce teachers to each Board member for an interview. There were' twelve members on the Board of Education in those days. As I recall the personnel, they were, Mrs, Z. Jackson, Mrs. A. B. Foreman, Mrs. M., Orde, Messrs R. B, Smallman, W. A, Anderson, A. L. McDermott, A. B. Cawker, Geo. Davey, Dr. Mathers, C. Beare, W. E, MacGregor and 8. Farmer, Many, were the appli- cations for a position of a teacher in the year 1931! Mr, Farmer as chairman of the management committee performed his duties faithfully, His kindness and friendly advice as given to a young teacher from one who had had such a tremendous experience in this field were sincerely appreciated on that day and on many occasions thereafter, Mr. Farmer not only served faithfully and well as Board chairman and as a committee chairman for many years but he was also a member of the Ontario Educational Association for a long period." He held many. offices in this important organiza- '| tion and a few years before his death was elected President of the O.E.A. A great honour indeed. Soon, after Mr. Farmer joined the O.E.A. he became well known in Educational fields throughout the entire province. The girls and boys of Ontario have been the beneficiaries of the efforts, the foresight and the leadership, so generously portrayed in those important endeavours by Mr. Farmer. } For many many years, he was the Editor and Publisher of "The Canadian School Board Journal" the official magazine. of the O.E.A. Many changes took place in schools and schooling since he attended school and' when he last served on our School Board. We truly believe that the attitude and the perspecti held toward education of this fine fentioman and his colleagues have certainly had a tremendous effect on this community. ; To-day, Port Perry is exceedingly proud of its High and Pub- lic Schools. The girls and boys of this district are ahi Hvslvals opportunities as presented by citizens who are. very us to provide every available essential t - scientious responsible Canadian citizens. 2 : 4 produce' truly eon Mr, Farmer's career would have been expressed by all rent ratepayers, teachers, etc. He was a truly ni Bl Canadian, Sitisen, rue Port Ferry Starts is a newspaper Which has been founded on great traditions. + n, we co nati- founsicd on Eres! 3 aditic ain, congratulate. your insti by the Farmer Family, and we wish future, you every success in the Yours truly, Roy Cornish, contribution in the field of Education, not only locally, but to the »> ® » x Mr. Farmer was - We are cetrain these memories and these few highlights » " ' 'its Kiftieth Anniversary of publication °

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