Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Oct 1957, p. 5

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Your orders shall be appreciated R. J. HARPER, (Authorized Agent) N. B.--Present holdings convertable to new issue without expense or discount CEOECECICISISEE aaa years 3% per cent, and afterwords at rity (18 years) interest averages 4.46. EE £y Sant Eh aT Nee A hh, SAY IGN RING TER RS Rar BLN Td CC CI IE SS ASRS AS RASH SRR SRR ORCA SHOR OR CANADA SAVINGS BONDS A SAFE INVESTMENT Cashable at any time for f interest, Interest for first two 4%. If held to matu per cent. st ull face value and accrued #| will be made. Teen Town Bowling By Jimmy Taylor This Saturday, October 5th-at 1.30 % | p.m. will see our Bowling season start i | once again. 3 It will cost each member %] 60c. per week for 3 games, 20c. going 8 to the prize and banquet fund. The | team as drawn will stay as they are # | for one month. The scores will then i$ | be reviewed and if the teams seem to # | be badly out of balance, adjustments We would like to re- mind ALL bowlers that one extra point -could win your team the cham- pionship, therefore it. is unwise to Notice wae ow 7 RII October 21st u hala 'KENN ETH F. JACKSON PY PYRE [ON 0Y SUAYAGYAW ntil November Ist After a lot of consideration we find the above necessary so as to give our staff and ourselves a well earned holiday. We sincerely hope this will not inconvenience our customers too much. During this time Colonial tickets may be pur- chased and all bus information will be given at the Star Office between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Phone 50. Thanking you for your patronage. FLAMINGO RESTAURANT throw any ball down the gutter in a fit of temper. Anyone displaying bad temper, poor sportsmanship or delib- erately - walking on the alley's will have to answer to your executive and may be suspended. This year's bowl- ing will be broken into two sections and any player missing two week's bowling in any ohe section will auto- matically be replaced unless they are ill. The draw for who will pin, and who will play who, will take place at the Bowling Alley at 1.16 p.m. this Saturday and your executive Hope to have a complete schedule drawn up and placed in the Port Perry Star next week. Please cut this schedule out and put it in your wallet. While we have a few more players than we need at present, anyone wishing to put their name on the list may do so on a first come, first serve basis, the only requirement being a 1968 Teen Town Card. . TEAMS: ' ACES -- Captain: Wain Venning, Ruby -Hutchinson, Ross Houghland, Joan Wilson, Allan Bailey, Helen In- nes, Ardis McArthur. KINGS--Captain: Ray Doupe, Karel Espie, Maureen McLaughlin, Bob Parry, Joanne Buller, Marilyn Luke, Jack Moore. ; QUEENS--Captain: Jim Aird, Bri- an Simpson, Jean Bell, Carol Beare, COME IN AND ENJOY SOME OF OUR DELICIOUS FISH and CHIPS: Served Friday and Saturday until 12 Midnite 40c. Per Order To Take Out. (Only Halibut Used) Taylor's Restaurant PHONE 330 PORT PERRY Ivan Luke," Marilyn Bray, Richard Carnegie. JACKS -- Captain: John Croxall, Jennifer Edwards, Dianne McNeil, Dianne Cunningham, John Doupe, Gerri Spears, Grant Menzies. TEN-SPOTS--Captain: Dale Low- cock, Kaye Hastings, Ruth Tanton, Doug Aird, Barbara Amell, Peter Sweetman, Al. Armour. DEUCES -- Captain: Jim Wilson, Sharon Haugen, Jack Nottingham, Irene Ptomley, Phil Clark, Darnell Smith, David Switzer. " HILLBILLIES -- Captain: Hillus Wilbur," Sully Vipond, Betty Wallis, Reg. Amell, Miriam Harris, Alice Williams, Rose Donnelly. And may the best team win. Ladies' Wednesday OROFOPOROPOROROROPOPOPOROROPOPOPOPOSIPOPOPOPOPIPOPOPOPORORD 270308080 00 8% 0% 070 850 0% 0% 070 070 870 0% 4% 0% 0% 00 070 8% 0% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% © ANTI-FREEZE $2.49 Per Gallon CASH and CARRY ETHGLENE--GLYCAL BASE Permanent Type with Complete Rust Preventative. Alex. Williamson Motor Sales Lid. PHONE 232 UXBRIDGE | OPOPOIONOPVPOPPPOPOPOPOSORPO0 BO Re SES SSR ROL 000R00000I080eCcIUeocIUececIcecIcIOeoececgceosuecIo: Sh eh Bat Buf SF BP AF BF 40 AH 400000 'WE BUILD HOMES Large and Small and Buildings of All Kinds Repairsand Remodelling Good Materials and Workmanship Guaranteed. Our HOUSE DESIGNING SERVICE. is at Your Disposal, Lake Scugog Lumber Co. Lid. Phone 240W | Port Perry ' *| Over 200-- | Night Bowling # | SEPTEMBER 25th Standing-- North Stars--14. Kittyhawks--5 Bombers--14. Helicopters--b Spitfires--12, Hurricanes--4 Lancasters--10, Flyers--2 Mustangs--10. Jets--0 Mosquitoes--7. Sunderalnds--0 Louise Carnegie -- 301; Ruby Wil- $|liams--243; Mary MacGregor--236, 201; Glenda Taylor--232; Marion Hea- ley--230; Doreen Hope--221; Shirley $ § | Chilton--212; Ruth Fhort~211, 207; AT 46 miles per hour, sing "Highways are Happy ways" At 66 Miles, Sing-- "I'm but a stranger here, Heaven is my homé" At 65 miles sing-- "Nearer, My God, to thee?" At 76 miles, sing-- "When the roll is called up Yonder I'll be there" At 85 miles, sing-- "Lord, I'm coming Home", Ladies' Monday Night League Standing: FOROR .rinrininntionin iii Racoons ..... Elephants Bears .........i.ui. Skunks ...... Lions ........ High Single--Joan Lane 289 High Triple--Grace Hastings 568 Most Strikes--Grace Hastings (7) Over 200--Joan Lane 289, Marie Foste 209, Grace Hastings 213. Men's Thursday Night Bowling Whiz Bangs--1. Black Jacks--17 Stars--17. De Luxe--2 - Midtown--1, Carnegie=--0 Meteors--7. Goofers--0 Archers--b. Howard--o0 Legionaires--4, Juniors--0 High Single-- Harold Martin--282, High Triple-- Gord Goode--691, Where were some of the teams? Let's all get in there pitching Thurs- day and even up the points. T.B. Association The Ontario County-Oshawa Tuber- culosiss Association held its first Ex- ecutive Council meeting of the year Leadership School In Sunderland The Local Leader Training school for "Sleeping Garments," the fall pro- ject for 4-H Homemaking Club in Ontario County, was held in the Sun- derland Women's Institute Hall, Sept, 19 and. 20, St Representatives attended from Al- tona, Beaverton, Brougham, Brooklin, Bethesda-Reach, Port Perry, Sunder- land, and three Udney clubs, Wilda Gordon, Home Economist for strom, Home Economist for Halton and Peel Counties. "Sleeping Garments" will be a pro- Ject of special interest to the girl who likes to sew, and who is interested in solving her own clothing problems in- telligently. She will learn about fi- bres and materials, the characteristics of good sleeping garments, and galn experience in planning and making garments. Each girl is required to select and make one sleeping garment, and can, if she wishes, make a house- coat and scuffs. These, with her Re- cord Book, will be exhibited at Achie- vement Day, ~ Demonstrations of various sewing techniques were given by Mrs. Borg- strom and Miss Gordon. The ladies had an opportunity to practice the te- chniques, and ask questions. Other topics covered were club administra- tion, and policy. Luncheon was served both days by the Sunderland Women's Institute, with the Ontario Department of Agri- culure as host on the Friday. The two day session closed with good wish- es to all for successful clubs. It is hoped that all interested girls in the county between the ages of twelve and twenty-six years will contact their. local clubs, or the Home Economist, Department of Agriculture, Uxbridge, and take part in this interesting unit. in September, at Fern Cottage, Ather- ley. Those present were: Dr. R. J. Kimmerley, Oshawa Have you ordered your extra Rev. H. A. Mellow, Oshawa copies of our Historical and The ladies were welcomed by Miss] the County, and Mrs. Mabel Borg-|" Mr .and Mrs. A. Vyse, Atherley Mrs. E. Brown, Uptergrove Mr. G. Harrison, Brock Twp. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lowe, Uxbridge Cannon H. A. Shepherd, Pickering Mr. T. M. Moore, Whitby Mrs. R. H. Bedell, Whitby Mr. C. Tuck, Claremont Mrs. Walter Kennedy, Whitby ix Special guests were Dr. W. E. Mac- | § Bean, Medical Officer of Health, Miss | & Margaret Atkinson, Director of Public 3 Health Nurse, both of the Ontario | Memorial Edition? 15c. each. AMEROCK DEPARTM a! get BE Fle Wh ELIE wo ¥ a : , » THEATRE - UXBRIDGE FRIDAY and SATURDAY OCTOBER 4-5 ELVIS PRESLEY "LOVING YOU" L~ a VISTAVISION TECHNICOLOR MONDAY to SATURDRY ONE WEEK OCTOBER 7-12 THE TERRIFIC GARY COOPER HIT YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR SINCE "HIGH NOON"! _ Hn eT.\=3% COOPER" WiuAM WYLER'S + "FRIENDLY PERSUASION" o-starring Dorothy McGuire Mag Color. and featuring RICHARD EYER + ROBERT MIDDLETON « PHYLLIS LOVE » MARK RICHMAN WALTER CATLETT « From the Book by JESSAMYN WEST » Music Composed and Conducted Dy DIMITRI TIOMKIN + Produced and Directed by WILLIAM WYLER + Mm: Hjorie Ma iin 20,00, %, 00, 0% 0 0te SHLE% O78 0% ON "4" tatu 2 $34 3 ate' ENT STORE County Health Unit, and Mr. W.M.F. | § Anderson, Health Education Consul- | tant of the Ontario Tuberculosis As- | sociation. 5 Due to illness, Mr. D. L. Crozier, of | & Port Perry, presideent of the Associa- 2 tion, was unable to attend, and the 4 meeting was opened by Mrs, Bedell, |# Vice-President. ~~ After extending a warm welcome to Dr. MacBean and |§ Miss Atkinson, the Chairman called on £ Mr. Anderson to address the meeting 8 on behalf of the Provincial Associa- $2 tion. Mr. Anderson stressed the vital | § need for ever-increasing public health & education, both 'generally and specifi- | § cally regarding tuberculosis. He 5 stated that only with the full co-oper- ky ation of the public could effective work ¥ be done in the control of this disease, $2 and reminded the Members that they 4 had much work to do in alerting the > public to the necessity of constant 3 vigilance, looking toward the eventual | elimination of tuberculosis. 5 Following Mr. Anderson's remarks, g Mrs, E. A. Collins, Executive Secre- 33 tary, brought items of general busi- | ¥ ness before the meeting, reading sev- 5 eral letters from patients, expressing $2 their thanks for the parcels sent to |} them, and assistance given their fam- | & ilies, during their stay in Sanatorium. | # Mrs. Colloins also brought samples of & the 1057 Christmas seals, This year's 5 seals are all Canadian, and very color- 5 ful, and it is the hope of the Associa- § tion that they will be widely used next | § Christmas, ~ CAWKER BROS. / Fresh Pork Ham Roasts -- x. Whole or 2.53 1b. Boneless .63 York Frozen Orange Juice, 2 fins 33c. Wing Steaks ...3-........... 65. - Ih. FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING V % WM C AZAN \ READING] il READ IND r-- ( / yA any UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK PHONE 29 "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY KEEP WARM / WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR FUEL NEEDS WITH GOOD Quality Coal or Oil PORT PLRRY [GTTEA al. v LP. v Hloo RED «os PORT PERRY 4 Royal York Suits TAILORED-TO-MEASURE $69.50, 2-piece : ACCORDIAN DOORS | Clopay Space Savers ! 24 inches -- $19.95 This Door comes in 9 Colors and all sizes, for archways, etc. Two other lines at-- ii SEY si JOHNSTON SUITS and JACKETS MEN'S SUITS -- SEVERAL STYLES -One Pant Suit -- $59.50 Two Pant Suit -- $69.50 Jackets ..................$29.95 ~ TOOKE SHIRTS White ........ $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 'Pyjamas ......... $4.95 and $5.95 'Ties .............. $1.00 and $1.50 Sport Shirts ........ $3.95 and $4.95 DACK SHOES for MEN $15.00 and $17.95 Packard Slippers for Men $4.95 and $8.95 Savage Shoes for Children BOOTS $2.95. OXFORDS, PATENT, etc. $4.95 OUR SHOE DEPARTMEIT IS NOW COMPLETE Port Perry, OROROROROROROPAROFOPOPOPORIROPOPIROPIR AD Phone 43 | Ontario SAARI CRO RCRORD a Ltt 5) - re

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