6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1987 ~~. BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry ROOFING Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry ------------ -- "WITTEE MULE] BAR DON'T PULL YOUR 6000 ~ HABITS UP TO SEE IF THEY ARE GROWING... Jack Pargete Service Station ANY TYPE WINDOW CLEANED Storms put up -- business and residential. RELIABLE WINDOW CLEANING Box 21, Port Perry Star - Oct. 31 Farm Service 3 Dead Horses, Cattle: and Hogs ((nothing under 300 lbs) picked up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR FOR SLAUGHTER Phone collect: Uxbridge 641, , Woodville 32 r 11 Ed. Peconi july 30, 19568 FOR SALE -- Drop head Sewing machine; also oval extension table suitable for Rec. Room; and Moffat Coal and wood Annex. Phone b1-r-11, Port Perry. WANTED--Atlas of Ontario. Write i abe - Box 23, Port Perry Star. oi:{0) 4) WANTED--Collie Dog, male. Ap- ply Lenore McMillan, R.R. 2, Black- water, Phone Manilla 1-r-12, FOR SALE--Coal and Wood Stove, in good condition; also dry hardwood, cheap. C. McGill, Union Ave., Port Perry, Phone 400-W. Oct.31 FOR SALE--Body Hardwood, also] Hard and- soft wood slabs. 4' or re- sawed. Phone Bethany 37-x-33. Geo. Heaslip, Janetville, Oct.31 AGENT HOUSE TO LET--Well-furnished, 5-room house, oil furnace, complete Port Perry - Ontario bathroom. Adults, Miss Davidson, 5 'phone Stouffville 44W3 weeknights or Port Perry 89-R week-ends. Dead Farm Stock FOR SALE--Baby Astral Refriger- ator in good condition. Phone 56b-R. ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly FOR'SALE -- Drop Leaf Kitchen For fastest gervice Phone collect LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING i Welding \/ Electric and Acetylene PORT PERRY FARM EQUIPMENT Phone 513 Table with arborite top $10.00; also aluminum curtain stretchers $3.00. Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 Phone 180-M. . MARGWI), PUR FARM | "\WANTED -- BODY HARDWOOD, , . Aug. 30, 1958 47 | 43 Bethany. Geo. Heaslip, Jan- ctville. : WANTED TO BUY -- Piano stool for use in Blackstock Recreational Florist Centre. Call Blackstock 53-W. re 4 g years, mostly white, vaccinated and BROOKLIN, ONTARIO marked, Strayed from lot 16, Con. 6, Phone 190 Reach Twp. Information please phone 470-r-b. : Grower of cut mums year 'round. tt - DEALERS AND SALESMAN ing unit in your district. For further particulars write Box 22, Port Perry Star. Oct. 24 J. R. Nokes, Manilla, Ont., on Sat, good: condition. Size 18. $50.00 Mrs. | heifers, plus 7 top, service age bulls, A. Bathie, Phone, 20R-R. t.f.} including half interest in our Champ- 3 jon Herd Sire Zento Mixer 26th, truly y 3 TTI , one of Canada's Top Bulls: 13 fe- A A Jacng On| hales are bred to T. W. Regent 27- WANTED TO RENT I n new low conversion record (all breeds) Vi [41 ---Iin or ear village of Port Perry, a house of 4 79 pola grain por pond bt Hise i p ! 161-0. Oct. at Gov't feeding station; Guelph. Cata- rooms or more. Phone 161-J. Oct.ll 4, 404 and Lunch available. Please . bring friends and neighbours. Ray in good condition. Phone 471-r-2. | AUCTION SALE-- : Oct. 17 AT, OCT. 26th--Farm Sold, Auc- TTT ==" tion Sale of Farm Stock, Holstein FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR (Cattle, Implements, Hay, Pigs, the RENT--Bed sitting room, kitchen and property of Richard Bartley and Son, 421. Oct. 24 South of Wilfrid or 3 miles' North and ! waar 3 miles West of Sunderland. Terms FOR SALE -- Potatoes $1.26 at Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Bob Weir, farm with bag. John Hooyer, Nestle. Clerk. ton. - Oct, 17 4' length, 100 cords wanted. Phone ROBERT G. ECKEL "STRAYED -- Holstein Heifer, 1% Wanted to introduce a heat reclaim- FOR SALE--Mouton Fur Coat in| October 19th, 30 choice bred cows and 412346, whose progeny established a FOR SALE--1947 Mercury Sedan, Nokes. bath, opposite High School. Phone [ot 3, Con, 9, Brock Twp., 8 miles REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. Boge -- fe gt mea pit --_-- BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING td TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION skid LIMITED Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm. Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1967-- Important Auction Sale of 38 head of registered, accredited herd of Jersey cattle, Dione threshing machine, span of horses, milking machine and cooler, also mixed grain. On lot 22, Broken Front, Pickering Twp, on Liverpool Road South, 2 miles West of Pickering Village, 1 mile South of Kingston Rd. (Frenchman's Bay). Property of R. W. Bualsdon. Sale at 2 p.m. sharp. Terms cash, No reserve. Farm Sold. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. THURS., OCT. 17--Farm Sold Auc- tion Sale of Good Shorthorn Cattle, 2 Horses, Pigs, Tractor, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, the property of the Estate of the Late Harry.V, Arm- strong, Lot 12, Con. 13, Manvers, just Kast of No. 3b Highway, 8 miles South of Lindsay. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Ted Spenceley, Clerk, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., OCT. 24th -- Giving up Farming, Auction Sale of Cattle, Pigs, Horses, Tractor, Implements, Hay, Grain and Furniture, the property of verton Avery, Lot 17, Con, 3, Mari- posa, 1% miles South-East of Little Britain, Terms Cash, sald at 1.00 p.m. Wm, Weldon and Geo. Green- way, Clerks. PUES Auction dale of registered' Jersey Cattle, Milking Machine, Horses, Mixed Gram, on Lot zz, Broken Iront, Pickering Twp., pay), z miles West of Pickering Vil- lage, and 1 mile South of Kingston Koad, property of R. W. BALSDON, on Saturday, OCTOBER 26th. JERSEY CATTLE 1ollowing registered Jersey Cows: saysiae Leona's Dream 226469 porn Aug 13, 1960, bred Sept. 30/67 Bayside Lucky Jean 249886, born Apr. 13, 1962, bred Jan. 22/67 Bayside Basil's Forward Mint 216941 porn Sept. 14, 1949, bred May 29/67 Bayside kavorite Dream 249887, ! born May 81, 1962, bred June 14/67 Bayside Mary inn 226465 porn March 8, 1960, bred Bayside Princess Merry 2365293, pori Dee. 20, 1950, bred June 24/67 Bayside Dream Lena 243836, porn Aug. 26, 1961, bred May 23/67 Bayside Pedgo's May 243838, porn Oct. 14,1961, bred June 21/57 Buyside Flora Star 249801, porn Nov 2b, 1962, bred May 156/67 Bayside Lena Rose 235297 born April 8, 1951, bred Feb. 4/67 Bayside Doris Rose 2352906, born April 2, 1961, bred May 26/67 Bayside Princess Nellie 249886, born March 6, 19562, bred May 31/67 Bayside Fontaine Basil 262272, born June 28, 1953, bred Feb. 8/67 Bayside _Kva Hazel 262278, born Sept..8, 1963, bred May 3/67 Bayside Lena Rose 276396, - born Jan, 18, 1954, bred March 6/67 Bayside Princess Doris, born Nov. 2, 1968, bred Jan. 30/67 Bayside Mint Lena 276397, born March 4, 1964, fresh Bayside Nellie Violet 262271, = born May b, 19563, bred March 24/67 Bayside Muss Merry Basil 262274, born Nov. 1, 1962, fresh Bayside Golden Lady Doris, born Nov. 27, 1963, bred Mar. 19/57 Bayside Rover's Eva 235202, ' born Dec. 19, 1950, bred Feb. 16/67 Also the following Registered Heifers: Bayside Mary Lue 276399, born Sept. 30, 19564, fresh Bayside Radar Liena 276892, born Nov. 11, 1964, bred Jan. 2/67 Bayside Doris Mint 276398, born Aug. 17, 1954, bred Mar. 21/67 Bayside Marybeth 276891, } born Nov. 27, 1964, bred Bayside Bett Jean 296637, born Aug. 28, 1966, open Bayside Violet Girl 296638 born Sept. 16, 1966, open Glorious Eva, 296689, born Nov. 3, 1966, open Mary Lynn 206686 born March 14, 19566, open ' and 6 young registered Jersey Heifers Registered Jersey Bull, Edgelea Dreamer Highlight 126076, born Sept 20, 1964. HORSES Dark Bay Mare, H.D. Dark Bay Gelding, H.D. Set Team Harness GRAIN 500 bushels Mixed Grain IMPLEMENTS Surge Milking Machine complete with piping outlet, 2 single units, one is new, Electric Milk Cooler 9 can capacity, complete d Dione Threshing Machine 22x30 com- plete with shredder, grain elevator. This machine is regl good and on rubber. : SALE AT 2 P.M. SHARP TERMS CASH. NO RESERVE. FARK} HOLD. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers Markham, Ont,, Phone 846 Milliken, Ont., Phone Axm. 3.5987 Laverpool Koad South (¥renchman's |" NOTICE OF ° " Rural Power Interruption SUNDAY, OCTOBER -20th BETWEEN 1.00 p.m. and 5.00 p.m. D.S.T. AREA AFFECTED: Epsom, Utica, Prospect, Prince Albert, Manchester, Honey's Corners, Shirley, Purple Hill, Scugog Island, Blackstock, Cadmus, Burketon, Lotus, Caes- area,Nestleton, Yelverton, Janetville and all surrounding area. This interruption is necessary to permit our linemen to safely restring larger conductors on the main feeder line. If weather conditions are unfavourable this work will be done at a later date, The co-operation of our customers is appreciated. li 1} A. C. RICHARDSON, ~ Manager, Uxbridge Area. Floor Tile Ceiling Tile Doors, Trim Masonite, efc. TERMS ARRANGED ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS HN BALLARD LUMBER PORT PERRY PHONE 280 SPECIAL SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOPS--50c., $1.00, $1.50 mayl t.f. ; (A FRIEND 1S ONE ATEN ABOUT US AND STILL LIKES US. Pi BR ie pri Slug PORT PERR TOWN HYDRO INTERRUPTION Sunday, October 20th BETWEEN 1.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. D.S.T. This interruption is necessary to permit our linemen to safely restring larger conductors on the main feeder line. If weather conditions are unfavourable this work will be done at a later date. The co-operation of our customers is appreciated. A. C. RICHARDSON, AIEEE A "o MAKE SATURDAYS HOME IMPROVEMENT DAYS! Visit - Ra | AND LET US SHOW YOU HOW TO GET THAT | ADDITIONAL LIVING AREA IN YOUR HOME NOW! COMBINE NEW IDEAS, MATERIALS, LABOUR IN OUR . . . ONE-STOP HOME IMPROVEMENT PACKAGE. ~~ SE D> PORT PERRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DINNER MEETING FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1957, 6.45 P.M. -SCOUT- HALL ) General Discussion--Stanley Cup Hockey and Tr Grey Cup Football Films Tickets $1.90 STOREY BEARE, President. Get your tickets from . . . FRANK GODLEY, Sec'y-Treasurer. J Budget Buy For As Low As $ $2000 Monthly A No Cash Required = REESOR FUEL & LUMBER * Port Perry +? 'e' in the kitc She needs an EXTRA phone hen! : PO YOU? To order--call your telephone business office. Ad. No. 57-111.SP-EX---REV.--2 cols. x 50 lines © [] | » omtort ye nam = nan-alum kL ag MATCHING STORM-SCREIN O-- WINDOWS AND DOORS in Colon 4 © 22 EXCITING COLOURS 1 - © BAKED ENAMEL FINISH .- ©. MADE OF ALCAN ALUMINUM © SELF-STORING COMBINATIONS © OVERLAP FRAME INSTALLATION © PREMIUM GLASS, RUST-PROOF~ ED SCREENS ' 1 NASH WINDOWS AND DOORS ARE MADE BY THE KOOLVENT AWNING PEOPLE OF OSHAWA, CANADA {] TRE WEEE NEwiuigating < "JOHN BALLARD LUMBER "PORT PERRY 'PHONE 280 "KEEP WARM \ Phoebe's Hairdressing Would like to congratulate the Pott Pérry Star on their 50 years of service to this community Ld "' 'Phoebe's Hairdressing Phone 5654 Queen Street. : WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR FUEL NEEDS WITH GOOD Quality Coal or Oil "i PORT PERRY NIH Bue C oa 2. f (Lil. >, Hho 0 a Cleary PRD --« PORT PERRY { BOW. y nT RAN Ct i HPN gS Ap pan st ty Sms pS Ag i A I TA NE ES Sy rm pe SE eb HS : le fon de ht ci Phone73 -#-