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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Nov 1957, p. 8

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on i i IRR Ea ve Go Cy 6--PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1957 BUSINESS DIRECTORY | INSURANCE |W Are your policies up-to-date?|poRT PERRY FARM EQUIPMENT Whatever your insurance needs Phone 513 : may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Lo (---- LE SPU STUL THAR, YOURE TIME, JOST TRY Rusivs FIO THE rom STORES. Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs ((nothing under 800 lbs) picked up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR FOR SLAUGHTER Phone collect: Uxbridge 541, Woodville 82 r 11 Ed. Peconi july 30, 19568 Jack Pargeter Service Station STRAYED -- Holstein Heifer, 1% years, mostly white, vaccinated and marked. Strayed from lot 15, Con, 6, Reach Twp. Information please phone 470-r-5. Nov. 7 FOR SALE--Building lot facing on Queen St. Apply I. A. Boyd.7 FURNISHED APARTMENT YOR, RENT--Bed sitting room, kitchen and bath, "opposite High School. Phone 421. Nov. 14 FOR SALE -- Men's Skates, good condition, one pair 8% with tendon guards, one pair size 7 with ankle straps. Can be seen at Star Office. tf INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man with tendon guards, size 9; nearly new E . K I N G $10.00. Apply Star Office. T.F. FOR SALE--Boys Hockey Skates, AGENT Port Perry - Ontario Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. ~ Aug. 30, 1958 Custom Built 'Furniture Light furniture and built-in cabinets. Working samples on display at Prince Albert. For information call George | Nichols, Prince Albert. Nov. 7 FOR SALE -- English Yorkshire Hogs, serviceable age; also a few good | English Yorkshire first litter Sows, bred to Landrace Hog. Fred Milne, | Blackwater. Phone Sunderland 3-r-3.°' Nov. 21 ROBERT G ECKEL FOR SALE -- Girls White Skates, ' . size 13; Girls White Figure Skates, | Florist BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Phone 190 Grower of cut mums year 'round. tf. : size 2; also 2 white uniforms, size 14. Phone 317-R. FOR SALE -- Oldsmobile Sedan in excellent condition, new battery, good tires, small mileage, privately owned, upholstery good and clean. Chas. Coombe, Queen and Simcoe St., Port Perry. LOS I'--Blonde Cocker Spaniel, about 10 years old. Left home Wednesday, . Good Gravel, elec. i Oct. 30th, Dog tag No. 17, Port Perry. | Any information greatly appreciated. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE Phone 207-M. ! For your sand, gravel, crushed stone,| HOUSE FOR RENT on Crandel St.' washed sand and stone, also good © rooms, conveniences. Apply at] loam. house. Mrs. Peverse, Nov, 14 | Hockey Skat Ellsworth Kennedy For Soe ik Port Perry _.~Untario | .*" Dec. 12, 1957. CALL 822.W Sizes, 9, 8% and 7. Star Office. FOR SALE--White Figure Skates,' size 6%; also Boys Hockey Pants and" shoulder pads. Phone 421, Port Perry.' VEGETABLES FOR SALE--$1.00 | per bushel, beets, carrots, turnips; also Morris Oxford in running condi- tion. Phone Blackstock 11-r-13. FOR SALE OR RENT--House be- | tween Epsom and Uxbridge. Low down payment. Immediate possession. Gordon Prentice, R.R. 4, Uxbridge, Phone Uxbridge 93-r-33. -~ - 'SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Phone 451 | Jan, 19, 1958 Port Perry = eee eee eT eee ee me ey BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING Welding | , Steam heat, -- -- i? . FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. 4 TRIPP CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm, Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 302J \ 1 . SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. | AEE - ---- ase oY Help Wanted Office clerk for permanent position. Typing preferred, accuracy essential. Pleasant working conditions. Com- pany benefits. Apply to Silverwood Dairies Ltd. Phone 154, Port Perry. T.F. " Custom Chain Sawing Phone 206-W, Port Perry. S. Starr. Nov. 17 URGENTLY WANTED--2 bedroom apartment or small house. December 1st possession, Port Perry or Prince Albert. Apply Jack Brain, Prince Al- bert. .~ Nov. 28 FOR SALE--Findlay Condor Cook Stove, coal or wood, in good condition. Phone 483-r-21. Nov. 7 BABY SITTING --- Will do baby sitting. Betty, Judy and Arlene Wallis, FOI! SALE --- 2 pair of Women's Skates, white, size 6. Phone 480-r-4; FOR SALE--7 room frame house and small barn on large lot in Port Perry. $1000 down. Phone 502-W. WANTED--Good used Quebec style stove with oven. S. O'Connor, Utica, 3 Boom Aparim ent FOR RENT --- Downtown location. Immediate possession, Phone 333. T.F ARTICLES FOR SALE -- Electric Seal Coat $20.00, size 42. Hudson Seal Coat in good condition $40.00, size 38. Must sell to close an estate. Phone 347, Port Perry. FOR SALE--1949 Ford Coach, rea- sonable. Phone 356-R, Port Perry. FOUND--Stray Ilcifer at. B, Bens- chop's, R.R. 2, Port Perry. FOR SALE --Pair Skates (used one season), size 10 men's. Phone Port Perry 115-r-12, 7 FOR RENT -- 10 room house, all modern conveniences, Lot 9, Con. .9, Reach. Apply Fred Dobson, Phone Uxbridge,. 99-r-31, evenings. BOARDING CATTLE -- Room for 15 head of cattle for winter boarding. John Ostapowich, Lot 17, "Con. 10, Reach Twp. Nov. 14 FOR SALE--Man's Tan Gabardine Overcoat with zippered-in lining, size 42, almost new. Phone 72-J. HELP WANTED--Young lady for domestic Lelp in modern Oshawa home. Electrical appliances, live-in, good wages, time off, private room. Apply Box 24, Port Perry Star. PULLETS FOR SALE--Rhode Is- land Reds, ready to lay. Phone Port serene o 80909080 PR MMS AAA Resolution! eee oe ate Se Sh J ete et eee ed BOBBIE SSE ISS BSUS ISUS SESS SUS ISUELS SES SS BE BEBE ee outlets in our town. 0 SB OBOBOBOB BOB IB BSI BB BB BOS SBOE RRA Your Young People bring to your attention this resolution recently passed in their regular meeting-- u Liquor in Port Perry? majority of the young people in our organization feel that, as Port Perry's future citizens, we would prefer NO liquor UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLES In deciding this issue, the = ET S080 0e Cee aOR R0R0R0R0RORORORCR0SD EA A A Re Le a a Tt a 0 2 ot 0 Tt tr et DEMOCRATIC FAIR-PLAY As you know, many Port Perry people make frequent trips to govern. ment store towns, This takes time, 'cosfs extra money and sometinies re- sultg_in late homecomings, to say nothing of hazardous driving in all kinds of weather. : Permitting establishment of legal stores has NEVER increased the use of these beverages. Homes that do not care to use it will still carry on as they have in the past, and can ignore the Government Stores' existence. BUT, the large half of our popula- tion that sees no harm in moderate | use will be able to purchase it, under ithe law, at less inconvenience and. hazard. -- Paid Advertisement -- Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of ANDREW BULLOCH, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Andrew Bulloch, late of the Village of Caesarea, in the County of Durham, Trapper, deceased, who died on or about the 10th day of Oct., A.D. 1957, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the j10h day of December, 1957, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. 4th day of November, 1957. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, &c., Nov. 21 Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above Estate. AUCTION SALES Real Estate and Furniture, the pro- perty of Mrs. John Hayden, Mary St. Perry 107-r-12. i Port Perry. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 WANTED--1928 or 1929 Packard for parts. Will buy car regardless of condition. Also looking for 1928-29 Chevrolet. Apply Box 25 Port Perry Star. Nov. 21 STATEMENT OF FACT: Every business man supporting the establishment of legal stores now, would be strongly opposed to a beger- age room vote. -- Paid Advertisement pm, : TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., NOV. 9th--Farm Sold, Auc- tion Sale of Live Stock, Tractor, Im- plements, Hay, Grain and Furniture, the property of W. B. Brown, Lot 5, Con. 8, Cartwright, at Purple Hill, 8 miles South East of Port Perry or 4 miles South West of Blackstock. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Cecil Heayn, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. 7 d 2 : ZZ 7 v7 7 Sr og 7 7 7 / 7; NY Vip, = IT |S BETTER TO TEACH 'A' CHILD HOW TO AQUIRE. KNOWLEDGE , THAN TO GIVE IT To HIM. TERMS ARRANGED ON PORT PERRY mayl t.f. JOHN BALLARD LUMBER SPECIAL SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOPS--50c., $1.00, $1.50 Arhorite Floor Tile Ceiling Tile Doors, Trim - Masonite, efc. HOME IMPROVEMENTS PHONE 280 £ said deceased will be distributed |: DATED at Port Perry, wr FRI, NOV. 8th--Auction Sale of CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List 1957 of Village of Port Perry, County of Ontario. Cy Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, 1951 and that I have posted up at my office at Port Perry on the 31st day of October, 1957, the list of all persons entitled to vote .in-he said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for 'appeal- ing, being the 14th day of November, 1957. ; Dated this 81st day of October 1957 JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk, i Village of Port Perry. EASE MILK PRODUCTION : SE 4 \: AND FITTING don for Denslops he fond ion | the The following formula has proven successful--- 100 lbs. MASTER DAIRY 24% CONCENTRATE 200 lbs. YOUR OWN GRAIN 800 Ibs. 16% DAIRY RATION Bring: your grain to us and'let us grind it and thoroughly ° mix it'with the proper amount of Master 24% Concentrate MASTER FEEDS, PORT PERR PHONE 1 YEH comPANY OF CANADA SO, PORT PERRY ho, looks forward to J dial. telephone. service That building project on Queen Street promises big things for Port Perry next Summer! A tribute to Port Perry's _ expansion) this is the building that will house the advanced type of dial switching apparatus and other complex equip- ent needed to provide Port Petry with modern dial service, The introduction of dial telephones will mean another change, too--a new numbering system. All numbers will consist of the exchange name "YUkon 5" plus four numerals. You will be notified of your new number before the changeover, We know you will enjoy the convenience of your new dial telephone just as much as we take pleasure in bringing improved service to Port Perry. = J. W. LOWRY, Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Business subscribers who plan to' order stationery or other material bearing their telephone' numbers are keep this corhing change in mind. advised to 9 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ye f~ Cx

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