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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Nov 1957, p. 2

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4 3 p! Dk Cn? >, Sy o oe cis fd TOIT SEAS <a) fo, nt 1 Sat ~ CAR Si : ed Er ae on a a el oh cu = WS eC BA rae a ts 2 of . Sed = en = z er § Ss ee ESE 4 gr ng "NN 2--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER $8, 1087 Blackstock The meeting which was called for Monday, the 18th, in the High School, to see who were interested in starting a Boy Scout group, met with a great response. 27 boys signed applica- tions 'to become Cubs and 19 for Scouts, The following Committee was appointed to secure leaders-and find places of meeting, etc. Harold Kyte, Neil "Bailey, Ernest Swain, George Bowers, Ken Minchall, Wilbur McCoy, _ and two ladies from the O.N.O. are to be chosen to assist since the O.N.O. donated $26.00 to start the financing. There is to be a meeting to-night (Monday) at which Mr. and Mrs. S. Lane, Scout Leader and Cub Mistress, of Port Perry, are to be present and give instructions. Rev, R. Campbell, NestJeton, chaired the meeting, Wo He Lo Mission Band met Tues- day with 21 children present.» A game was played followed by practice of a Christmas song. Elizabeth Thompson }s- presided for the meeting which opened by repeating the Purpose. Mrs. Hill led the Worship period and offered prayer. Offering was received by Randy Collins and the prayer said by Judy Mountjoy. Sharon Larmer read thie _Minutes and the roll call. Glenn and Gail Bonnetta read "Mother Nature's Feather Bed." Nancy Dor- rell sang "When Mother of Salem'. Lorna Wright read "Two Bits Goes to The Ghurch". Mrs. Kyte told the story "Flowers for Children's Day." We sang "Long Ago on Christmas Day" and repeated the Band Bene- diction. Murs. Butt showed the type of pictures needed and asked the chil- dren to bring. pictures for scrap books to the next meeting. Nomination was held in the Com- munity Hall, Friday afternoon with a good attendance. Reeve Bruce Ashton was re-elected by acclamation. Jack Green and George Black both accepted nominations for Deputy Reeve. Eleven were nominated for Council but. five refused to accept-- Harold Kyte, Wallace Marlow, and Mrs. J. AJ McArthur, were re-elected to the School 'Board by acclamation. Wesley Sweet, Clerk, who, had pre- sided for the nominations called on Norman Green, an ex-Reeve, to chair the meeting, who paid tribute to the late Henry Thompson, who was Clerk for six. years and a half. 'Reeve Bruce Ashton reviewed the work of the Council for the year. Deputy Reeve Jack Green gave a résume of the County Council which he and the Reeve had attended last week. CouBeillor Art Hyland reported on Port Perry Community Hospital "and the assistance rendered them by our council. Mrs. J. A. McArthur gave a fine re- port of the Public School Board, as did Dr. MeAythur of the High School Board. Merlin Suggitt, gave the report of the work done on FoHowing are $ecking election on Monday, Dee. 2nd--Deputy Reeve, Jack Green and Geo. Black; Council, Bert. Gibson, Arthur Hyland, Carl Melmmuehlin, Tred Trewin, Merrill VanCamp and Osmond Wright. The November meeting of St. John's W.A. was in charge of the President, and seventeen members answered the roll call. The devotional which *cen- "tered around St. Andrew the Apostle taken by Mrs. MeArthur, | The Study roads. Book. chapter 8, "Indonesia the Young Republic" was taken by Mrs. Bone. She was assisted by three members in a littke radio playlet. Mrs. A. Bailey, Dorcas Secretary, read a re- ceipt and letter of thanks for the bale sent recently to the W.A. House in Toronto and "she said the requisition for the: Indian girl this year was money only. Mrs. 'Hamilton handed in a cheque received for the waste paper drive. The members ac- cepted an invitation from the O.N.O. County of Ontario}. SALE OF LAND FOR TRXES > To Wit: BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Warden of the County of Ontario and bearing the date 7th day of August, 1967, the sale of lands in arrears for taxes in the County of Ontario will be held at the Court House, Whitby, at the hour of ten o'clock in the morning on the 10th day of December, 1957, tinless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Natiée is hereby given that the list of lands for sale is being published in the Ontario Gazette in the issue of September Tth, 1957 Copies of said list may be had at my office, : WM. G. MANNING, Treasurer, County of Ontario | _ Treasurer's Office, Whithsp,. August 20th, 1957 'dec b Road Supt., Club to cater to a turkey banquet on Decemebr 7th when they entertain their husbands. It was decided to hold the December meeting a week earlier because of the regular date being so close_to Christmas, Canon Chaplin reminded the meet- ing that-a W.A. Corporate Commu- nion will be held on St. Andrew's Sun- day, December 1st. The meeting was closed by the Rector after which lunch was served by Group IV with Mrs. H. Shemilt as convener. Our Township was well represented with exhibitors at the Royal Winter Fair last week, Jack, Jim and Harold Swain 'entered grain, Fred Trewin sheep and swine; Neil Malcolm Hol- stein cattle; Ivan Cochrane, Lorne Hoskin/ and Ralph Sadler, horses. All received a good share of prizes and had some splendid sales of stock. Roy McLaughlin competed in the singles in horseshoe pitching contest and won a trophy on Friday night in consolation class, Sympathy! is extended Mrs. Neil Malcolm on the passing of her father Mr. A. J. Cook, of Brooklin, in Welles- ley Hospital, on Sunday, Nov. 10th. A good many from here attended the funeral in Brooklin, Wednesday. Sympathy is also extended the fam- ily of the late Meredith Fallis who passed away at his home east of Cadmus, on Friday night. Funeral Panabaker Parlors on Monday. services were held at the McDermott. x Mr, and Mrs. Walter Wright attend- er the funeral of her uncle Mr. Dalton Brown, of Fleetwood, in Lindsay, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mailow have received word from their sory that he landed safely in Australia. Had a wonderful flight and was enjoying his trip very much. Mrs, Lorne Thompson spent' Wed- nesday night with her mother, Mrs. Cobbledick, in Orono, Six tables of euchre were played in the L.0.B.A, rooms Thursday night. Prize winners were: Mrs, Wilbext Werry and Mr. Perey VanCemp, The door prize by Mrs, Cecil Hill. Mr. Roy Ferguson spent the werk: end in Toronto with the Grant Fergu- sons and George Dunbars. Mr. and Mrs, Goldwin Faint and family, Toronto, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Osmond Wright. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Trewin and fam- ily of Enniskillen, visited the Fred Trewins and Albert Wrights on Sun- day. : Glen Wilson, Seagrave, spent the week-end at home. On Saturday even- ing a little party was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Wilson in honour of Clem's and Glen's sixteenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Newtori; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Newton, Toronto, visited Mrs. Geo. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Pearce, on 'Monday. a Kthel Major, Taranto, was a week- end guest of Myr. and Mrs. Sutherland, Mz, and Mrs. Roy Hope, of Port Perry, were visiting Mr, and Mrs. B. Geer, Friday night. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J, on. their 40th wedding anniversarys A lovely turkey dinner was prepared for them by their family at the home of Grace Parkins, their daughter, 24 at- tended. Seventeen women attended the Stan. 'Tey Brush demonstration at the home of Rose Philip, amongst those were ber mother, Mrs. Steer and sister Mrs. Gordon Day, of Ajax. Mrs. Papodinic had the new baby christened Christina, at, Uxbridge, on Sunday, « Bert Mitchell and Bob Sutherland were away to 'New Jersey last week. Billy Mitchell was home for the week-end, y "vMr, and Mrs. J. Hill were guests of { Mr. and Mrs. J. Crosier Tuesday night. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. C. Gordon is sick in Port Perry Hospital. Mrs. Ackney was recently visited by Mr. and Mrs, Stan Prizeman of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Geer were at a euchre party at Dave Prentice's home on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sutcliffe and baby were visiting his ndgther Mrs. - Sut- cliffe this week-en and - Margaret | Suteliffe of Toronto was also home, Staying at the home of F. Kendall are Miss Joyce Stone and Miss Diane Spanner of Toronto, who are student teachers at Utica school this week, « Ralph Wilbur celebrated a birthday |' on Sunday. Guests were Mr, and Mrs, Sinclair Robertson, Jr., of Shirley and [Miss Carol Beare of Greenbank. Mrs, Mervin Storie and children have returned home after spending a few days in Toronto with her mother Mrs. J. Toogood. : Pine Grove gE Thé W.A. will meet at the home of Mrs, J. Hill; on December 4th, - 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark of Pine- dale visited Mr, and Mrs, Jack Hill, on Wednesday evening, 'Mr, and" Mrs, Russell Emby and family, of Germany, will arrive in Belleville this week and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hill will meet them and visit be- fore Mr. and Mrs. Emby go on" to Camp Borden where Russell will be stationed, - Mrs, A. Rothwell visited Miss Mec+ Tavish and Alin Relatives: werd, visiting Mr, John Albright on Sun Mrs. Talbert Evans spent Friday in Oshawa. _ Mrs. A, Handel, Mrs. E. Ballard, and Mrs, Tr enga, attended the Stanley demonstration at 'Mrs. J. Philips on Thursday. evening. | TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK ROOT apd ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING, SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL, FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRU LIMITED * : Phone 392W (Office) Sph pe Residenco--Wm Tripp iif and dog Tripp 3924. \ : : mers So. CTT E-- ug oo i 2 Now is the Time fo Plan Your ® Christmas Advertising Campaign 2 The PORT PERRY STAR will be happy to help you plan your schedule and advertising material, Phone 50. Aa momo as ROA RSA ROA D700 tractor-- up 10 50,000 Ibs. G.C.W, D500 with dump body-- 19,500 Ibs. max. G.V.W, | D300 with stako body-- ~~ DI0Q 19,000 Ibs, max. G.V. W. panel 6,000 Ibs, max, G.V.W. _ Now's the time to switoh to the trucks of ne morward Look I> "J0B- RATED" . Every now. : . Y 80) asin GV.W.. Boulevard beauty! on brawn! $k New! Distinctive Forward Look styling . . . besks dressed trucks in business . . . inside and outside! . *%K New! Medarn dual headlights . . . for easier, safer - < : ra janis trips| . *k New! More powerful V-8's... extra pull" when you want itl %% New! Easy-shift 3-speed| transmission on D100 half models. Smoothest working manual gearshift . ever provided in a truck! % New! "Passenger-car" ride in D100 half-ton models «+» rear springs adjust to varying loads! iF J New! Higher G.V.W.'s . . . more payload capacityl %k New! Push-button LoadFlite automatic Hilve now available in all light-duty models! * New! Deep-centre safety steering wheel . . . new instrument grouping for maximum visibility , o o ' colourful, long-wearing vinyl upholsteryl » They're here--Dodge , Power Giants for-1958! model as rugged as it is handsome. . . every I ms built stronger to set new Siaridards for on-the-job . stamina and economy! | - : ~ For big jobs, small jobs--all jobs--Dodge offers ou more avea thrifty Power-Dome V-8 in any mo del-- your "choice of a sturdy, dependable Done Six i in light and medium-tonnage models, V-8 power than eyer before! You can light-duty model offers you the modern convenience of push-button LoadFlite automatic drive. And in D100 half-tonners, new rear springs give you a * running load There' haulin assenger-car" ride Whether you're or empty." 8 a new Dodge truck built for your kind of ng! 'You can see it and drive it at your dealer's top in and get acquainted first hand with all ih e @ Inoney-Saving, Worl savin features of today's in boudevrd be cing Dodge Power Giants--t , beauties with bighaul brawn! : Chrysier Corporation of Canada, Limited : GVW reomM 4.880 Lee. 10 40,000 Lee. .0.w.e ro es,000 "ne. Zt. "BEARE MOTORS "UMITED LE cn-- A i ite

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