Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Nov 1957, p. 6

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EN sei EDA Jaa l SRR 6 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 28, 1957 -- BUSINESS DIRECTORY . INSURANCE Are your polici ies up-to-date?' Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry] pie] Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds .% of work. : EARL WALLACE Port Perry Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs ( (nothing under 300 lbs) picked up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR FOR SLAUGHTER Pnone collect: Uxbridge 541, Woodville 32 r 11 Ed. Peconi july 30, 1968 Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry - Ontario Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly "or fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 30, 1958 ROBEKT G. ARI Florist Phone 190 Grower "of cul nmiums year "round. tf. . Good Gravel, etc. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE IF'or your sand, gravel, crushed stone, washed sand and stone, also good loam. CALL 322-W Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry Ontario Dec. 12, 1057. SEPTIC TANKS -cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now - before Acetylene PORT PERRY FARM EQUIPMENT Phone 6518 "MITE [7773 5% |, THE WoMLY, WO SHY, S4& CORD ME HARRIED ANSE, SE PLEASED, OBHOUSY MER EASED MYON... Jack Parg ol Service Shafion FOR SALE--Building lot facing on Queen St. Apply I. A. Boyd. FOR SALE -- New modern 3-bed- room bungalow, large kitchen and 4 piece bath, oil heating, hardwood and tile- floors. .Low down payment can be arranged. Phone 174-r-31. FOR SALE -- Electric Train with accessories, Phone 462- r-2, Port Perry, - Dec. b FOR SALE--Boys' Skates & Boots, Size 7, good condition, Phone 38%. FUR SALE--1950 Chevrolet, rddic and heater. Al Condition. = $460.00. Phone 548-W. FOR SALE--Two Suburbanite Snow Tires, nearly new (gone less than 500 miles) 670 x 16. Port Perry R.R. 4, Phone 105-r-21, I'OR SALE--Registered Landrace Boars and Gilts, 2nd generation, 8 weeks old; also hybrid boars and gilts, Harold Harrison, Mount Albert; Ont, Phone 80-M. FOR SALE--Wood Stove in good 'condition. Phone 11-r-13, Blackstock. FOR SALE -- Violin; Acousticon Hearing Aid. unused; Man's, (size 42) iall over coat, dark brown, good con- dition; dark green swede jacket; man's green sweater. © All reasonable; Phone 483-r-13, Port Perry. Dec. 6 BABY SITTING -- Young married woman. will do baby sitting. Phone -5317, Port Perry. WOOD FOR SALE--12", 16", 24" and 48" hardwood, delivered. Call M Port Perry. Dec. b DELUXE CHRISTMAS TREES -- All Sizes -- Phone PORT PERRY 421 or UXBRIDGE 3868 Dec. b APARTMENT FOR RENT--Four rooms and bath, in Port Perry. Im- mediate possession. Phone 619-W. Dec. b TO RENT in Columbus -- 38 large unfurnished rooms with private bath, heated, cupboards and sink in kitchen, heavy wiring, hot and cold water, newly . decorated, private entrance. Young couple preferred. Phone Brook- lin, 605-r-4. HOUSE FOR SALE--9-room house - in Port Perry, town water in base- | ment, new roof, one block from shop- ping centre. For information phone 174-r-14. John T. Crosier,| Al le te USE THE ' € So REPRESENTATIVE WANTED Large United States 'and Canadian Manufacturing Company requires Field' representative 'in Reach town- ship. * Exceptionally high earnings. Guaranteed .repeat business. Auto- mobile essential. © Agricultural or Farming background most important. Sales training given. Reply to Box 84 London, Ontario, Dec. b ) PERSONAL "SKINNY: MEN, WOMENt{ GAIN 6, 10, 16 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. Ostrex also improves poor appetite due to lack of iron. "Get-acquainted" size only 60c.. At all druggists. AUCTION SALES THURS., NOV. 28--Auction Sale of Live Stock, Ferguson Tractor, Imple- ments, Hay, Grain, some Furniture, the property of Mrs, K. Zolopa, Lot 15, Con. 8, Pickering Twp., on Church St.,, 1% miles North of Pickering. Terms Cash. Salé at 1.00 pm. Ralph Faulkner, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Aunklonier, SAT., DEC. Tth--Auction Sale of Church Building and Shed, known as Bethel Church, Lot I, Con. 8, Cart- wright Township. - Church building, approximately 80' by 24'. ~ Church b| Shed 80' by 20'. Buildings to be sold separately. Also Square piano, tables, pews, chair and stove. Purchasers may have ninety days to remove the buildings from property. Terms cash, sale at 10.00 a.m., Sat., Dec. 7th, For further particulars contact Rev. Geo. C. McQuade; Mr, Ivan Law, Whitby; or Mr. R. J. Harper, Port Perry, Osh- awa Presbytery of the United Church, ime of sale 10.00 a.m. Dee. 6 BWC JACKSON, Auctioneer, Uxbridge Junior Farmer News The Novemebr meeting of the Ux- bridge Junior Farmers and Junior Institute was held in the High School at Uxbridge, on Tuesday, November 12th, with 66 Junior Farmers in at- tendance. The highlight of the meet- ing was a visit from neighbouring Jr. Farmer Clubs. Brooklin, Port Perry and North Simcoe Jr. Farmers were represented by a good delegation. The girls' meeting was under the direction of Jeanne Pearson, President of the Uxbridge Jr. Institute. Shirley + Appleton won the door prize. Mrs. R. Randall after 6 pm. at 130-r-2,' pijcen Gould, Uxbridge, demonstrated the various interesting ways 'of mak- { ing and decorating Christmas candles. She also explained the method of mak- ing Christmas table centres using five or more tall tapers.--This proved to be a very interesting programme. The boys' meeting was in charge of vice-president, Cloyne Stearman. The door prize was won by Alan Ash- ton. The feature of the meeting was a group discussion on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Loose Housing for cattle, The members were divid- ed in four groups, at the conclusion of the discussion, each group secretary reported the findings of his group to the 'general meeting. The joint ~meeting was under the direction of Jeanne Pearson. The County Debating and Public Speaking Night will be held at Port'Perry Jr. Farmer meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 26. The County Junior Farmer Association is holding a 'Hard Times Dance' in the Sunderland Hall, Friday,' November i 22nd, with Norm Burling's Orchestra. y The regular Uxbridge Junior Farmer, Christmas Dance will be held inthe Town Hall, Uxbridge, o on din Dee. 27th. ; Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Flora M. Edythe Adams, Deceased All persons having claims againgt the Estate of Flora M. Edythe Adams, late of the Township of Scugog, in the County of Ontario, Spinster, who died on or about the 4th day of Nov- ember, A.D., 1957, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the.31st day of December, A.D, 19567, full particulars of their claims, Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed 'among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then havé notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 15th day of November, A.D., 1957. GREER AND KELLY, Dec. bth Barristers, &ec., . Box 181, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above estate. Notice rr CT In the matter of the Estate of Robert John Tinsley, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Robert John Tinsley, late of the Villdge of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Electrician, who died on of about the 1st 'day of Nov- ember, A.D., 1957, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 21st day of December, 1957, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the as- tributed .among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 16th day of November, A.D, 1957. GREER AND KELLY, Dec. 6th . Barristers, &e,, Box 181, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the above estate, PREMIUM FUEL OIL ......... Vigor Oil Co. Lid. STOVE OIL vovvovvvooooooososssiosessesssnsioon 21. gallon severe vest ense FOR DELIVERY PHONE ~~ OshawaRA. 51109. QUALITY. sets of the said deceased will be dis-. of which they shall then have notice. bay FOR YOUR FEED ~ when you. SELL YOUR HOGS! PORT PERRY: SEE US FOR, THE MASTER HOG CONTRACT PLAN. The following plan is highly recommended for Best Results: MASTER PIG-PERK PELLETS, 25 Ibs. PER PIG. Start them when they are approximately 1 week old. MASTER PIG STARTER PELLETS, 761bs. PER PIG. followed by MASTER PIG: GROWER PELLETS MASTER FEEDS "FAST, FAIR and FRIENDLY SERVICE € ° PHONE ir t © @ _ MADE OF ALCAN ALUMINUM © OVERLAP FRAME INSTALLATION © PREMIUM OLASS, RusT-PROOF. NASH WINDOWS AND DOORS | KOOLVENT AWNING PEOPLE OF OSHAWA, CANADA MATCHING STORM-SCREEN WINDOWS AND DOORS in fol © 22 EXCITING COLOURS © BAKED ENAMEL FINISH © SELP-STORING COMBINATIONS SCREENS ARE MADE BY-THE PORT PERRY JOHN BALLARD LUMBER PHONE 280 IT'S SO EASY. ~ ® You may Budget Buy both labour and materials at . Do hte stairs UNUSED - LIVING SPACE - - ? "area with-a ee RECREATION ROOM. with a Planned Budget Purchase. Budget Buy ; For As Low: As $ 20.00 OR -DROP "IN TO-DAY } "PHONE Monthly " REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Port Perry Phone 73 INDECISION ... . caused this. fatal accident --leddto--- | Expand y your Fling trouble starts. 24 hour service "| HOUSE FOR SALE--4 rooms and REG. ARMSTRONG bath in Prince Albert, full basement, Di d Y G You close to school, church and store, 16 1 ou. el our Phone 451. | miles north of Oshawa, good bus ser- Jan, i 1958 vice. For information phone 174-r-14. Christmas Seals? x "| More than 21,000 envelopes contain- URGENTLY WANTED---2 bedroom | FLECTION NOTICE - ing Christmas seals were mailed out| = A apartment or small house. December The Municipal Electors of the O°" Monday morning to all parts of! "1st possession, Port Perry or Prince Township of Bh are hereby noti- Ontario County and the City of Osha- Albert. Apply Jack Brain, Prince Al- | fied that nominations for the offices|" is was announced by Mrs. E. bert. - Nov. 28] of Reeves, Councillors and Township A, 4g Sxseutive va Tub te is . Ce School Area Board to form the coun- Ontario County-Oshawa Tuberculosis 3 5 Association, STRAYED--to the property of J. C. cil of the said Township for 1058, Within the past few weeks, various h t. ' Love one yearling heifer, Holstein, nd three fos ov Mgn T ol i volunteer groups have co-operated in Owner may claim same by paying ex- the Township Hall, Manchestér on assisting. 4 eee aa Port Perry XT LOCATION, iksisccy Tie car or the right approached the intersection and dowed down, apparently i rl orsggyon: Ito walt until the other car had passed. But, suddenly, the driver changed her pentes, . Nov. 28| iday. November 29, 1 "1 Last Tuesday night at Northminster . mind and began to aceelérate , . . no doubt thinking she had time to cross the oll 5 ; Te te edn i iy Es United Church, the women of the "ans pm. intersection: The other driver braked immediately, but couldn't stop in time. oo € . FOUND olin Belin 1 ns event' of a poll being required the Shire aiisllinry, sogisied in folding : ROAD rave Oy His' car slammed into the other broadside. The indecisive driver died in "under 2 years. Uall Jas, Owen, R.R. 1 votes of the electors will be taken on| 2d Preparing the enveopes. . ACC : rave. accidents. Port Perry, phone 189-1-5. Nov28 | Monday, the ninth day of December, | tonal assistance was given the Asso- be RESULT: hospital. Indecision has been the cause of many serious'and fy accide a 1957, between -the hours of 10 am ciation by the Seventh Beout Rovers One killed. One a Remon this every time you drive. . £45: _ LOST -- Small hound, black with|and 7 pm. Dated this 16th day of | Pack on Wednesday this week. : slightly injured : : | blue tick parts from 7th Con. of | November, Clerk's office, Manches- The objective this $25,000 : ; ONTARIO! DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT . ; * Reach on Monday, Nov. 256th, Phone | ter, Ont, which ft is hoped will be realized from Sh 3 IA ik Yi ol : 189-r-14, Bob Cawker, GRANT CHRISTIE, Clérk contributions of residents throughout : ' '} Oshawa and all of Ontario County.

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