Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Nov 1957, p. 7

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and Bruce, Wilson dx Prince Albert | day money in the wee An attendance of over fifty turned Mrs. C. Newnham read the story, . out to 8. 8. on Sunday, Jean Huntley Recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. F. their birth- { Acos Fn Ceiling Tile o Mulvey. included Mr, and. Mrs. Wm. Baan and Mrs, Je, od all of Tor- on ; Mr. Frank spent a couple of days with his daughter Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt and family, Oshawa. Saturday afternoon the junior girls S. 8, elass were entertained at the home of their teacher Mrs. Ben Bmith. Fore-part of the afternoon was de- voted to planning and working in' six scrap-books. When this accomplish- ment. was completed it was agreeable to send these books to Sick Children's Hospital shortly before Christmas, The hostess now conducted a few li- vely games which created much gaiety. To climax the party '\their teacher served a delicious: dinne the group. Finally going-homg time 'arrived as a | 'result each girl expressed appreciation week vacation. We again welcome two student teachers to the Head community. They are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham. Mr. and Mrs, 8, Rodman attended a birthday celebration in honour of Mrs. A. Ashton last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IL Travail in Oshawa. : Seagrave November meeting of the 'Woman's Association was held in 8, 8. room or Hymn "In the Cross of Christ I Glory" "able program. Wednesday evening, Nov. 18, under. the leadership of Mrs. Fishley for the wést group. Meeting - was called to order with singing of Theme Song and a poem after which hymn O God Ou collection of $8.65 was received. The treasurer reported $446. on hand, Several ladies turned in their calen- dar talent' money. 'Mrs. McNeil in- vited all to her Xmas party on even- ing of Dec. 18 in the S. 8. room, each to bring a small gift. A motion was passed giving $50.00 to the M. and M. Fund. A report of the turkey supper was given by Mrs, Reynolds that approximately $475.00 ses are all paid. ed all who helped with the sipper to make it the successful evening it was, closed, the meeting. | A sing song was conducted accom- | pared at piano by Mrs. Scott. A reading by Mrs. Fishley and a contest by Mrs. Keen.» Lunch was served by | will be the proceeds after the expen- The president thank- | | Mrs, Harold Holtby expressed our ap: Hs THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 19571 ham, who gave an inspiring message. Our pastor introduced the guest speaker, Miss Wilson, secretary of the Dominidn Council of the Women's As. sociition. Her address was interest- ing and informative. Mrs. Earl Read- er gave a reading, followed by a vocal duet by Mrs. Raymond Fralick 'and Mrs. Glen Hood, a piano duet by Mrs.' Horace Webster and Mrs. Bruce Holt- by, and a vocal solo by Mrs. Bert Gray. "preciation and gratitude to everyone . whe had contributed to a most enjoy- The meeting closed with Theme Song and Prayer and the ! Benediction by Rev. J. K. Braham. A "pleasant social hour in the basement concluded a most enjoyable evening. There is an invitation from Utjea 5g ' g RN BUT di AE in various ways to Mrs. Smith for the a EAE Ai a west group and social hour enjoyed : FWA, iy SRes their bazaar on Sat. SAYS happy hours spent, fter which. prayer was offered DY 811 present. \| p.m., Nov. oth" at 2.30. leds: SAY Masonile, elc. a gon, Wf whist prey | ; : i ; . by Mrs. Fishley. "The topic wag Py: 'ongratulations to Mr. Clare Vernon by Mrs. Keen on Endurance. An Ar-{ ° on winning 2nd prize on his exhibit of ERMS' ARRANGED ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS Scugog . mistice Poem, "I'm not afraid" was Pp i Garry Oats, in a class of 64 entries, JOHN BALLARD LUMBER The Christmas meeting of the Head: read by Mrs. Eagleson. rospec lat the Royal Show. Manitoba exhibit : W.A. will be held atthe home of Bon. | Hymn "Creations Lord we Give Prospect W.A. enteitained Manches. $0t 1st prize. | PORT PERRY PHONE 280 nie Gerrow on Dec. 4th. Don't forget Thee Thanks" closed this part of the ter and Scugog W.A.s on Wednesday ~~ Mrs. C. Morrison, Toronto, and her our gift exchange, meeting. President. Mrs. Keen then evening the 20th. The president Mrs. sister Mrs. N. S. MacDonald of Ep- SPECT L Miss Inez Martyn spent last week, took the chair and-read the W. AT" Murray Holtby welcomed the guests. |sont were Sunday guests of Mr. and end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, creed. Minutes of last meeting were The worship service was conducted by [ Mrs. Bruce Holtby. $y SMALL ARBORITE TABLE TOPS--50e, $1.00, $1.50 Martyn. Inez returned.on Nov. 17th read and approved. Due to unpleas- Scugog ladies -- Mrs. Victor Aldred, Mrs. Durham visited relatives in " OI a . Ey from Bermuda, where she enjoyed a ant weather only 16 were present and Mrs. Robt. Tetlow and Mrs. J. K. Bra- | Hamilton last week. - ° i ; . _- ] x wh Ve B % , . - ° . . o. Announcing the great new trend-setter trucks! | : : ' bd © 0000000 0OQCOCOCOOLOOOEOO ; ¥ : { : # " 3 » ; in en . i : Mid Jkt ii. A a ( Pl ! » AS i 58 All new for « «oo. bulit tougher. was end family travel. Springs automatically adjust Tt go to varying load weights. You get the same smooth i 'for the toug hest jobs! ride whether the truck is empty or. fully loaded. . x L 4 : : Now No brings you these, and many more : - ° oe New! Higher powered- Fargo- V-8's--give -- Newl Chryeler ion a fio eas and improvements to make evem : you performance and economy such as you've dual headlamp a that looks smarter . toughest work-horse jobs seem simple. New never known before. 7 lights your way better, more safely. . Fargo Power-Masters t8 the - easiest-working trucks ve ever used ¢ New! Increased G.V.W.'s on most t models, © New! Bigger, better heavy-duty brakes on Your for bigger recommended loads, all medium- and heavy-duty models for greater ~~ Fargo introduces, too, a new trend in truck . efficiency, longer life and safety. « styling. A bold look to match the bold leadership eo Newl: «Styling that works for you-as a trucking has dssumed in modern life. . business builder, seta the trend for the future, © New! Push-button LoadFlite automatic : ' drive now available on all light-duty models. A Take an especially sharp, appraising look at theses a art © New! Easy-shift 3-speed transmission=fn Chrysler Corporation exclusive that takes the handsome new trucks. Check their many advan. ) : lowest tonnage expresses and panel models, Btrainout of stop-go hauling. tages. See how Fargo can make your hauling job Newly designed steering column lever and link- © N@W! An advanced rear sus easier, prouder and more profitable than eves! - age make manual shifting easiest ever. on the light-duty model often used for both work Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited oo See them today... and see how far ahead 2 J you'll be with FARGO Power-Masters...V-8 or 6 ) oA / ' / eu @ had L\- ; of = INNES. MOTOR SALES J: » . . * 12 = - £ y d PHONE 168 (RR. 4 PORT PERRY) , family, Manchester } Mr. and Mrs. i Eden on" Sunday. EPSOM Another meeting of Epsom Com- munity Club was held on Friday, Nov. 15th in the Public school. After nine tables of euchre were played a period of old timp dancing was enjoyed. Prize winners fo Ist ladies--Mrs. C, Forsythe; 2nd-- Mrs. Card; Consolation -- Mrs. Wat- son; door prize---Mrs. Brawn, 'Ist Men's--Mr. G. Taylor; 2nd--Mr. G. Stewart; Cdnsolation--Mr. C. Hardy; Door prize--Mr. H. McCartney. - Next meeting will be Friday, Nov. 29th. Everyone Welcome! . . Visiting in the village on Sunday was Mr. Benjamin St. Clair, Toronto. The St. Clair's were former residents of Epsom. (Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and family on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett and family of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Leach and visited with Mr. and- Mrs. R. Leach on Sunday. fr. and Mrs. D. Asling called on Elsworth Gorrill of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Tommy visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Reid in Tor- ontp on Sunday. 'Sympathy is extended to the Miller family on the passing of their mother Mrs. Joel Miller of Manchester on Monday, Nov, 18th. "Mrs. Jeffery held a birthday party recently in honour of her: 80-yr.-old father Mr. Wesley Cawker at her ome. fario Federation_ of Agriculture The Ontario County Federation of Agriculture held its regular monthly meeting in the Lakeview Restaurant at Beaverton. Mr. Rodd, president chaired the meeting. A letter from W. P. Watson regard- ing Brucellosis Free Areas was read. Mr.- Watson pointed out that nothing could be done under the present leyi- slation but it was expected that am- -f mendments would soon be made which would allow free areas to be set up. Dairy farmers in Omtario county are very much concerned that unless pro- gress is made in this regard they will lose their very good export market in United States a< many whole states in USA are "already prohibited from buying except from a Brucellosis Free Area. . It" was moved that the Rural Co- operator bill be paid, this $447.00 pays for subscriptions for the south end of the county and Scott township. There was much discussion regarding 'he stopping of the paper in the north end of the county. The reason was that varions complaints came in regard- ing duplications and omissions in the list of subscriptions and so it was de cided that new lists <hould be made out. This cost over fifty dollars for the south end of the county and Scoit hut was contributed to by all the eo aperatives, Medical services and all of the townships, the total cost was over XH00.00 In the north end of the county Peav er. ton co-operative participated, felt the including the subscriptions project very worthwhile and contrib ted. but sufficient money was not a vailable to eariy on the 'every firme' subscription list. After much discus. cion the cearetavy was instructed to contact the clerks of the townshios | the Farmar. j ves votes veanired. to ask for lists and the problem will | bo ditencsed sean at the next aneet ing. Mr Colville contacted Mr. Moore of 'nion to a<k that that organization co-operte with the Feo deration of Acriculture in the avhe vote, The twa groups set a date to meet in Uxbridge. Mr. Windatt <noke to the meetings regarding the last Hop Producer's meeting in Toronto." Mr. Duncan Wa' Ince added to his comments pointing out the complete diseatisfaction of the farmers with regards to the rules and wolations of the vote, ) A recolntion was _dranghted to be cont to Dv Dymond asking that our "representative in government aet in om behalf to have the vote delayed nti 1959 <o that a fair trial could be given~the plan, also asking that changes be made in the percentage of Fvery absentee avelified voter io counted as. a vote ngainst the Hop Marketing plan and the percentage of the vote east works out to such a startling majority re- quired that it presents, the most ex- treme difficulties. The farmers felt that the present regulations showed the most treniendous advantages to those business interests which are in opposition to this plan. It. was stressed that everyone ig in- vited to the annual meeting to be held following the dinner in the Greenbank United Church on December 4 at eight o'clock, r euchre were as follows:

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