oF : 'Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. (55% THE PORT PERRY STAR ; | Cll ZZ / Z J -- Zi 3 yi V7 XZ )/ 7, PLES Tse ; 2 7, : 2 7% 7 Wi 7 a RY AN 7 7 7 Al / / J jie il) sl i df V) ) ay 1 777. )) 7 7 A 7 win ? %. PORT PERRY, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1957 Stars and sputniks and the hills of Judea all run through our 1 heads when we think of Christmas this year. Since the Russians » he have launched Sputnik we have a new horizon for living which can be very wonderful or very frightening depending on the in- terpretation we put upon it. The shepherds of 61d on the hills of Judea watched those stars with never a thought in their heads about man's ability to get out into the heavens before he died. When he was dead he might go to heaven which was perhaps somewhere out there, he did not know. In any case man was very much an earthly creature as * far as transportation went in those days. Now we remember the Christ trudging those hills, healing the sick, sitting with the poor and sinful; we remember him aloft on the cross against that vast backdrop of the sky, through which we are trying to go in our mighty new conveyances and ge wonder what he would have said ™ about it all, had He lived in! . day. Strangely enough, we always have an idea of what He would say about any question because His teachings are timeless. They apply to everybody everywhere and at any time, with a relevancy that is always modern. This is so because he based His teach- ings on Truth. He said: "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." We only know bits of the truth but when- ever we discover a new truth, we find a door opening to a new freedom even if it be only the door of the mind, and an inward freedom, for some truths are very unpleasant and seem outwardly to imprison us the mere. Nevertheless the fact that we saw them . means our minds are capable of great power, the power to face ed > even things that are unpleasant or terrible as well as the beauti- ful and the good. : We must face the truth to-day that Russia has outstripped us NN in scientific education but we must also remember that science -- tee is a method and it is not a method that can deal with the whole - \ of life. Philosophy and religion are just as important if we would interpret and properly make use of the new tools science has put at our disposal. Literature and art too, impart great truths to us about Life. Christ's teathings have entered into all these fields. Now as those great skies break open over our very heads may we send the Christmas message ringing out through all space with scien- tists educated in Christ's command "Love ye one another." Only then can we expect "Peace on earth, goodwill to men." : The Christmas Mespune = ; ny' n Holiday Reminders HOLIDAY HOSTESSES URGED TO CARE FOR SAFETY OF GUESTS "Stop and think before making those elaborate preparations for Christmas and New Year's entertain. ing," was the word of caution deliver- 'ed in a pre-holiday statement by Mrs. . Keith Rand, Port Williams, N.S., pre- sident of the Federated Women's In- stitutes of Canada. "All of us during this festive sea- _ son look forward to having good times © with old friends and new," she sald, "but those of us who so far have NV. = 2D py %) =, J) iA vs JN wl HS been lucky enough to stay off the ayy. traffic. fatality list must exercise every caution to keep it that way." She stressed that lack of alertness wag particularly dangerous to drivers, and urged hostesses to keep the safe- ty of their guests in. mind when plan- / \ ning festive entertainment this year. [oY i \\ Mrs. Rand suggested a few simple N / "rules to follow to keep this holiday { season not only a happy one but a safe one, ' 1. Keep a variety of tasty snacks on hand such as cheese and""¢rackers, little hot sausages and potato chips. They are easy to serve and add to tie enjoyment of the evening. .2. Make sure you have a good sup- 4 ply of non-alcoholic beverages, such as fruit and vegetable juices, soft drinks, coffee and hot chocolate for "non-drinking' guests, ' 3. If you serve stronger beverages never press 'one for the road" on a parting guest. Make the farewell drink of the evening a hot cup of cof- fee." It will help every driver to stay alert and alive. 4. Check your radio for weather re- ports and if your guests have a long distance to travel, persuade them to stay overnight when a storm is pre- dicted, If your friends have any distance to travel through isolated areas, suggest they bring a thermos of coffee to pro- vide 'a-break during the drive. Refill the thermos for them when they leave to provide a break on the way home. United Church Evening Auxiliary The meeting was bid Dec, 10th at the home of Mrs. Bathie. In the ab- sence of our President, Miss Gladys Joblin, our 1st Vice President, Mrs. |. Dowson conducted the meetig which opened with silent prayers for Miss Joblin and her father. - The minutes were read and appro- ND ved. Mrs. Robert Pickard gave the Treasurer's report. Miss Alice Dodd presented the new slate of officers as _ - follows: President--Mrs. Merlin Dow- son; lat Vice President--Mrs. How- ard Challis; 2nd Vice President--Mrs, A. C. Bathie; Recording Secretary-- Mrs. Robt. Walker; Treasurer--Mrs. R. Litt; Supply Secretary--Mrs. F. _ Crawford; Literature Secretary--Mrs. Murray Williams; Corresponding Sec. retary--Mrg, J, Saunders; Friendship Secretary"Mrs, E. Fowler; Press Sec- retary---Misa Alice Dodd. After the business waa concluded, Mrs. Bathie, Mrs. Godley and Mrs. Price took charge of the devotiona}. .Z period which was comprised of gev- eral Christmas carols, scripture, pray... er and a Christmas reading by Mrs. Bathie. Mrs. Dowson presented Mra. Mur- ray Williams with a Life Membership Certificate, a gift from her mother Mrs. Nesbit, ' The chapter from our Study Book, "Cross and Crises" was ably present. ed by Mrs, Price. Mra. Beare, represénting the Cour- tesy committee, thanked our hostean and the programme committee. Following a contest and the sale of Clirlstmas articles, a refreshing lunch wag served while quiet Christmas mu- sic enhanced an enjoyable evening. The Management and Staff extend "to all the Gompliments $2.00 per year. Single Copy be. SSS = nf the Season 2