Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Feb 1958, p. 6

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Le = a ~ 2 - a -- =: oa % +X ais if if. og RI ¥. Tek ym 3 =a > = af Re BS VP SESE at 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15th, 1968 -- BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Kavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs (nothing under 300 Ibs.) picked up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR + SLAUGHTER Phone collect: Uxbridge 641, Woodville 32-r-11 - Ed. Peconi PLAN YOUR EASTER TOURS NOW Tourist Rates to Florida $116.00 return We can make arrangements for bringing people from Eng. land and 'the continent at tourist rates. . Consult: F, G, Crosby Travel Agent Phone 128 or 290W . Uxbridge, Ont. "(No service charge) feb20-58 : FOR BALE--Upright Piano, "Par- lor Grand", in good condition. Phone Port Perry b61-r-11. . BABY CHICKS Quality-Bred for High Egg Produt- tion and Good Meat-Type. Choose from 8 Breeds--' Rock X Hamp Cross" --"Barred Rocks"--'New Hampshires' All Eggs and Chicks produced at Hook's Poultry Plant and Accredited Hatchery, Greenbank, Ont. Feb.27 FOUND--Two beagle hounds. Qwn- er may have same by applying to Lot 17 Can, 10, Reach Township, proving property and paying: expenses. John Ostapowich. Feb. 20 WANTED TO BUY~--Live Poultry. High prices paid. M, Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone collect, Bethany T-r-18. March 27 N -- FOR SALE--20 sheets 4' x 8', Mahogany Plywood. Ideal for panel- ling. Will deliver. Phone 189-r-8. a." Feb. 13 ® foe i FOR SALE--Household Furniture. For information phone Lloyd Clark, 388-R. Feb. 20 July 30, 1058 |™ Dead Farm Stock ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service 'Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679_ MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. .. Aug. 30, 1958 Marg' S Sewing Centre BUTTON HOLES--BELT MAKING MATERNITY CLOTHES A SPECIALTY Sewing Lessons Available Phone 96 Apt. 1, Beare's Apt. Queen Street Feb. 28, 1958 Jackson's Pastries ANNIVERSARY WEDDING BIRTHDAY. CAKES Now .on display, Orders taken In advance. Phone 611, FOR SALE rubber--$116.00. ton. 7:60 x 16 tires--$149.00., "and wheels -- 2 for $26.00. heater and many extras. or best offer or trade. 1 trailer, % ton, steel box, 16" tires. FRANK HOSKIN Phone 2, Blackstock WANTED pb4w6. wie LE . LAZINESS BEGINS W COBWEBS, AND ENDS IV CHAINS... Jack Pargeter Service Station FOR RENT--5 room Duplex, heated, all conveniences, newly decorated. Possession March 1st, 1958. Apply] - 1st house west of water tower on Queen St, Port Perry. Mr. Reg. Farewell, CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING Bush work only. Phone 206-W. Milk cooler, used one year. new price. R.R. 8, Oshawa, Ontario. car. Glenn Hill, Phone 189-r-2. weanings and serviceable young hogs; buildings. Phone 476-r-2, --T.F. 1 new Otaco 2 to 3 ton wagon on 15" f 1 slightly used Otaco wagon, 3 to 4 2, 7:00 x 17, 8-ply truck tires, tubes 1951 Ford Truck with 16" tires, radio, $450.00 $79.00. . a Hardwood logs and heavy timber. Highest prices in the log or on the stump. R. Forsyth, Phone Stouffville, _. Feb. 20 FOR SALE rte "Woods 16-can Bulk 1/8 off Contact Arthur Woodill, Feb.20 FOR 'SALE--Baled hay and straw; set of good racks for % ton truck; Renfrew Cream Separator; 1960 Chev, FOR SALE -- Registered Landrace also 650% weanings, 'Reasonable. Martyn Rennick, Phone 398-M, Port Perry. .. FARM WANTED--To rent in Port Perry district, about 100 acres; fair SATURDAY, FEB. 16th -- Auction Sale of 20 Hereford Cattle, Baled Hay, Tractor, new mower and other imple- ments, the property of Neil Lamont, Lot 4, Con. 10 Scugog Island, 6 miles N. E. of Port Perry. Sale at one p.m. Terps Cash. C. Heayn, Clerk. SAT, FEB. 22 -- Auction Sale of Modern and Antique Furniture, the property of Miss E. M. Burton Estate at her late residence, Baldwin St., Brooklin, Ont. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 pm. Executors: Mrs. F. L. Ma. son, Oshawa; Neil C. Fraser, Oshawa. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer THURS., MARCH 13th--Farm Sold Extensive Auction Sale of 76 Holstein & Herefords, Implements, Hay, Grain, Pony, Tractors, Combine, Baler, etc. the property of Rég. Johnson, Lot 18, Con. 4, Brock Twp., half mile- North of Blackwater or two miles South of ".| Sunderland and 2 miles East (at Pinedale). Note--this is a large sale. provide lunch. Terms Cash, no re- gerve. Sale at 12.30 p.m. Geo. Ed- wards and Earl Innis, Clerks. TED JACKSON, REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, MARCH 8th--Auction sale of W4 (IHC) tractor, real good, New Holland wire-tie automatic pick- up hay baler with loading chute, near new, bale elevator new, New Idea side rake new, rubber tired wagon new, farm implements, hay, grain, ete. un Lot 19 and 20, Broken Front, Picker- ing Twp. on Brock Rd., 2 mile South of No. 2 Highway. Property of Chris Fair. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms Cash. No reserve. Farm sold. KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. Canada Arsenal Employees io Have New Righis Announcement by 'Hon, Michael Starr, Minister of Labour, that effec- tive April 1, 1958, Crown employees at two plants of Canadian Arsenals Limited at Long Branch and.Lindsay, Ont., are brought back within the scope of the Industrial Relations and Disputes Investigation Act. Mr. Starr explained that the effect of the Gov- ernment's decision, is that the em- ployees of these two plants of the Crown Corporation will have the same rights and obligations under the Act as now apply to the employees of pri- vate corpotrations within federal jur- isdiction. The Act provides for the certification of bargaining agents, a procedure: for collective bargaining, BABY CHICKS bank, Ontario. FUR COATS COME THE MALE ANIMAL . PORT PERRY | TERMS ARRANGED ON HOME IMPROVEMENTS p JOHN BALLARD LUMBER Agent for NASH ALUMINUM DOORS and "SCREEN WINDOWS Plywood Arborite V Floor Tile Ceiling Tile Doors, Trim Masonite, etc. Day-Old Cockerels to sell -- Good Meat-Type -- write Hook's Poultry corporations except where they were Plant and Accredited Hatchery; Green. Feb. 27 Council. the negotiation of collective agree- ments, and the provision of concilia- tion services for the settlement of dis- putes. When the Act was passed in 1948 it covered employees of Crown specifically excluded by Order in Employees of Canadian Ar- senals had been excluded at that time. + The Government action has now res- cinded that exclusion insofar as it re- lated to the Long Branch and Lind- say employees, some 1,600 in number. | Visiting Mr: and Mrs. M. Storie this weekend- was Miss. Sylvia Toogeod of Toronto. ~ ~~ Mr. 'and Mrs. B. Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs, F. Catherwood.of Uxbridge, on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ebby of Toronto re- cently visited their children at Mr. and Mrs, Saunders' home. Mrs. Starr Flellier visited Mrs. J, Mitchell on Saturday. Walter mitchell and boys visited Mr. ~ P HONE 280 and Mrs. J. Mitchell on Sunday. Plan to attend. Pinedale W.A. will Of Many Things By Ambrose Hills "HYPOCRITES While Maclean's magazine does not carry the weight it used to do in our to it, so we cannot 'help but notice that it publishes a great deal of li- quor advertising, Presumably many Manitobans continue to' subscribe 'to Maclean's, and it is not likely that they close their eyes, when those smooth, four-color liquor advertise- ments appear, I wonder how many subscribers to Maclean's, Saturday Night, and other eastern magazines realize that pub- lishers - in- Manitoba are denied the right to accept liquor advertising? Indeed, they are not even allowed, now, to publish advertisements mere- ly carrying the name of a liquor or beer manufacturer! Meanwhile, east- ern publishers flood this province with outright salés pitches for a var- iety of brews. And such advertising must form an important part of their revenue or they would not risk the loss of subscribers they must incur among those who refuse to let liquor advertising into the home. Revenue of various kinds has heen denied to the weekly papers through government action of one sort or an. other, A great deal of national ad- vertising now gets a low-cost ride on our government-financed CBC net- works. Printing orders from govern- ments are not nearly as lucrative as they used to -be, now that govern- ments themselves have become big- time printers, Surely this govern- mental when aimed at the weekly press while magazines continue to carry it, is to- tally unfair. "There may be some Manitoba citi- zens who resent liquor advertising. But if they do, they resent it where- ver- it originates. They are not hy- pocritical enough to welcome it in fancy rotogravure or slick-paper ma- gazines, while resenting it in much milder form in the home town paper! This ban, then, can only lead one to the conclusion that there are a lot of hypocrites running Manitoba affairs. Hypocrisy is sometimes costly as well as distasteful. Winnipeg was once the home of-a splendid national ma- gazine, but how could it hope to sur- vive in competition with eastern ma- gazines under a different set of laws? There was no extensive pressure for this ban. If pressure came from the anti-liquor groups, it would have been fairly simple to prove that most such individuals subscribe to- eastern magazines carrying forceful liquor - | advertisements... I have an aunt who "I hates liquor---but "I" notice that she never misses reading Saturday. Night! She'd look pretty silly petitioning the government to ban liquor advertising in her home town paper, wouldn't she? About 96% of those who want the ban are no doubt in a similar position. . The Good Driver good driver knows what to do when a collision is imment; and makes sure his family knows. . It can happen to anyone. There are few hospital wards that have not heard of the undeserved accidents of self-satisfied drivers; many of them did nothing but take a curve at an obvious safe speed to be run into suddenly, without provocation, by a tree. Some parents teach their families "collision drill". At a signal the chil- dren in the back seat (doors locked, of course) hit the floor. -Mother in front slides forward, braces her head against the seat, grasps the back of the seat with both hands, behind her head, braces her knees against the instrument panel; junior,. from the same seat next to the driver, would put his feet on the instrument panel instead of knees, Father at the wheel, in a real crash, .should stay on the brake until the last moment and then, as the impact occurs, should: swing his legs up on the seat beside him; this reduces-the likelihood of getting his legs crushed as the forward compartment wraps around the engine: He has to act fast, but he should cut the ignition at the same time to lesson the danger of fire. The main danger from a rear-end collision is .the "whiplash" that dis- locates necks, Anyone. realizing the imminence of the crash shoiild brace the neck with hands and seat back. Scientific research on cars involved the average speed of the cars at the object was 40 m.p.h. appropriate story, home, we still enjoy it and subscribe |: ban on liquor advertising,' What is the best way to crash? The} in fatal acetdents has established that | * moment of impact with a stationary At 8. 8. Mrs. Don Skinner read an A couple of child- ren received their pins having cele- brated a birthday each since the New. Year, 3 be During. worship service Max. E Mar- tyn was installed as an added elder to the session, The fore-part of last week was the scene of a quilting bee at the home of Mrs, B. Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Les Beacock and Mr. and Mrs, L. Devitt enjoyed being with Mr, and {Mra Bert Wanamaker, Sea- grave, recently. A welcome to Mr. and Mrs, Espie who are residing in our village. The first W.A, meeting of the New Year was held on January 20th in the Sunday School room with a very good attendance. _ Mrs, McKerihan called the searing to order with Hymn 3568. Linstead offered prayer. other Way". Two thank-you's were received. A 8 quilting to be at the home of Mrs. B. |§ Smith.--Mrs, G. Hunter kindly offer- | § ed a quilt top and when completed will | § Treasur- | § er Mrs. N. Wilson gave the annual |§ report, which was very gratfying. We | & were pleased to have Mrs. Love give | § a full outline of the renovating of the $2 Parsonage. : A motion carried we pay balance of | & be a donation for Missions, our ghare in this matter. election of officers, /Vice-Presidents requested to remain so for this year. A motion was made that executive re- main in office. President--Mrs, McKerihan. 18st Vice-Pres.--Mrs. Newnham 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs, Snelgrove Secretary--Mrs. Luke Asst, Sec'y--Mrs. A. Brown Treasurer--Mrs, Norman Wilson Asst, Treas.--Mrs. E. Martyn Pianist--Mrs. G. Hunter Fruit and Flower Com. -- Mrs. W. Martyn (convener), Mrs, Skelding, Mrs. Luke. Kitchen Com.--Mrs, Pugh, Mrs. H. Jeffrey, Mrs, Vance. Parsonage Representative -- Mrs. Love. Hospital representatives -- Mrs. B. Smith and Mrs. L. Beacock. Missionary convener--Mrs, G. Hun- Meeting closed with Hymn and ben- ediction. (17 visits reported--1 Con. card sent for month of January). A hot Beef supper was served. An- other to be held the latter part of February. Belated Birthday Greetings to John' Jeffrey for Feb. 8th, and to Paul M. Luke for Fel, 18th, ' "How to achieve # the perfect "panelling YOU can do it with Rez -- hecause Rez brings out Se wood's natural foxture You can add professional fine ishes with' Rez--natural hard- wood colors, fashionable bleached effects, expensive -hand-rubbed appearance . . . bringing out the hidden beauty and distinctive texture of the natural wood grain, 'And Rez Wood. Finishes just $m-0-0-0-0rth on. You, apply ----them- simply. and easily with brush or rag, adding a glowing, lustrous beauty to any-wood. Aik us for free illustrated folder. ? MONSANTO 'REESOR FUEL '&LUMBER a Phone 78 ; Port Perry Rev. Mr. |¥ The Devo- | 8 tions were taken by Mrs. G, Hunter |§ reading Scripture from Matt. 2; 1-12 |% and Mrs. Newnham the Topic "An-|& ' Malligan's: s Barber Sp, The NEW PRICES CHILD'S HAIR CUT ini sini from Monday a.m. to Friday Noon Be g From Noon Friday to Saturday, 6 Pm. Vv' _ THEPRICEIS 6. ' y ~ fr Hon Mike MINISTER OF LABOUR "NOMINATION MEETING The 'Nomination Meeting of the ONTARIO RIDING PROGRESSIVE 'CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ~~ will be held Friday, February 21, 8 p.m. WHITBY TOWN HALL COME AND HEAR * Hon. Donald STARR FLEMING MINISTER OF FINANCE ; 5 {utario Riding Progressive Conservative Afeotiation, Rev. Mr. Linstead presided for the | 72323838383232820838325! 84 223808; 2320% . ; senate ates ea ag este te ee ee eee Se ee Ss ea 0 3 0 3 ep spe ge a ae Se SLACKS, Phone 538 iin. * otice February Special DURING THE. MONTH OF FEBRUARY WE WILL Clean Free A PAIR OF PANTS or: PLAIN SKIRT or.a PAIR OF WITH EVERY ORDER OF $2.50 or MORE. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF i OFFER. * how hn ad i Scugog Cleaners ; PORT PERRY In the Old Hotel Building - \ WE BUILD HOMES Large and Small and Buildings of All Kinds 'Repairs and Remodelling Good Materials and Workmanship Guaranteed. Our HOUSE DESIGNING SERVICE is 'at Your Disposal. Lake Seugog | Lumber Co. Lid. Phone 240W Port Perry Vigor 0il Co. Id. PRICES REDUCED oN PREMIUM QUALITY STOVE OIL oor oiivsivmsssssassiannnnin20¢, Per Gallon FUEL OIL cocoons iinnmmniinnnnns 1760 gallon FOR DELIVERY PHONE Oshawa RA.51109 ~~ -

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