Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Apr 1958, p. 4

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4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, ita APRIL 17th, 1958 LOCAL NEWS Lieut-Commander and Mrs. David Higgs and daughter Judy of Hamil ton, were recent. visitors at the home of her father Mr. George Barthau. Lieut-Commander Higgs was in ac- tion on the aircraft carrier Bonaven- ture. Card of Thanks I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to rela- tives, friends and neighbours for the lovely cards, flowers, fruit, candy and gifts during my stay in the Or- thopaedic Hospital, Toronto. { Edgar Butt, Seagrave. Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to friends, neighbours and re- latives for their visits and lovely get- well cards received during our stay in the hospital. We would especially like to thank Dr. Dymond, Dr. Rennie and Dr. B. D. Armstrong, also the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, who were so kind to us, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Steele. In Memoriam SMITH--In loving memory of my dear husband, Thos. Smith, who pas- sed away so suddenly April 15, 1965. He would not wish for sorrow, ' He would not wish for tears, But just to be remembered Throughout the passing years, Sadly missed by wife, Mabel. In Memoriam KIGHT--In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ted Kight, who passed away April 18th, 1957. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps his memory ever dear. Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. Ever remembered by wife & family. Pine Grove. Mr. Howard Emby and Little Mari- lyn Lee, of Campbellford, spent the week with Mrs. Emby and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill. Mr, and Mrs. Burroughs and fam- ily of Uxbridge visited Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. A. Rothwell. A large number of neighbours and friends seranaded the newlyweds on Friday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evans, Mr, and Mrs. Kae Evans, attended the 83rd Birthday Party for Mr. Evans at Uxbridge Saturday evening. Con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie spent the week-end in Toronto, Mrs. Talbert Evans visited her mother Mrs. Robt. Redshaw of Clare- mont Wednesday, it being Mrs. Red- shaw's Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Duckworth visited friends week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Locke and fa- mily of Port Perry visited Sunday at the Ballard farm. Miss Brenda Locke spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard and family. Miss Vivian Houghland of Chalk Lake spent a few days with her bro- ther Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Houghland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor and Bob spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Houghland and Mr. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Houghland and baby visited Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Houghland, Mrs. Bob Banks and Kristin calling on E. Ballards Wednesday .afteinoon. in Poterhorcligh over - the} THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION J (Anglican) ' Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A., L.Th.,, Rector Sunday, April 20th--. 6. 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer--Rev. John Fyalick, Scarborough. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. Simpson Black, B.A, B.D. Interim Moderater Sunday, April 20th-- 10 a.m. --Divine Worship 7 11 a.m.--8unday School - PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, Minister Sunday, April 20th-- 11 a.m--SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SERVICE. Children please meet in the base- ment at 10.30, to go up to church as a group. The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D. Sunday, April 20th-- 10.16 a.m.--Scugog Church 11.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 1.16 a.m.--Prospect Church. 8.00 p.m.--Scugog Head Memorial - Guest Speaker: Rev. Elgie Joblin, M.A. B.D.,, Associate Secretary of our Home Missions. |v Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clements, Sen- grave, announce the engagement of their daughter, Enid Ruth to Mr. Mur- dock R. Belair, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bryant, Seagrave. The marri- age will take place quietly, May 10, 1968. © 'Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam of Manchester, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Vera Irene, to Mr. David Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Richardson of Tor- onto. The marriage to take place, Friday, May 9, at Queensway United Church, Toronto. Engagement Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Foster of Green- bank wish to announce the engage- ment of his neice Anfi Marie Foster of London, England, to Mr. James Murray Collett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Collett of Toronto, Ont. The marriage to take place on April 26th, 1968 at 4 o'clock in the Kingsway- Lambton United Church, Toronto. CAUSEWAY BOWLING LANES Friday Nite Doubles starts at 9 p.m. sharp Open Bowling 'til 9 "o'clock | Everyone welcome. = shelves for summer stock. 'DOUPE'S SPRING HOUSECLEANING 4 - We have a number of Re. i stock which we are offering at 26% off regular prices in order to J¥epate our OPEN EVENINGS -- CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOONS For Free Delivery Phone 485W STORE | Coming Events Monster Bingo Friday night, April 14th, 1968, at 8 p.m. in the Red Barn, Oshawa, 20--- $20. games; 6--$30. games; one jack- pot of $160. and two jackpots of $260. Door Prizes, Admission $1.00, Friday Night Jamboree Dancing to Radio Artists Chuck Fortune and Band from Toronto Pa- lace Pier. Features Jimmy and Chuck Fortune Quartette and guests every Friday night. Admission 76c. Red Barn, Oshawa. T.F. Come to the Jos Sale "on Saturday May 8rd at 2.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall of the Church of the Ascension, held under the auspices of the Evening Guild. Good used clo- thing and -sundrey items for sale. Af- ternoon tea and sale of Home Baking, Everyone welcome; 'May 1 In Utica Community Hall on Sat- urday, April 19th at 8.30. Music by the Melodeers. Admission 7bc. per person. : Notice A Public Meeting of the Scugog Planning Board for the discussion of the proposed -Official Plan of the Township will be held in the Town- ship Hall on Tuesday, April 22nd at 8 p.m. Service Club Notice Service Club will 'meet on Tuesday April 22, 8 p.m, at the United Church. Roll Call will be answered by nam-! ing the hobbies you will enter in the hobby show. Committee--Mrs. Lloyd Short, Mrs. Harold Forder and Mrs. 'Frank -MecCammond. Roast Beef Dinner You are cordially invited to a hot roast beef dinner to be served at Grace United Church, Scugog by the W.A,, 5.30 p.m., April 23rd, Wednes- day. Prices $1.00 and .50c. for child- ren, Celebrate Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Rogue, Valen- tia, celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary at their home on Tues- day, April 8th, 1958. The bride of fifty years was the former Mary Wickett, dalighter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wickett, Little Britain, whose marriage was solemnized by. Rev. W. T. Wickett, first cousin of the bride, at Little Britain, 1908. The groom was the son of the late Mr, and Mrs. William Pogue, Scugog Island. Mr, and Mrs. Pogue have two sons Russel of Scugog Island, and Clare of Steep Rock iron mines. Clare was not able to attend, but Russel shared with his parents the happiness of this joyous occasion, The beautiful floral tributes from their sons, and other friends, also their neices and nephews, made a lovely setting in the living room, where Mr. Pogue has been confined during the past year. ents of numerous letters and beautl- ful cards, and lovely gifts, a large white chennile bed spread in gold and pink, a neck lace and ear rings set with pearls and broach from thelr sons, a gold kenwood blanket was presented from her two sisters and their families. Many other beauti- ful gifts were received from friends and neighbours, + - About 86 friends and relatives call- ed to offer congratulations and best wishes during the afternoon and ev- ening and signed the guest book. Mr. and Mrs. Pogue, enjoyed 'the day with their friends, during the day they recelved a telegram. from the Honourable Mr. Leslie Frost, Mr. Clayton Hodgson, M.P. and from the Provincial + Secretary, Parliament Building, Toronto. Friends were present from Little Britain, Oakwood, Cannington, Ome- mee, Eden, Fenelon Falls, Scugog Island, Providence Road 1siand, and Sault Ste. Marle,, Johnny, the Shey Bros.; Phil Exton; The happy couple were the recipi-|. Honeydlale Wi Annual Meeting / - The Honeydale Women's Institute met in the Parish Hall, Thursday, April 10th, Prior to the meeting, a very appetizing Pot Luck Luncheon was enjoyed by all. President Mrs. Paul Diamond, op- ened the meeting at 2 p.m., with the singing of the "Ode" followed by the "Mary Stewart Collect" in unison. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, Treasurer's report was given, and Communications and bills were dealt with, Members decided to enter the Tweedsmuir Competition, which con- sists of a Scrap Book of Quilt Blocks. This is to be on display at the Dist- rict Annual, at Claremont, May 29th. Mrs. Roy Cornish and Mrs. Earl Bry- ant was appointed to look after this project. : The W, I. are exhibiting at Brook- lin Fair, June 7th. This entry is a Child's Birthday Party, 4-8 yrs, Mrs. vener with Mrs. Ploughman assisting, Roll call was answered by the pay- ing of dues. Three new members were welcomed. Conveners of Stand- ing Committees gave a resume of the year's work, Mrs. Harold Honey gave the Auditors' report. A donation of five dollars is to be sent. to the local Hospital, towards purchasing Baby vests, Mrs. Fines reported on the "Yard of Material" project. Many useful articles have been made by members and Mrs. Fines as Convener, was. ask- ed to set a date for the Bazaar and Bake Sale. She suggested each one bring Geranium slips, seeds, ete. for a "Green Thumb Booth". Watch the paper for further information, The sum of ten dollars was voted to the Cancer Society. Members are asked to Canvas for the Cancer So- ciety, and have agreed to look after the-north 'side of the town; Mrs, C. | Graham and Mrs. S. Cawker to or- ganize the drive. After some discussion a decision was made to start W.I. meetings at 2 p.m. with a light lunch after clos- ing. Mrs. Leahy was appointed to pur- chase some Baby Spoons. Group leaders were advised to con- tact their groups, and report at the May meeting, what Extension Ser- vice they wish this year. Members please keep in mind the Cancer Dressing work, each Friday from 2-4 pm. We need your sup- port. A solo "The Old Rugged Cross" was beautifully rendered by Mrs. Harold Honey. Mrs. Wm, Moases' humorous reading entitled, "A Good Kind of A Wife" brought many laughs. Mrs. Lawson Honey, District Pre- sident, installed the Officers for the coming year: President--Mrs. Paul Diamond 1st Vice Pres.--Mrs.. Glenn Hill . 2nd Vice Pres.--Mrs. Geo. Barthau Secretary--Mrs, Nelson Williams Asst. Secretary--Mrs. Roy Cornish 'Treasurer--Mrs. Wm. Chapman Dist. Director--Mrs. Sam Cawker Alt. Dist. Dir,--Mrs. Earl Bryant Branch Directors--Mrs. Fred Raines, Mrs. Wm. Mark, Mrs. Clarence Graham and Mrs. Wm. Day. Flower and Fruit Conveners--Mrs. C. Graham and Mrs. S. Ploughman Home Economics and Health--Mrs. George Bell Agriculture and Canadian Industries --Mrs. Wm, Moase Historical Research and Current Events--Mrs. Irving Boyd Citizenship and Education--Mrs. Earl Bryant Resolutions--Mrs, Lloyd Dawson Auditors--Mrs. Art Brunton and Mrs. Roy Cornish Nominating Committee--Mrs. F. 'Raines and Mrs, M. Howasam Hospital Representative--Mrs, L. Patterson Federation News--Mrs, H. Smeltzer Librarian--Mrs. L. Leahy Pianist--Mrs. Stan. Ploughman Press--Mrs, Sam Cawker Scugog News Grace Church W.A, met last Wed- nesday at the church with-the presi. dent Mrs. Marj. Aldred presiding, The meeting opened with -a hymn "Jesus Shall Reign" followed by the Lord's- Prayer. Mrs. Eliza Fralick read the scripture from Matthew, and Mrs. Yvonne Edgar read an article from the Observer. Mrs, Jean Jack- son conducted a contest on Bible names, and Mrs. Edna McLaren was the winner, Minutes were read and 21 ladies answered roll call, The committee in charge for May is Mrs, Heidie Krelg,- Mra. M. King, Mrs. Kath Coates. Mrs. G. Smith gave us a report about the oil furnace, and after discussion it was decided to S. Cawker consented to be the con-|- 'Iput in a new oil furhace. A supper is planned for April 28 with the first half ladies alphabetically to look af- ter it. A hymn and benediction brought the meeting to a close. Lunch was served in the basement. We were very happy to see several of our Indian ladies take their place at the meeting. Scugog Home and School 'meet this week at the Centre School. A dance is planned for May 10th, and tickets will be for sale, and may be obtained from any member of the association. The community extend sympathy to the family of Mr. and Mrs, Cyril James, Mrs. James' father passed away last week and funeral was on Saturday. 'Grace. Church choir will meet this week at the home of Joan Aldred at 8.30 p.m. shafp. Rev, Elgie Joblin will be the guest speaker this Sunday at the three charges, ASHBURN The - regular Sunday School and Church "services of Burn's Church were held on Sunday, April 138th at attendance. iy Mr. Robti Thompson who is a stu- to, had charge of the church service. Mrs. E, Humphrey and Joy Bradley sang a duet "Shadows". * The weekly meeting of the Y.P.S. was held in the basement of the church on Sunday, April 13, at 8.00 pm. A film on "Conservation" was shown, Gerald Pascoe, of Mount Zion, rendered several hymns on his accordian. The meeting closed with prayer by "Mr. Lidther Bradley. The monthly meeting of the Ladies -| Bible Class was held at the home of Mrs. M, Sparks on Wed., April 9th]. at 8 pm. Mrs, Theodore Knight oc- cupied the chair and opened the meet- ing with the reading of a short poem after which everyone joined in the singing of "Christ the Lord is Risen To-day". A poem entitled "Easter" was read after which Mrs. W. Knight chapter 20 on the resurrection of Je- sus, . Mrs. Ray Graham offered prayer. - The worship period closed with the singing of "Hail Thou: Once Despised Jesus". The report of the visiting com- mittee was given and Mrs, Wm. Gar- dner, Mrs. R. Richardson, Miss Vera Leach and; Mrs. Alfred Fisher were appointed as the new committee for the ensuing month. Mrs, F. Daw and the programme committee for the May meeting. The following pro- gram was then given:--Mrs. E. Hum- phrey read a poem 'Hell and Heaven'. A solo "The Old Rugged Cross", was Lorne, Parrott read two poems on "Easter". Mrs. Luther Bradley gave a very interesting and impressive talk on "The Dazzling Face of Jesus". The meeting closed with the singing of "Rejoice the Lord is King", and the mizpah benediction. Lunch was 10.16 and 11.30 a.m, with a. good" dent of law at Osgoode Hall, Toron- |. read. the scripture lesson St. John Mrs. Wes. Routley were appointed as | sung - by Mrs, D, Ashton and Mrs. served and a social time enjoyed by all. £ 2 A Pot luck supper was held by the Ladies' Guild in the church basement on Thursday, April 10th at 6.30 p.m. with an excellent attendance, Fol- lowing the Supper a short program was given with Grant Parrott get- ing as master of ceremonies, Mrs, Wm. Hamilton and Carol Lynde sang a duet "Alone". A monologue "My. Financial Career", was given by Mrs, Wes, Routley, Eugene Sandison and Roy Gaudaur a¢companying themsel- ves on their guitars sang a duet "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands". A very humorous skit was given by the Jones family. A panel of four had the task of guessing who played the various characters in the family, SS - WANT TO BUY OR SELL? FARMS :- HOUSES - COTTAGES | mo wii List with' >i (_-- VernLeClare . = Phone 195 r 3 -- Port Perry N. E. RICHARDS, REAL ESTATE BROKER --_e Frank PHONY 2 Hoskin - BLACKSTOCK, ONT. Young Speakers present : INVITES YOU TO HEAR THE - Oshawa Missionary College ~ Quariette : with "VICTOR MOORES, Cornet Soloist MONICA SCHNIERL, Soprano - "THE SEVEN WONDERS OF THE BIBLE" PORT PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Sunday, April 20th, 8:15 p.m. Pictirre eve tell A DB Opehdu. SF ar rdhl rent pillwsiors tht we arnrownce He Sfortheoming "sg 4 7 "The Ten Commandments Slarling 2 peiday, The Hengamont Roxy Theatre Unbridge ee:

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