Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Apr 1958, p. 5

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Q i) PERS ~ 'Communion Service. will be held on' Sunday April 27 at 2.30 p.m. Algo' anyone in the community wishing to] be baptized or anyone wishing to have their baby baptized may do so. Please notify one of the elders or Mr, Henderson, one week in advance, Mrs. F. Kendall visited Mrs. Hart of Uxbridge Thursday "evening, Diane Spanner and Joyce Stone of Toronto were guests of Mr, and Mus. Frank Kendall Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders. were in Kingston Sunday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, Mitchell Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Art Mit- chell of Port Credit and Gail Hitchins of Oshawa. Mr. and 'Mrs. C. Ruhl visited Mr. and Mrs. "Jaeger of Epsom. Mr, and Mrs. B. Wilkinson and Frank Wilkinson were home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Crosier visited Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Clarke of- Myrtle. Mrs, Hainesworth Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Hainesworth and family visited Mr, J. Hainesworth, Bert Mitchell and Bob 'Sutherland were recently in Indiana. Now is a Good Time TO PREPARE YOUR STATIONER "FOR THE DA TELEPHONE Bell Telephone folk are busy making ready for the big change-over this summer. contacts will be looking for your new number on letterheads and invoices when the time comes. your stationery made ready n minute rush! You can. have an order. of having the present number number, or If you have a good supply of stationery now we can print gum stickers with your new only inform your customers special attention to it. If you do not know your new numbe listed as a business phone, you can obfain the information from the Bell Telephone Business Office in Oshawa, We will be glad to help you. - The Port Y WHEN OUR NUMBERS ARE CHANGED Your customers and business It would be wise to have ow -- don't wait until the last stationery printed with some and some 'having your new: phone number which will not of the new number but .draw and 3 your phone is Perry Star > Saturday. Croxall, Archie * Stars--28 Meteors--19 Goofers--12 7 pm. Office at 6.16. applies: Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Harper were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson of Greenbank. Mr, and Mrs. C, Harper visited Mr. G, Gall of Uxbridge Sunday. - Mr, and Mrs. B. Brown visited Mr. and Mrs, W. Browii"8f Greenbank, Mr. and Mrs. M. Storie visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Holmes of Maple Grave Men's Bowling Banquet May Jt "The Port Perry Men's Bowling League Team Champions were the Black Jacks--Jack Owen, Bruce Mil- ler, Bd. Andrews, Ren Owen, John Menzies Jr. Play-off Standings in finals-- Black Jack--256 Whiz-Bangs--16 De Luxe--10 High Single during Schedule-- John Ballard--341' ' High Triple during Schedule-- Gord Goode--828 High Single Playoffs-- Don Freeman--412 High Triple Playoffs-- Don Freeman--923 The annual banquet will be held at the flying Dutchman Motor Hotel, Bowmanville on Thursday, May 1 at sharp. Bus will leave Star BE ON TIME! If you have been in the League all year the bus and banquet are. free. Those who have played only part of the season the following arrangement Snooks--219; Jeanne Goode--218, 212; Lucille Mark--217; Glenda Tay- lor--215; Jean Sweetman--216, 208; Mabel Cook--214; Mary Sweetman-- 210; Audrey DeNure--210, 204; Frei- da Cochrane--210; Donna VanCamp --207; Mary MacGregor--204. 600 Triples-- Beth Oke--694; Cathy Hewitt--663; Helen Heard--620; Barbara Griffen --620; Jean Sweetman--008. SEAGRAVE The April meeting "of W.A. was held in 8.8. room on Wednesday ev- ening, April 9th with south group in charge of Devotional service. After a call to worship hymn "Happy Eas- ter morning was sung. Mrs. G. Wan- amaker led in prayer after which scripture verses from Luke 24th were read by Mrs. M. Bruce. A mission- ary letter from Formosa was read]? by Mrs, Eagleson. The topic on Eas- Clements and Miss Shirley Cookston. A reading entitled the Robin was given by Mrs. Bruce. Hymn 'Never worship period. b Mrs. Keen then took charge of the | meeting for business. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Collection of $4.95 was received and $1.30 for Penny offering. Treasurer sued by responsible persons regard- ing the grave danger of fires, espe- cially grass and brush fires, the lo- cal fire brigade have been summoned to help control several fires in this ter was ably given by Mrs. A. Bruce. | made precautions against fire even A vocal duet was sung by Miss E.| more imperative. workmen be instructed to observe every rule for safety but children should also be prevented from start- Further, Than Thy Cross' closed the ing a blaze without adequate adult grass fire West of Utica, but fortun- ately was under control when the fire Mr, Standish, Mr. R. Scott. the box social. Plate lunches were available for those who didn't hfive boxes, The proceeds for the even- ing was $70.00. The committee in charge is very grateful to everyone for making the evening such a huge success, Very Dry Weather Brings Rash of Fires Although warnings have been is- area recently, The exceptionally dry spring has Not only should help at hand. On Sunday noon, April 18th the ocal brigade were summoned to a Glen Stone. Lucky prizes were won by Mrs. Hammond, Mrs. MacMillan, We were very grateful to- Harvey Webster for acting in the role of. auctioneer for THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 1968-5 truck arrived. Monday afternoon a call was answered on the Edwards farm, east of Saintfield where a Straw stack close to the barn was on fire. A steady bucket brigade had kept the fire from spreading un- til the fire trucks from Port Perry and Sundérland arrived and soon had it under control. However the smol- dering pile had to be bulldozed about the barn yard before it could be safe to leave. service and we sang hymn 105. The passage of Scripture that she chose was the story of the resurrection. She then read a meditation entitled "He. is Risen". Mrs. Samells read an appropriate poem about the resur- rection of Jesus, Mrs. Kennedy then closed the worship period with an Easter hymn and prayer. Mrs. Litt told of the problems that face Japan as she looks toward the future. Mrs, Litt's presentation of . this 'last chapter in our study book gave us a sympathetic understand- ing of the work in which Japanese Christian leaders are engaged. Again on Tuesday the Port Perry Fire brigade were called to Devitt's School, Cartwright Twp.,, where a grass fire got out of control, but did not cause any damage. After repeating the mizpah bene- diction the baking was quickly sold and a delicious lunch was served by the committee in charge. Mrs. Samells conducted a contest to close the evening's activities which revealed our knowledge about the men of the Bible, United Church Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary met at the home of the president, Mrs. Merlin Dowson, on Tuesday evening April 8. The secretary, Mrs. Walker read the minutes and when they were approy- ed she read a letter from the presby- We wish to thank Mrs. Dowson for opening hér home to have this meet- ing on such short notice. terial secretary, Mrs. Fisher, an- Pou \ nouncing the school for Leaders = Ma = which is to be held in Whitby Ladies Zz SS College Aug. 18 - 22, 7, ve sr "Corpet Mrs. Kennedy opened the worship reported $240.00 on hand. Mrs. Tait WOPPP0090 0000000000 read two thank you notes for fruit boxes with $2.00 donation. Mrs. Mec- Neil reported that a receipt to the here for next meeting. On motion it order for the church plates had been | received and hoped they would be was decided we sell the plates for |X GPE E ODDO Eo o@ $8 ) TVVVIVIVOTOIIPOOOTO0000000000000000000 0090000000009 VVVYIIYWV ANNIVERSARY SALE $000 DDE EEOEDEE EOE If you playéd 2/3 of the sedson-- you pay 1/8 of $2.00 (the cost of the $ banquet), and if you played only 1/3 of the season you pay 2/8 of $2.00. All those who have played are in- vited to attend the banquet and you may use the bus, free of charge, but if you played less than 1/3 of the committee. 2,00 including a hanger. Mrs, Cle-(% ments reported for the parsonage |¢ The sum of $60.00 was |Q voted to the parsonage hoard to en-|$ able them to proceed with necessary |& work. Mrs. B. Wanamaker reported $ for the hospital auxiliary and asked |g EVERYTHING IS 100% 'GUARANTEED AT 2" DOMINION the bafrquet ($2 APRIL 9th-- North Stars season you will be asked to pay for 00). The prizes will be presented and there will be entertainment also. Ladies' Wednesday was served by members of south Night Bowling = [wo | Mr. and Mrs. M. Bruce and family ing in. the school. meeting. Mrs. E. Bryant gave a two interesting contests were don- ducted by Mrs. E. Clements. Lunch spent Easter week-end with relatives in Lucknow. Mr. Neil Sweetman of Courtice for everyones support to the social |$ evening and box social Friday even- Q Hymn "When T|{ Survey Wondrous Cross" closed the |g | short talk on Cancer Dressings and & PICKARD'S HARDWARE, Phone 592 During Hardware Week WATCH FOR STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT NEXT WEEK APRIL 24th to MAY 3rd Rs AVE ROCK Ds ENT STORE Men's Summer Jackets BEIGE, ZIPPER, LINED, SIZES to 46 . W. Brunton--245, Barbara Griffen-- 240, 202; Betty Collins--232; Marion Blveys comms oe spent a few days last week with his Hurricanes 27 cousin Billy Wanamaker. Mustangs ......ccceeines ...26 Pleased to report Mr. E. Butt is Sunderlands .....cceeeee ..26 able to be home after spending sev- Jets igi 21 eral weeks in a Toronto Hospital and Spitfires ....ccoienncininnin 20 is making a steady recovery. Mosquitoes ......cceereirrierienns 15 A social evening and box social Lancasters .......... wel4 was held in public school Friday ev- Kittyhawks o.oo, 11 ening in aid of Hospital Auxiliary. Helicopters ........... Geren 6 Prize winners for euchre were Ladies Over 200-- Shirley Cookston and Mrs, R. Rey- Beth Oke--264, 264; Cathy Hewitt|,1ds; Men's Neil Wanamaker and --264, 201; Gladys Hayward--268;| prankie Tobin. Children's Crokinole, Louise Carnegie--253; Shirley Chil-| Billie Wanamaker and Rosemary ton--252, 204; Ruth Short--249, 202; | Nodwell. Low -- Diana Stickwood, SAVE 5¢--SOLO BRAND g! SPECIAL Margearine ............4 us 99° SAVE 5¢--YORK BRAND SPECIAL Choice Tomatoes .......4 > 69 SAVE 5+--QULVERHOUSE a . SPECIAL Choice Corn ....... ....4 2% 69 SAVE 5¢--LYNN VALLEY . SPECIAL Standard Peas .........4 > 49 SAVE 7¢{--LIBBY'S SPECIAL 'Porkand Beans .........3 Wr 49c. 'SAVE d¢--AYLMER WITH PECTIN SPECIAL StrawherryJam ........2 535 9% Font Cattp-..... lt . : FE Bottles SAVE 11¢--BURLINGTON BRAND SPECIAL ChiliSauce ............ 4 20 59 SAVE 11¢--CLOVERLEAF 3 SPECIAL Cohoe Salmon ..........3 7% $1.00 SAVE 8¢--D.S.L SPECIAL Tea Bags ............... 105% GOODWILL OFFER -- "Oneila" Astral Pattern Stainless Steel Cutlery consisting of one each: Dinner Knife, Dinner Fork, Salad Fork, Teaspoon, Soup Spoon, with every $5.00 Purchase, for only 99¢. Buy a unit a week until your setting is complete. " FROM OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT SAVE 6¢ Lb, VACUUM PACK: SPECIAL Peamealed Coifage Rolls. 1s. 63 FROM OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT SAVE 17¢+--CUBAN SPECIAL (Giant Pineapples ini ron $100 LARGE STOCK OF TEA ROSES and CLIMBERS Also GLADIOLUS, DAHLIA and BEGONIA BULBS, at REASONABLE PRICES All merchandise sold at your Dominion Store fis onditionally guaranteed to give you 100 _per cent satisfaction. Values Effective at Your Port Perry Dominion Store OUR GUARANTEE-- . Until Saturday, April 19th 'Dominion Stores Lid. ..Port Perry We Deliver : Phone 845 Healey--231; Helen Heard--221 204; Edith Brunton -- 220, 203; Aileen Fund SR kiki Scout Building --$500 4. -. 2 XBRIDGE, ONT. FRI. & SAT. APRIL 18-19 PRIL 14th, 1958-- AJ Or 4 het $7000 VICTOR MATURE, in - ' " ' The Sharkfighters =$0500 Technicolor Cinemascope --$6000 Also showing . GUY MADISON, in --$6500 ' ' The Hard Man' |! --$6000 Technicolor Last Show 8:30 -- $4500 MON. & TUES. APRIL 21-22 a VERA ELLEN with $3754 5m | . TONY MARTIN, in " : » tiem Wee Jeannie --$3000 Filmed in The Highlands of Scotland in Technicolor --$2500 ee iat stat " - WED. & THURS. APRIL 23- 24 --$2000 A : . 3 Will Success Spoil £10 y ¥ " Rock Hunter? --$1000 Technicolor Cinemascope WATCH FOR . . . "TEN COMMANDMENTS" "PRIDE & THE PASSION" 'Walt Disney's' "PERRI" "3 FACES OF EVE" Cralt Sporiswear PLAID, CORDUROY, RED and GREY GABARDINE, GREY or LIG HT BLUE PRICED AT $10.95 and $12.95 Tooke Sport Shirts $3.95 $4.95 to $7.95 Men's Trousers GREY, ETC. BOY'S TROUSERS Sresstiessiersirisnanies Men's Suits ONE PANT TWO PANT EE ET Tweed Jackets $16.00, Dack Shoes for Men Men's Shoes SOLES, $6.95, SISMAN, HEWETSON, FOAM RUBBER SEVERAL COLORS Men's Canvas Oxfords FE. $9.95 $3.50 and $4.95 werevise ...$5.35 House Furnishings $59.50 NETIAN BLINDS, STEEL .........$5.95 eee erea---- $69.50 ACCORDIAN DOORS, $9.95, $16.95, . and $19.95 WINDOW SHADES 25¢., $1.15 and $1.89 $29.50 STAIR CARPET, 27" wide,.... $4.50 yard BROADLOOM ................... $13.95 sq. yard VINYL RUGS ....cccecovvei, $6.95 sq. yard $17.95, $18.95 LINOLEUM TILE ..........coooon.. 12c. each . VINYL ASBESTOS TILE ......... 18c. each CONGOLEUM ....covveiveieeene, 98c, 8q. yard BAMBOO DRAPES, unpainted, 30c. sq. ft. painted 45c¢. sq. ft. $7.95 and $8.50 DRAPERY, 85c., $1.00, $1.25, $1.95 yd. Port Perry, Phone 43 Ontario a --

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