6 'I'he April meeting of the W.ALS, was held at the home of Mrs. Dalton Dorrell Wednesday afternoon; April . 9th, with twenty-three ladies and nine children present, Mrs, Lloyd Wright gave the Easter devotional paper and offered prayer. The roll call was answered by an Easter gift to Missions. Twenty- .seven calls on sick and shut-ins have been made and twenty-three. books read during the month. Considerable business was dealt with before Mrs. Kred Dayes pre- sided for the programme. Mrs. G. Larmer gave the chapter from Study Book "Meeting to-day's Crisis 'l'o- gether", Nancy 'Dorrell rendered a piano solo "Spinning Song," A film on Japan "Colourtul Nikko' was then enjoyed. After the closing the host- ess and group served lunch and cards were signed by all present to send to " shut-ins. St. John's W.A. : St. John's W.A, met in the Parish Hall on Wed, April 9 for their April meeting with 14 members present, The meeting was held one week ear- lier than usual date, due to several other events occurring on the usuall- date and a number of the members had active parts in some of the other events, The meeting was opened in the usual way with a hymn followed by the passage of scripture and litany. Reports were heard from the treasu- rer and other convenors of commit- tees. There were discussions on var- ious projects for raising money and some plang were formed to carry out some -of these projects. A representative, in the person of Mrs, Langfelt was appointed to at- - tend the Deanery committee meeting in Cobourg for the Northumberland, Durham Area, on Thurs.,, April 10. The Talent money which the mem- bers received from the W.A. before Lent was brought in, and it was - pleasing to note that the initial sum which was handed out, was greatly increased when the results of the members' talents were handed in. A short program was enjoyed, which included 2 poems, entitled 'April' and "The First Easter" read by. Mrs. 'Carl Wright, Two very interesting items) Thursday. He sailed from Sydney m the Living Message, read by| Australia to Vancouver om the new Miss Parr and an article from one of |'ship Himilaya, then flew to Malton the newspapers, regarding aid given | where his parents Mr, and Mrs. Clar- by the W.A. to a northern Diocese, | ence Marlow met him by car. read by Mrs. Carter. Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Taylor pif It was decided to hold the next|Dianne spent afew days travelling meeting and all future meetings dur-| along the St. Lawrence Seaway Pro- ing the summer months in the even-| ject and visiting northern parts. of » |New York State, They. spent Satur- The meeting closed with prayer > day evening with Dr. and Mrs. A, J. Reverend Canon Chapperlin, Noble and family of Ajax. At the bonspiel held in Sunder-| There was a good crowd attended land Saturday the bth there were 24|the hard time dance in the Recreat- rinks competed. One consisting of | ion. Centre, Friday night, sponsored Brian Hamilton, Merlin Suggitt, Nor-| by the O.N.O. Club and all reported man Dysart and Neil Bailey was|a good time, from Cartwright. They came fourth| 'Mrs. Harold Beacock and Mrs, Ex- place and as, prize received a gallon nest White, Port Perry were Sunday of maple syrup each. | visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- Another euchre party sponsored-by | cock. the L.0.B:A. was held Wednesday] Mr. Russel Spinks, Oshawa was night. Prize winners were: High La-| Sunday supper guest and Mrs. Alan dy--Mrs, Wilbert Werry; High Gent | Moore, Shirley spent two days with --Hiber McLean, © Lucky draw--| Mrs. Ed. Darcey, Mrs. Skelding of Prince Albert. Marilyn - Archer, Whitby returnea The Farmers Union felt quite sa- | home Friday after spending a week tisfied with the results of the Bingo [with her grandparents Mr, and Mrs. which they sponsored Wednesday | W. Archer. Mrs. Archer went home night. There was a fairly good| with her for the day. crowd, lovely prizes, lots of pie and| Mrs, Herb Taylor spent a couple coffee and all seemed to enjoy the |of days' with the Lawrence Malcolm's evening. Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Milliard Fallis, Ba- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill, Paul and . Carol Rahm spent Saturday with den, visited Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dor-{ oo 000 gine Mrs, E. J. Patterson who rell and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston Bone. fro will be 98 years young on Wednesday the 16th and with his cousins Mr. and Mrs. Chas, McConnell Norwood, Mrs. Lorne Ross, Marnie and Jo- anne, St. Mary's spent a couple of days with Mr, & Mrs. Glenn Larmer. Miss Judith Charles, Langstaff, spent the week-end with Miss Elaine Mountjoy. Carolyn Henry, Oshawa, visited Judy Swain over the week-end, Mr, and Mrs. Alf, Gerrard, Tyrone, spent -Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Griffin, } Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, spent the week-end at home and Mr. and Mrs. L. Byam and grandson, Douglas Parks, Tyrone were Sunday. visitors with the Henry's, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Morris and four children, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ew- art Leask and Margaret, Solina were Sunday guests of Mx: and Mrs. Ivan Thompson and family. Mr. and Mrs. John B, Staniland, | Toronto spent Sunday with his-par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Staniland. 'Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Holmes, John, Von, and Bonnie, Oshawa, visit- ed Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell Sun- day. : Mrs. Harry Dawson and son Jim, Millbrook were .guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Werry on Sunday. Mrs. Franks, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne "ray Sunday. (Reynolds and son Peterboro, called on Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy on| (Monday morning) by plane from Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm, Paul and | ministered from 1947-1956. Carol visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Tyrone. THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 1968-17 Rev, and Mrs. P, Romeril left this | attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris, Whit- Malton for a three weeks visit in the | by visited Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wright + Bahamas and Jamaica where they|and Mrs. R. Dicky on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin and boys Dennis Romeril is staying with Bill | were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Raloh Thompson during their absence and!Glaspell and family, Tyrone, Sunday. 'Do you need a PERSONAL LOAN? Our Personal Loan service offers loans for personal needs, Repayment by monthly installments. ~ For details, Inquire at our nearest branch -- we have more than 775 to serve you, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE N-218 Port Perry Branch: J.R. Helm, Manager Monday and-Tuesday. Messrs, Rupt.'and Roy Werry; My. and Mrs. Herb. Hooey attended the wedding of Dr. Murray Werry and Miss Jean Box in. Ringaton, Monday, " April Tth. . Mr, Campbell and 'Mrs. Jno, Scott Zoek last week in Toronto, Arthur VanCamp spent several days" with Glen VanCamps, Port Perry. . Mr. and Mrs, John Rutledge, Tor- onto visited his sister Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy vi- sited her sister Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Newcastle on Thursday. Mrs, Jno. McKee spent that day with friends in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, Anson Taylor and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Brown all of P Oshawa were Friday evening guests of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tay- THE DIESEL FIREMAN DISPUTE ON CANADIAN PACIFIC TWO YEARS AGO, in April 1956 the Firemen's Union demanded wage increases and other benefits Involving : substantial increased costs. AT THE SAME TIME Canadian Pacific proposed that, as firemen were not necessary, they should no longer be carried A on diesel locomotives in freight and yard service. . CANADIAN PACIFIC also proposed dropping both arbitrary wage payments for which no service was rendered and differential wage rates in mountain territory. lor. IN DECEMBER 1956 a Federal Board of Conciliation recommended substantial wage increases and other benefits Mr. Bill Marlow arrived home on RSIS ZS: e NOTICE OF Rural Power INTERRUPTIONS HIE HITHER SRST ZS HRS WEEK-DA YS-- Beginning the week of April 21st--between the hours of 9.30 to 11.30 a.m., 1.30 to 4.00 pm. ~ AREAS AFFECTED will be Seagrave, Saintfield and Fingerboard. These interruptions are necessary to permit our linemen to safely rebuild our lines in order to provide hater service to our customers in these sections. These interruptions will take place only if weather con- ditions are favourable. The co-operation of our customers is appreciated. A. C. RICHARDSON, Manager, Uxbridge, Area. RI I LCETFEEERIITRS TEES ZTTITIIIES RIE RA alll MZ UZ ITE RA NEVE ZI: MASONRY PAINT Abave or Below Grade ° Tn Lake: Scugog Lumber Co. Lid. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES oN 240W PORT PERRY, ONT. CANADIAN PACIFIC accepted the Conciliation Board's report. At the same time, it found that firemen were not required on diesel locomotives in freight-and yard service and made provision for protection of their employment. It also found that payment of arbitraries and mountain differen tial should be modified. : THE FIREMEN'S UNION rejected the report and called a strike on January 2, 1957: THE STRIKE WAS ENDED on January 11, 1957 on the following basisi-- 1. Canadian Pacific agreed to pay the substantial wage Increases retroactive fo April 1 of the previous yeer ad other benefits recommended by the Conciliation Board. I 2. The Union and Canadian Pacific agreed to refer the DIESEL ISSUE as well as payment of arbliraries and mountain differential to a ROYAL COMMISSION, 3. The Union and Canadian Pacific agreed to negotiate these Issues In the light of and Immediately following the 'publication of the ROYAL COMMISSION'S Report, THE KELLOCK ROYAL COMMISSION of three senior judges devoted ten months to hearing 119 witesses and, at the request of the Firemen's Union, made on-the-ground investigations across Canada and also made observations on four major European railway systems. It was the most extensive and thorough investigation in the history of labour relations in Canada. IN ITS UNANIMOUS REPORT published February 4, 1958 the ROYAL COMMISSION found thatr-- 1. Firemen are not required on diesel locomotives in freight and yard service on Canadian Pacific elther for safely or any other reason. 2. The proposal of Canadian Pacific for protecting firemen from loss of employment and seniority Is falr and generous 3. Arbitraries have become unrealistic and should be dropped and payment made on the basis of service rendered; - 4. Mountain differential payments should be dropped and repléiced by valley differential. ALL EFFORTS of Canadian Pacific to settle the dispute through negotiations with the Firemen's Union have failed. FOR TWO YEARS firemen have enjoyed substantial wage increases. During these two years action on the diesel issue has been postponed while the Union had every contention it could advance investigated by two enquiries. -~ ROYAL COMMISSION will take effect on May 11, 1958, THIS ACTION is in accordance with Federal labour lava CANADIAN PACIFIC accepted the report of the KELLOCK ROYAL COMMISSION as it had undertaken I do when the Commission was appointed. THE UNION rejected the report, stating that nothing in it was acceptable to them. They did so knowing that not } one fireman would suffer loss of railway employment who was hired before the proposal fo discontinue firemen on freight and yard diesels was made in April, 1956. All across Canada there are less than 100 firemen hired after that date and now working who face possible lay-off. CANADIAN PACIFIC has a duty to the public to operate the railway efficiently and economically. ~ CANADIAN PACIFIC, to fulfill this duty, has given notice to the Firemen' s Union that the Silotan of the KELLOCK : CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY .- »-- Tos "iam bt aon, PD fot PE SrA Kos = o