Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 May 1958, p. 4

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ws Sa NCSA IE CRN ERO op 3 si A $4 SANA ER ARE ERE A A RAR AER de th di 3 eT om 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 1st, 1058 LOCAL Mr. Bud Warriner, of Hocksburg, is spending a few days with his par- ents. 1.O.D.E. NEWS THE. CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Sunday, May 4th-- 11.30 a.m.--Holy Communion, Rev. James Cunningham, Chaplain, Hart House. L ST. JOHN'S _ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH After the business meeting on Mon- day, April 7th at 8 p.m. Scugog Chap- ter will have as guest speaker a re- | Rev, B. Simpson Black, B.A., B.D. Interim Moderater 8 p.m. in the Red Barn, Oshawa. $20. games; 6--$30. games; one jack- __.] pot of $160. and two jackpots of $250. +| Door Prizes. Coming Events Monster Bingo Monday night, May 6th, 1058, at 20-- Admission $1.00, Friday Night Jamboree Dancing to Radio Artists Chuck Fortune and Band from Toronto Pa- lace Pier. Features 'Jimmy and Johnny, the Shey Bros.; Phil Exton; Boy Scout Building 'Fund Partial List of Donors: Rev. Linstead ...... rab Aber trtes Mr. Clarence Kellét ,.........iorinin Mr. Timber ......covnie. Mr, Brigham ....... Mr. N. Crozier Mrs. O'Neil ......... Mr. A. Koch ....... WER Mr, Ray Litt ..cocovmiiniisinnins , 25.00 Mr. Wes. Cawker corinne Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Jackson ....... 50.00 Mr, H. DeShane .......cooocvvrerinine ANONYMOUS wovvvvrerriinriieriieierionsnies Mr. Gordon Bruce Mr. Ross Prentice " Dy, I ave) reported his work Lefore the IMifth Annual Sympo- sium on Antibioties in Washing- ton, D.C. A cimilar experience was related to the Symposipm by Dr, Rogue Kralievie of Chile, who treated Sn flu vietims with anti- biotics during the recent epidemic in his country, He found that Sig nemvein halted secondary infece- tions in more than 9 out of 10 pa- tients, In Dr. Kraljevie's study, secondary infeetion of the respir- arory tract yas proved in all but 11 cases, @ ° Electrically .... with an..ELECTRIC WATER FN HEATER = \l = Mw S ¥ Tm EN « "orp =e, cir ----l | YORK HAMBURGERS and SPICK AND SPAN ... YORK PORK SAUSAGE, 10c, OFF I ES. SRR. OE TTTTR OO METI... | 9 BON AMI JET SPRAY. ....ooooooconmnrrrnnn WI eens wen TB. JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX, Ys MOTE ...oovovivererreerrensrenn 65. gi DOUPE' 3 STORE OPEN EVENINGS -- CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOONS For Free Delivery Phone 485W Canada. by the "Melodeers", 60c. per person. Rehearsals are starting rehearsals for Gilbert & Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance" to] be presented in late October. Extra men are needed for the chorus. Re- | hearsals will begin Thursday, May 1, at 8.80 in the church basement, and succeeding Thursdays until the end, of June. Practice will resume' in September. Both tenors and basses will be welcome. May 8 Oshawa Harness Races On Saturday, May 10th at 2 p.m. Alexander Park, Wagering on all races, f The English-Canadian word shanty, meaning the hastily erected huts of a bushi camp, is derived from the French word "chantier"--a logging camp or centre of pulp woodcutting in French "Dans. les Chantlers" is one of the best known of the lumbermen' s songs in French, The Port Perry United Church Choir ~ Chuck Fortune Quartette and guésts x presentative of the Bell telgphone.' May 4th-- every Friday night. Admission Tbe, | Mrs: J. Price .... ra 10.00 This should prove very interesting * ' . Red Barn, Oshawa. 1.F, | Ilewellyn Hutchinson... we 2,00 and each member is urged to be pre-| 10 a.m.--Divine Worship Mr. Grant Willard 5.00 sent and bring a friend. 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7) R LT S | Mes M. T. Beare ...... . 10.00 , r. Malinowski .... 1.00 'ORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH ummage ale Mr, M, CUT Cron 1.00 . PORT PER E i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peel . 5.00 R ins Come to the Rummage Sale on 1r ov, I. 8. Linsiend, Minkeber - | oy ov May 32d at 280 pan. te, the | DIT Grant Joffrey" memmmmmrn * 500 Sunday, May 4th-- : Mr. Clifford Love ......... 10.00 . Co y, y Parish Hall of the Church of the| HAYES--Born to Connie and Harold L : Mr. Ralph McNenley ....... we 2,00 . J % Suid 1 2 Ascension, held under the auspices of ) Hayes a son, Patrick James, in Brock-| 10 a.m.--Sunday Schoo the Evening Guild. Good used clo. |Mrs: Lloyd' Harrison ........ , 1.00 ville Hospital, Saturday, April 26th,| 11 a.m.--Morning Worship, and thing and % ndry items for sale. Af. | C: SMOWON wor cmmcn 1.00 1958. A brother for Nancy. All do- Jr. Sunday School a a oe g. | Harry Edgerton ovr 1.00 ing well, : Eve | Robt. Kester .........coiiniion. 2.00 " ryone welcome, May 1 The United Church of Canada Hoy, Cofting.. 6.00 : . Mrs. Lambert ........ we 1.00 SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE E h d | Mra & Mrs. Nesbitt ......oue. 16.00 Card of Thanks MINISTER: uc Ie an Kenneth Moore ........cvuvene we 5.00 We wish to say thank you to friends Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A., B.D. Chi A; i Marjorie Harrison ......couinn, 2.00 and neighbours for wey y ; 1mese uc on C. McGill ....covrrrrnens we 2.00 neighbours for the care and con-' Sunday, May 4th-- Mrs. Tony Mark . 1.00 sideration shown to" Mr. and Mrs. | "The C. P. & T. Committee of the, Y MArK niin 5 Thomas Asher during the past 10.00 a.m.--Scugog Church Rebekah and 1.0.0.F. Lodges are Noreen Leahy... - 1.00, months. [ 11.15 a.m.--Manchester Church holding a euchre & Chinese auction Mrs. D. Harrison .. 1.00 Margaret & Arthur Asher. 1:15 p.m.--Prospect Church in the Oddfellows Hall on Friday, Allan Bartley ... 5.00 g 8.00 p.m.--Scugog Head Memorial | May 2nd at 8.30 p.m. Lunch served. | Malcolm Elford .... 2.00 - Church. All welcome. Mr. Roy Buckley .. 5.00 : ' Guest speaker at the morning service Mr. Jack Geer ....... «. 10.00 Scout Mothers S | will be Rev. Prof. Kingsley Joblin, of zaar an ih Joh dss his a . ye 1 " J ! 100. | Toronto. Guest speaker at the even Ba d cugog apter DE... Auxiliary joy service is Rev. Eustace McNeil a EE on of Seagrave. H B ki en CRITE «10 The Cub and Scout Mothers' Auxt-! 1 ome a ing Glen Wanamaker... 5.00 liary will meet earlier than usual thts FL PPT TTL * At the Scout Hall, ng pam. Sat., A. Ross 1.00 wl at the home of Mrs pale May 10th. = Afternoon Tea, Parcel , Anonymous on 11.00 Presiice on Monda ovenin ! Ma Post (for children & Adults), sew- 'Mr, Gilles Brisebois .........ccoon 2.00 5 at 8.00 o'clock y ¥ C A U S E Ww A Y ing, aprons, dolls clothes, toys, novel- | Morley Moase............ 1.00 or ' : ® ties, candies, shrubs & plants. At Mrs. George Holmes ... 5.00 B |] I N G the, Brownie Table, everyday cards, ; Mr. Roy Morton ........ 2.00 t wrapping, toys, ete. Rummage | Mr. Jack Hope ........ 20.00 x Sale, white elephant table, in base- [ Mr. J. Young ....... 5.00 Pd ; } L A N ment. Come and bring your friends. | Mr. A. Prentice .......... 2.00 Sponsored by the Guide Mothers in| Mrs. Ross Wallace . 2.00 SCIENCE | a. Fri da Ni fe Doubles aid of the building fund. May 8| Mrs. C. Heard ........c.covevivrivernnes 5.00 [Mr. D. Enge ..coonmmnnrnererenennns 26.00 il YOUR LIFE y Nite Auction Sal Tein ¥. Ramen 500 q h uclion dale Mrs. E. Stephens... 2.00 | starts at p.1m.s arp Trevor & Morgan Kendall ...... 1.40 - lyn Community Auction Sale at Raglan George Samells 5.00 The Flu And You Hall on Saturday, May 10. Procéeds|qp . ~~ _ = EN i o . . . Brin. Cox 10.00 Asian influenza is now well 1 FT . to church basement. Sponsored by Dor AdhLa ' launched on its unpleasant course a ] k Raglan Willing: Workers. Ted Jack. on Ashbridge ........viveniennn. 2.00 in many UL S. communities. It | 0 C 0C ti Mav 8 Bill Healey 5.00 seems probable, Joyner, Bat son, auctioneer. ay Mr. Chas. McLaughlin 10.00 nowhere in the United States wi S| Mr. Chas, McLaughlin ....... | it be as severe as it was in two Everyone welcome. " Mrs. Read ........ccvvvnveeneninns 3.00 widely separated countries: the L h Proceeds of Piano Recital, Philippine Islands WE Chile. YA es Ah rt Une eon Mrs. McClintock's Pupils ...... 14.92 doa Ca | EEN" | The benevolent Committee of the | Anonymous .........c.ecien. 3.00 and the overall death rate for the Eastern - Star are holding a dessert | Scout Mother's Auxiliary .......100.00 <4 n vig Pd of 16 1ey Port Perry Luncheon and Court Whist in the Wm. Wakeford cxsnemeeslanssrssisapsines $ 5.00 yopulation ~ far Masonic rooms on Wednesday, May! Maybelle Rebekah Lodge 348.... 25.00 A) higher than its . yo th at 1.30 pm. Admission 50c. Lawrence COOK wooo 2.00 JA 1 toll on the Asiatic Lions Club Everyone welcome. Wilfred Mark camming 2.00 : 4 maivipnd, As A Geo. Barthau 2.00 : re usual, these EE Sa ? 1 2 . Sie were at- PORT PERRY LIONS CLUB . Fred Warren vienna, 5.00 JES tributed not to the LADIES' NIGHT Dance Fralick Bros. ceo. 20.00 COA in" enza virus it- : . . "Glen Hood wee, y hi ow sel, hg to the M d M Sth In Utica Hall on Saturday, May 8rd pry ji od secondary bacterial invasions ' , m. ail d heh nk I follow the flu. on ay, ay mE =p ny Music by the Melodeers S. Chandler .........cnunimmmie 2.00 In one test of means gg th mission Joe, per person. D. A. Aldred ......ccoereevrnne. 1.00 these secondary invaders, Dr. An a e \ } gel Floventin of the Manila Gen- DONLAND'S UNITED CHURCH, . . o A Aldred sresenieni sas sreer sensaen . 1.00 eral Hospital administered the TORONTO S rin Dance . L. Wanamaker .........cuvennuenn. 2.00 arrtibioties Terramyein and Tet. © . » . i . p g Dave Moore .......coovvevvvieresirnennnnnn 1,60 racyn to hospitalized patients as Guestg" of Danforth Lions Club Tickets are on sale now for.a spring A. Eden .....ccccoueeeveeseeeseneseresrsonn 2.00 i wr UA ere PARHIN hid Bus Senden 1650 Port «Pert Yacht dance to be held on Saturday, May 10 M. Fralick ro 5.00 neither o wese antibiotics hac v 2 WIRY LY. 41%. TOE LER sonsttrersrtsnsnsanisng,. : vay effect on the flu virus it. If, Club at 540 p.m. sharp at the Scugog Community Hall, Spon- Allen Martyn cece. 28.00 they were significantly successful sored by the Home and School Club. Neil Lamont ........... 3.00 Bg iy ol 0 he There is to be prizes, and soft drinks Leslie Beacock .....ceveveereiniiinnn 10.00 ness and death. LIVE BETTER will be for sale. Music is supplied Hg Sheree 25.00 Mr. an ¥8, CHEE oc iniissricoinviinns 3.00 Mrs, J. Pickard .........ccccovnuernneen. 1.00 Mr. and Mrs. D. Pageter rerrreraeens 10.00 Mr. and Mrs, J. MacMaster ........ 2.00 Anonymous .... Mr, and Mrs, W. Williams ...... 5.00 Ivan Cowieson ............. wanes 2.00 Cecil Heayn .....i...iusisssssines X Harry Short ....... Jack Pargeter .... Garnet Wright ..... Silas Reynolds .... Tom Bell ...ccooinnan Mrs. M. Mahaffey Hugh Espie ...... 3 Milt Howsam ... Bev. Kent .....o..... : Mrs, Willis ....5...... we 1,00 Joo Waldinsperger . v2.00 Mr. Bassant .....oin «5.00 Mr. Germain .... 1.00 Miss Audrey Kent .. . 5.00 Ms Roy Goode ......... 2.00 . M. Hlozan 5.00 jr Williamson cei 1,00 Mr, and Mrs, K. Sweetman, 8.00 ANONYMOUS von iiininnniiisinires wens 20.00 Clare Howsam .......... i Dominion Stores Ltd. rhein rpririiiin Scout ia Fund saopsssesnsstrorppispasnsnnss 30.00 APRIL 28th, 1958-- . --$7000 --$6500 --$6000 --$5500 Se --$5000 $4,622.63 -- || -- $4500 --$4000 --$8500 --$3000 --$2500 ---$2000 --$1500 --$1000 SER |S What Was Canada's Greatest Disaster? On December 6th, 1917, 'Halifax, Nova Scotia, was rocked by a giant explosion, which broke window in Truro: 60 miles away and damaged every building in the city itself. - The explosion was caused when the Nor- wegian ship "Imo", sailing out of the harbour, collided with the incoming French ship "Mont Blanc" carrying munitions. "Mont Blanc" exploded into fragments of steel that fell like hail on the north end of Halifax, and an anchor, weighing half a ton, was carried by the blast into some woods two miles away. Sixteen hundred and thirty people were killed and several thousand injuried. The raging bliz- zard that followed found thousands living in tents or windowless houses. Ont. Grand Jury System May Be Abolished TORONTO, -- Ontario's' Grand Jury system may be abolished at the next session of the legislature, says Attor- ney-General Roberts. ° His advisory, committee 1% the ads ministration of justice, made up of leading jurists, is "practically unani:' mous" in favouring the move, Mr. Roberts paid Tuesday in an interview. He would bring the recommendation before the cabinet afd if his collegues agreed, legislation abolishing the sys- tem wopld be o prepared for the. next session. The Y3- member grand juries are ap- pointed before each court session of the assizes or General Session of the Peace of Ontario centres, The jurors consider bills of indictment and decide whether there is sufficient Crown evidence to warrant trial. They also inspect certain public buildings and in- stitutions and report on their con- dition. i ak ! ~The advisory committee thought grand juries are too expensive for municipalities and waste the time of jurymen, One committee had said 'grand juries give the Crown an op- portunity to rehearse its case before taking it to court, ; AV, OPEN LETTER TO FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS OF H H Dear Friend: This is to 'tell you t Stone © hat the store formerly operated by me and which has been closed recently for alterations will soon re-open after being enlarged and modernized. The business will be George. taken over by my son, '1 would like to thank my many friends and customers who have made my many years in business possible. ~ Yours very tits, H. H. STONE. L~ EVERYTHING IS 100% GUARANTEED AT DOMINION SAVE 10¢ -- RED ROSE 4 SPECIAL ! : ; Tea Bags ® 0&6 8 6 8 0 0 0 0 0 00 60's h9 SAVE 5¢ -- AYLMER SPECIAL Tomato Catsup ........4 4.2 79 SAVE 11¢ -- SEALARK SPECIAL Vegetable Soup ........6 25 49° CANADIAN MAID . SPECIAL Canned Milk ......... 7 %% *1.00 SAVE 11¢ -- HORSEY SPECIAL Blended Juice ..........3 4% °L00 SAVE 11¢ -- HORSEY SPECIAL Grapefruit Juice ...... 3 4% '1.00 SAVE 11¢ ~ AYLMER SPECIAL Fruit Cocktail ........ 4 %> 89 "SAVE 5¢ -- BAYVIEW SPECIAL Solid Tuna ............5 => °1.00 SAVE 4¢ -- CULVERHOUSE SPECIAL Choice Peas ............3 2% 49' SAVE 5¢ -- SWEET TREAT Crushed Pineapple . ... 4 20 Oz. 99° : Tins 1 - HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Lawrence's {AL REXALL ONE CENT SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT * COME IN AND SEE WHAT REAL MONEY You CAN SAVE BY BUYING NOW AM ERE "THE REXALL STORE" Telephone 49 Port Perry FROM OUR PRODUCE DEPARTMENT * Pineapples Ea FRESH RIPE CUBAN -- Size 12's 49° rap Ne CRISP AND JUICY CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE SPECIAL 49 SpyApples............3 i ~~ FROM OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT SAVE 10¢ =~ DEVON BRAND Rindless Breakfast Bacon 1» SPECIAL 69 ~All merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Is OUR GUARANTER- upeon: nditichally. guaranteed to sive you 100 per cent - : i satisfact n. Until Saturd - Values Effective at: Your Port Perry Dominion Store ay, May 3rd We Deliver * Dominion Stores Ltd. Port Perry Phone 345 ®»

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