Ns OAR LENA ER FRA 4 bas) RTRSY GARE TIBIA YTS w a at hal A o et RGA TSA Aa 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1968 LOCAL NEWS THE CHURCHES Teen Town A By Danny Reesor Annual Naval Veterans' Reunion At Belleville REUNION, MAY 17 and 18th Coming Events | Monster Bingo Monday Night, May 12th, 1958, at The crowd: of teen-agers at last Friday evening's dance was smaller than anticipated; but those who were Announcement Mr. and Mrs. James Ianson of Greenbank announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn May, to Mr, John Keith Heron, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Heron of Wick. The wedding to take place in Greenbank United Church on Saturday, May 31 at 3 p.m. Birth HARVEY----To Charlie and Pat, a son, Raymond Scott, on Saturday, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Sunday, May 11th, 1958-- . 11.30 a.m.--Morning Prayer, Roga- tion Sunday. Masonic Service. Thursday, May 15th, Ascension Day. 8.16 p.m.--Anniversary Service, preceded by Parish Suppér at 6.15 p.m. 4 . ' ST. JOHN'S 8 p.m. in the Red Barn, Oshawa, 20-- $20. games; 6--$30. games; one jack- pot of $160. and two jackpots of $260. Door Prizes. Admission "$1.00, Friday Night Jamboree Dancing to Radio Artists Chuck Fortune' and Band from Toronto Pa- lace Pier. Features Jimmy and Naval veterans and their wives from across Canada will be attending the fourth 'annual Naval Veteran's ;and Mrs. Lorne Blakely from Green. Reunion being held this year in Bek leville, Ontario,"on May 17 and 18th. The Reunion is being sponsored for the first time by the Canadian®Naval Association, and has the sanction of the Department of National Defence; Naval Service. This year the Quinte presént seemed to enjoy themselves, " Brian Taylor was in charge of the arrangements for this dance and Mr. bank were the chaperones. Prize Jennifer Edwards and Dave Wilson. records were awarded. to There will be a dance held in the Public School this Friday night and a larger group is needed in attendance Naval Association, 'Belleville, is the host Association, Ont, to support this weekly gathering .in order to keep the Dances running for PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH" the summer months. Members are «© May 3rd, 1958, at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. Very special thanks to Dr. John Diamond for excellent care, also to the nurses and staff of the hospital. In Memoriam LYLE--In loving memory of our dear brother, Mervyn Leonard Lyle who departed this life May 12, 1949. A beautiful memory, dearer than gold, Of a brother whose worth can never be told. Alone, unseen, he stands by our side, And whispers, don't grieve, death cannot divide. But only God knows and in His vast love He'll give us the answer in heaven above, Sadly missed by Brothers and Sisters. In Memoriam LYLE--In loving memory of our dear son, Mervyn Leonard Lyle, who entered into rest May 12, 1949. Just beyond life's gateway Rev, B. Simpson Black, B.A., B.D. Interim Moderater Sunday, May 11th, 1958-- 10 a.m.--Mother's Day Service for both Church & Sunday School. No Sunday School at 11 o'clock. ~ Johnny, the Shey Bros.; Phil Exton; Chuck Fortune Quartette and guests every Friday night. Admission 76e. Red Barn, Oshawa. T.F. Get Your Gift For Mother's Day PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, Minister Sunday, May Ith, 1958-- -10 a.m.--Sunday School b 11 a.m. --Morning Worship, and Jr. Sunday School The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D. Sunday; May 11th, 1958-- , 9 10.16 a.m.--Scugog Church 11.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 1.16 p.m,--Prospect Church Guest speaker for the three services Dr. J. Kenneth Braham, M.D., C.M. At the Scout Hall, 2,30 p.m. Sat., { May 10th. Afternoon Tea, Parcel Post (for children & Adults), sew- ling, aprons, dolls clothes, toys, novel- | ties, candies," shrubs & plants. At | the Brownie Table, everyday cards, bgift wrappings, toys, ete. "Free .gift to each lady. Rummage Sale, white . elephant table, in basement. Come cand bring your friends. Sponsofed by the Guide Mothers in aid of 'the » building fund, . Auction Sale Community Auction Sale at Raglan all on Saturday, May 10. Proceeds to church basement.. Sponsored by Raglan Willing Workers. Ted Jack- son, nuctioneer. Sale at 1.30 p.m, A full* week-end of activities' is planned for the ex-Navy men. On Saturday morning the visiting Rank- ing Naval Officers officially repre- senting the Navy will be tendered a civic reception by the City of. Belle- ville. A parade of Naval Units par- ticipating In the Reunion will .take part in the reception. A general get- together and a renewing of acquaint- asked to co-operate if they are in- terested in having the weekly get- together continued. The High School Open House will be held next Friday evening, May 16 and another Student Party will be held at the High School on May 23rd, so Teen Town will not be holding an- other dance until the last Friday in 4 ) ® ances will be the order of the day. A Dinner and Reunion Dance will be up the evening. During the after- noon a band concert and the Navy Units will perform the Naval Sunset. Ceremony. . Sunday will see the Veterans and Naval Units turn éut for a mammoth Church Parade to Protestant and Ro- man Catholic: Churches where servi- ces will be conducted by Naval Chap- lains, . Following the Church' service there will be a March Past and the Salute will be taken by the Senior Naval Officer present. The Parade will then proceed to the Cenotaph for a Remembrance Service for all Naval Servicemen and Merchant. Seamen who have paid the supreme sacrifice. Bring Up Those Low Marks! ssa ed) Yes, soup is a favorite of evéryone on all occasions. From early morning until late at night, soup hits the spot. " Soup starts the day . . . hot, steaming mugs of tomato soup , . . and all are off to a good start. You'll find it's a real star on breakfast menus, especially on cold, brisk winter mornings. For that mid-day break . . . enjoy a cup of warming beef broth or consomme fof sencive] energy. A quick, low-calorie pickup. ; x Lunch time at last! . . . and what 'could pe more welcome than a tureen well filled with g rich Trio Chowder. It's a delicious combination of three' kinds of canned soup, Have plenty on hand to fill those requests for seconds. When Dad and Jour children ask "What's for dinner?" , . . you n onlv mentirn the fitst course, chicken vegetable soup. Watch their eyes light up for they love this brand new soup that comes condensed style. : - Start your New Year right . . , resolve to keep a well stocked pantry shelf of canned soups. And mea planning will be "a breeze" \ i 'SOUPER LUNCHEON Trio Chowder Relish & Cheese Tray--Corn Sticks Chocolate Pudding Parfait TRIO CHOWDER ; 1 can (10 ounces) condensed bean with _ + bacon soup 1 can (10 ounces) condensed tomalo soup 1 can (10 ounces) condensed vegeladle ; soup , y : 3 soup cans water. . Blend soups and water; heat. Makes 6 generous servings. Is a garden bright and fair A Y Yi Veterans from all ovep Can- : : . . in will t our loved ones C U S E Ww y ada are being invited and should con- : ] Where again will meet our Jove ones A : Rehearsals Fact ete Nay nnotld con | the, worlds FASTEST portable EVERYTHING IS 100% GUARANTEED AT Dar oe on d ' sociation, Box 272, Belleville, Ontario Pain and sorrow will be banishe 0 NG , : , Gon "0 a and all oe B WL I VV The Port Perry United Church Choir| Previous reunions have been held Smith-Corona ; ; Just beyond life's gateway are starting rehearsals for Gilbert & [at Peterborough, Woodstock and a : 'dD INS Where they count not time by rl I. A N E S Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance" to| Oshawa. : A Rent i A 1 Sadly missed by be presented in late October. Extra iy rm Mum and Dad n u men are needed for the chorus. Re- . ds) $A : me Friday Nite Doubles hearsals will begin Thursday, May 1,{ : ; Ve CH 0 ou at 8.30 in the church basement, and HEW COMPOUND CLUE i In Memoriam starts at 9 Pp m sharp succeeding Thursdays until the end i TO ULCER CAUSE : SAVE 6¢ -- SOLO [_ SPECIAL soos of June. Practice will resume in uropean scientists who have Ma HH is ¢ b . - Ig» | b ki th i i SCHELL--In loving memory of a Open Bowling til 9 September. 'Both tenors and basses ulcers for DR ae wns hy omaeh rgarine Torrie esin . Lbs. 4 dear wife, mother, and grandmother, ' will be welcome. May 8 haze found ui anna, SAVE E gree IY g p ie § : ass Cu . e work of the famous Nobel . --_-- S IA gp Beall, who pasacd away May 0 clock rize winning scientist, Professor Fingst present yau can give your I 2 EC 2 A Won tay : i. : Oshawa Tenrjk Dam, in discovering a relas hy rh Lowe Toilet Tissue 4 Rolls 49 wonderful mother, woman and aid; E 1 ionship between nutrition and giz: oy or girl. Marks go up e : IR Sod One who was better, God never made. veryone we come. : else in his provided the notes, reports Sd homes ore SAVE 5¢ AT T , y , : er i e set 0; e ; 'This is + t it y A wonder work oh 1 1 | mene. | Harness Races | finiiticttinioniegat | ued es he pore vit Ew 2 , "was you. . of stomach ulcers. ' . 3 + d L d S . Just in your judgment, always right, Card of Thanks ia Satuaday, Mag 3% at 2 ge , Scientists think the first effective, fimessaving, smooth-lyping _ fea. h 1 e aun ry farch. LBC Jar 21 _ Honest and liberal, ever upright; J eam er Park. agering on a oi I dreating uloers is & naw prod: tures forbigmachine performance. : : as Loved by your friends and all you Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Staniland, Black- ! ' } "a tional factor IRE Ce To Hay Call Us At SAVE 11f CHOICE QUALITY new; stock, wish to thank their neighbours Proved effecti hl } ] P cu 20 Oz. 0 A wonderful mother, that, mother, and friends for kind remembrances Fuchre To ni hi in hospital afd The Port Perr Star Ay mer eas RR Tins 4 was you. their Golden Anniversary, April = clinic trials i by : + Lovingly remembered ly SSE, Holden, Anniversary pri g Butane and the Y > SAVE as -- ALWAYS FRESH by Husband and family. Thursday, May 8th at 8.30 p.m. a nited States, | We will be pleased to hel : ; , 30 pm. 0 ° p o help you d 24 Oz. 8 Euchre will be held in the Parish Hall a omy select a suitable model ichme lo rea sess Loaf 1 of the Catholic Church. Lunch ser- SSN ne Hage avail, : SA SPECIAL SUNDAY ved. Admission 50c. All welcome gal profession in Veni Canadn Be, her B YE 9¢ -- PANTRY SHELF ) SPECIAL will be the first Western Hemi Ch country where exul wil 4 Se . oneless icken fosteny Trine 69 of : Euchre ay Syaiane through doctors and. S © my Ym ' - A 3 n n ruggists, e A 1 AL a kAkERs ~ in enisinhig no drugs the pioneer - cout Building SaYe a DAL, 'SPECIAL ba ansigpobain™ in te tn Community ht on | Te] Spoink sed | pg | Tea Bags.............. wwe 75 Rev and Mrs Slane B A Saturday, May 10. Admission 50c. TaPid dlencing of both duodenal and } g. . . A, Lunch provided, eastric ulcers. One doctor r d : . Y. provided, Bove daniens Sai grb MAY Sth, 1958 SAVE 6¢ -- ie QUALITY SPECIAL from British Columbia u id 8.Sn: ol seven Oak L h 28 Oz 55 days" after being placed deere Ips - MISSIONARIES ELECT TO JAPAN S.S. Anniversary treatment. > : head on maul --$7000 eal X'eaches Tins . anish and Italian scientist : ] : 3.00 p.1o. Prince Albert will hold thelr Sun-| think that the success of be SPECIAL LOW PRICE--REDPATH WHITE -- SPECIAL - day School Anniversary Service an bearing Meets furnishes pot only Tio | Su ar rs 10 : : - ¢ long-soue 'cure 1 'S, ? . 4 * 0 000000 yf ) y . a4 Rev. J. F. Holiday, B.A. B.D. May 26th at 2 p.m. Rev, Mr. Homes| but may also faelly i ae $600 g 1A U ) Lbs of the Harmony United Church, Osh-| Answer to the mvsterv of what --$6000 ¢ President of Central Baptist Seminary, Toronto. awa, will be the guest speaker. Spe- Aeally causep stomach ulcers, : SAVE ON I MINIONS > : . GUEST SOLOIST -- LADIES TRIO cial music by the Couves sisters, |. . --$5600 D M 0 Quart *® from Calvary Baptist Charch, Oshawa, on Greenbank. May 16 omio ofor il x "p+Tin 1.4 : --$5000. FROM OUR PRODUCE DEP ARTME S ) " 4 ARTMENT unday, May 11th, at S.S. Anniversary T1085 vf ey: p iP B fi i Ch h or i \ .--$4600 SPECIAL PRICE -- NO. 1 v Of Blackstock United Church will \ or erry ap 15 urc : be held on Sunday, May 18th, Ser- --$4000 k P. E. I Potatoes na 50 Lb. *1.89 -- vices at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Speak- - i : Bag or ; ; er. Rev. Milton Sanderson. Special . SAVE 4¢ -- NO. 2 FRESH - = Fa || Tomatoes on Ee " i i { \ J $3000 ® 0 0 00 0.000 0 0 +e CY Pkg. : 25 : 2 LIBBY'S DEEP BROWN BEANS, 20 oz. tins," 2 for 39c. C N I B Tag Day : oe hs . edleRold, A | : FROM OUR MEAT D : VAL CLOVERLEAF SALMON (red) per tin ....... ..ccccovennnn. 47c. C h 5 --$2500 EPARTMENY os anadian National Institute for the \ BR \ ; - ih CARNATION MILK, 16 02. tin ...ccccouuverrinrrrins wes for 440. [10150 Tag Day will be held on Sab. |." --$2000 DEVON BRAND | pa. urday, May . en the girls ca bd "R le B £0 ¢ rg KLIK; 12 02. UNS o.oo pli isinneresissenssssnesees seen 104 on _you--your continued support of TX ime ess acon Sa ALE ey 69 "Me . his worthy cause would be most ap- --$1600 ' : - 7 YORK MEAT BALLS, 15 oz. tin ...! 45¢ , = All merchandise J y ny, 1 Fe LIN Linea iiinnee Ne I RT A # sold at 7 - *- [f[preciated. . Thank you | a : OUR GUARANTEE unconditionally guaranteed so sive por ony 21070, / DOUPE'S STORE D Yal Brymer ope of he nt id a E 4 u rynner one e aclors ; ; o ance in the picture, "The Ten Com- aio Values Effective at Your Port Perry Dominion Store OPEN EVENINGS -- CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOONS [|| Come to our spring dance, sponsor. | Miandments", showing at Roxy . Until Saturday, May 10th | : . - ed by Scugog Home and School, Scu- 9 to Thursd LA 15 y 0 y Co, A 25 ; y: ro For Free Delivery Phone 485W |] es, Sonmunis, sai sao nm on 5,08, Sarto tha at £30 ominion Stores Lid. P Vv 8 Saturday, May 10th, 1958. Musie by [500% WE RY (SCI nE 86 Bed) 0 ' : [ES ~~ Fort Perr Y * sv 2 4 the "Melodeers"s- Admission 60ec. per |. oaurcay a hr We Deliver - vi "Phone 845 3 HES porion. Prizes and soft drinks, [PT J Fi EA ---------- -- ------------ 2 : : Fu is! : NN v 4 \ J .