a A 2th ~ ne v es RS TA, 3 % : mat NL RR ra iy Fn oe ET 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1058 a - ASHBURN Mother's Day was -observed in the Sunday School ari Church services at Burn's Church on Sunday, May 11 at '10,30 and 11.30 a.m. Mr. Walter Lane, of Oshawa, had - charge of the Sunday School ser- vice and also presided at the piano. Mr. Wright, of Oshawa, sang a solo "In My Heart There Rings a Melody", after which Messrs. Wright and Lane sang 'a duet "Sweet is the Story". Mr, H. Hooper, of Oshawa, told the story of Naaman 'and how he was cured of Leprosy. The service closed ~ with the singing of "At the Cross", and prayer, - Rev, B. Black, of Uxbridge, had chirge of the church - service. The junior choir sang special music. Rev. Black chose for his text, Genesis 5, verse 24, The Y.P.S, held their regular week- ly meeting in the basement of the church on Sunday, May 11th at 8.00 p.m. Mr. Grant Parrott conducted a short song service, after which Shir- ley Bryant took charge of the wor- ship period. Mrs. Wm. Gardner read the scripture lesson, St. John Chapter 2 and Joy Bradley led in prayer. A poem "Mother" was read by Shirley Bryant and the worship period was brought to a close with the singing of "My Mother's Bible". on then took charge of the program. Roy Gaudaur and Philip Doble sang "The Old Rugged Cross". Mr. Ken- neth Heron brought a challenging message choosing as his subject "Qur Heritage as Christians", The meet- ing closed with the singing of "Faith of Our Fathers", and the Mizpah Benediction repeated in unison. The monthly meeting of the W.M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Rus- sell Batten on Wed, May 7th, at 2.30 p.m. with the president Mrs, A, Dee- ug presiding. 'The meeting opened with the sing- ing of Hymn 664 "O Jesus I have Promised". Mrs. Luther Bradley led ih prayer and the scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Donald Sanderson, The minutes were read and the roll call answered by sixteen members. Hymn 068 "Jesus Calls Us", was sung. Mrs. M, Sparks was in charge of the Study Book on the subject "Men and Women working together in the total mission," The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs, W, Knight. Mrs. Milton Jenkins, Miss Eileen Hamill and 'Mr. Ernest Jenkins, of' Little Britain were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Routley. Mrs, G. Fisher, of Oshawa spent the week-end at her home, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Purdy and Mrs. L. Graham, of Toronto, were Faye Her- Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. Ashton. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron during the week- end included the following: Miss Peggy Graham; Miss Diane Sykes; Mr, and Mrs, Sykes, of Toronto; Mrs, A. Reynolds, of Pickering, Mr. Jameg Doble, of Toronto spent the week-end with his parents Mr, and Mrs. H, Doble, Miss Fern Stephen, of Toronto, vi- sited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. | ltumphrey, on Sunday. ¢ Mrs. Clyde Playfair, of Toronto visited her parents Mr, and Mrs. Rus- sell Richardson during the week, Mr. Walter Anderson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his. parents Mr, and Mrs. N. Anderson. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Fry, of Osh- awa were Sunday visitors with Mr, und Mrs, F, Poil, : Several from here attended the Oddfellows service at Brooklin on Sunday, : om Ianchester 'Congratulations to Mr, and Murs. David Richardson(nee Vera Howsam) who were married in Toronto on Fri- day evening. Dr. Kenneth Braham of Toronto "was the guest speaker at church on "Sunday. Dr. Braham's theme was based on Family Life. Eunice and CANTALOUPES SWEET CORN RADISHES JAFRUIT & VEGETABLES Culilobin ats finest -- Good size 138's SUNKIST ORANGES Ripe, luscious -- Jumbo size Delicious garden fresh -- Large cobs Tasty, home grown -- Half 1b. bunches ASPARAGUS Crunchy rosebud -- Large bunches = 2 ror 15¢ SAVE Be MARGAR 'SAVE 6c Doz. 43c SAVE 4c Quaker - em 3c SAVE 3c Tide 6 rr 39c SAVE ON 2 ror 29¢ Birds Eye . Chicken, Turkey HOR) € q 30 init Og Rapa % FINEST ORANGE PEXOR TEA % ATTRACTIVE NSW PACKAGSE % SAVE 5¢ ON SAALL PACKAGE) % SAVE 10: ON LARGE PACKAGE Blue Bonnet Yellow Quik Aylmer Boston Brown -- 20-0z. tin BEANS - . . MUFFETS Large pkg, DETERGENY . Doc. Ballard's Champlor. -- 15-0z. tin DOG OR CAT FOOT 3 + 34c , Pot Roast - 11-0z. pkg. INE 2: 65¢ 5 rer 88¢ = Qe 33c 69¢c WAGSTAFFE'S 9-01. jar 3 Jars §3¢ LIBBY'S Catchup Jams & Jellies - a. 11-0z. bottle 2 for 39¢ ~ S INBEAM CHOCOLATE This Week Special Regular Value 55¢ 49 Ib. 79¢ quare Cakes, LOIN SALE RIB ROAST 31% 1b. average Ib. 53¢ CENTRE CUT TENDERLOIN PORTION "34% Ib. average Ib, 63¢ Swift's Premium BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 1 Ib. skinless 45¢ Swift's Premium © BOLOGNA Sliced -- 12 oz. pkg. 39¢ GREEN PEAS Arrow Brand - Tender - 20-0z. tin Billy Bee - 5c Off - 12-0z. plastie container CREAMED HONEY . 3 ror 35¢ 24c © HEAT REFLECTING Silicone IRONING COVER AND FOAM CUSHION FAD BONUS BARGAIN ¢ ! ty ae a . "vo. [3 i Rs ] " | 'WN ! / 1a 3 roel Ao k rath ae L309 rare PIECE CONTOUR-FIT NON SHIFTING - 5 Ls 21 Sapa Lo LD : : nm n ~ Dowson's Food Market FREE DELIVERY PORT PERRY Susan Roach sang a duet. Mrs, May Dyke's many friends were happy to see her at Church, ai- ter weeks in hospital. Mrs, Gladys Archer spent a week- end in Sutton, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crosier, of ' Spragge, were with his parents on tne week-end, ° 'Lhe flowers were pladed in church on dunday by the family in memory of 'their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Joel miller, . 'those who visited Prospect Wo- man's Association last 'L'hursday ev- emmg report a most enjoyable time. Mr, and Mrs, kmil Uonnelly 'and lamily visited mr. and Mrs. Dawson, | whnitby on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. isruce, Selby, Ushawa were with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Wm, McCartney on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnelly, Port | Yerry were dunday visitors with his parents, SR Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Midgley and Kim were with mr. and Mrs, C. Midgley on Sunday, . Mr. Harley Johnston is in Chicago for GU weeks to complete his course in' air conditioning and refrigeration. Mrs, Briggs of New York, Miss Annie Stewart, mrs. Van Luevan and mr, Gordon Stewart of Ushawa were .Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Bill. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Brydon and fa- mily of Brampton and Mrs. Gladys Archer were with Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Archer and boys at their cottage at Lakeside Beach on Sunday. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Albert Wilson who passed away on May bth. py Good Reading for the Whole Family «News «Facts « Family Features The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. 1 year $18 [J 6 months $9 [J 3 months $4.50 [J Name Address ° Zone State City Two Great Sales Ul Holsteins Ten years ago an Argentine cat- tleman, Dr, Hector I. Astengo, came to Canada and established at Bramp- ton the Kosale herd of pure bred Hol- steins, Lr. Astengo seemed to have the magic touch m cattle breeding, lor within a year or two, Kosate be- came one of wig wp group or Lana- ain nerds and now a aecade later 1s' mternationully 1amous in Holstew circles, Sa Miah _ xr. Astengo 'has now tound it ne- cessury 10 isperse tne nerd. 'Ane >81€, 10 be hela 1uesaay, may 44, at tie vakville dates Arenas, promises Lo Le One OI Lhe greaiest eyer held in vanusuy, rivaling une moung vicloria Ulspersal sale o1L iv44 10 18 ertect on Lie 1101stein breed, deed BLOCK 0p- wined ab Lue Jaller sale was scat- tered throughout une INOrtn Ameri 'cun _conunent proviuuig Lue vunaa- Lon oF Inuny OI tne noted herds ul lousy. in luce mnevy perceny or the present rioisteln cacite 1n vanuuu are OL mount Victoria origin. do Ques slalluiNg have been ine ramuies de- veloped ac losale, ana 80 widespread 15 Whe Interest In the 12d head 10 be 501d hal buyers are expected to be ou hund Irom all parts or INOrth ana Soul America, Ulhers are expected irom luurope. undoubtedly this great herd will be dispersed in every direction, providing seed stock for the start of other great herds, even as the Mount Victoria herd provided the foundation on which Rosafe was built. Animals from the Rosafe herd won 24 All-Canadian and 18 Reserve All- Canadian awards, also 12 All-Ameri- | can awards. These have been wop | largely by the progeny of the famous Class Extra sire, A.B.C. Reflection Sovereign, whose get-of-sire has four times been named All-Canadian and All-American. Dr. Astengo has been five times Premier Breeder and Pre- mier Exhibitor at the Royal Winter Fair and twice winner of both these awards at the International Dairy Show at Chicago. Preceding the Rosafe sale by one day will be the National Holstein Sale, Canada's oldest consignment sale, having been started in 1919, It, too, will be held at the Oakville Sales Arena. The Rosafe Sale will start at 10:00 a.m. and the National at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Saving time. - Hilllop Herald By Darlene Christie ents and friends. In the Auditorium McFadyen's choral group. smart outfits were modelled by the ker's Home Economics classes. On: Friday, May 16th the Annual i "Open House" was held and as usual 4 there was a good attendance of par-|% there were .two fashion shows, each | preceeded by Miss Brock's folk-dan- | # cers and musical selections by Miss 5 Many |g girls who made them in Miss Par-|8 In two shows in the gymnasium, 2 boys from Mr. Parkinson's and Mr. |? Cole's P.T, classes showed skill and daring in their gymnastic displays. Their tumbling and feats on the high bar and box-horse were well-received by the audience,' Tou On the back Campus at 7.30 the Cadet Band performed at their best and entertained many onlookers. 'The many room exhibitions includ- ed Art, Agriculture and Science, Com- Inercial aemonstrations, Home Ico- nomics and Shop. projects, krench, Guidance, Social Studies and History, Lmglsh, Night Sewing Class projects and Biology. ; : : 1h the kiology room the students aia Miss Chrysler were busy disect ing a poor, dead, nnocent rabbit, Several people ventured Lo the scene but 1 won't say for certain how many Stayed shrouguout the whole opera- tion, it was a shame that the Year Book wasn't ready tor Open rouse put pe- cause ol prinung auticulties the ais- trlbuuion was impossible. "We are in uopes that tney will be ready- later on uns week, Last 'lues. the permanent list of Lauder olricers was given and a snort pracuce followed. Uther practices will be held this week and we hope Ww be well polished and ready 1or tne church Parade at Utica on Sunday, may 0th, fall into line will be '10.20 a.m., the service will be at 11.00. All cadets are expected to be there in proper dress and on time. Please keep in mind 10.20 a.m, sharp! For the Students who wished to see es gym display on Friday night, dnd didn't,, will have their chance, as the boys will go through the demonstration again, in: the last period on Tuesday. See you next The time for Cadets vo |-- -------- SCIENCE IN YOUR LIFE Animal Tamer The next time a veterinarian is confronted with a dog made snarl- ing and vicious by its illness, he may pop a tranquilizer into the animal's mouth, an ! into cooperative friendliness, Sick ah --even those which are not naturally bad-tempered ---e¢an turn vicious toward strangers. Not only do they resist examination and HERP .treatment by the ! veterinarian, but they may tear off bandages; or rip open surgical stit- ches, Many animals, however, respond Fel quilizing drugs, giving the veterinarian a new ad- vantage, Ataraxoid, for instance, seems to work as well with pets as it does with their masters, It's a combination of a mild tranquilizer used to treat everyday tensions in humans, with the latest hormone for relief of arthritis, rheumatism, and skin diseases. 3 The tranquilizing drugs Sho many other possibilities, too. They may be employed to soothe nervous horses so that they can be traified better, and to treat cattle before shipping so that they won't lose weight through loss of appetite. Zoo and circus vets hope that the drugs can be used to calm animals faring long trips, so that exhaustion wil "not make them easy marks for dis- ease. The drugs may be used to tranquilize flighty birds, too. They may even help make a watchdog out of the pup who runs nd hides under the bed when it nders ~ the snarls will vanish, &- to the. new tran-- NJ week, J ------. I po am. LA) " FRESH BAKING DAILY ; : BREAD, BUNS, PIES, CAKES and TARTS . 8 : 2 8 7 0 Week-End Specials Jk . "Banana Layer €ake" "Lemon Pie and Tarts" 0 H x | ' B i GERROW'S BAKERY : . PHONE 32W ? . G.M.GERROW : ~ . 2 nn A) A000 0 0 OO ~*/ PHONE 29 R BROS. Frozen Cod Fillets ......... Ih. 29c. Frozen Strawberries (York) . 1b.35¢. Bologna .....................1b 3%. FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY hb) year a He will need money for the family vacation bool Every 11 seconds during banking hours last new deposit account was opened in a chartered bank. And to millions of Canadians a bank is not only thé best place to keep savings--it is a financial service-centre providing services useful to eis SEAS Ca Serial bo hi iy She Is saving for her trousseau o SO both are building up bank accounts everyone in the community, A visit to a chartered bank is the way to handle all your banking needs, Here you can deposit money, arrange loans, cash cheques, rent a safety deposit box, buy travellers cheques, - transfer money--all safely, simply, easily,. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY 4 - TESTI Re 900080000 D80E008OROSORO rte on tate 200 59090908080908000000C 2 ~ E