Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Jun 1958, p. 4

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vl or oe Cy ; "ng = Eas a a - el > Ar a 7 ps wl 2 Me & Lr os, v Lig ¥ 7 4---THE MT PA A GS PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1958 vy LOCAL Mrs, J. H. flatly of Port Perry, Ont., 'sailed recently in the Home Lines flagship Homeric for a.vaca- tion in Europe, Birth DESHANE--Edna and Harry De- Shane wish to announce the ayrival of their son (Ricky Alfred) on June 16th, 1958, a brother for Kathy. Card of Thanks I wish to extend sincere thanks and appreciation- to the doctors, nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital at Port Perry for their care and attention and the fine meals re- ceived during my stay in ghe hospital. Mrs. Ethel Emerton, Blackstock. Card of Thanks We would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank all the kind friends and neighbours who helped in every way Mrs. Margaret Johnston during her illness; also the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry and Dr. Diamond. Many thanks! The Bounsalls, Arnolds and Mrs. Innes. Card of Thanks HOWSAM--Mere words are inade- quate to express our gratitude. To each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow' with beautiful flowers, words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness, we can only say "Thank you so much". Mrs. C. N. Howsam, Mary, Jim and George. In Memoriam JACKSON--In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Nettie Jackson, who pased away on June 26, 1957. Deep in the heart lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest In Memory's frame we shall keep it Because she was one of the best. The Family. Death GERROW, John George--suddenly, in Sunnybrook Hospital on Sunday, June 22, 1958, John George (Jerry) Gerrow, beloved husband father of Jackie, dear brother of Mrs. Lorne Thompson, (Phyllis) and Mrs. (Ivah) both of Resting at Glennie, and father of Mrs. Robert William Robinson, Oshawa, in his 42nd year. the Kane Funeral Chapel, Yonge and Sheppard Ave., Toronto, with mem- orial service in the chapel at 1 p.m. Interment at Prince Albert, Wednesday, June 26th. of Mae Smith of Scotland, Ont. and loving THE CHURCHES CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) Sunday, June 29th-- 0) t 8 a.m.--Men's Corporate Com- munion followed by breakfast. 11.30 a.m.--Rev, John Coneybeare. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev, B. Simpson Black, B.A., B.D. Interim Moderater Sunday, June 29th-- 11.00 a.m.--Sunday School. Sunday, July 6th-- Edward Bragg will be a Candidate. | vice. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. S. Linstead, Minister Sunday, June 29th-- 1 + 10 a.m--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship, and Jr. Sunday School SA | Coming Events 10.00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Rev. Gervais Black, will be Preacher. 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship. Rev. Please note change of time for Ser- No Sunday School will be held during the months of July and August 5 1 tA 32323 i » 3, 3 AL RON NRES -| Monster Bingo Monday night, June 30th, 1858, at 8 p.m. in the Red Barn, Oshawa," 20-- $20. games; 6--$30. games; one jack- pot of $160. and two jackpots of $260. Door Prizes, Admission $1.00. a¥ SUPPER Lovely supper on Wednesday, July 9th, at Grace United. Church, Scugog. Supper served from b to 8 pm. Adults be. pre- -school "children 35e. July 3 Sunday School a - Picnic JULY 2nd--St. John's Presbyterian Sunday School Picnic. Bus will leave Church at 2.30 p.m. Brownie Pet Show Saturday, June 28th at the Scout Hall. pets by 10 o'clock in the morning. Open to the public at 10.80 am. Admission 10c. Friday Night Jamhoree Dancing to Radio Artists Chuck Fortune and Band from Toronto Pa- lace Pier. Features Jimmy and Johnny, the Shey Brvs.; Phil Exton; Chuck Fortune Quartette and guests The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE MINISTER: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A. B.D, Sunday, June 29th-- . 10.00 a.m.--Scugog Head S. S. 10.15 a.m.--Manchester Church 11.16 a.m.--Scugog Church. Death Harper. terment Pine Grove Cemetery. Oshawa General Hospital on Wednes- day, June 18, 1958, Grant McClintock Wilson, beloved husband of Ethel M. Bell (Beryl), and brother of Mrs. x 9.15 a.m.--Prospect Church A, . HARPER, Ethel Estella -- At the Port Perry Community Hospital, on Thursday, June 19, 1958, Ethel Estella Willard, beloved wife of Robert J. Private funeral from the Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry, on Saturday, June 21st. In- WILSON--Entered into rest in the every Friday night. Admission 76e. Red Barn, Oshawa. T.F. Hilltop Herald By this time, all exams will be a thing of the past, and only summer work, leisure and fun will prevail for the next couple of months. Hope everyone enjoys the summer Vacation. It's a pleasure to report that all the teachers are remaining on the staff at the High School for the next school year. Mr. MacDonald told. us that due to the late arrival of "bars" from the manufacturer they will be sent to de- serving students along with their promotion letter. Don't fret be- cause you didn't get them at school, just wait awhile. In our Year Book this year there was a special feature--a contest con- sisting of pictures of the teachers when they were children to be mat- ched with their proper names. The contest closed June 4th and the win- Children please bring your| Carl Avery (Fern), and Frank in his 56th year. 20, 2.00 p.m. Pine Grove Cemetery, Ontario. Cemetery, Prince Albert. tenant Commander Connar of the ners were: Miriam Harris, Gwen Shaw and Joyce Wires, who won two dollars each. There were several close runners-up. On Thurs. morning, June 12th Lieu- Medical Co-Op is Collector Group "The Government Hospital Plan must work. It is too costly to fail," stated Dr. M. B. Dymond when speak- ing recently at Greenbank to a re- cord attendance at the annual meet- ing of Ontario (County) Co-opera- tive Medical Services, Dr. Dymond told an interested au- dience that a 'Government Hospital Plan has been discussed since 1919. In 1966 the Federal and Ontario Governments agreed upon a Plan, and the seven-man Ontario Hospital Ser- ices. Commission was appointed in 1957. The responsibility of sending a pa- tient to hospital remains with the Doctor and the speaker expressed confidence that they would co-oper- ate. Dr. Dymond warned that any undue use of the Plan would result in an increase in the premium, as well as an increase in the Govern- nients' contributions--which also come out of everyone's pocket through general taxation. Hospital costs have. been increasing 1839, per year for the past ten years. Consequent- ly, the premium of $4.20 per month for a family is only guaranteed for one year. The municipality will de- cide whether or not a patient is able to pay. The province will pay the premium for social assistance persons. Continuing, Dr. Dymond emphasi- zed that the Commission could not pay "Collector Groups" such as the Co-op Medical Services or they would have to pay industry for making col- lections through pay roll deductions. It was pointed out that the Govern- ment Hospital Plan will only pay if you are admitted with a diagnosis. Hospitalization for investigation only will not be covered. = Dr. Dymond concluded his address by stating that | the Ontario Government hoped to show that a good Plan can be worked out at a reasonable cost, but people must be honest and use it only when needed, Mrs. W. Carruthers, Vice-President of Ontario (County) Co-op Medical Services, conducted the tenth Annual Meeting as the President, Mr. John A. Ball, was absent due to a death in the family. The meeting voted to add a portion of the saving to the 19567 Catastrophe Fund so that claims could be paid at 879%, after Deduc- tions, the same as a year ago. The twenty-three claimants who benefited from the $8,268, Catastrophe Fund each had cost of illness exceeding $600. in 19567. The Medical Co-op will continue af- coverage, and Catastrophe at a pre- mium of $4.00 per year for the fa- mily, as well as acting as a "Collec tor Group" for their members for the Government Hospitalization. Mr, Paul Meehan, Regional Man- ager of Rural Enrolment for the -Hos- pital Services Commission, urged the members to continue to pay their hos- pitalization premium yearly in ade vance through their Medical Co-oper- ative. Those not in a mandatory group may pay quarterly, direct to the Commission, but it will be a more costly method than paying through the Medical Co-op. Everyone must pay the premium three months in ad- vance, Mrs. McLean, Secretary-Treasurer, reported a year of progress for the Co-operative and hoped that the Sur- gical Plan, which now has 1,120 mem- bers, would continue to increase. The members voted that more than $3,000. of the saving be placed in the Gener- al Reserve. The four Directors elected to .the Board for a three year term were: Mr. Ernest Camick, Mrs. W. Carru- thers, Mrs. I, L. McLean, and Mrs. B Gray. Mrs. R. Stiver was re- Felected to the Audit Committee. Officers of the Medical Co-op for the coming year are: President, Mrs. W. Carru- thers; Vice-President, Mr. Wallace MacLean; and Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. I. L. McLean, & & ; ! A Sweetman's Taxi Conroy Drivers -- "Service with that personal 1 ad touch" ~~ Phone 4w for service day or night - J sh ira isa esi Decorating PHONE 122 r 8 CHAS. A. BRADLEY & SON. INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Wall Papering a Specialty Contractors PORT PERRY ter December 1958 with the Surgical --All passengers Br Funeral from Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Friday, June Interment Pine Grove Royal Canadian Navy visited the , school and spent a period with the Sr. boys showing a film and talking. He told them of the R.O.T.P., a training plan for Grade 13 boys, by which Tenders Wanted Prospect United Church wish to receive tenders for an oil furnace installed in the church. -Written tenders should be in the hands of the secretary, Lloyd Smith, R.R.2 Port Perry, by July 4th. June26 i LLOYD SMITH, Phone 479 r 21 they -could acquire free University education and become Officers. Also for Grade 8 to Grade 12 educated boys there is the Apprentice Plan avail- able. On Fri, the 18th, after school the Sr. students "Slipt the shackles--" and proceeded by bus and car to Mus- sleinan's Lake for our annual Sr, Stu- dents picnic. Though rain greeted us when we arrived at our destination, teachers and pupils alike enjoyed a dlp in the lake and later a delightful pienic lunch (under shelter, of course). To "finish off" a terrific time the gang danced to records in the Pavil- fon and spirits remained high on the ald's good nerves). \ On Thurs. and Fri. other grades in school went elsewhere on picnics, but no particulars were available, PRINCE ALBE pe 5 DOUPE' S GENERAL STORE CARNATION MILK, tall .... ........ for $1.00 CLARK'S PORK and BEANS, 20 07. ............oocnn.2 for 7c. SHREDDED WHEAT ..c.ocoovrnsnsisivnssssmnsns TOF 37, COFFEE, Freshly Ground ....... ooops 836, HOT DOG or SWEET RELISH ........c...... srerrisiosin 20 OPEN EVENINGS -- CLOSED TUESDAY AFTERNOONS For Free Delivery-Phone 465W RT, ONTARIO : - Well, that just about "winds up" my assignment for the school year 1957-58." Taq the friends, parents and pupils who have been interested enough in the Little Red School House to read this weekly contribu- tion, I thank you.~ I hope you enjoyed reading it as much ag I did present- ing it. I was greatly honoured to be elected to the Students' Council in this capacity. =I wish Jnext year's and assistance that I received from our principal, the teachers and vari ous students who made possible my bringing the news of P.P,H.8, before you, the public. Best of Luck to you all, Sincerely, I Darlene Christie. Scar. AT. 2-0961 Whitby MO. 559 e.o.w. dec. 25-68 - trip home, (thanks to Mr, MacDon- Press Reporter all the 'co-operation |' . SUMMERAMA Make this the best and most profitable Summer you have ever experienced. Register for Summer School Classes at: Oshawa Business College Lr" commencing WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1958 "continuing until Friday, August 29th YOU CAN TAKE TIME OUT FOR VACATION Hours: 9:00 am. to 1:00 p.m. Afternoons free for recreation OR, Employment. Choose from the following academic and skill-development subjects. Shorthand writing Clerical Bookkeeping 'Accounting "Advanced Accounting Business Machines Personality Development Filing _ Office Practice Special Classes open to Grade Eight pupils going into 'Grade Nine, Special Classes for Housewives, Teachers, Univepsity- * Students and all High Bchool Students. : SUMMER SCHOOL CLOSES > FRIDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1958 ACT NOW! ENROLMENT VERY LIMITED Ask for Free Literature," You ean register by Phone, 111 Simcoe St, 8, Din] RA 5-3375 Business English ~ Business Correspondence " Rapid Calculation Business Aritlimetic Penmanship ~~ LIBERAL ; NOMINATION MEETING To select a candidate for the Legislative Assembly of Ontario from the riding of Ontario County ednesday, July 9th, 1958 at 8 pm, Brock Township Hall, SUNDERLAND Speaker: ' JOHN J. WINTERMEYER, leader of the Liberal Party in Ontario. Gordon Rynard, President. Ontario County Liberal Association 'Robt. J. 'Waive Secretary. Every occupant of land, or if the land is unoccupied, the owner, shall destroy all noxious weeds thereon by July 16th, or as often in every year as is necessary to prevent + the ripening of their seeds. ' By order of the Weed Inspector, FRED G. LAMB, County of Ontario. Breakfast Bacon Cee... OnTD JUNE IS DAIRY MONTH AT DOMINION HEINZ TOMATO } SPECIAL Catsup ..... (SZ Ya | MITCHELL'S - SPECIAL AppleSauce ........... 2%" 3 LYNN-VALLEY. "fg, " SPECIAL 'Standard Peas .........10 5. *1.00 SAVE ON MOUNT HILL SPECIAL GreenBeans ........... TH." "1.00 YORK BRAND SPECIAL Cream Corn ............ 5%." *LO0 JUMBO SIZE | SPECIAL Kleenex Tissue .........3 rus 100 REDPATH } SPECIAL White Sugar .......... 10 95 SAVE! SAVE! CANADIAN MAID . SPECIAL Canned Milk ...........75> *L00 SAVE 4¢ ON DS.L. SPECIAL 100 Bag ¢™ Tea Bags EE EE I EE EEE EY - Pkg. g 19 BUY RICHMELLO SPECIAL Salad Dressing .......... 5" 19° BICK'S ~ a SPECIAL Dill Pickles ............ wr 3 NO. 2 RIPE SPECIAL: Bananas ................ Jw 3% SUNKIST BRAND. SIZE 138's SPECIAL Oranges .................¢0%0" 5% TAKE HOME A = ONLY Watermelon ..... "Wists: 99 DAISY BRAND SPECIAL All Prices subject to change due to market conditions All merchagdise sold at your Dominion' Store fs OUR GUARANTEE- unconditionally guaranteed to give you 100 per cent sajisfaction. : Values Effective at Your Port Paty Dominion. Store Until Saturday, June do 2 Dominion Stores Lid, Port Perry 19 ® ® )] » OD

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