Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Jun 1958, p. 6

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MERA A EL ES 1 ghd Fo A RN WAAL on RS - ' 6--THE sy 7 Se E) = SW BAS Ta C0 Sad Ley SANNA AO MORNE DAA BRA ES tL " ML REO NT AL OR PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1058 BUSINESS 'DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are Whatever your insurance needs your 'Policies up-to-date? may be consult « EMMERSON INSURANCE AIR, RAIL, BUS and STEAMSHIP Farhily Plan and Tours, going to Europe or bringing relatives out for trips Consult: F, G. CROSBY a - HARDWOOD CUTTINGS Factory must be cleaved 'daily. Large loads delivered anywhere $10. / Notice NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS OF BALED STRAW FOR SEEDING Prince Albert (Too late for last week) At 8S. S. Mrs. Doupe and: Ivan WHOSE NUMBER 18 THIS AFTER JULY 6th Phone 41 Port Perry Phone RA b5-1626, Oshawa. Julys | Separate sealed bids marked "Bid Pugh deposited their birthday money. " : i : i Travel Agent ; for Supply of Straw, Port Hope, No. 7 The. Supt. Mr. E, Martyn read the : 5 : gn -- | District", will be received by the Dist. theme. : i am YUk 5.2581 5 od Phone 128 or 290W HOUSE FOR SALE-- 'Port Perry riet Engineer, Mr. H. D. Duff, Port | Mus. Gordon Heayn, Mus. Clayton LL ' on : R 0 0 F I N G UXBRIDGE, ONT. Conventional modern sty Jug: Downie Hope, Ontario, until 12.00 o'clock Love and Mrs, Ross' Murphy attended : ] fi (No service charge) Sarags. Tone ai Fou ng bi noon, E.8.T. : : the Trousseau Tea at the home of |H 7 : OF ALL KINDS : eat, 4 piece hath, built-in sitchen In. MONDAY, JULY 21st, 1958 Mrs. S. Sweetman Port Perry in hon- Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds July 10, 58, cluding frig. & stove, - Deep base- ment, All conveniences. Close to school, bus, business section. ~~ Rea- "Specifications, Bid Forms and Bid Envelopes may be obtained from the District Engineer at the above ad- our of her daughter Carol's forth- coming marriage. ig LEARN IT NOW, and REMEMBER IT MEANS ' of work. u = sonable. Frank McCammond. Phone Tuesday evening the G. N. Service gmp . 2 S| Hi hest P rices 511-W, Port Perry. TF. ies i 1 Club sponsored their annual outing Qu and Service EARL WALLACE . , d The lowest or any quotation not: ren majority of members plus Some Port Pe PAID FOR LIVE PQULTRY necessarily accepted. or ; rs p : . ny FOR SALE-- First litter sows, due husbands. paiticipated in this event. Farm Service Dead Horses, Cattle and Hogs picked up for disposal. WE BUY OLD HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER Phone collect: Uxbridge 641, Woodville 82-r-11 Ed. Peconi I. Turner OSHAWA, ONTARIO Call Collect RA 3-2043 Nov. 27/68 Sand, Gravel Excavating, Back{illing, Top Sol, ete. ROSS SANDISON R. R. 4, Port Perry Phone 121-r-b. Sept.26/68 soon; also service age hogs. Fred Milne, Blackwater, Phone Sunderland 3r8. June 26 WANTED -- Live Poultry. Best prices paid. MM. Flatt, Bethany R. R. 1, Telephone 7-r-13, collect. June26 FOR SALE--Standing Hay. Phone Blackstock 652-r-21. WANTED--Used 8/8" x 150' steel barn cable; also used side rake in good condition. Phone Ivan Mount- joy, Blackstock 87-r-4, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Port Hope District Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN ERNEST BOTTRELL, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of John Ernest Bottrell, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Manager, who "| Sufficient cars transported everyone to the dining-hall of the "South End Grill", Oshawa, At 7.80 all sat down to a chicken or beef dinner. Chris- tine Pariknson said Grace before the taste of food. After the keen appe- tites had been satisfied, the «cars branched into various directions, the occupants choosing different types of entertainment. We members appre- rence Smith and committee Olive Brown and Esther Heayn in their planning of this occasion. Hope all had a happy time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smylie and girl, ciate the efforts of the president Flo- |: = E.OW. July 30, 1958 Suis. died on or about the 16th day of May, port Dalhousie spent a holiday week FOR SALE --one large and one|A.D.,, 1958, are hereby notified to with her parents Mr. and Mrs, E. Gardens Plou hed small tricycle in good condition; one | send to the undersigned on or before poCrea. } D d F S k | lawn mower and a G. E. Vacuum [the 16th day of July, 1958, full par-; My 'and Mrs, Don. Leslie and child- ; J E ed arm foc No Garden Too Small " |cleaner. Phone 427-W. ticulars of their claims. Immediate- qn with his relatives at Milton. : WE BUILD ALSO CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. Aug. 30, 1958 Singer Sewing Machine Co. OSHAWA SERVICE DEPT. for Sales, Service, Rentals, Repairs, Needles, Oil, Bulbs (in stock) Call Crest Hardware PORT PERRY, / Phone 61 tf1 Trees and Shrubs Pruned. General Garden Work H.T. Morris Phone 222, Port Perry August 28/58 RRA" SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by a PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone 451 Oct. 2/58 MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE IN THIS AREA APPLY TO: CUSTOM HOLDINGS LIMITED % Jones & Greer, Barristers & Solicitors 656 Simcoe St. S., FOR SALE--10 pigs, 7 weeks old. Phone 471-r-5. TOWNSHIP CLERK Applications will be accepted, until 5.00 p.m. 4th July for the position of Clerk, Treasurer and Tax Collector for the Township of Cartwright. Starting salary $2,600.00 per year, b .day week, until end of year. If applicant satisfactory remuneration can be increased in 1959 by including the assessing. Send applications to Clerk's Office, Blackstock. Jly 8 FOR SALE--Registered pure-bred beagle. Phone 486-r-11, Port Perry. morning. Anyone finding please call Mrs. Leahy, 216. same BEAGLE PUPPIES FOR SALE-- 2 months old. Phone 420. FOR SALE--Small_ portable radio (Jedeon) practically new. $20.00. LOST--Green Budgie bird, Monday. ly after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. : DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 6th day of June, 1958. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, &c., Port Perry, Ontario Solicitors for the above estate. Notice to Creditors "In the matter of the Estate of Margaret Johnston, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Margaret Johnston, late of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 9th day of June, A.D. 1958, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of July, 1958, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which they June26 ; { Mr. and Mrs. L. Smith, Toronto with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Ross Murphy and Alan. ~ Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt and family, Oshawa, with her father Mr. F. Vick- ery and L. Beacocks. . Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter and family with their sister-in-law -Mrs.- M, Ro- bertson and family, Havelock. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain, Toronto with her mother Mrs. R. Jackson. Mr, and Mrs. W. Webb, Haliburton with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hunter and family. Week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. B. Snelgrove were their friends Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Smith, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. Luke and sons, Hamilton with Mra, C. Luke at week- end. . Mrs. Alvin Hunter accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter when they attended the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong of Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Beacock and sons spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. C. Hill, Blackstock, and all attended Cadmus anniversary service. 0" INES Port Perry, Ontario -- Large and Small and buildings of all kinds Repairs and Remodelling Good Materials and Workmanship Guaranteed. Our House Designing Service is at your disposal. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER 'Phone 240W / Brunion 9 a ig pi TN tf. Phone St. shall then haye notice. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle and children [| EVERYTHING IN CHICKEN ANGERS a DATED at Port Perry, Ontarlo,|yisited with the former's parents at TE Ey ap § A . WANTED --3 bedroom apartment | this 19th day of June, 1958. Finch, over the week-end. : ) READY-TO-EAT Good Gravel Etc F i Sil or house in Port Perry. Phone 363. GREER and KELLY, Mr. Arthur Bond enjoyed several Rea y-fo- 00 J | ° reepor 1 0S Mr, Williams. July10 Barristers, &ec, days last week with Mr. and Mrs. . Hot Bar-B-Q " Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. | yj Bond, Toronto. eo FRYERS PROM and [CIENT Better by years of experience" FOR SALE--Findley Propane Gas Solicitors for the above estate.| ny. and Mrs. L. Hunter and Nola aASTIRe Chickens $1 99 . \ 1 hed ; The exclusive Cor- | Stove, $40.00. C. Lake. Phone 185. enjoyed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. *R T y . rtp DO pt a oo cae + Carons Coming Frosh Ces shed : 4 3 ; 4 Vibrated Stave end H 1 | d -- : off the Electric Spits loam. matched and steam e p ante How well ¢ PRIME HENS Syery vp CALL 322 curved gives even . e TURKEYS oon to -night-- hoop bearing. Con. | . oman to bake pies and tarts do you know A : ; Fridays, Saturdays, Ellsworth Kennedy cave convex sides 3 days a week ONTARIO® £ = ° TURKEY BROILERS Sundays and Holidays. Port Perry, Ontario or ab ods Apply JACKSON'S PASTRIES Check your knowledge by 21 1) SS ® LONG ISLAND © Phone your reservations ! Port P . yg ' ) Sept 4, 1058 diameter. ony identifying this map erp DUCKLINGS BRUNTON FARMS, 111 A tower of strength, just ask the man FOR SALE--Seabreeze 4-speed re- ¥ d 1 , 1 . 45.00. REAL ESTATE who owns one. Lp nearly new. $45.0 WILFRED FOR SALE OR WANTED EVANS APARTMENT. FOR RENT -- Con- Ranch land, Farms, Homes, Commercial, Summer Properties. MRS. MARGARET BALLARD Phone 124, Sunderland, Ont. Rep Olive Howe Broker. Sept. 4, 1958 GILLSON, SLEEP & McPHADEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen Telephone 94 Port Perry July 31/68 Uxbridge R. R. 3 Phone Uxbridge 150-r-12,. TF WANTED -- Calves for vealing. Phone 476-r-18. : FOR SALE-- Poultry shelters, brood- ers and feed troughs; hay loader; dump rake; 7" threshing belt; hay 1957 or b8 crop. Apply J. L. Dobson, Hwy 47. Phone Port Perry 126 r 15 Junne 26 STOVE OIL FUEL OIL ............ Vigor Qil Co. Ltd. PREMIUM. QUALITY verreenreinnseeneennennen20€. Per Gallon Cersrernane RTT NOW 16%ec. kellony/ -| bridge. veniences, separate entrance. Phone 756-R, Port Perry. Auction Sales SAT., JUNE 28th--Auction Sale of 40 Registered Holsteins, Herd Disper- sal; Accredited, Vaccinated; DeLaval Milker & Milk Cooler, the property of Russell Rodd, Lot 8, Con. 10, Reach, on No. 47 Hwy., 1% miles West of Hwy. 7 & 12 or 4 miles East of Ux- Terms Cash, Sale at 2.00 p.m. Sam Gough, Pedigree Announ- cements, (Roy Scott, Clerk. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, JULY 12th--Auction sale of cattle, horses, implements, hay, 1.830 p.m. Roy Scott, clerk, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, JULY. 6th -- Auction sale of household furniture, including FOR DELIVERY PHONE chesterfield suite, washing machine, Name... FROM ATN : : yi . Refrigerator and other household Address dill nw i : 0 h | R A 5-1109 items, the property of Robert Reader, : snawa . : Prince Albert. Terms Cash, Sale at Post Office ...........o..convivmmnisiiinnon 1.80 pm. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. However well you know Ontario, you'll enjoy getting + to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring it8 highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern resort areas . . . like that surrounding Fort William and Port Arthur shown above. Take the first step now, by filling out and mailing the coupon below. . . » the property of Thos. C. Henningsen, . KNOW lot 22," Con. 14," Reach on the town New Reduced Prices in Effect tov 22, Con. 14, Reach on the town) (JNTARIO ' Farm sold. Terms Cash. Sale at BETTER fe es cn nc od on ot ONTARIO TRAVEL, B52 PARLIAMENT BLDGS,, TORONTO, ONTARIO Send FREE Literature and Road Map. Ontarlo Department of Travel & Publicity Hon. Bryan L. Cathéart, Minister bes ws sn Gods -- -------- ------ -- -- FEN 2) EN rt THAT /

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