Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Jun 1958, p. 8

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. Wf ee ea pe . Fis Fs ms = > AN He EAT an Eo SR Ba Ne e) Sa aad RES ERY NS 8-THE PORT PERRY STAR, pyr, Sn RR, Dua) THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1958 Town Council News (Continued from front page) L] LETTER from Chamber of Com- merce expressing commendation for the splendid way in which the Road Departmént has marked out the par- king places in the business section and also the marking of the roadway adjacent to the Public School. The Clerk, was instructed to acknowledge the letter from the Chamber of Com- merce dated June 12th, 1968 re Town Parking Facilities and thank them for their letter and commendation, for marking out the Parking facili- ties on the Main street, LETTER from Chamber of Com- merce re Garbage Dumping Facill- ties for Summer months and suggest- ing that Council explore the possibi- lity of concluding a 'mutually satis- factory agreement with the Township of Reach for the temporary use of their dumping grounds on Concession 6. The Clerk was instructed to an- swer this letter stating that Council do not feel that they should ask the Township of Reach for dumping fa- cilities for this Municipality. Council realize that our dumping ground may be unsightly at times but neverthe- less they are seeking to create further park land for the Village of Port Perry and trust that you will be pa- tient until this is achieved. LETTER from Chamber of Com- merce requesting a staggered lunch hour system for town office employ- ees, so that service can be given be- tween the hours of 12.00 noon and 1 pm. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge the letter re Municipal Office Service and state that the Reeve and Council feel that this is a good suggestion that the town office be kept open during the noon hour and to advise that arrangements have _ already been made. LETTER from Chamber of Com- merce re Chip Wagon Control and stating that in view of receiving se- _ veral complaints from members re- garding obnoxious odours and over- long use of restricted parking space, by the local chip wagon operator, we would appreciate your Council giving consideration to the possibility of al- locating a definite parking space for this operator off the main street. The Clerk was instructed to answer the above letter and state that Council have considered your complaint re chip wagon control. The Vendor has complied with the Hawkers' and Ped- lars' By-Law of the Corporation of Port Perry and has been duly licensed for the year 1968. They therefore do not feel that they can interfere with his operation this year as long as he complies with all other By-Laws and requirements applicable to the Citizens of the Vill- age of Port Perry. They have how- ever made enquiries to other Muni- cipalities concerning -the control of Chip Wagons. In accordance with your request Council will endeavour to strengthen your appeal for the ensuing year, : MEMO--Power mower operated by James Wyatt and cutting grass on Corporation park near Dr. Bathie's, put stone through car window of Mr. J. J. Gibson at 11.45 a.m. June 13, 1968. Council decided that the Clerk advise Mr, H. W, Emmerson, that the Corporation accepts liability for the above claim, LETTER from County of Ontario Assessors' Association stating that the Association are holding a picnic and get together at Maple Park, Ux- bridge on afternoon and evening of July 9, 19568. Council decided that as many as possible should attend. MEMO--Mrs. John Deremo reports washing machine motor burned out during power failure. The Clerk was instructed to advise the Ontario Hy- dro under Policy Number 6552466. of the Employer's Liability Assurance Co. Ltd. with the particulars of the claim and the amount of damage in- volved. MEMO -- Mrs. Wm. Nelson com- plains of weeds on old C.N.R. pro- perty east of her lot. This matter was left for the attention of Coun- cillor W. T. Harris. COPY of BY-LAW No. 1936, of the County of Ontario being a By- Law to Equalize the Asséssments of Real Property in the County of Ont. for the purpose of Rating in the Year 1969. | DOCK-HOUSE Discussed--License Number 42968 dated October 1, 1948 re License with Department of Tran- port was discussed by Council and the matter of the Dock House was decided by the following (Resolution: Moved and Seconded that this Cor- poration request the Department of Transport to terminate our lease on the dock house, Carried. It was moved and seconded that Council adjourn. Special Meeting, June 19, 1958 Reeve J, J. Gibson and Councillors Irving A. Boyd, Wm. T, Harris, and Frank Godley present. PURPOSE OF MEETING--To meet with a representation from the First| Mortgage Holders - of the Tease Building and make arrangements for an Offer to Purchase by the Cor- poration of the Village of Port Perry. Councillor W. T. Harris reported on the meeting of the First Mortgage Holders and stated that they are prepared to accept $11,000 as in the original offer and will accept the John Ryba Mortgage and also pay the 19568 taxes to Sept. 1, 1968, It was left with Councillor Harris to prepare the Offer to Purchase and the necessary By-Law authorizing the' Reeve and Clerk to sign the said Of- | fer to Purchase. PHONE Mr. Crease, Consumer Service Engineer, of Ontario Hydro at Barrie and state that Council are seriously considering having the Municipal Hydro build the New Pro- posed Office and are anxious to have its cotnpleted 'as soon as possible, as new accommodation is required by Sept. 1, 1958, and if it would be con- venient for him to meet with a de- putation from Council at Barrie, or if he would be in a position to attend Council Meeting on Monday, June 23, 1958 at 7 p.m. PHONE Miller Paving Ltd. and ask how soon they can send their trucks down and spray about 314 miles of Village Streets with peladow brine. It was moved and seconded that Council Adjourn. Utica Sunday "dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. Harper were Mr, and Mrs. Carl Wilbur and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gibson of Taunton. . Mr, and Mrs. B. Mitchell and fam- ily visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson of Port Perry on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Torrison and son of Please do not Starting July 6, supplement until Sunday, July 6, when DIAL SERVICE comes | " PORT PERRY. YOUR NEW PINK PAGES WILL REACH YOU use your pink should be used on all Long Distance calls. ® On local calls, only 4 figures need. be dialed, * To call your friends in Blackstock just dial "6" and give the operator the number you are calling. é ,. .and if you 'need a new Blue Book of Peléphone » Numbers += they're . free, in regular or pocket size -- just phone your Business Office. = ¢ The full number (YUkon 5 and four figures) PORT PERRY'S new "two-letter five figure" numbers will consist of YUkon 5 and four figurds. This new "two-five" numbering fits in with the system in use all over thé continent. ae id REE lea 0 Toronto were at their cottage this week-end, Mrs, J. Pickard and Grace and fa- mily visited Mr, and Mrs. Henry Sker- rat on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, C. (Ruhl and family were visiting friends in Ajax on ut urday. . Mr. T, Luciano of Toronto wat a few days last week with Mr, and Mrs, Saunders, Mrs, Grani and boys were in Tor- onto for the week-end. ' Master -David and Shirley: Gray spent the week-end with their. grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, On Thursday evening. the ladies of Utica W.A. met at the parsonage and presented Mr, and Mrs. Hender- son with an aluminum tray. We are sorry to lose the Hendersons. The same evening Mrs. Randall was given a sandwich plate from the Sunday School. Mrs, Randall has moved to Uxbridge and is greatly missed in the Sunday School and church. Best wi- shes go to them both in their new homes. Mr. and Mrs. J. Toogood and Tony and Mrs, F. Clarke and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M, Storie on Sunday. Miss Sylvia Toogood, formerly of Utica has recently returned from a tour of Europe. Amongst those pla- ces she visited were England, Scot- land, Ireland, Paris and Rome. . The Utica Sunday School and Pub- lic School picnic will be held at Ste- phenson's Point on Saturday, June 28th, * Lunch will be served at. 12.80. Racep and games will follow. Every- oe 3s welcome. . Utica W.A. The June meeting of Utica W.A. was held at.the home of Mrs, F. Ken- dall. There were 18 members pre- sent and 8 visitors. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Walker with the Hymns, Scripture, Topic Lesson, Creed and 'Theme Song. Mrs. Storie, our president presided for the business part of the meeting. It was decided to present our minis- ter Mr, Henderson with a gift prior to his 'departure to' a new appoint- ment 'near Kingston: This is to take the form of a social evening at the parsonage. A humorous reading sent by an honorary member Mrs. Ackney was read by Mrs, George Harper and en- joyed by all. Lunch was served by Mrs. Butcliff and Mrs, Kendall. Summer Is Here! All the signs point to it, although the weatherman has been very tardy in turning up the heat. The children. are writing or have written their final exams, . Tomorrow is the last day. of school for this year, The streets have been oiled against the dust. The grass in the parks is cut. . The picnic tables are, The swimming pool is already in use. Most of the boats are in the lake. Judging by the number of boating accidents and the number of 'traffic fatalities summer is definately here. For some time the radio, T.V., news- papers and magazines have been cau- as large as anticipated and as a're- sult the ddhce this Friday night will be the last for a month unless the members attend in full force and sup- port the organization, . Since this Friday marks Port Perry Teen Town's Second Birthday, as a special attraction the Hi-Fi's from Fa | ye. Ushildge wil be on hand to provide the dance music. Dancing is to start at 9 o'clock and will soutintg until TRAILERS FOR RENT TRANS (CANADA RENT-A "TRAILER SYSTEM ~. PHONE 503 Port Perry. J. ORDE July 8rd, 1958 tioning us to prevent accidents, We i are constantly admonished to follow | to use care and |¥ thought so that we may ENJOY our | Still the record | & of dead and injured remains an ap- |§ the safety rules; highways and parks. palling figure. Why? Is it because with all our tremen- & dous need for book learning we have- | n't time to teach the outdoor skills? Is it because we are too hurried, too | & impatient, and perhaps a bit too ar- |x rogant to learn something so simple | § 'as the right way to do things? : Can we ever teach caution, and pa- 5 tience, to 'the young, and eager, the |g impatient, and self assured? Whether you are able to prevent an accident happening to you will pegsi-| 3 bly: depend on how you answer these questions, "- HAVE 'A GOOD SUMMER! TeenTown : By. Danny Reesor The Dance which was held in the Port'Perry Arena by-the members of Teen Town was 'convened by - Brian Taylor, the président and chaperoned 'by 'Mr. and Mrs.' W. T. Harris. The turn-out to this dance was not- --a PHONE 29 i CAWKER BROS. Sweet Pickled Cottage Roll . 5c. Ih. Maple Leaf Smoked Picnic . . Ak. Ib. FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING ~ UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY ; aking Strawberry Short Cake? e have the individual cakes; also' plain cake in different : Sizes. Saturday Specials : "Orange Layer Cake" "Lemon Pie 'and Tarts" ~ GERROW'S BAKERY PHONE 32W LAS M, GERROW frase SE Cnn WAY getaway! MORE THANA ~ MODERN ENGINE... A ROCKET ACTION ECONOMISER WITH ECON-O-WAY CARBURETION MORE THAN A VELVETY TRANSMISSION... HYDRA-MATIC JETAWAY GETAWAY New smooth-as-silk Jetaway Hydra-Matic transmission Is .especi- ally slick. Even in freezing weather, while other fluid drives seem sluggish, Olds slips through the shifts on thermostat controll Nothing beats JETA- SEE YOUR OLD SMOBI E ! MORE EXCITING TO OWN . .. MORE ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE ---- ee fe em df ee te ee MORE THAN A 'PURCHASE... ° A LASTING INVESTMENT! : Priced actually below many so-called low priced cars, Olds: offers you even greater. value. Look-ahead -style and quiet good taste 'almost compel :proud. ownership --and higher resale value when you sell. Olds is vifdend, MORE THAN A CAR... A WHOLE NEW WAY OF GOING PLACES Never has traditional Oldsmobile quality combined more 'beautifully with economy of operation, Styled and crafted to get you ahead and keep you there with- out high cost, Oldsmobile: is the official economy champion of its class! SUPER 88 HOLIDAY COUPE your smartest investment. ee me ee ne ft nt tn fe ee te ff et nn tn ) MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Put the ordinary behing youl Taste the thrill of genuine : Rocket action, ed with all the flash and fleetness, only an Olds can offer. There are three finer Rocket engines : . for recol . this year , . . three great carburetors, too . . . Including, rd gas savings, the famous new | Econ:0-Way, tastel MORE THAN A LUXURIOUS INTERIOR... A FABULOUS FASHION FLAIR Here indeed Is the ultimate In Interior excellence. Crafts * - manship Is more than evident. Hand-buffed, glove-soft - leather, brushed aluminum trim, foam-backed carpeting! Color co-ordination Wwougnen. All In excellent good OLDSMOBILE. QUALITY DEALER TODAYI, . » PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ¥ = separ tanned ear yey ¢ 7 HOWARD MOTORS PHONE 74

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