Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Oct 1958, p. 8

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8~THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 10568 Blackstock The Adult Anti-Polio clinic held in the Recreation Centre Monday was considered most worthwhile. An ex- ceptionally large: number availed _ themselves of the opportunity. Dr. Charlotte Horner Medical Officer of Health for Durham and Northumber- land assisted by Miss Flaxman, Health Nurse and Miss Purdon also a health nurse administered the "Shots", Some of 'the ladies of the O.N.O. Club as- sisted in régistration, Monday night the Guides Brownies held a combined meeting when the mothers were invited. Doris Marlow opened and addressed the meeting. The first part was a typi- cal meeting so the mothers might see just how they are conducted. Several new Brownies were received. Connie Swain representative as Brownie Mo- ther pregented first year Star to those who had qualified for it. Ka- thleen Dorrell, Badge Secretary, pre- sented the Brownie second year Stars, Doreen Palk, Secretary of Guide executive presented Guide first year Stars. District Commissioner Ivy Hamilton presented the Patrol Leaders and Seconders with Lanyards and whistles. A Flying Up ceremony was held when these Brownies received their Golden Hand, namely, Janice Byers, Cheryl Metcalf and Joan Suggett. The latter two also received their and | wings, and all are now Guides. Three new officers were appointed--Treasur- er Jean Kyte; Brownie Leader, Elaine Bailey; Guide Leader, Dorothy Mar- low. Meeting 2losed with taps. Mission Band met Tuesday after school with fifteen children present. Opened by learning the Band Purpose. Mrs. Kyte told the story of "Dirk and his Friends" after which Finger Pup- pets of the characters in the story were made. Closed with, a Worship period. Couples Club met at the hos of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson Wed- nesday night. . New executive elect- ed--President Neil Malcolms; Secre- tary--Ernest Swains; Treasurer-- Stuart. Dorrells. Bruce Mountjoys were convenors for the evening. As recreation, Court Whist was played. Then a discussion was held and lunch served. Meeeting closed with devo- tional led by Rev. P, Romeril. Rally Service was observed in the United Sunday School on Sunday morning. The Primary Department sang a lovely chorus "Be Careful". Mrs. Richard VanCamp told the story "My Father's World" illustrating it by flannelgraph which was most in- teresting to the adults as well as the children, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain and Miss Miriam visited the Rev. Milton San- dersons, Toronto, Sunday. Mr, Gordon Paisley gave a travelo- gue showing pictures of his recent trip to Europe in Burketon United Church Friday night. The High School invitation dance on Friday night was well attended and enjoyed. Grade 10 was host to Grade 9 and rest of school. One highlight of the evening was a Hula Hoop Contest which was won by Da- vid Ballingal. Mr. and Mrs, John Hambly, Winni- peg, Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Bailey, Mrs. Fred Bailey and Mrs. Jos. Forder were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and 'Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Strong, Bowman- ville, visited Mrs. Geo. Fowler on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Bert Smith, Fovonte, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer and Mr, Dever. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy spent a couple of days last week with friends in Norwood. " Misses Doreén VanCamp and Joyce Graham attended a reunion of Cara- van Workers at Alton over the week- end, Mr. and Mrs, Courtney Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Toms and Mrs, Fred Toms and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Ennis- killen, visited Sunday at the Bates- Maddocks funeral home in Toronto, where the body of a cousin Miss Olive Toms was resting. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Graham, visited Sunday at the Ralph Day funeral home, Toyonto where the body of a NLT LONE S087 SEE A cousin Mr, John McNeillie was rest- ing. Doreen VanCamp and Ralph Strong have returned to college in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Hanlan, Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Venning and Misses Joan of Blackstock and Joyce of Oshs awa and Nora, Lindsay, were guests at the Witherley-Emmerson wedding at Nestleton on Saturday, The O.N.O. catered for the wedding luncheon, Dr. C. E. Hill and Mrs. Hill, Rich- mond Hill were Sunday guests of Mrs. David Hill and Mrs, 8. A. Devitt. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong enjoyed a trip to_Little Current, Manitoulin Is- land, Wednesday to Friday and at- tended a cattle Sale there Thursday. Mrs. J. Weir, Brooklin and Mrs. H. Hawkin, Port Perry visited Tuesday and Mr, and Mrs. Howard Franklin, Manchester on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers. Mr, and Mrs. Zack Adams, Blain and Bryce and Master Roy Brinkle, Bowmanville were Sunday supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dayes and - family. } Mr, Jim Earl and Misses Eve Me- Quinn and Jean Ford, Toronto visited Mrs, Robt. Ford on Sunday. Don Green left Saturday on the Jr. Farmers Provincial United Nations tour of United States. Don is the representative for Durham County, Ralph Simpson, Bowmanville, visit- ed Jack Green Sunday afternoon. Mrs. McDougald, St. ford were week-end guests, Wright and family. chums in for a party. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, grandparents, and Mr. Oshawa, also visited the Ashton's. and Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Graham called on friends in Fenelon Falls on Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. John Hambly, Winnl- peg; Mr. and Mrs, A. Dawson, Osh: awa; Mrs, Velva Bailey; Mr, and Mra. Neil Bailey, Mr. Fred Bailey, Mr, and 'Mrs, Roy Taylor; Mrs. J. Forder; Mr, and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin were Saturdy evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes McLaughlin and two children, Oshawa, visited Mr, and Mrs, Milton Hanlan and Dongia on Sunday. Allan, Oshawa and Mrs. Geo. Fowler were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson, Yelverton, Mary's is|% spending a few days with Mr. and|@ Mrs. Glenn Larmer, en route home ge from a visit in Minisota, and Mr. and | Mrs, R. L. Knott and family Carling- | § Mrs. Harold Stinson, Yelverton is |H visiting her daughter Mrs, Walter 8) The - Ashton twins, Doris and Den- 5 nis celebrated their 8th birthday Sat- | urday by having a few of their school 4 . Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Harris and Verna | ¥ and Mys. Berwin Adams and Wayne, ] > Yukon 5.2221 v CAWKER BROS. UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK "The e Family B Butcher" Home-Cured Beef Brisket Point 59. Home-Cured Beef Tongues . et, Devon Sliced Bacon .............B%. FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING PORT PERRY Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rutherford aid nT VELSR-Em les oN ol Phone YUlkon 5-2172 Hail The Baker! LA goodies as these-- _ WEEK-END SPECIALS FRESH MEAT PIES DAILY "Golden Date Layer Cake" GERROW'S BAKERY Chocolate a G. M. Gerrow SE. WOE PF Mm SELB L ° VALUES A= iia =a = ee ed Coaked SPAGHETTI "3 For alc GREEN PEAS - 5 ror 79¢ Grade "A" - Oven Ready Swift's -- By the piece Premium BOLOGHA Swift's Porlt & Turkey Loaf Quality MEATS Swift's Premium, Pre-dressed Breakfast SAUSAGE "30¢ tender Grown B A N A N A S = = Lb 15¢" C H I C K E N S Lb. 35¢ Crisp, solid heads Swift's - Skinless -- 1 Ih. L E T T U C E - . 2 ror 29¢ CARROTS No. 1 Ontario » le » Qe Fresh PRODUCE Select, fine flavoured, golden ripe Sweet, tender, Marsh -- 3 1h. bag TABLE POTATOES - A wonderful taste treat FRESH MUSHROOMS :». 65¢ 2 For 29¢ b. bag 99¢ PINEAPPLE Libhy's York PEANUT BUTTER plus E. D. Smith's Pure RASPBERRY JAM 9 oz. Tumblers |, Libby's Sliced Hawaiian - 20 oz. tin 2 ror 5c 25 oz. tin MINCEMEAT - 45 Both for "Snack Time Special' Libby's Frozen Green 2 1b. poly bag _ ee Ble Libby's Tomato 11 oz. bottle : Libby's Whole Kernel Corn-- . LCATCHUP - 2x39 21b. poly bag Ble Frozen Foods Peas-- ' B5¢ Quaker 1) JA 0: Introducing the "Linear Look... OLDSMOBILE ron BO Foreground: Super 88 Hollday SportSedan Left Rear: Ninety-Eight Holiday SceniCouvpe So totally new... so typically Olds i eri BE Aa : ost isuy SAVE Te -- B Libby's Fancy a. 15 oz: tin Libby" 's Deen ost Buy oz. tin CREAM CORN - 4:59: BROWN BEANS 3 ro 59¢ SAVE 6c SAVE 14 RC ; Libby's Libby's Fancy -- 15 oz tin ® Right ay MUFFETS 2r«33 00 \(o1V] You wished for it! You asked for it! It's here! So step into the roomiest Rocket Olds ever built! Doc. Ballard's Champion - 15 2 tin YES , . , YOU SAVE $20.00 WHEN YOU COMPARE DOG FOOD 4 df | ism io coins Sin mind pated room! Sit behi Wagstaffe's 24 oz, jar | AT... THIS. bi Here's spacious new passenger room plus greatly incre luggage room! Sit behind the new : * CHANTING UNBREAKABLE wile . . . . A sl Strawberry JAM 2: For Mok oT "high, wide and handsome Vista-Panoramic Windshield that lets you see ahead, above and aside Ingersoll CHEESE SPREAN McCormick' S « Biscuit Feature ° of Fig Bats, Fudge and Maple Creams Party Pak, Raspberry Creams Chocolate Peppermint ol - Your choice 3 pkgs. $1.00 1. . better than ever! Test the surer stopping power of new safety-cooled Air-scoop Brakes on all * four wheels! Experience the exceptional smoothness and comfort of new "Glide" Ride...the quietness and power of fuel-saving new Rocket Engines! See the beautiful new Magic-Mirror finishes with the built-in lustre that lasts! You are cordially invited to come in and see the start of a new styling cycle--the 1959 OLDSMOBILES--at your dealer's now! : "99¢ 159 Oldsmobile . . . the car that cone quers "Inner' space! Real stretch. EXT 4 OWASHABLE SARAN ROOTED HAIR ZN ; Clean Sweep @BENDING ARMS AND LEGS Cont t Roy out comfort for passengers and driver B R 0 0 M S - Ea. 79% © WEARING THE MOST EXQUISITE Each wiry + + » up to 64% more luggage capacity EVENING GOWN EVER DESIGNED 10 LL In trunk. Put yourself behind the --ly FR an wheel of the roomiest Rockets ever o ¢ " SCROLL < Ea. 3c Ask About Ou ' bulit] Do 0 Ww S |) n "S k i) 0 Fi M a [| ke i How on Degotly AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLOSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER'S A Enon DELIVERY 'HOWARD MOTORS '1 YOkon 5-7942 YUkon s-3161 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Port Perry.

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