Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Oct 1958, p. 2

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THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1058 Manchester heh On Sunday morning October 19, a'and Mis. Sandison is training a child- The: parents are invited church at 10.156. Dr. Kenneth Braham, will be the guest speaker rally day service will be held in the |rens choir. 2 PRP p---------------------- ESS gl YOU Are Tnvited to soe the 1959 Chevrolet "THE, GAR OF THE YEAR" more economical, latest features, perfectly fined ride. SEE IT AT HOWARD MOTORS LTD. Phone YUkon 5-2161 ' : PORT PERRY LU) to ome and bring the children to this were week 'end guests of Mrs, Dolly ser vice, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crosier with Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs, Archie Crosier, Chatham, for Thanksgiving, : Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank, Way, Toronto George Roberts, Samells with Mr, over the holidays. ~Mr, Harold Dobson Mrs. 2, Brian Crosier and Bill Bell, Toron- to 'visited the formers grandparents and Mr, and Fred 'Lamb were amohg those L) PORT PERRY CHAMBER OF' COMMERCE LADIES' NIGHT, TESTIMONIAL DINNER The Hon. Dr. n B. Dymond INISTER OF TRANSPORT) at 7.00 p.m. in the UNITED CHURCH, PORT PERRY . Thursday, October 30th Hon. Leslie Frost, Speaker Admission by ticket only ($2.50 each) Tickets may be obtained at Beare Motors and Ted Jackson's I" he Et BA al Oh OE |) C--O a from this area who attneded the In. ternational Plowing Match, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wyatt, Goodwood Miss Janice Wyatt, Newmarket, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Rudkin, Brooklin, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. C. Midgley on' Sun- day, - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Underwood and Susan of Uxbridge visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Midgley one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Donnelly and Fi ily visited their sister Mrs. O'Connor and family on Thanksgiving: Misses Hazel Gregg, Port Colborne and Edith McCullough, Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. v, Holtby over Thanksgiving. ~Mrs. J. Bain and Mrs, Glayds Arch- er were in Buffalo a few days last week. . - Mr. and Mrs. Franklin. Leach attended a wedding in Ottawa on the week end, Mrs. Viola Schnapp, Buffalo was with her family here for the week end. A large crowd of friends and neigh- bours of Mr, and Mrs. Max Heidt gathered in the Township Hall on Friday evening to express their re- gret that Mr. and Mrs. 'Heidt are leaving this community, and to wish them well in their new home in Osh- awa. They have been good neighbours, ready to help in evety worthwhile project and Mrs Heidt has been a great help in the Women's Associat- ion. Progressive euchre was enjoyed and prizes were won by. Margaret Dearborn, Alex Johns, Jessie Johns and Eva Hunter. Mr. and Mrs, Heidt were called to the platform and Dor- othy Mulholland read the following | address: Dear Mr. and Mis. Heidt: With deep .regret, we, of this community learning that you had sold your farm and were moving to Oshawa. So we have asked you here tonight that we may express that re- gret and.also, in a very small way convey our appreciation for your friendly neighbourness™ and kindly interest in all our activities, We are certainly going to miss you, but we are glad you are not going so far away that we will not see you frequently, and we hope you will feel free to drop in on us whenever poss- ible. Fa As a tangible expression of our good wishes in your mew home we would like you to- accept this small gift, just to remind you of your many friends "around Port Perry, Prospect ---- aA ro a CT NY Wig po bg FT 4 a" ny ig AN ~ i. # ANA PG SN Ae YY Ta Bg Naa bh SrA DAES ISS Bo "ew we "aV wt . ewDodge 59 is here! Sparkling new beauty . . = sprightly new go 2. No wonder people are talking Dodge right now! This sweetest-of-all, fleetest-of-all '59 cars is new in front, new in back and new in the middle! It drives new, parks new, rides new and stops new! It is by 5 far the comeliest, going3est low-priced car to be seen. . And it is now on sight . . . and on sale . . . at your Dodge-De Soto dealer's. Please go peek . vo. = Tt today! Before everybody gets there. 'BUILT YOURS TO SEE AND DRIVE NOW AT YOUR DODGE DEALER'S E. . . _ Beare Motors Limited PORT PERRY, ONT. ' YU. 5.7361" QUALITY . 10 the Kighest standardsiof = J « ' automotive cralfsmanship . i) | dred. presided in the absence of Mrs, 'fortune to break Some ribs, 'and we 'to give .$10.00' to the- Hospital Auxi- {'mily with girls of Brownie age. Have TOnited Church. tended to the Pogue family on their 'the home of Mrs, Cam Aldred. | Mrs. 'Wm. (Ramsay.. and Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. Heidt were presented re with 'a beautiful mirrer, for which they both expressed their appreciat- } ion and thanks. A bounteous lunch was served and all enjoyed a jolly f evening. The 'Island has been a. very busy place this -past week. . On Friday' evening last, the community gathered together "at the church to say good- bye to one 'of our loved families, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Martyn have moved to Prince Albert, and . the Island wanted, in some smal way, to say thank you for all the hard work the Martyn family have done. Rev, John * Braham was master of ceremonies for the evening, and a variety program was enjoyed, The community pre- sented the family with two lovely table lamps;~and Mrs. Doug. Aldred read the address. Mrs. Thomas Red- man'read a personal address to Ca- therine, and presented her with a lit- tlé gift, A delicious lunch 'was ser- ved later in the basement. The same evening, we decided to chivari a newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. McQuade (nee Gail Mark). A lively sing-song took place and an- other lovely lunch was served. 1 Saturday evening, the community gathered at the hall to honour an- other newly married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Demara. Dancing was en- joyed for the first part of the evening and 'then several lovely pieces of fur- njture were presented to' Glenn and Marg. "Mr. Alan Redman read the - address. - Grace United Church W.A. met last Wed. at the Church. Mrs. Doug. Al- Vic Aldred. Marjorie had the mis-- have missed her in our gatherings, The program was 'good, and those taking part were Mrs. Tillie Burn- ham, Mrs, Flo Demara, Mrs, Yvonne Appleton, Mrs. Doug Aldred, Murs. Dorothy Hood. - During the 'business, it was , decided liary. The groups are asked to have their money all in by Nov, 12. A new Brownie pack is being formed and it was decided to donate $10.00 to this new organization, An invitation to attend Manchester bazaar on Nov. 5 was read.' The turkey sopper report was given, and we cleared $305.40. It would be impossible to say thank 'you to every- one individually, but the W.A. wants to thank each 'and everyone who in any way donated time and food to make this event possible. There was several mew faces at our meeting, Mrs. Bob Cawker, Mrs, Peterman, and Mrs. Thomas. Welcome ladies, and come and join in with us again. Saturday last was a very exciting day for fox hunters. Every year there is a trial run to test the skill of the dogs. The site this year was 'the island, and somewhere around 60 dogs were entered in the event, The ladies of the church served a magni- ficent' turkey 'dinner with all the trinimings, and later over at the hail there was a dance, Certificates were sent to 'each fa- you signed and returned these certi- } ficates? 'Have you a-girl of Brownie age 8-11 yr? The first meeting is to be next Monday, Oct. 20th at Grace "All girls of these ages are invited to come after school. The Hi-C meet on Wed,, Oct. 20th at Manchester. All parents are in- vited to attend this meeting.. The Scugog Home 'and School will meet at the Centre School, next Wed- nesday, Oct, 22, 8.80 p.m. Sympathy of 'the community is ex- recent - bereavement. Grace Choir will meet this Friday \ evening, home 'of Mrs. Cam Aldred. Please try to 'attend, 'as this Sunday is out : Anniversary Sunday.. The first meeting of the Local As- gociation for the Scugog Brownie. pack 'will meet Thursday, Oct. 16 at & 3 Mr. and Mrs, Doug Aldred and .fa- mily spent Thanksgiving Monday in Toronto with Mrs, James Morrish, and UVE BETTER | Electrically... with an..ELECTRIC WATER HEATER ee at 8.30 p.m, sharp at the ) Ld AS Ji.

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