Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Oct 1958, p. 8

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LRN SRE AST SANS a eS ary hy 53 SALAS ANE SNR AAV HAIN Ba 22 YATRA RS od Eg PIN LT or LAAN aS Fa Ba SEY BAY TR a POMEAN aad RIOR Wa aa a BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs BRUCE V. MACKRY " Barrister and Seliciter Saturday's at 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Phone YUkon 5-2127 may be consult : ' Yk 5-342) PORT PERRY) SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES es 10 WIT: #1 BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT R 0 0 F | N G issued by the Warden of the County : of Ontario and bearing the date 19tn day of August, 1068, the sale of lanus OF ALL KINDS in arrears of taxes in the County oi Ontario will be held at the Cour. Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, tiouse, Whitby, at 'the hour of ten Estimates given on all kinds | o'clock in the torenoon on the 9th or of work, December, 1968, Yilesg the taxes ana costs are sooner pai Notice is here- EARL WALLACE by given that the list of lands for sale has been published in the Ontario Port Perry Gazette in the issue of September 6th, 1968. | Copies of the said list may be had at my office, Dated at Whitby, this 8th day o1 September, A.D., 1968. WM, G. MANNING, Farm Service Dead, Horses, (atthe ang, Hoe ~~ * have shown many an unhappy * wife how lucky she is by com- * parison with the harrowing ¢ years you have had with your * husband. Frankly, I don't see ¢ how you could have stayed any * longer; certainly you could not - | * continue to expose your little | * boy to his father's inhuman | 7 on. * Live in and for this fine boy * you have, and console yourself * with the assurance that as he * grows up he will recompense * you with increasing apprecia- * tion and affection. * You have my deep * pathy. sym- * * * "MUST I KISS?" "Dear Anne Hirst: I am 15, and my problem is shyness. Other girls my age (particularly my best friend) are going out on dates and having good times. I am okay when I'm with a lot of kids, but just the idea of a single date (or even a double) scares me to death. > "I don't mind the date too much, it is just the thought of kissing the boy that bothers me. Even if I like him, I'm still frightened. "I want to overcome this. How can I? Cc" * Don't try to. You have some: |' * thing precious to offer your * dates, and that is good, clean |. * friendliness. If. vous hmary 01 Keach. Dec. 11-68 Good Gravel, Eic. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, washed sand and stone, also good loam, Call YUkon 5-7082 Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry, Ontario Dec, 18/68 Lacy Crochet Cape fe WWW eee -- Singer Sewing _ Machine Co. { OSHAWA SERVICE DEPT. for Sales, Service, Rentals, Repairs, Needles, Oil, Bulbs (in stock) and Crest Hardware PORT PERRY * YUkon 85-2211 tfl GILLSON, SLEEP & McPHADEN LIMITED General Insurance LT. MANN & MARTEL Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen YUkon 5-2341 Port Perry oct 80, 68 Real Estate Greenbank Village, on Hwy. 7 & 12 Eight room brick house, attic, good garage. Low down payment, $2500. Furnace, storms, good garden, close to school and church. Priced to sell Rate--8c. per word. Minimum charge 50c. -- to local advertisers HILLMAN .... 1969 models now on display, styl- ing and comfort, Power to burn, Mo- tor in the right place, gas at the back, not in your lap, es Station Wagon---$1706. 3 DeLuxe Sedan--$1895. complete. We have no competition on the pre- sent market. . Free Demonstration. Bring this "ad" and we will give you $100. discount on a new Hillman. Small down payment or trade. 86 mos. to pay balance, You'll do well at Wellman's Phone Oshawa RA 5-7981 oct.30 - FOUND-- Hound, black and tan female. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses Phone YUkon 65-7880 Oct. 28 HELP WANTED (Male) -- Young man with a car for sales and service in Port Perry district. Apply in per- son or by letter to Singer Sewing Machine Co., 16 Ontario St., Oshawa, Ont. T.F. FOR SALE-- Two pair boys skates size 4 and b. Girls' winter 8 piece outfit, wine colour, size 6X, Phone YUkon 65-7987 Oct.16 FOR RENT--Lakeview Apartments; Modern apartment consisting of liv- ing 'room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bathroom. Available Nov, 1st. Ap- ply R. A. Gibson, Phone YU 5-2478. TF. LOST--Reading glasses. in brown case. [Reward.: Phone YU 65-2036, FOR SALE -- Purebred Hereford Bull, 11 months; 2 cords Dry. Maple wood. Ken Samells, Nestleton, phone Blackstock 50-r-11, FOR SALE -- Leicester Ram. G. Flewell, R.R. 8, Port Perry. Phone YU 65-2796. " FOR SALE -- Used Lumber and wood. Apply at lot, corner of Bige- low and MacDonald. Mrs. Oar. - Orders for CANADA SAVINGS BONDS given careful personal attention. R. J. HARPER an authorized agent. Call YU 5-2503 FOR SALE--General Electric refri- ferator in good condition. Yu 56-2556. FOR SALE--One studio couch in good. condition. Otis O, Hamilton, YU 68-2414 after 6 pan. FOR SALE--'51 DODGE in good condition. A one owner car with very low mileage. See Howard Hall or Phone YU (-2272, days only. FOR SALE -- Girl's Winter Coat, charcoal. Size 14X; also Black Wool Dress, size 12. Both like new. Mrs. Leonard Beadle. YU 65-2465. CASH REGISTER FOR SALE, cheap. Phone YU 65-2862. FOR SALE--Large size spring crib and mattress. $6.00. Phone D. Heayn, YU 65-7868. WANTED -- Live Poultry. Best prices paid, M, Flett, Bethany, R.R. 1, Telephone 7-r-13 collect, Dec. 18 Notice fo Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EMMA RODMAN, DECEASED. All persons having claims against the Estate of Emma Rodman, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 1st day of October, A.D., 1958, are hereby notified to the 20th day of November, 1958, full particulars of their claims. TImmie- diately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, '| having regard only to claims of which |, --=fl | they shall then have notice, ' : 2 - quick. . a Highest Prices A 31 hx PAID FOR LIVE POULTRY Port Perry, Phong YUkon 5-2079 fad Oct. 80 7 I. Turner Ah OSHAWA, ONTARIO FARMS a Call Collect RA 3-2048 PORT PERRY - SUNDERLAND : v \ Nov. 27/68 AREA A 4 We have a good selection of farms via . : --many with low down payments, ; SEPTIC TANKS Contact cleaned by HOWARD McMILLAN is PUMP EQUIPMENT Greenbank, Ont. '4 Have your-tank checked mow before PHONE trouble starts. 24 hour service YUkon 5-7441 i REG. ARMSTRONG - 01h é Port Perry Phone YUkon 5-2226 J. A. WILLOUGHBY TAA Dec. 26, 1968 & Sons Limited, Realtors i ; hs 7 WHEN YOU THINK OF yd : ¥ vad A ADDING MACHINES and 5 THINK OF THE PORT PERRY STAR A i AGENTS FOR SMITH-CORONA DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 14th day of October, 18568. GREER AND KELLY, Oct.30th Box 181, Port Perry. Solicitors for the above estate. Sale of good furniture, drapes and 12 * 'and a credit to the parents who have 'Auction Sales SATURDAY, OCT. 18th -- Auction cubic ft, Refrigerator, the property of 'MAX HEIDT, one mile west of Manchester, including dining room proud record of useful and neibhborly' suite, Hollywood beds, Electric range living for so many years, is an out- and many other items. Sale at 1.80 standing achievement which we ap- pm. Terms Cash. C. Heayn, clerk. 'preciate. . TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | To you both, may we repeat our The undersigned has received in- We trust that the future.years may struction from the executors of .the bring you even greater satisfaction autate of 4hey lata Cad McLaughlin *™4 contentment. May God abundant- to sell by Public Auction on Saturday, ' VV bless you, We shall look forward October 18, commencing at 1 p.m, at toa Diamond Anniversary with which his late residence Lot 10, Con, 6, '° Crown these golden years. Cartwright' Township, 2 miles north and" % mile west of Blackstock, his entire herd of Hereford cattle, trac-- tor, hay baler, full line of nearly new = tract sy machinery, milking machine, | #004 Blanket and a Set of Stainless litter carrier, 2200 bales hay, 2000 Steel Cooking Utensils, May they i recall pleasant memories of your Pros- You 'have been, good neighbours and have brought tokens of our esteem and good will. We ask you to accept these gifts for your home,--a Ken- bushels Rodney oats. Further part-, Neighb ; ticulars see bills, Terms cash. No Re-, pect. Neighbours, serve. Jack Reid, Auctioneer Signed on their behalf -- (Mrs, J. A E.) Meta Holtby, (Mrs. B. M.) Mari- HEREFORD SALE--Tenth Annual on Webster, (Mrs W.) Mable Durham, Hereford Sale of J. R. Nokes & Son,! Two prettily wrapped gifts were one mile east of Manilla on Hwy 7, presented by Mrs. Durham and Mrs, on Saturday, October 18th. 88 head. B. Webster. Both Mr, and Mrs, Con- The seven bulls are eligible for Gov't lin expressed their thanks in well bonus of 33 1/3 9% as they averaged chosen words a daily gain of 2.85 lbs. Twenty fe-! A hearty lunch, including wedding males are bred to T, W. Regent 27, cake, concluded a memorable evening. whose progeny have the low conver- Among those present was Mrs. Con- sion rate of 8.79 grain versus beef. lin's sister, Mrs. Yelland and husband Many offered are show cattle. Sale of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. John Bray at - 1.80. Lunch 'available. .of Brooklin, Mrs, Geo. Smith of Whit- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25th-- Lv; ite i J. Cook and Keith, Mr. Auction Sale of 64 Dairy Cows, new a yr DABLOTINS S001, JAP) ANY ih ell and daughter of Myrtle Sta- bulk cooler, and dairy equipment, , "\ onq Mrs, Lloyd Collins and hay, implements and 20' x 28' house, et : Soye.! ; Ray of Raglan. the property of Peter Kamal Lot "5 "the week-end, a reception and 25, Con, 8, Whitby (As urn). Terms "reunion was held at the home cash, Sale at 1'p.m. Don Korba, clerk. of Mr. and Mrs, Conlin. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. i y . > } i The W.A. held their October meet. Thursday, October 30th-- ing on the evening of the 8th, at the Auction sale of 200 head of cattle, home of Mrs. John Bray of Brooklin,' including 60 holstein milk cows, The devotions were conducted by Mrs, horses, sheep, grain, M.H, Tractor, Frank Vernon. The theme of Thanks- Implements, Goodison Threshing giving in readings -and hymns, Ruby Machine, LH.C. tiller and seed drill, Smith and Willa Holtby assisting. | Cockshutt tandem disc. The property Margaret Holtby directed the busi- of Chas. Walker, Lot 22, Con. 4, Ops ness period, Notice was read of the township, west side of Lindsay across Oshawa Presbytery Woman's Asso-, from the Fair Gounds. No reserve. ciation meeting in Whitby United Sale at 11 a.m. Terms cash. Lunch Church on Oct.-23rd. An invitation served on grounds by Ops W.A. Wm. to Manchester W. A, Bazaar on Oct. Weldon, Clerk. Reg. Johnson and Ted 15th at 2.30 p.m. and to Scugog Head Jackson, Auctioneers. Memorial W. A. on Nov, 6th at 8.00 N pm. The Holiday Pime Cards are re- ' .quested to be brought to Nov. meet- ing, to be held at the home of Jean ' | Holtby. Group assisting are Kaye Smith and Mrs, Dearborn. Among Prospect "family honour you. They are worthy | loved and guided them, stk We like to recall our pleasant as- |} sociation with you and your family, [| kind friends, To have maintained this ' Ji To accompany Our Best Wishes, we || BULLDOZING - EXCAVATING TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK OT anid ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING D, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATHY -- by Hour or Contract. TRIPP CONSTRUCTION Residence--Wm, Tripp YU, 6-2682 and Joe Tripp YU. 5-2580 Phone YUkon 65-2582 (Office) . A pleasant evening was spent at Prospect School on -Sept. 80th, in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conlin (formerly Florence Bryant), on their 650th wedding anniversary. Progres-. sive euchre Was enjoyed for an hour: the visitors present were Mrs. Smith, Miss B. Holliday and Mrs, Verna At- wood of Whitby, Mrs, 'Varcoe of Brooklin, Mrs, Birkett of Raglan and | Mrs. Conlin of Prospect. Lunch was served during the social hour. '| have enjoyed in your home has made send to the undersigned on or before] or so. Then, the special guests were - A Rp seated on the platform, and Mr, Clare | Prospect choir, led by Mrs. Horace Vernon read the following address: Webser sang at Raglan Anniversary Prospect; Sept. 30th, 1958 | °® unday, Bmésnne yeivjse 'They To Mr. and Mrs, Edward Conlin,~ | Vere en ned to lunch afterwards. Dear Bricrde,'. Mr. and Mrs, Mark Matthews, Tor- Not many couples in this community onto, were recent guests of his sister, have reached their golden wedding Mrs. Ganton Webster. anniversary, so we are taking this} opportunity of honouring you, on this} happy occasion. First of all we ex- tend Our Heartiest Congratulations! In reminiscence, we can hardly rea- lize that so many years have come and gone. The happiness that you Your them pass away more rapidly. a my | ST we 'BUILD Tena OMES -- Large and Small ~and buildings of all kinds : ~~ Repairs and Remodelling ; Good Matelials and' Workmanship Sparse, Our House - Designing. Service ~ isatyour disposal. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER Port Perry, Ontario Phone YUkon 5-781 VOLKSWAGEN nimble in trattic DON'T BE COLORSBLIND WHEN YOU BUY COAL It can gost you money! Its thrifty its safe! Buy Y Insist on the coal thay's col Plue coal' to ored blue, It's your guarantee ' IN |] ou're getting top-quality hard blue coal : sh 'Blue coal' burps clean oa wh I and hot with far less waste. ~~ €lean, Safe, Low-Cost Hont PORT PERRY, ONTARIO YUkon 65-7951 CLEAN .. SAFE... LOW-COST HEAT Lk T0 ORDER YOUR COAL or OIL SUPPLY FOR . 4 THE WINTER! ; at (Call 1 YUkon 5-2501 To-Day on 1: ETE) | 7, Z v e/a ha Vi 0 d | : +k COVEN ForT PrrRY ED es ---- STANDS FOR QUALITY & SERVICE ret) IT BOW.

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