Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Aug 1959, p. 4

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4---THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1959 Coming Events Congratulations Congratulations to Dorothy Cavno- chan for winning a Miniature Rocket Radio in the Elmer Safety Limerick Contest No. 6. Afternoon Tea and Bale Sale Sponsored by the Eastern Star, Blue Ray Chapter will be held on Lane's lawn, Union Ave. at 2 p.m. on August 26th. Tea cup and card read- ing. In case of rain the event will be held in the Masonic Hall, Queen St. THE CHURCHES CHURCH-QF THE ASCENSION Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A., L.Th, Rector Sunday, August 23rd-- 11.30 a.m.--Morning prayer. tf ST,JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D. Interim Moderator Mr. Wm. Perry, Minister. Sunday, August 23rd-- 11 a.m.--Union Service in the United Church, 9 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Lingtead, B.A., Minister Sunday, August 28rd-- last week with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs, Willlam Hope. The Misses Beth and Linda Har- man of Newmarket, Ont, have been spending the past two weeks with their grandparents Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hope and child- ren of Scugog Island spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hope. i -- Winner of the Limerick Contest The winner of the final Elmer Limer- ick Contest has been selected by the Board of Judges. Master Stuart W. McLean of 456 Beech St., Sudbury, and MEK TH Ignore safety rules . . . BUT THEY FIND IN THE END To walk on the right isn't right PAL WED i LL! £5 £0 ¢:! a © Santis toca IT WON'T PAY. Leaving the curb in a hurry Is bound to cause drivers worry, So when crossing the road WALK, DON'T RUN is our code , . . AND A SMILE FROM THE DRIVERS YOU'LL CURRY. When you walk on the rodd . . , day or night, E On the left of the street You can watch what you'll meet THEY'LL SEE YOU, IF YOU WEAR SOMETHING WHITE. Winning entry received from: . Master Stuart Wayne McLean, 45 Beech Street, Sudbury, Ontario. Phone 86086 of Lansdowne P.S. Grade 6, Age 11 years, a . The Ontario Young Liberal Asso- ciation announced today that their annual Summer Conference is being held this year at Milford Manor on Milford Bay, near Bracebridge, on August 21-28, ; , £ 2 Fg 3 The theme of the 1959 Conference will be the Liberal attitude toward Labour, Both Management and Labour's position will be expressed. The principal speaker at the Con- ference will be Mr, John Wintermeyer, Leader of Liberal Party in Ontario. Mr, James Scott, Executive Director of The Ontario Liberal Association will also address the group on aspects 85 4 8 2 Don Messer (left) thinks Bill Lang- stroth needs a few more lessons on music each Friday. After years of entertaining old-time-music - fans on - -- 10 a.m.--Sunday School, 11 a.m.--Union Service, United and Supper of political organization, the violin, . Fortunately Bill doesn't have to play; he produces the Don Messer Show for CBC, televigion, in which Don Messer and, his Islanders radio, Don's show has joined CBC television in the first commercial net- work series produced by the Halifax studios. 3 his mother leave. for their grand tour of Western Canada on August 24th. Benefits from 62 pilot watershed projects which started in the U. 8. A. in 19568 are beginning to show up: Mr. Peter Bell and Miss Carol Ma- Presbyterian Churches. We ex- hood, co-chairmen of the Conference tend a cordial welcome to the| The Board of Judges advises that fo Cold Turkey or Ham with salads, pies, cakes at the United Church Blackstock on Fair Day, August 29. Adults $1.60, Children b0c. Aug.27 At Home Mr. and Mrs, Dawson Trotter will be "At Home" to their friends and members of St. John's Church to worship with us during the ab- sence of their minister. Jo The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A, B.D. Sunday, August 23rd-- 9.16 a.m.--Prospect Church the selecting of the winner has been excellent entries. test, garding same please let us know. SIX VERSE LIMERICK When crossing the street near. your school, Remember the Number One Rule: 1. In sharply decreased soil erosion; most difficult as there were many The Ontario Safety League invites comments on this con- If you have any suggestions re- 2 Less flood damage; 8. Fewer loss- es from drought; 4. Bigger crop yields according to New Holland Machine Company's "Grassland News", . * Surveys show almost a fourth of all livestock trucks haul either too many or too few animals, Livestock loads need to be fairly snug to avoid shifting, et the animals shouldn't be crowded, have pointed out that there seems:to be a more refreshing approach taken to the Conferénce this year. 'Rather than one hundred per cent. politics, part of the Conference willbe devoted to contests 'and "other forms of Ye- creation to make it'a social affair as well as being a serious political meet- | ing. For further information please call: Mr, Peter Bell, Torton, EM 8-5688. present a summer program of ccuntry The modern way to be. The Bouquet traditionally correct 8 Invitation Line relatives on Sunday, August 23rd. the 10.00 a.m.--Scugog "Head" 8.8. Look left, then look right . Sa n 2 °_ (3 [JRE occasion of their Fiftieth Wedding 10.15 a.m.--Manchester Church Keep ALL cars in sight . . « : bec Wedding Invitations ' Anniversary. 11.16 a.m.--Scugog Church. THEN CROSS WITHOUT ACTING i Thermo-engraved (Ralsed lettering) Decorating Contractors INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jeffrey wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter Doris Louise to Mr. Donald Earl Free, eldest son of Mr. end Mrs. Earl Free, Raglan. The wedding to take place on Saturday, September 12 at four o'clock, Mary Street, Port Perry. Card of Thanks We wish to thank Dr. Diamond, Dr, Kandel and the nurses and staff of the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry for their care and kind- ress during my recent stay in hospi- tal; also neighbours, friends and rela- tives for help, flowers and kind thoughts. Mossy * LA Dorothy and Bert DeShane. "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it. Holy". Get a good start by com- ing and worshipping with us. Epsom Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stuart and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walker and family of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stuart over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogers spent several days recently camping with their daughter Mrs, Lakey, son-in-law Mel and children at Lake of Bays. We wish a speedy recovery to Mrs, McKercher, -who is confined to the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital. and Mrs. and Jimmy, Bruce Houghland, of Pine Grove, Mr. Ester visiting one evening recently with THE FOOL. Between two parked cars never go, And you'll keep our accidents low, You'll be safer by far, From each oncoming car . . IF YOU STAND WHERE THE TRAFFIC LIGHTS GLOW. If it's bicycling you enjoy, boy: Watch each signal and sign. .. Careful riding is fine , .. AS A TOY. play, - It's smart to play safe . Just show-offs and fools Here's a safe rule for each girl and IF YOU DON'T TREAT YOUR BIKE Keep away from the street when you . every day! Phones: 863J Scar, AT 2-0961 Wall Papering a Specialty Brooklin, Ont. Whitby MO 8-8559 Thermo-Engraving looks and feels like 'much--and it's ready within'the week, per plate that makes hand engraving 80 costly and time. consuming. Select - from our giant catalogue of flawlessly © correct papers, 11 distinctive styles of lettering." Weddings priced as low as $9.00 for 50 and $13.50 for 100, com. ./i pletewith double envelopes and tissues. :- Come in and see our complete catd- logue! Matching announcements, at home "cards, enclosure cards, eto. Port Perry Star Co. Ltd. PORT PERRY YU 65-2331 - hand engraving; but costs about half as Thermo-Engraving eliminates the cop- - [a . ¥. Bi A - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor and Doris. ZA Lauphine dL EW 4 Card of Thanks Mrs. John Ansell, Michael and Ken- RUGGED, DEPENDABLE, COMFORTABLE! oie ny, of Toronto, visited Friday with . , = p! We wish to thank the many friends, |her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. 4 WHEEL INDEPENDENT gd Wl 3) neighbours and relatives for their | Taylor. , SUSPENSION HEAR kindness, words of sympathy, flowers na : ! : | Rev. H d Veals and Mrs. Veals : toy cards, ete. at the time of the illness ev. Howard vue A f , Gives La Dauphine superior i ; from Beachburg, Ontario, spent a few handling ease: and road ¢ end passing of the late John Pearce. i tat Veals' naling road- A A ial word he W.M days recently visiting Mrs. *Veals ability . . . a smoother, well Wi specia wor of thanks to the W.M. sister, Mrs, Wesley Boynton and Mr. balanced ride. thy, 1 S. of the "Head" Church, to Dr. 8. P. Boynton. Rev. Veals and Mrs. Veals 1h . Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and c¢hil- > , Va Death dren of Oshawa, visited Sunday with SAR Mouwrp i » her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffrey. Rubber . mounts. and lateral Nl BARTLEY, Allan (Jack)--Sudden- MA ly at the Port Perry Community Hos- Mrs. Neeson of Toronto, spent all nan hve Just, smooth A pital on Saturday, August 8, 1959, |last week visiting Mrs. W. J. Rogers, 7 Allan (Jack) Bartley, beloved son of | pyc Joyce Redman, of Oshawa, and | |S 4 DOORS 7A . fl wir prother o eo Phe Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray boos yon 2 ps Jn GANT m oron'o, Mary 8. BOD Geer and family. Cn Beals) Florida, Nelson of Rockford, | y $0 does the front hood). Ly & Ill., Ethel (Mrs. G. Willard) and Geor-| Sorry to report that Mrs. Clarence i 4 gena (Mrs. Charles McLaughlin, of | Butson underwent a serious surgery in Kandel and Rev. K. Braham. The Pearce Family. the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bartley Port Perry). Funeral from Chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Perry on Tuesday. Interment Bethel Cemetery, Green- In Memoriam ESPIE--In loving memory of David are attending Summer Course at the Whitby College. - Mr. C. Butson, of Port Perry, visited Oshawa hospital recently. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Huntley of Newmarket, Ont. spent a few days T [Fl L y ' nw RENA NA ULT La uphine "La RENAULT Dauphine is your answer to the eternal car problems So much more convenient, fd oy who passed away August 22, CHRISTIAN of traffic, dependability, gas consumption, maintenance. 7 CU. FT. TRUNK i "And while he lies in peaceful sleep Se] EN ( | | See for yourself how wonderfully she rides and drives. Under the front hood. Acces- RE - His memory we shall always keep. lg ul E : ¢ sible, ssf and so roomy. & i Fr eapupl iy ig wits, MONITOR Test drive La RENAULT Dauphine soon! Call your Renault dealer NOW | : daughters and families. AN INTERNATIONAL 7x Si : on oy $170 i For the FINEST Good Beading jn 7298 _ Bs Hy 4 BUILDING SUPPLIES or e ports of entry (White wall DUAL HEATER-DEFROSTER at a FAIR PRICE look for this Whole Family « News tires slightly more) \ : IY Keeps you comfortable | A coldest weathl with warm tered a In back and front. Full-with ndshield defroster, ri . sign of quality F cls HLECTRIC WiPeR He Never falter, safer when 47 fot "+ GOING TO passing othe cars, « Family Features > v EUROPE? 4 Tv Cronin Sires anita Ask about Gur overseas delivery SPARE TIRE yp 3 ros One Norway St., Boston 15, Moss plan. Repurchase guaranteed. Readily accessible below and A SV ye re. Sard. Your fr for tha tine Low depreciation. ' fopats from the trunk. No ; checked, Enclosed find niy check of : muddy your luggage money order. 1 yeor $18 [J : when you have 4 flat. 6 months $9 [7B moths $490 3 \ - ed HT Lh i thy R14 4 LUMBER and BUILDERS' BE A RE 1 D a rose OTORS LIMITED ° Phone--YU 65-2491 TTT ne we YUken 5-7851 oR _. PORT PERRY : % t via ] " ma i rcbeds A EE Foe 4 ; Hy y ,

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