8-THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1960 individual amount be most modest, gramme for your estimates of 1960 FAS RRNA NE RIE SRT sg AHR ; gue' mates that may be approved for your [Dave Thomson presiding. The meet- Council News and if the sum in each utility totalled | road expenditures. The by-law shall Wuclpiliy for normal expenditures hg opened With 2 New Tears Teen 5 ten dollars, the objective would be ide f rmal expenditures upon | #hall not exceed $3,600 for Construc- | read by Mrs, K. . The verse (Continued from Front Page) | = = 0 0 vour municipality will claim subsidy |tion 8nd $7,800 for Maintenance. |of Carols 68, 61 and 698 were sung, Added to this, Mr. Strike has served ) under Part VII of The Highway Im-| A supplementary by-law and pro-|after which Mrs. A. Couves told the the O.M.E.A. as President, the E.0.| DEPARTMENT of HIGHWAYS-- provemesy Ad, gramme for special capital works of | reason for writing, and the author of M.E.A. as President; as a Local Com- Letter from the District Municipal a permanent, non-recurrent nature |each one. missioner in the Town of Bowman- Engineer, Mr, L. A. Boucher: In order that the expenditures for [will be accepted for consideration la-| The Seripture reabiab. taken from ville. "Enclosed are three copies of Forms | this district may be kept within the | ter, if required, but it is necessary to | Rev. 8, 1-8 followed by a prayer was de As a guide to the amount of your, MiR-256 and MR-26 to be used in pre- | amounts allocated to it, it is necessary | ask that they be submitted not later |given by Mrs. F. Tobin, contribution, we are suggesting the ' paring a by-law and supporting pro-'to advise you that the maximum esti- | than July 81st, 1960." A short story on Epiphany Day was Applications wil | be recived by od iy " Council decided that this by-law be |read by Mrs, A. Couves, followed by Inspector and Sanitary Inspector for the ge of Po held over until a later date when the |hymn 506, Perry. road requirements can be more easily| Mrs, Thomson then called on the All ap lications to be in the hands of the Clerk, by ] determined. Reverend Mr, Cooper to install the Friday, Abii 20th, 1960, at 5 p.m. ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Bulle- [new officers. - tin--Left with the Hydro Chairman,| Our new President Mrs. W. Phair Particulars of duties may be obtained at the Port Arthur T. Cox, for further study and | carried on the meeting, Selemivg Perry Municipal Office. consideration, everyone a nking Mr, Cooper for Oo LETTER from Ontario Fire Col-|his part in the Induction Service, and Jan. 19/60 JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk lege Re list.of the courses with their | Mrs. D. Thomson for her untiring ef- date, which will be presented at the [forts in her very successful 'year as Ontario Fire College, Gravenhurst |President. TE during 1960. Left for the attention | The Hinge of the provious Beet. of the Chairman of the Fire Depart- [18 Were read and approved and man ment, "thank you" notes read by the secre Planning a Velontine Pa Party MEMO--Re Bread Licenses--Coun. | tary, Mrs, M. Lee. Ww - e have a nice nga | of Candy ; also Smiles'n 49 cil agreed that Bead Licenses for '60 | The treasurer's report was given ? i RED TAG -- BEST BUY -- QUICK COOKING -- FANCY would have to be in accordance with |It was decided that we have a bazaar Chocolates, Valentine wrapped for gifts or prizes. x NIBLETS CORN 14 OZ. f the amending by-law No. 1827 to re-|88ain this year. A fashion show was els : - re a TIN or C gulate, Govern and License Hawkers Youn, and a Sipe Rppolaty " make enquiries. was e- Ww k-E d S ] RED TAG -- BEST BUY -- CLARK'S a: Mr, John Hayes reports |¢ided to use our "Birthday Box Me- ee I J pecla S Le that the rack is off on the storeroom Hog pi raising a little extra money "Orange Layer Cake" "Chocolate Eclairs : 20 OZ. 4) and also on the Gossard Building, and | 8881n this year. BEANS With POR TIN 3 for & C requesting to know if this repair work The meeting was Abus with the " is to be done by the Ontario Hydro Mize Bonedienian, Voeh J por CERROW S B AKERY RED TAG -- BEST BUY -- REGULAR OR CHUBBY or by an electrician. ved by the group in charge, an 2 This matter was left for the atten- | Social time enjoyed. Phone YUkon 65-2172 7 G. M. GERROW KLEEN EX TISSU ES 200s for C tion of Councillor Arthur T. Cox. ron P= EE. : ; RESOLUTION--That the contract ecentl rrie , : . of Reginald Farewell to act as Public R Ma d (RECISBeNIRD Latta SS SHEER SSE SERS SLES SES ES ES SUS EEE SEE BREET RED TAG -- BEST BUY -- WHITE SWAN -- WHITE OR COLOURED School Crossing Guard be carried on | (Continued 2 might fll ap SE y for another year from Feb. 2, 1960 Mrs. John T. Armstron rine of 5 ; C A W K E R B R I] S 4 A TOILET "TISSUE rolls C upon the same terms as the contract ey rho " entortalne by hy bridal & 9 & J signed by Reginald Farewell dated Pe . 8 ; 3 5 Hh RED TAG -- BEST BUY -- JAVEX Feb. 2, 1059. Carried. a : : A CATION for Assistant t . ; i } 3 i GG, 32 oz. ork The Cletk was Inatrasted to | YOUNG couple took this occasion to pre- |K FRESH LAKE SIMCOE WHITE FISH...................45¢.1b, 8 pi . BOTTLE for C Coe Fry > exisemant in ~ sent their assistants with lovely gifts |i VON BACON. I' S55 00 5 Ahry 8 pu 8 g sav h t. % DE B B svi digit Ibe B ie FEATURE local paper: i Sr Ivan 5 FRESH SLICED SIDE PORK 39¢ 1b ty ALE . LIBBY'S FANCY APPLICATIONS WANTED Haugen, mother of the bride, enter- |§ I vioH SLICED SIDE PORK ........... resents » i Corporation of Village of Port Perry d at a T t h by RUMP ROAST BEEF ; 75¢ 1b + oh : tained at a Trousseau tea in honour [§ PPPOE EPPA IR ORI FW opr va 8 wx a ua ty ea Ls Tomato Juice Applications will be received at the | r yo; daughter, : 18 s 4 8 iA | ' ih 4 ro 49c w A Oil up rd 8 Ba Ng Many friends took this opportunity [§ : i FR i t or the position of Assist | oa) 'and wish the bride-to-be happi- | & £ {ig Swift's Branded Beel ant to the Clerk. Duties will include | ness and to sce all hor lovely gitts|§ FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING 1} {i ; BLADE REMOVED FEATURE the piize yh i and trousseau. I. : UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK % ¥ 3 ' * ro Clerk, ids $3 \ £3 hs) ik Sn To a Presiding at the tea table, lovely |# yygon 5.2221 "The Family Butcher" PORT PERRY & t Ib A le Sauce r ' with flowers and candlelight, were | & g ot - a € oas ' c Pp Assessor, Mrs. Wm. Lowcock, Mrs. H. Emmer- | $os000 : OR ORO0800R0008090808080808000I0R0RONINON0 Q LEAN ARD MEATY : 18 0% 4 ror 49¢ Weed Inspector. eon Wm. Lowcock, Mra. H. Emmer-) ono smememmsmmmeenemsnmstos a . Some knowledge of typing and clerical |, J during the afternoon, and their | __ ah : NPG Shor t Rib Roasts |b. 5 0 work preferred, and applicants should assistants were Miss Muriel Luke gh FEATURE furnish particulars of education and Mrs. Ross Mutohineon. Myc. Nirvan LEAN KELLOGG'S experience. Duties te commence im- Haugen and Mrs Frank Henry Jr ; Ry 3 ful applicant must 5 a : = . : : Corn Flakes mediately. Success . During the evening Mrs. W. J. Car- 0 P G C Co Minced Beef ~~ 1b. 39c | mm et bo hon by th Corporation. For 2, he rnin Mo. 5 Gor ntario Pine Grove Cemetery Co. BONELESS PKG. p arr Raines Dymond and Mrs. Art Brunton pre- : : Pork Loin R ts Ib. 5 0 Clerk-Treasurer of the |ided at the tea pablo ana their assist | ( THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PLOT OWNERS WILL , Cc FEATURE , ' iis Or fom ones CONTE a ENT On wo ALi Pet iid Wakelin and Miss Carole Carnegie. BE HELD IN THE PORT PERRY LIBRARY SWIFT'S EVERSWEET - RINDLESS - SIDE H = B b F d 4 Mrs. Chas. Oar, Mrs. Stan Bruton, . at 2.00 p.m 11D éinz baby foods Mrs. Effie Knighton and Mrs. H. Bar- : p.m. Bacon SEALED PKG. Ib. 5 QO. 5 ror 49¢ ry, assisted in the gift and trousseau nh nk rooms, and graciously looked after the S t J 30th Vv ALUE S G AL ORE Gree d guests_during the afternoon and even- aur ay. anuary Fid li Class ing. The guest book was presided over ee - - EEE AE EE - 1 e 1S PAREN by Sharon's grandmother, Mrs. Frank Tr Tl AAR DE \ E. D. SMITH'S ' E THOMPSON, President oF / op d, A 1 Pi Fill The January meeting of the Green- | Henry Sr. who with her husband has i Bp - res "roauce ppie K'ie killing bank Fidelis Class was held on Wed., | just had the great joy of recently cele- Jan 28 LE ecretary 2002; TIN Jan. 6th, at the home of Mrs. Ken |brating their Golden Wedding Anni-|j} . For Rodd, with the past president, Mrs. |versary. HONEY SWEET - FLORIDA - SEEDLESS C p YORK BRAND - " "n_n GRAPEFRUIT | Brain' Buiter Pickles 16 OZ, JAR .. for C 2 For 49c + , GOLD REEF - SLICED Pineapple . Ly SPARKLING -- VIGOROUS 20 0Z. TIN \ L k M h d S | y SS ~ BRADISHES 8 ox. poly bag 9 ror 5c 2 ror 49¢ (00) Ol Y ) NO an -! . LIBBY'S FANCY. SNAPPY - TENDER Fruit Cocktail 15 OZ. TIN - - bs, GREEN BEANS 20030] fom HOT 'HOUSE CULVERHOUSE RHUBARB - 2 1m 49 Diced Carrols 20 OZ. TIN 4 ror 49c KING'S CHOICE WAX BEANS =3 3 0 4Oc RED & WHITE -- HOMOGENIZED PEANUT BUT TER .: TONER 2 for 49. RED & WHITE -- ASSORTED FLAVOURS JELLY POWDERS CULVERHOUSE -- CHOICE GREEN PEAS 7 «49. 3 for 9c FROZEN BIRDS EYE 3 roons French Fries : 349 THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU Dowson's Food Market "oe Clever trick, tricks with hot Buster! But when it comes to clever' Water . . » move over and make room for electricity --and the master of hot water magic-- a modern electric water heater. With low cost electricity every. member of the family can enjoy the comfort of hot water at the turn of a tap. You also have the extra reassuring comfort of safety combined with absolute cleanness. With a modern two element electric water heater of the right size and capacity for your needs, you will alas have plenty of hot water. To get more out Bf 1%osm get the most ous of electricity. LIVE BETTER ELE CTRICALLY.. Jha big aif ft