pry i v ! hn oo SE - ™N ei ~~ I £3 NY oy v aa " 0 Tey SRE a er a i Nia Shai, SI AA TOA [£3 Whi Dk 3 PAN 3 A. ry SAN 0 ALANS LR, b RIN ih Lh A AS MAAR AY aly LARRY AM 4 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1960 THE CHURCHES ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev. E. W. Fuller, B.A., L.Th, Rector Sunday, March 20th-- 11.80 a.m.--Holy Communion Wednesday, March 23-- 8:00 p.m.--Holy Communion 7 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D. Interim Moderator Mr. Wm. Perry, Minister. Sunday, March 20th-- 10 a.m.~--Morning Worship 11 a.m.--Sunday School J PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, March 20th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.~--Morning Worship and Junior Sunday School. ' THE UNITED CHURCH CANADA The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Sunday Services March 20-- Minister: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A. B.D. 10.15 a.m. Scugog Church 11.16 a.m. Scugog "Head" S.S. 11.16 a.m.--Manchester Church 1.16 p.m.--Prospect Church The church is here to serve you and help you. Why neglect a very good friend? There is more inspiration when we all assemble ourselves to- gether in God's House. Come and worship with us this Sunday. ) 6 EMMANUEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH PORT PERRY Sunday, March 20th-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School - 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship 7.00 p.m.--Evening Service Rev. W. H. Crawford YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED 4. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH ° Stuart A. Mulligan, Pastor * Our Message--2nd Cor.. 5:20 ° Sunday, March 20-- * 9:60--Sunday School 11:00--Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelism Friday, March 18, 8 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Parsonage--Crandell St, YU 5-7338 _ po ay ata----_-------------- WILL WOLD RECITAL IN OSHAWA Mr. Alan Reesor, Mus. Bac. will held an organ recital in St. George's Anglican Church, Centre St., Oshawa, Sunday (March 20th) evening at 8.80. Mr. Reesor, who in the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor, Port Perry, is the organist and choir leader of St. George's Church. Mrs. H. Fearnley and daughter, Ruth of Toronto, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook during the week- end. Citizens are asked to take special note of the Boy Scout Paper Salvage on Saturday. The Boys, who depend a great deal on the money received through the paper salvage, have had rather tough luck lately because of the blizzards and piles of snow. Your co-operation in helping to make this next drive a sucess will be much ap- preciated by the lads, Birth MICHELL --Grant and Audrey (nee Pegg) of Collingwood announce the birth of a son, Richard Bradley, a brother for Laureen and Robin. For RUBBER STAMPS See The Port Perry Star RR ------- ed AL Custom K - * Slaughtering 'CAWKER BROS Meat Prepared for ~~ Lockers Lions Spring Ball Saturday, April 23, The Port Perry Lions Club will hold their Annual Spring Ball in the Port Perry Public School. Music will be supplied by Cy McLean and his coloured band. St Patrick Euchre The C.W.L. are holding a St. Pat- rick's Euchre in the Parish Hall of the Catholic Church at 8.80 p.m. on March 17th. Admission 60c. Special prizes. St. Patrick Tea and Home Bake Sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 16th in the basement of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Port Perry. March 10 Flowers, Fashions, Fun Sponsored by the Greenbank Fidelis Class, on Wednesday evening, March 30th at 8.15 p.m. Greenbank United Church Sunday School. Hats by Me- Eachern' Hat Shop, and Children's Wear by the Elizabeth Shoppe, Port Perry. marl? Paper Salvage SATURDAY, MARCH 19th Please tie the papers in bundles and have out for collection by 1 p.m. Euchre At Epsom School on Friday, March 18, at 8.30 p.m. 12 rounds of cards. Good prizes. Ladies please provide lunch. Admission: silver collection. 0. N. O. Anniversary Dance in Blackstock Recreation Hall on Fri- day, March 25th. Music provided by the Sevenaires. Lunch served. $8.00 per couple. mar 17 Service Club _ The United Church Service Club will meet in the church basement on Tues- day, March 22nd. ---- In Memoriam SPENCER--In loving memory of our Dear Brother John Albert, who passed away, March 16th, 19568. Though his smile is gone forever, And his hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much. His memory is our keepsake With which we'll never part. God -has him in his keeping, We have him in our hearts. Sadly missed by brother Richard and Sister Flossie. PORT PERRY STAR RATES * Cards of Thanks, Coming Event Notices, Announcements--1st 40 words or less 650c., additional words @ 8c. each. In Memoriams, minimum charge including 4 line verse, 60c. For each line of verse over 4 lines, additional charge of 16c, per line. * * .~ Jessie's Beauty Salon YUkon 65-7991, Port Perry Marilyn Hillier at the Community Memorial Hospital on Thursday, Mar. Birth L0G Rae ARS RRNA BIRRANA hid d 22 Coming Events Birth} 2 Guide and Brownie| Ont. Hog Producers Born to Douglas and Mothers News HILLIER: 10, 1960, a daughter, (Still born.) Protest "Bill 86" The March meting of the L. A, of| The following Resolution was adop- the Guide and Brownie Mothers is|ted unanimously by the 19th Annual invited to be held on Tuesday evening | Meeting of the Ontario Hog Produe- March 22, at the home of Miss M, Jar- | ers' Association and the Ontario Hog rett, corner of Perry and Casimir. | Producers' Marketing Board and the The President would like all Moth- | Semi-Annual Meeting of the Ontario oi to be Dros 2 heat the Some Hog Producers' Co-operative on Fri. ee reports and plan future projects,| day, March 11th os KANE: Jack and Allene are hap-| oq, ecially, our May 7 bazaar, Group n th, 1960, py 16 suncunce the birth of their] 11 wit be mu chetge Of Tanch. Wil | ao ui cioAS Bill Se; introduced for daughter, Kathyrn Allene, a sister for| each group leader pl ; its first reading in the Ontario Legis- please remind her | 1ature by the Minister of Agricult Carol, on March 6th, 1960. members of the place and date of this y ster of Agriculture 13 mecling to amend the Farm Products Market- promising " ing Act of 1955 and Regulations there- t------r-- of, would, upon receiving Royal As- . £ sent in its present form, place virtual In Memoriam Prince Albert , ¢ontrol of producer marketing plans ' J 3 and commodity groups' finances at BUSS: In loving memory of my| The February meeting of the W. the discretion of the Lieutenant Gov. dear friend, Mrs. Merle (Skip) Buss,| A. as held on the evening of the 24th ernor in Council; who passed away March 19, 1959. at the home of Mrs. Skelding, WHEREAS Bill 86, to all intents Oh happy hours we once enjoyed, ; and purposes, and in open violation of How sweet their memory still, Mrs, Smith presided and called the | the spirit of the Farm Products Mar- But death has left a loneliness meeting to order with a hymn. 'The| yeting Act, would make it possible The world can never fill. devotional was taken by Mesdames | fo, the Lieutenant Governor fn Coun- Always remembered by Beacock, Skelding and Doupe. Minutes cil, at his discretion, to disregard, ig- Pear] Warriner. were read by Mrs, Hunter in the abs-{,46 or revoke any and all powers ence of the secretaries. presently vested in producer-elected C d f Th k There was some discussion regard- | local boards under the said Act and ar 0 an S ing the W. A, leadership course at Regulations, as well as any and all Paris and it was left with the presi- | powers presently vested in any mark- I wish to extend my sincere thanks| gant to make the final decision, eting agency recommended for ap- 1 Dy Bea: Dr, Shep id 2 Bazaar money turned in $900. Joy Polen 4 8 Jooel boyd 5 Prospect W.A, for flowers cards sent reported for the quilting committee Be : B y d ya bo eke Nap or die os oy in Orewa Gor and quilts done to date, Fair booth i DRIC UPON such 3 recommen, eral Hospital, and the many weeks I've display discussed. Motion by Grace, | 4841003 on irs to howe. Special Florence, Electa and Myrtle to look| AND WHEREAS Bill 86, to all in- thanks to the LO.O.F Port Per ar after articles needed. = Motion that [tents and purposes, would, upon be- the loan of their whiet chairi Me April, August and November be our coming law, empower the Lisutenant ' *| Missionary Meetings. $1.00 paid for | Governor in Council to nationalize, Dean Boal, Mass Btstion for the| a uum cleaner bags. seize, abolish, change or administer crutches. Again § goo Paint The Mizpah benediction closed the | the marketing plan or plans applic- ve Painter. { ooting., Lunch was served by group. | able to any or all farm products in Superintendent Mr. E. Martyn wel-| Ontario, or any-part of said plan or Card of Thanks comed two new families to our Sunday | plans, either through the Farm Pro- ' School, Happy Birthday was sung to ducts Marketing Board or through 7 . one little boy as he dropped his pen- | person or persons designated by the Wi inne ri Bion nies in the wee church. i, Lieutenant Governor. in Council, and W.A. for cards, visits, inquiries, flow- Mr. and Mrs. R. Butson attended to perform any and all such functions, ers and gifts received during my stay | the funeral of a relative, Mrs. Bryan and to exercise any and all such pow. in Port Perry Community Hospital. [of Whitby last week. Wi without 1 any way, fequesting, Special thanks to Dr. Rennie and the| Mrs, Williams and young daughter considering or accepting the wishes, hospital staff for the wonderful care|of Oshawa visited friends in the vill- recommendations or decisions of the received. ~ | age last week. farm producers and their elected rep- Mrs. Florence McDonald, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. resentatives on the local boards; and Mrs. Newnham were Mr. and Mrs, BE IT RESOLVED ) Kimmerley and two daughters from | THAT we, the hog producers of Card of Thanks near Bala, and Mrs. Schultz of Osh- [Ontario here assembled for the 19th awa. Annual Meeting of our Association I would like to thank my neighbours,| Mrs, B, Smith with relatives in Tor- | and our Marketing Board and the relatives and friends for the lovely |onto at the week-end. Semi-Annual Meeting of our Co-opera- cards, flowers and gifts sent to me be- Mr. and Mrs. W. Butson of Toronto tive, unconditionally and without re- fore and during my stay in the Port| visited Mr. and Mrs. Mulvey on Sat. | servation protest and oppose the pur- Perry Community Hospital; also sin- poses of the draft amendments con- cere thanks to the nurses and to Dr.| PAKFOLD CONTINUOUS BUSI- tained in Bill 86; and will do_every- Rennie. NESS FORMS now available through | thing in our power, singly and jointly, The Port Perry Star Mrs. Jas, Wilson, Scugog. suade, the Minister of Agriculture to withdraw Bill 86, or failing withdraw- al, to shelve it or otherwise postpone the second reading of the said Bill until the Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Board has had ample op- portunity to study the full implica- tions of the proposed amendments; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this resolution be transmitted to every member of the Ontario Legislature, to every com- modity group operating under _ the Farm Products Marketing Act and to the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture, as an indication of our strong disapproval of any action or pronoun- cement which may tend to support, defend, justify, or in any way encour age and assist the successful passage of the said Bill Ist Scugog Island Company (Too late for last week) On March 7th our Girl Guide group presented an enrolment when Bev- erley Eden, Mary Cannon and Bev- erley Goose entered Guides in the presence of Mrs. Cannon and Mrs, Eden. After a game of "Paper Chains" the following girls passed their poise,-- RT Marilyn Manns, Beverley Eden, Mari- lyn Fralick, Mary Cannon, Dianne Fralick, Sandra Fralick and Leona Goose.. Pow-wow was held and ho chocolate was served after. Meeting on March 14th, On the evening of March 14th the 1st Seugog Guides met in the base- ment of Grace United Church. After the opening exercises some of the girls went to a corner where they wrote out their balanced diets and Capt. Aldred explained Safety and Accidents while Lieut, Manns helped the other girls with their sewing and darning, Linda Heayn passed her sewing and darning and her nature for the Second Class Badge. a | Games played were "Miser's Gold" os 1 (a stalking game) and "Spoon Game", Pow-wow was held and the meeting closed with Guide Prayer and Taps. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Fe will start at 12.01 a.m. on April 24th and continue until 12.01 a.m. October 30th, 1960 BUNTING BAGS i id as individuals and as a group, to per-! LAST CALL SALE at the ELIZABETH SHOPPE SNOWSUITS and COAT SETS - LINED JEANS, SWEATERS, ..LADIES' SKIRTS, SWEATERS, CAR COATS, ETC, all at GIVE AWAY PRICE to make room for Spring Stock ; v ana oo MODEL ILLUSTRATED: IMPALA SPORT SEDAN Only Chevy gives you all these UNBEATABLE FEATURESI © Superlative new Interior luxury See your local Chevrolet dealer o Convenient single-key locking T0 TRADE-IN You sense Chevrolet's superiority the very first time you take the wheel. There's - leadership, pure and simple, in the enthusiastic way Chevy answers your coms mand--the luxurious way it carries you away. It's with every fun-filled mile you travel. Every superb engineering detail, every enchanting luxury Chevrolet provides will convince you o Full-scale savings with the Hi-Thrift 6 © Incomparable roominess throu ) © Newly-created Economy V8 ° Positive, foot-operated parking car is beyond compare. z o Full Coil suspension at all wheels fake o Soft, quiet, larger body-mounts } 9 Gontortable high-level cowl © Massively-strong SafetyBirder frame ¢ Gonstant-speed electric windshield- o Larger, longer-lasting Safety-Master wipers brakes ° Super-spacious luggage o Finger-light Ball-Race steering + compartment o Solid, all-welded Unisteel © Fuss-saving crank-operated construction ventipanes . Lustr lasting Magic-Mirror o Long wheelbase; wide tread * fintsh lou 120E Wap o Triple-action Safety-door locks ° Body by Fisher craftsmanship and Soft-riding Tyrex cord tires a rn quality o Cigarette lighter CHEVROLET drive will convince you that Chevrolet is truly unbeatable. FUN-TEST THE FUN-TASTIC CHEVROLET! a satisfaction that grows that this low-priced And time will add to your delight, because time will show you the soundness of your bargain, Chevrolet is the car that brings top trade-in value year: after year. Ask your Chevrolet dealer about it. Better still, visit him today and take the first step to owning Chevrolet. Fun-test the fun-tastic Chevrolet. One short C.1340C PHONE: YUkon 5-7861 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO } BEARE MOTORS LTD.