Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Mar 1960, p. 6

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"OSHAWA'S LEADING FOR RENT -- Attractive self-con- = ---- |viewers and valuation of damages for : may be consult FARM - BROKER" tained apartment with Living Room| GENAXal Electric = [i township of Cartwright, for tne EE goaded Prospect > .- : EMMERSON INSURANCE Tal Ring Sh. Y. Obhaws, \Lar0umis, 30006r0 hop 43] JA. , # | vear 1857, and the instruction of the | occupying the lands by which the said : YUkon 65-2421 PORT PERRY RA 8.4471 posi Alto Apaiment with one pop Box 541 Oshawa petals so appointed to thelr respec: {yoaq is obstructed. Parties not mov- Mes Murrey Hoithy aecigined the ) Bal ve quiies: ing fences, given eight days notice, |ladies of the W.A. at her ho ted g ) B g y y ie ge my sigs blots Phone RA. 2-961 [ambien 5, om, Sof] a ek roe, te on wit be Pusey Meh 3, Ths 0 * . . ( ; . 8 . GILLSON, SL & MePHABEN sell or buy, contact us, for Speedy FOR RENT--Red Brick House in Div. 4 Wm "nsidon 5 John B ye, charged 'to parties concerned, for ob-|and Hy opens re A lio General Insurance Service and Results Apr. 28| Greenbank Village. Apply R. Till We wire or rewire houses, farms, ' : y HY. | structing public highway. Since this was a Missionary ' ' commercial or industrial buildings, | Ward 2--Div. 6 John Kinnar, Div ) with our interest being centred on Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden YU 65-2788. March 24 Clerk's salary $60.00. R, B. Spinks i ri 7 W. Watson, Div, 8 Wm, Dever, Div. ork among the Indians, our Scrip- Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Alle Bring your electrical problems to us. Reeve. Wm. Lucas, Clerk. Ww among . Evelyn kL. ¥. n BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A. We offer you Free Consultation -- |9 Robt. McClung, Div. 10 Quarter- |, © "onl Cartwright, ture was in the form of a story a- Yukon 52341 Pon, Petry Barrister and Solicitor APARTMENT FOR RENT--2 bed.| Reasonable Rates -- Honest and (line, Henry Poole, Div. 11 Wm. Me-| yop "yee 1869 bout the work of the late James Mar. 81/60 room apartment in Port Perry. Efficient work. pF | Cracken, Div. 12 James McKee, Div, 7 Evans at Norway House. Mrs. Bra- Saturdays at © am. 80 18 00M | jjcated. Self contained. Apply Bob 12 Wo, Senor; IDivs 441 Bivans a ing ham then favoured us with lovely A evenings. Ginn, Div. 16 ward Hooey. . \ solo Howsam, YU 65-7880. MEMBERS ' ; he will introduce a by-law licensing ? At residence, Caleb St., Port Perry HIP Ward 3--Div. 16 Thomas Dinsmore, > i R 0 0 13 I N G Phony YUkon SAT RE ayn Div. 17 James Ferguson, Div. 18 Pe- nj regalaig Inne and taverns with Te Lae n Paving FOR SALE--Baled Hay; also No. 1 ter McConnel, Div. 19 Wm, Taylor, : rN 88 OF ALL KINDS March 81/60 | go. Oats, power cleaned aid treated, | Enroll Farm Service and Motor Club| py, 20 Robt. McHowell, Div, 21 Sam-| Certificates for licenses granted to | her work among the Ti i = Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Arrangements can be made for de-|Memberships in this locality. 0.A.A.]1yel Ferguson, Div. 22 Wm. Wilson. John Tooley, Golden Lion Inn; to Ny dete in Estimates given on all kinds HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR |livery. Clare Vernon, phone YU g-|Pprovides the finest for rural and city Ward 4--Div. 28 James Hyland Thomas Mason for Royal Exchange; many inciden Ni of work. . 7869. mar 24] dwellers. Pleasant work, full or part | no "04 yenro Seymour, Div. 25 John |to John Neys for the Marksman's | her humorous manner were 80 E AL Live Poultry. Goose Feathers, time. Rush name and address for Mahoo d. Div. 26 Robt McQuaid Div Inn. Mr. Parr handed over to the|teresting that we shall always re- ARL W LACE and Feather Ticks full information as territories are o7 pti Cover Div. 28 Thos. Wil reeve the sum of $26.00 as balance on | member this meeting. " Port Perry Ont. M. FLATT FOR SALE -- Baled Mixed Hay. |going fast. You should have a car.|;. 0 "pio 29° Ge o. Reynol ds. Div. | Settlement in full on account of Toll| puring the short business session RR. 1 Bethany, Ont. Good quality. Square bales. Phone |Male ox fomale, ig Bis Man- | a0" Robt. Spinks, Div. 81 Solomon gape Jo 1 in the township of Cart-| hich followed, $156 was voted to the YU b-7644. Mar. 81 | ager, Box , London, Canada. ght. W.M.S. Hymn 252 and the W.A. Phone 7-r-18. Reverse Charges ' Muirhead, Div. 82 J, James Fallig, 3 P John Lummis, J . Div. 83 Wm. Philp, Div. 34 Wm. Ro. | James Parr, John Lummis, James) prayer closed the meeting. APEX SERVICE Apr. 7/60 binson. Weldon and John Goggin were aD-| giy of our local Cubs were treated WANTED --100 acres or more of ATTENTION ns Geely. 35 Jute. Lang, DIV pointed to attend the school conven |, ° outing at the Hockey game on property with good lake frontage| Do you have an Avon Representa- « ' "| tion to be held at Port Hope on Mar. Television & Radio Repairs T d V nh f suitable for boys camp. With or [tive calling on you regularly? If 86 John Hay, Div. 87 John Malcolm, on a, 1869, and expenses oold. Saturday evening. Ou Ly Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 65-2282 e ee 0 without buildings. We can build road | you don't, perhaps it is an open terri- | Div. 88 Jos, Williamson, Div. 89 John Council meeting in town hall, leaders, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martyn : if necessary. C.S.B., 2165 Mt. Forest | tory, which could offer you a ood | Proutt, Div. 40 John Irwin, Div. 41 were responsible for this outing, y. C.S.B, ; Vs y g March 15th, 1869 bee b f Leslie McDonald, Service Man i i ortunity. If you would [John McCrea, Div. 42 Thomas Taylor. these boys having been members o } WELL DI IN Dr. Burlington, Ont. carn ne wg un v yo loot | Fence viewers: | Delegates expenses to convention |. ~~ «gin which attained the most all collec 3 Dea. 31/60 CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING BS SE Ro ' Ward 1--Robert Freeborn, James amounting to $11.00 to be Paid. No points for attendance, uniform, ete. COMPRESSOR WORK WANTED--Women to do ironing ' Freeborn. ed and see, is Ivers a oe. for January and February. The one day a week, Phone YU 65-2112. Ward 2--Teasdale Whitfield, Thom. | 0d empowere eonier an es "| lucky boys were Eddie Judd, [Robert A. E. Johnston 639 Albert St. PERSONAL as White. ate any parties for removal of Lon Sith, Bill Holthy, Billie McCartney, Oshawa, RA 8-6974 FEEL OLD? WANT TO FEEL| Ward 8--John Tooley, John Spinks. £ David Hoses Spiidared betore Douglas Hooper and Paul Henry. OPTOMETRIST May 19/60) FOR SALE -- Well Bred Polled|yoUNGER? Thousands of men,| Ward 4--Robert Montgomery, Hen- i oy 5 ONE gs cing he had Hereford Bulls, coming two and one| omen past 40 pep op quick with|ry Gibson. Bon re fal ey e fli Office on Mary Street year. Will sell either one. Call|poly of Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Make| Ward 5 -- John Malcolm, James| °° y ' Hours 7 to 8 p.m. on BUYING A HOME or PROPERTY? | Brooklin, OLiver 56-4741. test. Only 69c. At all| Malcolm, of colts. Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. druggists Council met in Reeve's Office, It was moved and seconded the Wednesdays 9 to 12 am. call Greenhalgh ? Cartwright, Jan. 21st, 1861. 2 reeve be instructed to sign a petition 6 - WANTED--We wish to obtain one Members of council--James Spinks, | °% behalf of council asking the legl- Phone YU 5-2388, Port Perry SELL A.HOUSE or PROPERTY? |or more copies of the following books, Robert Spinks, Wm. Holmes David slature of Ont, to pass an act for the EY May 5/60 "On the Shores of Scugog" by 8S. = Dimis . ! separation of the United counties of . 1sior 0 @ ar Hooey. Reeve--Wm. Taylor. ca A ree a g Farmer, "Scugog and Its Environs . Auditors for the coming year--Jas Northumberland and Durham and that REAL ESTATE DON'T DEL AY DO IT TO-DAY by F. G. Weir, "Ontario County Atlas" C il f Fluke, Wm. Vance '| the clerk be instructed to affix the pullished by oy Co. in 1872. Poatss ouncl 0 Robt. Spinks made the motion, sec. #8] of the corporation thereto, bor & Wm. Greenhalgh, hg ile pPly Cartwright by David Hooey, that the thanks of - ETTER ) .- this council are due and are hereby % uy Realtor -- wenn tendered to Wm, Taylor Reave, for the | PAKFOLD CONTINUOUS BUSI- beat the ETTER TRY WANTED -- Up to 500 bales of This was compiled by Mrs |ghle manner in which he conducted NESS FORMS now available throug & ALLARD'S Phone YU b-7780. apr? RX Malcolm Emmerson, Nestleton and the affairs of the municipality for the The Port Perry Star i ROKER straw. Leslie Smith, YU 5-205. given at Blackstock W.I. meeting. year 1860. NOTICE First recorded on June hi 1838| It was moved and seconded, the col- WE DO PLASTERING The marking of lots and road allow-|lector be allowed the abatement to Mar garel Ballard pis opnesonts. Wm. Greenhalgh REMODLELLING & REPAIR | ances were being surveyed by on the amount of 12 pounds, 4 shillings ; . : ' PR; , Mr, J h- Huston, and this he taxes. SUNDERLAND Realtor, in this area. Please let me Phone Y1J.6-2740 ip ring ong ghomnd polly 7 pence A emg ulfloers | Phone 49 RES. 124 help you sell your property--Listings on «I highly approve of the alteration, | were granted orders on the treasury-- } Mar, 81 (wanted in farms, homes, lots, etc DS gr y ar. Phone YU 5.7780. Mar a1 160 . for it is impossible to travel the boun- | Robt. Henry Ward 1, George Patter- - . . Spring Is Here! dary line in consequence of several|gon Ward 2, James McCarthy Ward D d F Si k Albee] ofp ® [large hills, the line marked to be in| 3, Wm. Lucas Ward 4, John Hay 0000 Burning . steel wagons, J, on, the centre of the road, and the road | Ward b. » 3 ed arm oC A ti al from $139.00 up. ) to take 40 links wide. No. 421." Mor-| Council met in Town Hall BETTE QUIT) Prompt removal. Top prices pald uc on es Flexible non-clogging harrows, ig gan Jillette, County Clerk. John Hus- | Feb. 16th, 1861 . : 1B BEST VALUE oar for old, dead or disabled farm animals| 1 UESDAY. APRIL bth Auton steel draw bars, 10, 15 and 20 ft. 1; guryeyor. Motion was made and sec. that the THAT'S OIL... switch to top-quality, NIE i -- sets. $67.00 and up. ki ds took ab Inspector of li be required to : ' APA according to size and condition. Small . . . . Marking of Roads took about ten |Inspector of licenses be require economical 'blue Ni ) animals removed free. Sale, Complete Dispersal, 60 Windy | Rubber tires and wheels for years. visit each house of entertainment . Shee | PR Use our special telephone service. Brac Holsteins, Registered - R.O.P. wheelbarrows--$10.95 This was recorded in 1840;--I do | within the township, at least once in sogY" , , garentoer 4. belt | he Ask for long distance ZEnith 32800, Classified, Vaccinted - Fully Accred-| All EL " certify that application being made by | every three months, and report there- to give you more and better : w . Res SERENA RI RRA AR Ei; 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1960 BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs at no cost to you. We are as close as your telephone. J.J. Van Herwerden USETHE CLASSIFIED Rate--38¢ per word. Minimum charge 50¢. -- to local advertisers Fi -- Classified Advertising copy must be in by 11 a.m. Wednesday ited - Listed; Full line of Good Ma- twelve shareholders of the County of chinery, Hogs, Hay, Grain, Ensilage, the property of Armour McMillan, lo- FRANK HOSKIN Durham, I have surveyed the follow- ing line of road to run between lots on to the council. Mr. Wm. McLaughlin was appoint- ed the assessor for the township for PFR------ heat for your money! Let 'blue coal' be your guide to perfect home heating. Ed P » & S cated 1 mile North and 1 mile East of| PHONE 2, BLACKSTOCK, ONT. {22 and 23. the current year at a salary of 12 : " . £ecom OI | Greenbank on Hwy. 7-12, or 20 miles Commencing at the north-east angle , pounds 10 shillings, Gord A Prentice ) , LIMITED : North of Hwy. 401 Whitby, or 10 miles of lots 22 and 23 in the sixth conces. | George Patterson was appointed o AR oroer 'blue coal'tooar Argyle, Box 11, Ontario July 30/60 South of Sunderland. No Reserve. sale at 2.30 o'clock. Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Highest prices paid for dead and crippled fr according to size and condition. Phone Collect oo. Hampton COlfax 32721. MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ontario Aug, 80, 1960 For fastest service nouncements--Sam Gough. fer--Geo. Edwards. will sell lunch from noon hour on. W. D. ATKINSON & TED JACKSON, Dead Stock Lot 6, Con. 8, East Whitby, 1 mil Terms Cash, Sale at 12.00 p.m. Cattle Pedigree An- Clerks-- Corless Ashenhurst, Roy Scott. Cash- Greenbank W.A. Sales Managers and Auctioneers. SAT., MARCH 26th -- Farm Sold, Auction Sale of 60 Holsteins, T.B. & Blood Tested, Vaccinated, 2 Tractors, Baler, Threshing Machine, Feed, 20 Fat Cattle, Full Line of Good Ma- chinery, the property of H. J. Grills, North of Columbus, turn East 2% FOR A BETTER BUY! BETTER TRY! Brock Motor Sales Phone 78, Sunderland, Ontario A General Motors -- Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer 1968 Chevrolet Bel Air sedan, a beau- tiful 2-tone burgundy and ivory, very clean, windshield washers, reasonably priced. 1957 Dodge Mayfair sedan, 2-tone turquoise color, push button auto- ©| matic, custom radio, power brakes sion of Cartwright, then south 16th concession of Cartwright, then south 16 degrees east 89 chains to a new line of road in 1888, the marked line to the east and one chain wide. I approve of the alteration as it is impossible to tavel the allowance in consequence of a large swamp. Signed, Joseph Huston, Surveyor, was held on April 18th, 1866. Mem. bers of Council: The Reeve, Mr, Howe, The former clerk missed the two previous meetings and it was moved and seconded that Wm, Loucks be the new clerk for 18656. Resolved that the collectors be allowed their fees, Mr. Taylor Mr. Willan, Mr. Watson. | certificate for shop license for the collector for the current year at a salary of 12 pounds 10 shillings. Meeting adjourned. Town Hall Cartwright, March 2nd 1863. Reeve Robt. Spinks in the chair. Councillors--Wm. Holmes, Robert Bryans, James Spinks, Mr. Nay. Reeve gave his order in favour of Oliver Deacon as follows: For pro- No. 494 Morgan Jillette, County Clerk. vineial duty on tavern licenses, post- The first Council meeting on record Lage and stationary $16.68% cts, A motion was made and sec, that Mrs. Esther Middleton be granted a ensuing year for the sum of ten dol- lars. : Town Hall Cartwright, Oct. 27th, 1863 Council met persuant to a call from FARM TRADE AGENT Phone YUkon 5-2572 PORT PERRY ONTARIO REESOR FUEL & LUMBER Oftice at Scugog and Water Streets PORT PERRY YU 56-7961 } FOR Quick RESULye | YU 5-231 ¢o | and steering. 1966 Meteor sedan, Niagara, very clean, radio, good mechanically and tires, 2-tone coral and ivory. 1956 Ford tudor, 2-tone maroon and black. paid in Pounds, shillings and pence, the reeve. Robt, Br bon . Bryans moved, sec. The Collectors -- Francis Dougherty, 'po rames Weldon that James Robert- Wm. McNally, Samuel Mason, James b inted toll- kee r Fallis, John Devitt Jr., Wm. Brown, son iy i Sate Less for John Hooey, John Nesbitt, Jacob Hub. ' Cartwright, commencing 1st day of bard, John Smith. Oct. 1866 by paying to the corpora. miles, Terms Cash. No Reserve. Farm Sold. Sale at 12.830 p.m. Roy Jackson, Harvey Pascoe, Clerks, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Highest prices paid for dead & disabled horses, cattle & hogs. Small animals removed free. RAY VIVIAN Ltd, Locust Hill Phone Markham 1160J collect 0s ROI. ~~~ NOW IS THE TIME TO FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1960--Important or UL 2-8891, Uxbridge Moved and seconded that the no- tion $72.00 and by entering into the 24 hour - 7 day. service. auction salo of Registered herd of [1954 Creyesisy deluxe sedan, TUNS| 00 'bo sent to the Bowmanville Star necesary bonds for the same, to be » x WE CAN PAY MORE blood tested Holsteins, W.D. A/C| Very nicely for printing. paid quarterly to the treasurer and ' We guarantee no animal collected by | tractor combine, '66 Ford Pick-up 1954 Meteor Niagara sedan, Very|( he Agricultural exhibition to be' to providé his own toll gate. DO THAT INSIDE clean, 1962 Pontiac truck, NH Baler, elevator, milking machine, cooler, late model farm ma- our company will be resold for human consumption. held in Cobourg on Oct, 9th, 10th, | Cartwright Council met 11th and 12th, the council donated a Nov, 2nd, 1868 trouble starts. 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone YUkon 56-2226 Jan, 14/61 The Port Perry Star Auctioneers PAKFOLD CONTINUOUS BUSI- NESS FORMS now available through BETTER TRY! BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 78, Sunderland, Ontarle George Bradburn, and resolved that the clerk of the municipality be in- structed to prepare a By-law for the appointment of the following persons as pathmasters, pound-keepers, fence to remove the said fence from the line of road, and in case the party thereby concerned shall refuse to re- move the said fence pathmasters ap- pointed thereto shall have the power LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER C0. LTD. July 80/60 | chines, tools, equipment, Beatty litter 1950 Monarch sum of money, and have granted the| Members present--Reeve, Deputy- REP AIR JOB i carrier, tracking, also baled hay,|1961 Ford counties all the aid, in the power of | Reeve & councillors James Weldon, : : X straw, Rodney oats, ete., at Lot 26,1958 Chevrolet 1-ton pick-up truck, | the funds, to meet their own Habili- | James Parr, John Goggin. ---- ; SEPTIC TANKS Concession 6, North York Twp., corner| in top condition, low mileage, ties, Minutes of last meeting read and FREE ESTIMATE Jane Street and Steele's Ave., proper-| reasonably priced. Zhi Reeves Office Masel 7th, 1857. " confirmed. This meeting was deal- ! : cleaned by ty belonging to the estate, of the Late | 1957 Chevrolet 1-ton stake ox | Members of counc 1 present -- Mr. ing with roads. Moved by Mr. Hooey, v Gordon I. Hoover. Sale at 1.00 pm.| and racks. Howe, M. Devitt, George Bradburn, ' gee, by Mr. John Goggin that any COURTESY ~-- SERVICE #0 PUMP EQUIPMENT sharp, Terms Cash. No reserve, FOR A BETTER BUY! Wm. Taylor and Mr. Willan, '| pathmaster of this municipality shall PHONE TO-DAY YUkon 5-7391° Have your tank checked now before| KEN and CLARKE PRENTICE, Moved by M. Devitt; seconded by be given due notice thereof refusal i I --

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