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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Mar 1960, p. 8

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SNE TY EEN Eh AIR Va Ae 23 (0a LU CT EA) SEN SERRE ERR ANN Rn ARR RRA RR MARR CONE RBA br TR 8 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1960 kin and Paul'Rahm $0 a Beout Geng Show in the Royal Alexandes Thea tre, Toronto on Fridey night. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask attended a Curling Bonspiel in the Sudbury district Fri- day and Saturday and spent the week end with Dr, and Mrs, Jack Marlow and family, Lively, Ont. The 4-H Guernsey club enjoyed a social evening of dancing and card playing in the Recreation Centre on Friday night. ed by Merril VanCamp, approving said raise was carried. The tenders for the Livestock Inspector under the Warble Fly Control Act were opened and the first tender was that of Geo. Johns, Nestleton, who tendered his services for the sum of $240.00. The second tender was for $276.00 from Mr. Geo. Johns was accepted at $240 and Clerk was instructed to advise both parties of the decision and to thank them for tendering their ser- vices, The duties of Inspector are: two tours of inspection, the first be- tween April 1st and 10th, when he will distribute to owners of infected cattle the required amount of powder at 60¢ per pound; the second inspec- "tion approximately 1 month after the first treatment and to co-inside with the second treatment period, when the cost of the powder will be collected from the cattle owner, Cattle owners extra days-- (Saturdays) worked at Tax Collection times. The Road Commissioneer presented a typed prospective Road Program for 1960. While it could not be followed exactly, due to unforseen expenditures such as snow removal ete, it would serve as a very close guide and was similar to the program chosen at the special meeting, called earlier for that specific purpose. Adoption of this proposed program by motion of Lawrence Malcolm and Bert Gibson. A new motion by Bert Gibson and Fred Trewin that Road Superinteend- pondence was read and the business arising therefrom decided as follows, Mr. Lloyd Passant was re-appointed Weed Inspector for the year 1960 on motion of Councillors VanCamp and Trewin, Carried. Mr, Wm, Forder was present and as Township Livestock valuator requested a raise in pay of $4.00 per trip in the course of his | Oscar McQuade of Burketon R.R. No. duties, After a brief discussion a|1. On motion of Fred Trewin second- motion by Lawrence Malcolm second- | ed by Bert Gibson, the lower tender of There is much activity at CHS. these in for the Hi 1 At Home April 20th. The Student Council say it will be bigger and bette "than last year. Mrs. John Csrnaghan and Mrs. Gil- bert Marlow left by plane from Malt. on Saturday on the Observer Tropics Tour, This is a conducted tour of Bermuda, Trinidad and ; Sincere sympathy is extended Mrs. Geo. Blythe and Carol, also Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Miller of Caesarea in the passing of Mr, Blyth in Oshawa hos- pital on Friday. Cariwright Council News March 7th, 1960--The regular meet- ing of th: Cartwright Municipal Coun- cil was called for 1 pm. on the above date with all members present. A copy of the minutes of the last meet- ings read and discussed. Some corres- SWIFT'S FRESH oa or i - ES wet) ~ es em 7 vg ga 7 7 SG a a A a . gre. i wo 0 Wy fig Pi dg #: Pork Butt Roasts Fresh Pork Hocks Pork Shoulder Roasts Ib @&c . 39 2 lbs. for 45c BEST BUY -- SAVE 4c -- AYLMER 3 34 FEATURE -- SAVE 4s Jewel Shoriening PARD DOG FOOD a 3 rer 35¢ FEATURE -- SAVE 6¢ BEEF OR IRISH SWIFT'S STEWS M4 ox. Tin 3 FEATURE -- BAVE 100 RED & WHITE TOMATO CATCHUP 11 oz. For 49¢ Bottle FEATURE -- SAVE 4¢ YORK BRAND DILL PICKLES " 4 o 25¢ FULL OF SWEET JUICY - PINEAPPLES - - NUTRITIOUS GOLDEN YAMS CANTALOUPE EXTRA LARGE -- FLORIDA -- POLY BAG CELERY HEARTS Fresh Produce McINTOSH or SPY APPLES Ib. poly bag 39. LARGE SIZE ea. 29¢ 3 1 25¢ FLAVOUR -- FROM MEX]CO Jumbo Size ea. 25¢ FEATURE -- SAVE 11¢ -- LIBBY'S Cinnamon Butterhorns FEATURE -- SAVE 45¢ -- ROBIN HOOD Angel Food Mix 2:69: | a 20 OZ. 4) Sliced Pineapple "% 2 fo © 3« id SUNBEAM FRESH -- 6 per pkg. RED & WHITE SAT 3c HOMOGENIZED -- 18 oz. jar aN » TO Co Macaroon Buds Ss 2.9 AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE FLOUR r 23c WHITE -- 18 oi, jar ; PREPARED MUSTARD 17c SUPREME BRAND -- 12 oz, oello Baby Lima Beans 2 r- 35¢ PEANUT BUTTER - 35¢ SUPREME BRAND -- 12 oz. oello SOUP MIX - - - 15¢ FLEECY -- 64 oz. jug LAUNDRY RINSE - 85c SWIFT'S -- 16 oz. tin PURR CAT FOOD 2 ro 35¢ KRAFT -- Velveeta CHEESE 1». ree. 59¢ ---- . BIRDS EYE BRAND a -- PET-RITZ APPLE PIES - - - GREEN PEAS 18 ox. Pkg. 5 ror $1.00 Dowson's Food Marke wn 290 39% YUkon™5-7942 Port Perry may treat their own cattle or if suf- ficient number desire, the Township sprayer can be made available at the rate of 20¢ per head, per treatment. All infected cattle MUST have two treatments. Mr. Earl Dorrell, the new Assessor, requested clarification of his addition. al duties as Dog Tax Collector; Col- lection fee was unanimously approved as in former years i.e. 5% of all fees collected by himself, and ALL dogs must be licensed. Discussion of a Fire Agreement as drawn up by the Township solicitor was discussed and Camp and Malcolm unanimously ap- proved the renewal of the former agreement with the Port Perry Fire Department, and Reeve and Clerk authorized to sign same for another Mr. Wright and expressed Council's appreciation of the object of his visit, Blackstock Fair date for 1960 is Sat- No. 1051 making official the appoint- ment of Mr. Earl Dorrell as School Attendance Office for this Municipal- a raise to $8,400 per annum; Victor Malcolm, Clerk-Treasurer and Tax Collector, a raise to $2,800. Mrs. M. Suggitt, Road Accountant, a raise to hourly rated employees as follows, effective March 1st, 1960--Machinery Operator of each piece of Township Road Equipment, $1.26 per hr. As- sistant Operator or co-operators $1.16 per hr. and ordinary labour $1.00 per hr. The Road Superintendant thank- ed Council for their decision and stat- ed that for the sake of information, that he had worked sufficient over- time during 1980 already to qualify him for several months holiday-cred- its, but that he did not intend to take advantage of same. The Clerk, in ap- preciation of his raise stated that he did not intend to take any time off for vacation this year, other than a few days on some week-end about 1st ant and Clerk draw up and call ten- ders and have same published accord- ing to the specifications desired, for the crushing and laying down of 8000 yds. gravel in this Municipality, said tenders to close at 12 noon Friday, April 1st, 1960 and that crushing be completed by Saturday, July 80th, 1960. Road Superintendant was also given permission by Council to hire a Bulldozer to a limit of $10.00 to open an alternative route when some Rate- payer was snowed out due to the blocking of some Township road by SNOW, : " FRIDAY -- PUMPKIN PIE, PUFF PASTE mas-- eee -- ive Smiles'n Chuckles Easter velties and Chocolates. WEEK-END SPECIAL--Chocolaté Date Layer Cake SATURDAY -- HOT CROSS BUNS, MEAT PIES, JELLIED DOUGHNUTS _GERROW'S BAKERY in the absence of any representative| A resolution instigating half load OW SWIFT'S FRESH from the local Volunteer Fire Brigade, | limits on Township Roads from Mar. Phone YUkon 56-2172 G. M. GERR Council on motion of Councillors Van| 1st to May 1st, 1960 was passed on iis motion of Merrill VanCamp and Fred Trewin. at 1.00 p.m. for next meeting moved by Lawrence Malcolm. peating the Band Purpose. rell, Lorraine Turner and Linda Me- Laughlin sang "Kalungo" an African cate and hung in the Mission Band part of our new Christian Education Building. The turkey supper sponsored by the ful the worst part of storm did not come until later that night. through to and from Port Perry, tho' late afternoon. beautiful sunshine these days is mak: ing the banks sink considerably. prize. of October, to make up for the few Adjournement to April 4th |& i / CAWKER BROS. Worship | 8 centre was arranged and call to wor- |¥ Thursday it was possible to got |g pA P APERH AN CIN C very hard going, but road South of 5 and - . village was completely blocked until | § No mail again that | day, but plows got through most of | ¥ the roads Thursday or Friday and the | & Mrs, Hodgson was high lady and |¥ Bill Ferguson high gent at the L.O.|¥ B.A. card party Monday night with | Percy VanCamp winning the door i Scout Master Blake Gunter took |§ Mrs. Gunter and Patrol Leaders Floyd | § 7: year, ---- : { SWIFT'S Mr. Walter Wright, Sec-Treasurer Blackstock 1 ; -~ P th ib Pork Ch Ib O of the Coriwright A aviealbers) Soctety # DEVON BACON, Is ..ocovuine ar Lind 490.1 ho [24 or Oops C19. C was present with regard to a grant| Mission Band met Tuesday after |W ppyyvp RIB ROAST o.oo. icc nsiinmnsssssssns sisson 63¢ 1h. § if refund of $162.50." Reeve thanked schoo] with 12 children and two lead- 3 rine, $ricesdnense $0005 ranitrasantans rf Tata on 3 Sirs ers present. Meeting opened by re- | FRESH GROUND BEEF ........ edi Te TAY arene 39¢ 1D sO A 5 J NT Po, on, oS 2,3 04 HI SARS SAAS & HOME CURED BEEF TONGUES b eto ra ra a eA 0 0 he ea Te Te TTS EE ee a SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD urday, August 27th. The appoint-|®hip given by Graham Duff. Roll | &.° 1 LB. SKINLESS ment of Mel H. Staples as Auditor | V2? called by Blair Martyn and an- |g : Pork Sausage PKG. C was approved on motion of Councillors oi gd I remember £ FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING Malcolm and VanCamp and carried. |® Juin 2 He In wid not hid |B - UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK SWIFT'S PREMIUM The By-law No. 1050 with regard to| . 0 oor x pow 4 a ve £ ° 1 LB. same wey thon read three Anes andy Dr Todo in ooh Dongs, som in ess acon PEG, C Byte Son fin o plete with drum beating and hand |} passed, signed and sealed. By-law | lapning. A girls trio--Leanne Dor- |¥ a red a a en ne |__BOUPE'S GENERAL STORE Open Every Night until nine except Tuesday For Free Delivery Phone YU 5-2492 Argue, Brian Staniland, Larry Hos- w. rs. 27c $250.00; all these afore named changes | A+ 9f the United Church Wednes. | 3 _~ SLEEPING BEAUTY -- C.A. are retroactive to January 1st, 1960. Say was hii! Bi mn brine n'y 2 FEATURE -- BAVE 6c FANCY GRADE The wage schedule as increased to}, lanes, but we are most thank-|§ PAINTING - DECORATING GARRY and WAYNE VENNING Blackstock, Ont. april 7 Phone 56J deluxe station wagon--nine adults, down-to-earth economy Sweetman's Service Station PORT PERRY " YUkon 5-2212 T 10 OZ. ; ' 'greeting song. A boys quartette-- -. omato up TIN ity, was then read, signed and sealed | John Larmer, Guy-Bonnetta, Dennis with Corporate Seal. Romeril and Bobby McLaughlin sang / - BEST BUY -- SAVE 10c -- PET INSTANT The Council then declared their in-|an African grace "Pander Suku Tate" 'PRINCE ALBERT, ~ ONT. ki Milk Pp d 3 LB. tention to study the wage schedule for |and all joined in singing "Who built 5 : . S im i ow er PKG. o Municipal' Employees and decided or [the Ark". WEEK END SPECIALS approved the requested raises. Clerk Offering was received and prayer ™ 4 f=1 BEST BUY -- SAVE 4c -- FLEECY and Road Commissioner were asked |offered. The ninth chapter of Bolofi , { 2 i d Ri 2 OZ 3 4) to vacate the room during the en-|was told by Mra. Butt. LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE, 48 Oz. ....occoocrmrssivurnn NO) unary inse BOTTLE c suing WI The rest) of the Cheaion Gay nade of os a RED ROSE TEA BAGS, 908 ._ ...ooovsvureneeer musics sasisssssensens 77¢ new wage schedule as agreed upon an BEST BUY -- SAVE 16c -- JIM DANDY tion of Tawrones Mal. | Oshawa Presbyterial last month for [$ 'SHREDDED WHEAT . ..oocoooimmmmmmmmmmmmmisssnssses 2 for 39¢ = 5 100 OFF DEAL colm and Bert Gibson is as follows: | attaining the Standard of Recogni- Liquid Cleaner GIANT SIZE / 3 c Merlin Sugitt, Road Superintendent. |tlon. This will be placed on certifi-|§ 4 CENTS OFF MARGENE

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