EE fara LSE IEE aE ET oy a in Wh ~y Lady Bowlers Wind Up Season Wednesday evening, May 4th, the Ladies Wednesday Night Bowling | League held their annual banquet and | trophy presentation at Haugen's Bar- becue. The occasion brings to a close 180 were presented with a gift. They' were:-- the leagues activities for the season. After singing Grace & "The Queen" everyone enjoyed a chicken dinner. The presentation of trophies was made by Elaine Bailey, assisted by Donna VanCamp and Mary Sweetman, The first section was won by the Spitfires and the second section was won by the North Stars. . Each girl on these teams received a trophy. The Mary Sweetman trophy for total pins for the year was won by the Spitfires. The Frank Hastings trophy for high average was present- ed by Grace Hastings and won by | Gloria Hastings with an average of | 204. sented to the following girls:-- / Dorothy Freeman-- High Triple 1st section--750 Merle St. John High Triple 2nd section--760 Louise Carnegie-- High Single 1st section--3811 Cathy Hewitt-- High Single 2nd section--3870 The girls with an average of over Gloria Hastings--204 Louise Carnegie--195 Merle St, John--190 Beth Oke--186 Mary McGregor--184 Elaine Bailey--181 Audrey DeNure--181 Winners of the playoffs were: -- Hurricanes Helicopters Jets North Stars Flyers Each of these teams received money. The balance of the money was paid Individual trophies were pre- to the Teams according to the points they won' through the year and paid SP ose DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. WEEK-END SPECIALS 4¢ OFF WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE .............. 2 for 25¢ SAVE 4¢ ON CHUM DOG FOOD... conn 2 for 21¢ 5¢ OFF LUX LIQUID DETERGENT ...... renee 426 ICE BOX PEANUT BUTTER ........... NR . Open Every Night until nine except Tuesday For Free Delivery Phone YU 5-2432 DROS ABADRALRVOHI IDS <p. I { ad on Scugog Island. "Tenders close May 30th. may 19-26 BUS TENDER Tenders will be received 'by Scugog Township School Board to provide Bus transportation for pupils'to3 schools Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. SAM ARNOLD, Sec'y, R.R. 8, Port Perry. Ont, LER 6 Ey A RE FURAN NR ------ ---- off at 12¢ a point. After the presen- tation an-election of officers for next year was held. The Executive for next year is:-- . President--Mary McGregor -Secretary--Jeanne Goode \ Treasurer--Myrtle Prentice After the banquet about 40 of the girls motored to Oshawa for bowling at the Shopping Centre, Manchester In spite of deep water on the causeway, our minister got through on Sunday morning. He preached a | most inspiring + sermon, his theme, "The Living Christ". The Women's Association is spon- soring a bake sale at Croxall's cor- ner on Friday afternoon, May 20th. Mr. Tom Donnelly is erecting a building on his property in the vill age. In the near future it will be to serve the community. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kraan visited Mr. and Mrs, Art Fielding on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8S, Taylor and ghter, Stouffville, Gerald Crosier and Jane Masters, Toronto were with Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Crosier on Sun- day. St. John's Women's Missionary Society St, John's Presbyterian Church Wo- men's Missionary Socy. met at the home of Mrs. D. C. MacMaster on Tuesday, 10th May with 14 members present. Mrs. Armstrong presided, and con- ducted the business part of the meet- ing. e are looking ahead to our Thank fering Meeting in October, the in- vitation for our Guest Speaker is al- ready in the mail. The Explorers are to hold their tea on 30th May at 7.30 p.m. The Devotional Theme was "The Earth is the Lords". Mrs. Robertson led in prayer, followed by the scrip- ture reading by Mrs. Patterson. The Study, which was in the form of a guided tour of Eastern Nigeria, was in the capable hands of Mus. Armstrong, who acted as guide, as- sisted by Mesdames Perry, Milne, Stuart, Walker--and- Donnelly. Mrs. J. D, MacMaster read the meditation. A short discussion followed. The President thanked all who had taken part in the programme and Mrs. Perry closed the meeting with Prayer. Tea was served and enjoyed. at your service Now is the money-saving time to fill your bin with famous, slow-burning, long lasting. 'blue coal'. Order today and save. REESOR FUEL and LUMBER PORT PERRY . . YUkon 56-7951 PRICES DOWN~-- SAVINGS UP ON 'blue coal' "completed, stocked as a general store! Sr SLE LiL Ps RAHA EL ie ref FE fat ve A Prince Albert Please keep in mind our 8S. S. Anni- versary service, May 20, 2 p.m. We are pleased to see Miss Flora Holman living in her home, also Mr. I Doyle is home after surgery in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn were visited on Sunday by Mr, A. Mark, Mr. and Mrs. K. Mark, all of Port Hope; Mrs. A. MacPherson and Mr. Jas. Mark both of Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs, W. Vance were Sun- day visitors with the daughter Mr. and Mrs. Simons of Pickering. Mr, and Mrs. L. Beacock attended the funeral of a cousin, the late Mr. S. Anderson, Fenelon Falls, on Satin day. Mrs. Mulvey is spending a few days in Toronto with friends. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. B. Smith included Mr. and Mrs. MacKaye, | Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rosnak, | Kedron, Miss Isobel Leslie-and friend Tor- onto with Mr. and Mrs. D. Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. B, Midgley and family with relatives at Rice Lake, ° Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown, Oshawa, visited their cousins Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Doupe on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, (R. Murphy and Alen visited her grandmother Mrs, R. Jack- son and Mr. N. Shunk who are both in Toronto convalescing from a recent motor accident. Miss Mary Murphy, Oshawa with Mr, and Mrs. H. Jeffrey, Denise and John on Sunday. We might say the sod has been turned for Mr. Jas. Doupe's new store. Utica Church at Utica United at regular time 11 a.m, and Sunday School at 10 a.m. The sympathy of the community go to Mrs, Ackney in the death of her daughter, Gwen (Mrs. William Kelsey) who dled in England on Fri- day, May 138 after a long illness. The people in the district attended a shower for Maureen Donnley at the hall Saturday evening. A good time was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Geer called on Mr. and Mrs, Chet Geer Sunday evening. Congratulations to the newly wed- ded Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur. Mrs, Lou Cassidy was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. Connor visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sutherland Saturday and Sunday. Congratulations to Frank Wilkin. son on passing his exams ps Public School Inspector, Visiting Frank Kendall's this week- end was Mary Barber of Georgetown. Do You Need. . . Flexible non clogging harrows, 10 to 20° set $67.00 & up 3, 4 & b-ton wagons .... $139.00 & up Fencing wire and supplies. (Stretcher supplied) , Barbed Wire, 76 1b. roll ........ $8.76 (a few rolls left) ; Frd Tractor .....oocovvveeneenen. $576.00 j Jackall Jacks .................. $20.00 & up i Rubber tired all steel i Wheelbarrows .................... $26.95 i Cement--$1.25, Weeping Tile--10c. ; Aluminum & Steel Roofing ! Hayovator Elevators for round and square bales 16 to 32' lengths, Clothes Line posts, 12 ft.--$4.00. 16 ft.--$8.00. Other posts, 8 to 30 ft. long, Cast and ductalloy plow shares for most makes, Kelly Ryan Spreaders, 100 & 126 Bus. single or tandem axles. ! Choremaster Garden Tillers | Lawn Mowers from $46.00 & up | Portable Milker (double Unit) $95.00 Box Trailers ........veviininnns $36.00 Trailer Axle, 14" Tires and } wheels .....ccocvvrviivninirniinin, $36.00 HOSKIN'S PHONB 2, BLACKSTOCK 5000 ENOUGH 0R IT WILL DO" THE BECT AMDONLY HATS FO 7 Jessie's Beauty Salon YUkon 5-7991, Port Perry BS RW A EM RTP We HERR BLT Greenbank Fidelis Class The April meeting of the Fidelis Class was postponed, due to road con- ditions, until Wed., April 18th. The meeting, held in the Church basement, opened with a poem about Easter, read by M. Thomson. Hymn "Christ the Lord is Risen To-day" was sung, followed by a prayer by M. Foster. Scripture readings from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were read consecutively by M. Thomson, M. Foster, R. Foster and Mrs. Cooper. The topic on the "Easter Story" was ably given by R. Foster. A prayer tion of our meeting. After a short business discussion, lunch was served to 12 members, ---- of Mon, May 2nd, with many mem- bers in attendance. The meeting opened with Hymn "Jesus shall Reign" followed by a prayer by H. Thomson. A reading "When the Stars shall have a Way" was given by I. Jarvis, after which a beautiful solo was sung by Mrs. Bauner. The Scripture taken from Acts 1, 1-8 was read by Joyce How- sam, followed by an accordian solo by Evelyn Parry. A poem was read by H. Thomson. A duet by I. Jarvis and Mrs. Bauner was very nicely sung. These musical numbers added great- ly to the meeting, and were much appreciated. Hymn "In Christ there given by Iva Phoenix, and the devo- tional part of the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. A cleaning "B" is to be held in the church on Wed, May 11 at 9.30 a.m. Shirley Lee and R. Foster were ap- the board of Stewards concerning our large sum of money was voted to go toward 'the expense of this addition. The evening ended with the usual delightful lunch and social half hour. TE x 2 PLE by Mrs. Cooper concluded this por- The May meeting was held at the ! home of Iva Phoenix on the evening The Topic entitled "Parting Commis- | peace sion" was given by I. Jarvis, followed by an accordian solo by E, Parry. |§ is no East" was sung. A prayer was |i pointed as a committee to approach 58 assistance in the completion of the | new addition to the church, also a RA: Sy WE i i Sn STAIR, wed Mo FRCL 7 s * THE PO®T PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1960--5 Free Publicity We have often been asked to give advance notices of some fund raising project free of charge. To save em- barrassment and annoyance, it would be appreciated if organizations would remember that a major part of our business is selling advertising. Without the revenue from this source, we could not continue to publish a newspaper and pay our staff. When an event has taken place, it becomes news -- not before. And even this rule doesn't apply to cards of thanks, birth notices, etc. So, please try to bear with us. We don't like turning down people who are trying to pro- mote good causes. But, we have to, Otherwise, it would not be fair to those who pay their money for the same advance publicity, > We require the services ing his career. | in either Grade 12 or 13. promotion. similar positions. of the school term, who is really interested in making bank- He must have a pleasing personality and a good standing Excellent opportunity for rapid Starting salaries are equal to that paid for Apply Manager, The Canadian Bank of Commerce Port Perry, Ontario. Si a El Rh ID ------ YOUNG MAN WANTED of a young man at the close TIARA RK ARI AAA NN whe HORSE RACES, GAMES, _ AAA UXBRIDGE KINSMEN CLUB ANNUAL SPRING HORSE SHOW and RACES Elgin Park, Uxbridge ; Vicloria Day, May 23rd MIDWAY, FOV VVVVVVOVUYVUVN POPOV OOOOP VOY VOOR TIPO OTVOVOOOOOCP PN ©» EOE > POCO OVVOOOVOVOO OL O® > DEPARTM VINYL PLASTIC FLOORING BY Only $ It's spill-proof, stain-free, even foot-proof! The makers of famous Gold Seal floors now bring you vinyl plastic flooring with all these incredible advantages! How? Beautiful "Forecast" designs and colges are factory-sealed forever beneath rugged, crystal-clear vinyl plastic. Grease, grime, detergents, solvents, acids can't harm this mirror-smooth surface. And even your feet never touch the deep- down beauty. So "Forecast" vinyl beauty is actually spill-proof, stain-free, foot-proof, too! LOOK . .. YOU GET ALL THIS WITH "FORECAST" VINYL... WIPES CLEAN, NEVER NEEDS SCRUBBING! WALL-TO-WALL BEAUTY WITHOUT SEAMS! MIRROR-SMOOTH SURFACE, WON'T STAIN! LONG-WEARING VINYL PLASTIC! SPILL-PROOF, FOOT-PROOF VINYL FLOOR! BY-THE-YARD UR, TO 12° WIDE! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! 1.78 PORT PERRY, ONT. 28 2°08 28 8 4 AVW.EBROCIK ENT STORE INCREDIBLE NEW VINYL PLASTIC FLOORING GIVES YOU SPILL-PR( FLOORS! HORE CAS aq PHONE: YUS- 2521 EEE Nt, * AAA vs REFRESHMENTS js and MANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS a ---------- ann [T) OF TRADEMARK bd Gold Seal" per square yard Hurry! See new "Forecast" "The Vinyl Floor of The Future" today at