Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 May 1960, p. 6

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6 THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 106th, 1960 ---- cr ---- -- BUSINESS DIRECTORY INSURANC Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE YUkon 5-2421 PORT PERRY GILLSON, SLEEP & MePHABEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen YUkon 5-2341 Port Perry June 80/60 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Live Poultry, Goose Feathers, and Feather Ticks M. FLATT R.R. 1 Bethany, Ont, Phone 7-r-18. Reverse Charges April 7, T.F. 2 dN br 3 CR UREN PLY BE ORR X AS ATIC ERE ENA gi RIS Sheds A ORE STAN Sana aaaniihongi din ay, USE Tg CLASSIFIED Rato--3¢ per word. Minimum charge 50¢. -- to local advertisers FOR Quip be QUICK RESYLys | vv 5-28 Classified Advertising copy must be in by 9 a.m. Wednesday FOR SALE -- 14' Peterborough Zephyr. A-1 condition. Tarp, 2% HP. Johnson, $250.00 cash, Phone YU. 656-2686. See it to appreciate it! T.F. BRUCE V. MACKEY, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor Saturdays at 9 a.m, to 12 noon Evenings by Appointment Mortgage Funds Available. At residence, Caleb St., Port Perry Phone YUkon 5-2127 Aug. 11/60 . ROOFING OF ALL KINDS tavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Ont. APEX TV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 65-2282 l.eslie McDonald, Service Man Dec. 31/60 Dead Farm Stock Prompt removal. Top prices paid for old, dead or disabled farm animals according to size and condition. Small animals removed free. Use our special telephone service. Ask for long distance ZEnith 32800, at no cost to you. We are as close as your telephone. Ed. Peconi & Son LIMITED ; Argyle, Box 11, Ontario July 80/60 Dead Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Highest prices paid for dead and crippled animals according to size | and condition. For fastest service Phone Collect ' Hampton COlfax 3-2721, | MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ontario Gardens Roto Tilled Lawns Mowed ALL TYPES OF GARDENING OPERATIONS SKILLFULLY PERFORMED -- call -- Geoff Taylor Temporary Phone--YUkon 65-2439 May 19 Summer Tours and Cruises Will accept bookings now to England and the Continent by air or Steamship, F. G. CROSBY Travel Agent, Uxbridge UL 2-3411 June 9, '60 Dead Stock Highest prices paid for dead & disabled horses, cattle & hogs. Small animals removed free, RAY VIVIAN Ltd., Locust Hill Phone Markham 1160J collect or UL 2-3891, Uxbridge 24 hour - 7 day service, WE CAN PAY MORE We guarantee no animal collected by our company will be resold for human consumption, July 80/60 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service. REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone YUkon 5-2226 Jan. 14/61 Ted Veenhof WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK PHONE ORONO 2221 May 19/60 Backhoe Work TRENCHING -- BACKFILLING SEPTIC TANKS NEW EQUIPMENT IVAN MOUNTIJOY Phone Blackstock 87-r-4 Before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. May 26/60 Furnace Cleaning Have your furnace and Oil Burner vacuum cleaned and serviced. Phone early and avoid last minute rush. Fred Olsen YU 65-2260, June 9 PERSONAL OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets help '"pep-up" thousands of men, women past 40. Only 69c. At | all druggists. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ont. $5600. down semi detached, 1 year old solid brick, Whitby area. 20 x 28 winterized cottage to be moved. Heavy wiring $900. We have farms to buy and sell Call TOM ANDERSON, Myrtle Station. Phone YU 5-7780 Member of the Oshawa and district real estate board. PAINTING Woodwork our Specialty, concrete block, stucco and brick. Estimate Free. YU 65-2330. June 9 Special Spring Sale Continues CHEVY DEAL DAYS ARE HERE! COME IN AND DEAL NOW! Low Cost G.M.A.C. terms to suit your budget! 19567 Oldsmobile Super 88 sedan, jet- away transmission, power steering, power brake, G.M. radio, a 2-tone green and ivory. Sale Special $1995.00. 1957 Chevrolet tudor, G.M, radio, good tires, in clean condition, one owner, a turquoise color, G.M. radio. Sale Special $1396.00. 19556 Ford tudor, a maroon and black, very clean, good tires. Sale special $896.00. 1954 Meteor sedan, a clean, one own- er car, light blue. Sale special $795.00 1964 Dodge sedan, built-in radio, good tires, a very clean, grey color. Sale special $695.00. 1963 Chevrolet sedan, newly painted, 2-tone blue, new battery. Sale special $495.00, 1969 Chevrolet %-ton pick-up, only 7200 miles, new last September, Sale special $1995.00, 1953 G.M.C. %-ton stake, motor just overhauled. Sale special $695.00, One John Deere 420 b-roller crawler, complete with No. 80 John Deere loader, gearomatic winch and log loader, complete outfit in top con- dition, Sale Special $3995.00. We carry a complete stock of Peter- borough boats, Scott outboard mo- tors and Tee-Nee trailers. FOR A BETTER BUY! " BETTER TRY! BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 78, Sunderland, Ontarle A General Motors -- Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer FOR SALE--Rodney Oats for seed. treated $1.40 bus.; Ford Ferguson tractor. Phone Blackstock 66-r-4, May 19 FOR SALE--1200 bales hay; Fer- guson two bottom plow; Cockshutt No. 4 Spreader; rubber tired wagon with rack; 1950 Pontiac Sedan. For information phone YU 6-7640. May28 LOT FOR SALE--6M, x 1560', town water, good drainage, 4 blocks from shopping district. YU b5-2640, ¢ May 26 FOR SALE--New Modern Hone. Large living room, 8 bedrooms, Bath, cupboards in kitchen, dry basement. Full particulars see Howard Gibson or Gordon Reesor, May 26 FOR SALE--One Dump Box with hoist. Reesor Fuel and Lumber. YU 56-7951. * May 26 FOR SALE--One tank Truck, 1946 Reo. 1000 gal. capacity. Reesor Fuel and Lumber YU 65-7951. ~~ May 26 FOR SALE--Large oil space heat- er, drum, copper tubing and quanti- ty of pipes. $40.00. Excellent for cottage. Phone YU 56-2100. May26 FOR SALE--International 13 disc Seed Drill. Tractor hitch. R. E. Steer, R.R. 4, Port Perry. YU 5-7705. FOR SALE--Grey Broadloom Rug, 9 x 12; power reel mower, reasonable, Call Wm. Chapman. YU 65-7376. FOR SALR -- Strawberry Plants, Norman Lyle. YU 65-2094. FOR SALE--Martin 76 Outboard, used very little, Fisherman Drive, like new. YU 5-23856. BOXED PLANTS and GERANIUMS for Spring Planting at Leslie's Green- house, Prince Albert. May 26 HOGS rOR SALE -- Serviceable age and younger; also Gilts bred and open. Fred Milne, Blackwater. Phone Sunderland 8-r-8. May 26 CATTLE FOR SALE -- Glenn Wanamaker, Seagrave, Ont. Phone YU 65-2725. May 26 TYPEWRITER FOR RENT _, Apply at Star Office. ROTO TILLING and Cutting Grass, etc. YU 65-7862. - May 19 OFFICE CLERK WANTED To assist in office till Labour Day. Apply Silverwood Dairies. YU b- 79171, TF EXPERIENCED woman would like cleaning work daily 9 to 4 p.m. Box 11 Port Perry Star. Birds of Beauty Six varieties of fancy pigeons, $3.00 per pair and up; six varieties of fancy bantams $4.00 per trio and up; setting eggs from same $2.00 per setting and up; Bantam Chicks 26c. each and up. E. Thompson, Port Perry, YU 65-2330. June 2 SALES HELP -- FEMALE Nationally Advertised Co. has op- enings in your district for a limited number of women to act as demon- strators, full or part time. Those 20 to 66 years, married and own their own home, Salary. Commission. Send name, address and phone num- ber to--PURITY, 781 Warden Ave., Scarborough, Ont. May 26 APARTMENT -- Heated and self- contained. Available June 1st. Ap- ply W. J. Carnegie, Port Perry. Phone YU 65-2618. TF. APARTMENT FOR RENT--2 bed- room apartment in Port Perry. Heat- ed, self contained. Phone Bob How- sam, YU 65-7880. T.F. FOR RENT--Apartment with lv- ing room, kitchen, bathroom, 1 bed- room and utility room. YU 5-2478, - T.F. APARTMENT TO RENT 4 room apartment with bath, steam heated, hardwood floors, newly decor- ated. Separate laundry facilities. Washer supplied. Continuous hot water. Phone Beare Motors. YU. 6-7351. T.F. "APARTMENT FOR RENT---2 bed- rooms, kitchen, living room and bath. Separate entrance. = Child welcome, iii iii ai YU 56-7828, May 19 selected must be between the ages of |, ATTENTION Do you have an Avon Representa- tive calling on you regularly? If you don't, perhaps it isan open terri- tory, which could offer you a good earning opportunity. If you would like to sell Avon, please call collect Toronto LE 6-0627, CLEANING RAGS Clean cotton rags, with all buttons or fasteners removed will be purch- ased by the Star Office. Auction Sales THURS., MAY 26--Auction Sale of Farm Implements, Equipment, Hay, including 4 Tractors, New Self Pro- pelled Combine, 2 Hay Balers, 2 Ma- nure Spreaders, Two of all other Farm Implements, the property of Eal Howsam Els Rock Farms, Lot 12, Con. 12, Reach, one mile North of Greenbank on Highway 12, Two miles North of Junction Highway 7-12 & 47. This will be the outstanding Machin- ery Sale of 1960. Greenbank Ladies will serve lunches. Terms Cash. Sale at 12.00 noon. Roy Scott and Lloyd Weldon, Clerks. NOTE--On Wednes- day, May 18th at 12 o'clock the Hol- stein Dispersal Sale will take place of 100 Head of Reg. Holsteins, Accre- dited, Listed, Vaccinated. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 28th, 1960-- Important Auction Sale of herd of registered Holstein Cattle, Woods threshing machine, 2 tractors, John Deere, Percheron horse, farm machin- ery, milk cooler, Surge milking ma- chine, ete., on Lot 5, Concession 2, Vaughan Twp., corner No. 7 Highway and Dufferin St., at Concord, Proper- ty of Ed Clark. Sale at 1 p.m, Terms cash, No reserve. Farm sold, KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, MAY 28 -- Clearing Auction of Household furniture, Tools, Deep Freezer, Electro Stove, Refrigerator, 2 piece Chesterfield, Power Lawn Mower, Power Saw, An- tique Dishes, Car 1950 Dodge Sedan in good running condition. Selling at the property of the estate of the late Norman Prentice, 90 Reach St. in Uxbridge. Terms Cash. No Re- serve. Sale at 1.830 p.m. Herb Pear- son, Clerk. May 26 LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer. Auction Sale FARM SOLD--Auction Sale of herd of registered Holstein Cattle, horse, 2 tractors, threshing machine, farm implements, etc., on Lot 5, Concession 2, Vaughan Twp., corner No. 7 High- way and Dufferin St., at Concord, on SATURDAY, MAY 28th, 1960, pro- perty of ED CLARK. CATTLE 1--Texal Sovereign, Registered Hol- stein Cow, born April 1, 1957, freshened March 28, not bred, - Snow plow for above tractor with hy- No. 1346143 + draulic lift. This could be made -Rsgisiared Hoktsin Cay) 1388862, fit any tractor overeign Sensation Betty, born jo Dec. 4, 1957, freshened Feb. 22, y Tasers small sigs trastor out: 6' bred April 18 | power mower, This outfit is good 8--Registered Holstein Cow, 989945, Good heavy two wheel tractor trailer Judith Texal Sensation, born Jan. flat top , 21, 1952, bred Dec. 9, 1959 to Woods Bros. all steel threshing ma- Rosafe Johnathon | chine 22 in, complete with grain 4--Registered Holstein Cow, 1143314, elevator, straw blower, long self Rag Apple Maple Niger, born | feeder. This machine is in good March 81, 1954, bred Nov. 2, 1959 _ condition, to Rolland Reflection Sovereign Cockshutt manure spreader : 5--Registered Holstein Cow, 1009514, Leng threshing bel) perfect condition Mary Belle Mastermark, born : rain grinder. teel land roller April 29, 1952, bred Oct, 20, 1959 3 furrowed Cockshutt tractor plow to Romandale Shalimar. MH 13 hoe. drill tractor hitch 6--Registered Holstein cow, 1123706, Beal good nro disc harrow with Jane Rembco Sovereign Judy, S ractor piteh. i born Feb, 21, 1954, bred Feb. 18 | Set 8 section spring tooth harrows to Locust Lodge Septor. I igi tooth Ten SHlkivatos 7--Registered Holstein cow, 848663, | M1 10 gt steel dum toi Pansy Texal Lonelm, born June 2 gcufflers, 2 5 ag plows 27, 1949, freshened April 11th, Set b section drag harrows bull calf by side. 8--Registered Holstein cow, 950362, Steel stonehoat, good. Old mower Niger Pluto, born April 2, 1951, | Rubber tired farm wagon gear freshened Feb, 17th, not bred. equi iy th shafts and tongue 9--Reg. Holstein heifer, 1493241, MH binder 7 ft. cut, real Toxs) Jane Pansy, born Mar. 10,| Hey rack. Turnpike shovel 1969. Frost & Wood 5 ft. mower, good Rubber tired farm wagon gear Set bob sleighs and rack 2 tractor tires 9x24 4 can electric Woods milk cooler, real good Surge milking machine, 2 single units, oh and outlets No. of 8 gal. milk cang Set weight scales, 1200 lb. capacity Forks, shovels, hoes and many useful articles not mentioned Sale at 1 p.m. DST. Terms Cash, No reserve. Farm sold. James Smith, €lerk. : KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers Markham, Ont., Phone 346 Milliken, Ont., Ph. AXminster 38-5987 Beautiful Personalized Stationery may be obtained from The Port Perry Star, RENEW YOUR MAGAZINES Through The Port Perry Star 10--Reg. Holstein heifer, 1436817, Starbright Molly, born July 10, 2 1968, bred Oct. 20 to Romandale | & Shalimar. $2 11--Reg. Holstein heifer, 1560277, 5 Saeihiight Bonnie, born Feb. 22, |% 12--Reg, Holstein heifer, 16528233, 5 Joarine Starbright, born Oct. 7, | 13--Reg. Holstein heifer, born Mar. |$ 28, 1960, Dam Texal Sovereign A | 14--Veal Calf, 8 All cattle are clean, and vacéinated, | $8 94 bred by Maple Cattle Breeder's 5 880C. 3 HORSE . 1 grey gelding Percheron, good FARM MACHINERY ' John Deere tractor, model A, on rub- |g ber, complete with lights, starter, [& pulley and PTO. This tractor is good PORT PERRY D90900000909¢ WATER LINES - SEPTIC BEDS, ETC. TANKS and DISPOSAL BEDS SUPPLIED & INSTALLED. Ken Middleton Trenching and Excavating FREE ESTIMATES SEPTIC POROSOROSOPOROBOSOSOSOPOOROSOSOPOROSOSOROROSOPOSOROR] © POPP OPOPOSDSOSOPOBTRIPOSISIBBOSISOROBOSOPOBO +] Phone YU 5-7548 : SOTTO ot ) AND DRY ON SIDEWALK SLABS OLIVER \N ye 77) \ ZF Whoa there son! Wedding presents are for both bride and groom, That's why modern electric household appliances make such ideal gifts. The easy, carefree living that electricity provides is meant for sharing. No wonder electrical wedding gifts are most wanted by brides and grooms. "Hers" , . . the anticipa- tion of work-saving, time-saving convenience. "His" , .. the appreciation of depend- able, economical service. "Theirs" . . , the shared pleasure in a gift that is as modern as they are. tune with today's way of life. Girls are lucky...look at the presents they get! LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY ~ {

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