=i AURA RAC 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1060 M h the lesson and Mrs. Croxall gave the | handed in and an invitation was read anc ester topic, followed by hymn 180. The| to attend a spring tea at Mrs. Murray foe | Mi eting wer 2 'Laren' r % The Women's Association met at the Minutes of May meeting were adopted | McLaren's lovely gardens home of Mrs. O. Croxall on Thursday | 4s read and the roll was answered by | A donation was voted to the Sal- afternoon, June 2nd. Rev. Braham | twelve members. Ten visitors were | vation Army. Treasurer Mrs. Lamb opened the meeting with prayer and | were present, a number from Prospect | gave a good financial report. The hymn 380 was sung. Mrs. Aird read | Association. Birthday moneys were! ladies planned a bee to clean the «9c 4-85 *3.99 7 - 29: a. eats ns Rib Roast 8 - 3% Ib, average > 30. Tenderloin Roast 3 - 3% Ib. average 49 Centre Cut Roast > 50. SWIFT'S -- The New Taste Treat BARBECUE FRANKS :». 45¢ BEST BUY -- HEINZ SPAGHETTI 2¢ Off Pack -- 15 oz. tin Save 21c BEST BUY -- GEM Margarine 11b. pkg. BEST BUY -- Pure Cane Granul SUGAR 50 1b. bag pins Save 20c¢ PURE CANE GRANULATED BEST BUY -- Delsey Save Toilet Tissu dc White or Coloured -- Produce -- Full of Juice - - CALIFORNIA ORANGES 51b.bag Hc Sweet, Tender ON THE CORN "GG: 6 for 3 oF. Ontario Hothouse - Extra Large CUCUMBERS 2 for 25¢ Economical - Nutritious - GREEN CABBAGE per |b. 08- FROZEN FOODS Fraservale -- 24 oz. pkg. FISH and CHIPS - - 59 Sunkist White or Pink -- 6 oz. tin LEMONADE 4:45 Birds Eye - Cut -- 10 oz. pkg. GREEN BEANS - - 27 SWIFT'S DUTCH LUNCH wv. 49¢ SALAMI CHUBS - KEILBASA SAUSAGE :». 69¢ FEATURE -- SAVE 4c Appleford's 'K.V.P, -- 100 ft. roll WAXED PAPER 29% SWIFT'S POLISH FEATURE -- SAVE 12¢ 4c Off Pack COMET CLEANSER 2 = 31¢ FEATURE -- SAVE 19¢ Simoniz - Non Scuff -- Quart Tin LIQUID WAX - - $1.00 FEATURE -- SAVE 15¢ Sunspun -- 16 oz. jar | SALAD DRESSING 2 ror 59¢ FEATURE -- SAVE 7¢ Clark's -- 15 oz. tin IRISH STEW . 2 vr 59c FEATURE -- SAVE 11¢ York -- 20 oz. tin BEANS with PORK 4 rr 59¢ (WHILE THEY LAST) ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIR ~~ RED a WHITE Bonus B Freshie FRUIT DRINKS Aunt Mary's - 24 oz. loaf SLICED BREAD - - : Beaver Brand - 5 1b, bag LUMP CHARCOAL - 25 ft. roll SARAN WRAP Real Gold -- 6% oz. tin Orange Concentrate 39¢ 2 ror 39¢ - 5 For 29¢ 45¢ Dowson's Food Market ' Ukon 5-7942 Port Perry church on Tuesday June 7th, and a bake sale on Friday, June 10th. There were lovely bazaar articles, candy and cards on display which were quickly disposed of realizing a nice sum. The meeting closed with theme and prayer. Hostesses Mrs. Croxall and Mrs, Franklin served a delicious lunch and all enjoyed a social hour. Mr. and Mrs. Grant' Christie attend- ed the wedding of a nephew in To- ronto on Saturday, Mr. Gordon Winnicott and friend, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Bain and Earl Mitchell on Sunday. Pine Grove Rev. and Mrs. Lowden and Jim visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill ' Mr. I. Catherwood and Mr, E. Evans of Uxbridge, had Sunday supper with Mr, and . Mrs, Johnson, A number enjoyed the music recital put on by pupils of Miss Donna John- son Friday evening at Pine Grove church, Little Brian Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rae Evans, was hit on the head with- a baseball at the field day in Mount Albert, Saturday. He is at Newmarket Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Marshall Sharrard. The anniversary services were well attended on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Duckworth are on a trip to the West Coast and the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Manson Woods of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. John Locke and family of Lindsay visited Sunday at E. Ballard's, : Mr. and Mrs. Barry Howie and baby, Miss Carol Tanton and Mr. Garnet Warriner of Port Perry, calling on the Clark family Sunday evening. Miss Helen Munro of Epsom spent the week end with Miss Pam Clark. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Slack of Man- chester were Saturday evening guests and Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gourlie were Thursday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie, - Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Gourlie spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, A. Handel spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. Armstrong and Clarence visit- of Toronto. Notice fo Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH ERNEST HARBORD, deceased, ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of JOSEPH ERNEST HARBORD, late of the Town of Lind- say, in the County of Victoria (form- erly of the Village of Port Perry), Gentleman, who died on or about the 18th day of January, A.D. 1960, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of June, A.D., 1960, af- ter which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Georgetown, this 24th day of May, A.D., 1960. ERIC S. LONDESBORO, Administrator of the Estate of JOSEPH ERNEST HARBORD, By his Solicitors, HEWSON, ORD & HELSON, Georgetown, Ontario. June 9 TRADER AGENT Phone YUkon 56-2572 PORT PERRY ONTARIO Blackstock (continued from page six) The Community was saddened Wed- nesday evening when word was re- ceived that Canon Chaperlin had passed away, Monday morning the Canon and Mrs. Chaperlin motored to Toronto planning to have a visit with their son Eric and family and attend the Annual Synod of the Anglean Diocese, but Tuesday he was seized with a Coronary, 3 The sincere sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs, Chaper- lin and family, Thursday evening three car loads from here visited at the Funeral Home and others attended the funeral in Toronto Friday. Twelve ladies from Blackstock In- stitute accepted an invitation and visited Honeydale Institute which met in the Parish Hall, Port Perry, Thursday afternoon, Mrs, Wheeler, Public Relations Represntative for Ontario South gave a most interest. ing report of the Conference in Guelph. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent, ge The Pee-Wee ball team went to Cobourg for a game Wednesday even- ing and were defeated. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Smith and Oli- ver spent Thursday - Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. A. Abbott, Ottawa. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Dale Gunter (Joyce Venning) who were married in the United Church here Saturday evening. Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Gunter and family were Mr, and Mrs. Albert Empey, Madoe, Mr.. and Mrs. Ivan Gunter, Geoff, Lynn and Stephen, Coe Hill, Saturday night guests of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Turner and girls were Mr. and Mrs. Golden Campbell and Penny, | ¥ " Coe Hil), i Mr. and Mrs, [Robert Ford and Roberta, Toronto.spent the week-end |& with his mother Mrs. R, Ford. Mr. and Mrs, Manson, Stratford, |i spent a few days with Dr. and Mrs, oo J. A. McArthur and Misses Jessie and | & Betty, Toronto, were home for the |§ week-end. Misses Joan Venning and Mable 8 VanCamp, Toronto and Doreen Van |¥ Camp, Cobden, spent the week-end |g at their respective homes. Mr. J. R. Findlay, Lay Leader, from | & Oshawa conducted services in the |& Anglican Church Sunday morning, 2 Canon Ashburn, Peterboro, will be in charge for the next two Sundays and 4 Bishop Hunt of Terome Dhperss is to Een be guest speaker for the 110th An- niversary, June 26th at 8 pm. Rev. | Fuller, Port Perry will continue Con- | firmation classes each Saturday mor- In the United Church Sunday mor- ning Mr, David Romeril delivered a fine sermon on 'Power from on High', Messrs. Don Sinclair and Harold Swain sang a duet "God Will Take Care of You", The Cubs and Scouts with their leaders attended service in Nestleton United Church Sunday morning. Rev. P. Romeril was the speaker, Sunday afternoon Mrs. George Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Stani- land took David Ballingall, Donald Saunders, Bryan Staniland, Donna and Dorothy Downey, Bernice Grace Carol and Leoha Rohrer and Noney | Staniland to St. James Cathedral, Tor- onto, where they attended service Mr. and Mrs. Frank Butt recently. enjoyed a trip to Lake Huron, Blen. heim and Cedar Springs and visited Mr. and Mrs. Nancekivell, then to Point Pelee National Park. Then visited Mrs. Butt's mother Mrs. Ro- binson and sister at Oakville, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Adams and children, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cleveland and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wren and Madaline, Oshawa; Mr, Rowland Ball, Taunton and Merrill Elford, Port Perry, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dayes and family. ; Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Larmer attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Gay, Oshawa on Monday. : Mrs. Harold Stinson, Yelverton, is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright and girls. Congratulations to Migs Joyce Hooey who obtained second class hon- then went on a Sunday School Pil-|ours on her first year examinations grimage of the Cathedral. at Ryerson Institute of Technology. Mrs. Wm. Laurenceson, Toronto is |Joyce is now working for the summer visiting Mrs. R. Dickey, the Albert Wright's and the Ed Harris', months at the Diet Kitchen of Tor- onto General Hospital. 'Chocolate Date Layer Cake' Y Fhone YUkon 5-2172 emember Dad on June 19th Father's Day WITH SMILES"N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES This Week-end Specials GERROW'S B 'Coffee Roll' 'Lemon Tarts' RY © G.M. GERROW A --,SES CAWK UNTIL 11 BROS. a ---------- Devon Bacon, I's ............... 43 § Boneless Pot Roast ...............45 BeefLiver...................... 3% | FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING O'CLOCK ""That's where Judy lives... is she ever lucky!" J udy certainly is lucky. She lives in a Medallion Electric Home. ' And the home that wears the Live Better Electrically Medallion is the most envied address in any neighbourhood. Medallion Homes are a new standard of modern living. They have at least one major appliance installed and electric service is provided for several more, Medallion Homes are light-conditioned witha new high standard of lighting for all arcas--inside and out. Every Medallion Home has adequate circuits, outlets and switches for modern electrical living plus extra capacity to provide power for the new appliances you will add in the future. So, when you're buying a new home--or remodelling an older one--step up to a new standard of modern electrical living. For complete information on Medallion Homes . . . call your local Hydro office or consult your electrical contractor. a Go DER