4--THE PORT PERRY, STAR, THURS DAY, JUNE 23rd, 1960 v > " i318 s ' 3 3 AL [3 wv or 5 ar BAI: = Av, a Nr oo « Saul BAR NN Cu ~ ae, hn a ~- THE CHURCHES Coming Events ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rev, E. W. Fuller, B.A, L.Th, Rector Sunday, June 26th-- 8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion 11.80 a.m.--Morning Prayer 74 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. B. D. Armstrong, B.A., D.D. Interim Moderator Mr. Wm. Perry, Minister. Sunday, June 26th-- 10 aim.--Morning Worship 11 a.m.--Sunday School d PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. E. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, June 26th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday Schoal 11 am.--Morning Worship and Jr. Sunday School. Holy Communion, -- Everyone Invited -- 4 A The United Church of Canada SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Minister: Rev. J. K. Braham, M.A,, B.D. Sunday, June 26th-- 9.16 a.m.--PRQSPECT Church 10.16 a.m.--MANCHESTER Church 10.16 a.m.--SCUGOG "Head" S.S. 11.16 a.m.--SCUGOG Church. There will be Church Parade of Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs and their Leaders at 11.16 a.m. at Scugog Church "Grace". Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cook of Frenchman's Bay will be the Guest Speakers. We in- vite all parents and relatives to come and worship with us. 17 PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Stuart A. Mulligan, Pastor Sunday, June 26th-- SUNDAY--9:60 Sunday School 11:00 a.m.--Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evangelism MONDAY--7 p.m.--Jr. Young People WEDNESDAY--8 p.m.--Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Parsonage--Crandell St., YU 5-7338 er a Miss Pat Midgley is attending the Leader Training Course in swimming instruction given by the Water Safe- ty Service of the Canadian Red Cross Society at Hart House, University of Toronto. During July and August, Pat will be instructing at Cedar Stone Park. On Sunday, June 19, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGowan, Dufferin St., Toronto, joined their grandson Gordon in cele- brating his birthday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Archie Farmer. They were accompanied from Toronto by Mrs. Bertha Cook, an aunt of Mrs. Farmer and a former resident of Port Perry. In Memoriam JACKSON---In loving memory of a dear Mother and Grandmother, Mrs. Wm, J. Jackson, who passed away, June 26, 1957, Ever remembered by the Family Notice Re Early Closing Charlie's Coffee Shop will close at 7 p.m. from July 1st to Oct. 1st. Bake Sale Mrs. Leonard Beedle's W.A, Group are holding their Annual Bake Sale on Friday, June 24th at 2.80 p.m, on the lawn of the United Church. June 23 Strawherry Supper The Woman's Association of Prince Albert United Church are holding their Annual Strawberry Supper in the Church Basement on Wednesday, June 29th, commencing at 4.80. Adults $1.00, Children 12 yrs, and under b0c., pre school children free. June 28. Strawberry Supper In the Seagrave United Church, on Wednesday, July 6th starting at 5.30 p.m. Adults $1.00. Children 60c, June 30 Salad Supper To be held in the Blackstock Parish Hall on Wednesday, June 29 at 5.80 pm. Adults $1.00. Children 50c, Service Club Members of the United Church Ser- vice Club will meet at the Church at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 28th, from there they will go to Oshawa for din- ner and a show. Adoption MAHAFFY--Harvey and Florence Mahaffy wish to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter Kathryn Louise. : 1 Birth GRAHAM--Merna and Billy wish to announce the arrival of their baby brother, Bryan Kenneth on June 12. Proud parents are Bill and Muriel (nee Wallace). Many thanks to Dr J. Diamond. Deaths JEFFREY--Entered into rest at the family residence, 11 Rowe Street, in Oshawa, on Sunday, June 19, 1960, J. Frank Jeffrey, beloved husband of the late Blanche Yeoman Richards, in his 76th year. Funeral service from the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Tuesday, June 21, at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert. ROULSTON, Stella Vetroe McKee-- Suddenly at the Toronto General hos- pital on Saturday, June 11th, 1960, Stella Vetroe McKee, beloved wife of the late William Hamilton Roulston, dear mother of John and Elizabeth Ann. Funeral from the Trull funeral home 2704 Yonge St. Tuesday after- noon at 2 o'clock. Interment Pros- pect Cemetery, guarantees you and your [fn i, 9 PR family carefree heating comfort Buy your Fuel Oil on our... ® No big, seasonal Fuel Bills to pay ® Life Insurance protection for FAMILY PROTECTION FUEL PLAN Here's how the plan benefits your Instead of having to meet big fuel bills d he your family, at edn pt purl bi ' spread over ofing yeor, no cost fo you You pay not a penny more for this cone Yatiniis gid Interest chorges . , , ond » Automatic 2 Jou 3 Wipes pitecion witb Fuel Deliveries rr vo Tole deta REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY YU 5-7951 Card of Thanks We wish to thank the Prince Albert Good Neighbours, the W.A.'s of Man- chester and Prospect, the Teen Town and the Students' Council of Port Perry High School; also Chas. Brig- nal, Ambulance, Rev. J, K. Braham and the many friends who sent cards, gifts and flowers during my recent illness and convalescence. Carol Fralick, Mr, and Mrs, Fralick. PRIZE WINNER The Port Perry Junior Farmer's 650-60 Draw took place on Saturday night, June 18th, following the Field Day. The lucky winner was Don Ashbridge, R.R, 8, Port Perry. Con- gratulations Don. Prince Alber] Our Church congregation are ap- preciative of the colorbul basket of flowers placed by the pulpit in loving memory of the late Peter Raymer. As uspal on Sunday, June 19th our lovely Pine Grove Cemetery was beautiful for its Decoration Day. Though there was no memorial service friends remembered their departed ones with multitudes of flowers. The Cemetery Board is most grate- ful to the Prince Albert service Club for the very fine flower bed at the west gate, Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. C. Luke were: Mr. and Mrs. S. Foster, Susie and Brian, of Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bond, Toronto. Week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, W. Vance included Miss E. Vance, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, of Enniskillen; and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, of Haydon, Recent company with Mr. Frank Vickery and the Beacocks were Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt and family, and Mr. and Mrs. O, Kirby and four girls, all of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, N. Wilson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Rodd and boys of Oshawa, to Orillia on Sunday, attend- ing Decoration service and visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs, M. Luke and two sons of Stoney Creek, with Mrs, C, Luke, at the week-end. Sunday company with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilison and Ron were friends Mr. and Mrs. Keith Turnbull and fam- ily, of Alliston. Grade seven pupils thoroughly en- joyed their bus trip to Midland and various points of interest last Mon- day. Glad to sce Mr. Fred Pearce home after being a hospital patient. leadership of Group IV. Will the members please bring their own dishes and cutlery, besides the usual 'tasty dish" as on former occasions, Later, Mr. Arnold Roach will show a film concerning Lifesaving entitled '"The Right to Live", a topic of ex- treme interest to us all. We anticipate a fine attendance and our customary, jolly, social evening, Miss Beth Hunter spent th k- H end win 3. and wes, we, of, GWA@ and Brownie aliburton, " | i ' Mother's Auxiliary Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Ramer in the recent passing of her | husband, Mr, Peter Ramer. | The June meeting of the Guide and | Brownie Mothers' L. A. will be held on Tuesday evening, the 28th at the | home of Mrs. Isidor Stein, North and 'Perry Sts. There will be a Pot Luck Supper at 6.30 p.m. under the capable' Manchester Rev. Mr. Butler, of Whitby, was the Savin without \"\Y/Ll 0 al I ad ade a 7) E. Vaurhal THE BRITISH CAR BUILT AND BACKED BY GENERAL MOTORS . . economy, too... up to 40 miles to the gallon, ' That's Vauxhall, wide open for pleasure, ] FOR CONVENIENCE Counterbalanced trunk lid lifts easily . . . reveals space wide enough for golf clubs, deep enough for all the family luggage. w Oo + SERVICE EVERYWHERE IN NORTH AMERICA JU) = 0)[2)[ SX] FORCOMFORT oem Where Vou Want ft 99 RQ GRIN vou [ie it 99 Four doors open wide . . . ample room inside for five passengers even on trips. You get N ES ALL THESE FEATURES AT NO EXTRA COST! Fresh air Heater and Defroster, paround Windshield, Two- eed Wipers, Rustproof Body Dip. Level-Ride Suspension. Five- Passenger Comfort. Four-Door Convenience. Clutch, Wra guest speaker at church in the absence ! | 4 of Wr. Braham on Sunday morning. ; EE Yai $831) } Mr. Butler's theme was "Faith, Hope ny ; --~ i vrs CHAS. A. BRADLEY & SON r Mr. and Mrs. Lou Biggs, of London, LIMITED : were with Mr; and Mrs. Grant Christie for a couple of days this week. . Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Martyn, Sutton, L/ Decor ating Contractor S and Mr, and Mrs. Hartley Harrison, : ; Toronto, were guests of Mrs, Gladys i INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Archer, recently, - : Mr, Wannankhof, of Holland, is H 3 visiting his son and family at the B.A. Wallpaper mg a Specialty station, 3 Mrs. Ives' many friends here hope .Phone: Brooklin OL 5-4441 for h d ile ip y recovery in Minden Scarborough AT 2-0961 A bus load of pupils of No. 1. Con. solidated school enjoyed a trip to Mid- e.0.W. land on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor and : 5 Brenda of Stouffville, visited Mr. and 5 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS i Mrs. W. F. Crosier on Monday. ; : ? 5 . Destroy Weeds i Notice is hereby given to all property owners in ac- i cordance with the Weed Control Act, Secs. 3, 7, 10, 12, that % unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the § municipality of Port Perry, are destroyed by First day of i July, 1960, and throughout the season, the municipality may enter upon said lands, and have the weeds destroyed, i charging the costs against the lands in taxes, as set out % in the Act. : i The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited. & Weed Inspector -- B. F. COX, i Municipality of Port Perry 2 Vauxhall Victor Super / : 4-Door Sedan / - | A V NEW TOWN DUMP LOCATED SOUTH OF HWY. 7A at the CAUSEWAY. Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on TUEDAYS, THURSDAYS, ~ - and FRIDAYS MR. S. WAKEFORD, Attendant / DOUPE'S GENERAL STORE PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. WEEK-END SPECIALS KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 12 Oz. .....................2 for 53¢ CARNATION MILK, 16 Oz. .....c.... verve rrinene 3 for 43¢ ORANGE and GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 48 Oz. .................... 39¢ YORK TOMATOES, 20 Oz. ....ccoece. verre, 2 for 41¢ Open Every Night until nine except Tuesday For Free Delivery Phone YU 5-2492 C0000 AVDADIDAIIDOPONANBAN NOE TAPS OE 00.0006 0048¢, . i - emo / Tenders Tenders will be received by Scugog Township School Board for the redecorating of No. 3 School. For particulars contact-- June23 SAM ARNOLD, Phone YU 5-2685 FIRST QUALITY SEFF STORING DOOR $30.50 - ALUMINUM COMBINATION DOUBLE HUNG (two lights) Self-Storing Storm Windows (up to 100 unit inches) $17.50 Hydraulic-Assisted v-760C PORT PERRY Bob Archer Motors ~ JOHN BALLARD LUMBER LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES "Your L.D.A. Dealer" PORT PERRY Phone: YU 65-2491 YUkon 62462