So AAA SR had o SHISE oh LSE eX FREER PUBRRIA EI ATT RS SS LES esi A GL IES AUB % i ed , vy AE) ot FRY : FR 3s ERR Hs SE i THREE-WHEELING -- Mrs. Calvin Bublin shows how the problem of airing her triplets was solved -- three carriages joined to- gether. The middle pram even has an extra seat for the babies' big sister, Therese, 2. living quarters for the fall and winter. And are they the cagey little fellows! Many of them manage to eat the bait without springing the trap. We are not bothered with them -- Ditto takes care of that little problem, But just listen to what happened to a neighbour family. They had a really friendly little mouse, He came out every night and ran around the kitchen, oblivious to anyone who might be around. Traps didn't scare him one bit -- but he enjoyed the cheese! We lent Ditto to our neighbours But Ditto evidently thought it wasn't worth while hanging around for one small mouse when she could SALLY'S 'sAtuts 'wide corae from the open spaces,' Buck, You won't b3 homesick here." "You RED PARTY LINE -- That great invention -- the chorus line -- has been adopted In Russia where these 30 Russian girls cavort in the open-cir theatre of Moscow's Gorky Park, Thelr num= ber Is called "Heroines of Socialist Labor" in a U.S.-siyle revue titled "Rainbow." il auli i raveler knows / 1 Stately Towers Jad et on Fo Tonal Now Royal Baby | 4m A (ites sitt Cardinal Dossnit | Welcome Visitors It was not just that bearded tra- ets The O.K. seem to have an equal passion ~ iti i j i ig} . - for "making a picture" of any " oven Jind yours ago it | Dona s jolesd Diciann, Exultant English newspapers | unusual or historic sight. The | "AS far as covering goes," said vou owned a castle or palace were having with a combined seized on a rare treat and really real question is whether '"see- uiseppe he light, tight i i i : far : spread themselves out with the ing a view" suffers from getting commenting on .the lig 8 | you would (in conformity with force of midway skiffers and , g clothes of summer, "pants cover the social customs of the time) | | odernists, but somebody also latest pictures -- and the first, | jt on film. Who has not encoun- | =F bo TE Ll Te minine doubtless have dug a wide, deep set fire to the Antique Car Mu- since shortly after his birth -- tered the tourist who, after a skirts 3 moat around your home and, seum of cotton-topped, 5-month-old quick glimpse of the Colosseum ik i having filled that (the moat) ne British Broadcasting Cor Prince Andrew. The occasion: | or the Grand Canyon or the But it is not only a question : with water, have filled your The British Fou pos ing ya Baby Andrew and the two other Alhambra or the redwoods, bus- | of covering," continued the 54- battlements with itchy-fingered poration meanwii Ss was pve W royal tots, 11-year-old Prince ies himself with his photographie year-old Archbishop of Genoa in archers, alert tar-bollers and | °H. the air while actually tole. Charles and 90-year-old Princess apparatus, all intent upon get- | a particularly testy warning to pourers, and muscular rock- vising the fest vl Then Bexi Anne, visited their grandmother, ting a clear, sharp "shot" of it? his Roman Catholic flock. "It is | droppers. The general aim then | EVEMIN8 Jon historic VW Bes Queen Mother Elizabeth, on her This has its advantages, of | also a question of tightness . f was to keep visitors out. around were blacked out 2) 4 60th birthday. The London Daily | course. A good photograph, es- | In general (pants) can give a A hundred years ago you power Ci rk we A os Sketch fetched in a pediatrician, pecially in color, of a fine scene greater tightness than skirts. i might merely have surgounded wi wl yea $ Jsump and sh showed him photographs of An- is a pretty thing in its own And it is this tightness which can { your palace with iron fences and innocent horn Pp layer who wae drew, and printed the doctor's right. It has a degree of per- cause no less preoccupation than : perhaps filled the surrounding nr Se a 4 New Forest observations. Some of them: manence. It can touch, years | the exhibition itself . y woods with' mantraps and pit- village ng was pounced upon Arms and legs: "Very well later, all manner of triggers of "Above al], in the use of men's . als. by the police and detained for covered -- quite nice. Too fat? memory which otherwise would pants on the part of women § Ten years ago you might have some time while he tried to ex- No, no. Not a bit." be inactive. It renews the past .| there is an aspect which appears ! caused your bailiff to nail up | ai; his trumpet, no easy thing Expression: "Intelligent. Look | and keeps remembrance fresh | to us more grave: Male attire | your first restrained notice of to do ' ' at those nice fat cheeks and that and detailed as well as accur- | worn by women (a) alters the ..» invitation outside your gates, ' . saulien had | smile. He looks rather intelli- ate, The disadvantage is that If | psychology of the women (b) beckoning passers-by to enter Lord Montagu of Baoulicu - | gent!" the vision, of the actuality has | tends to spoil relations between ! Bnd, for Renal] fos, 40 Shae ny oo Mii of the Shape of head: "A perfectly been siitnped in od A - Po won Sd of Your estate on Saturday after. | iz world" but at Glynde- happy hasty that be hin, and Poon he MAtIor | sonal dipnity befors chil noons. bourne they play opera and the . how good the artificial stimula- | dren." Times change. Today you fans are willing to dress in Snapping Pictures tion. Nobody recalls vividly and would huy space in the news- cvening tails and gowns in the | M d Pp i fully what he did not look at papers and time on television to afternoon and generally behave | odern 'ass on hard, long and thoughtfully with Needle Variety drag as many people as possible more formally. i In a recent article, the Lon- his own_eyes in the first place. into your grounds and you Yet what made this whole | don Economist reports that one The most spendid of shadows . would sit up nights in brain thing so Specially » mi tigant i | family in every two in Britain doesn't help if the personal ex- { storming sessions with your that, because 0 the informality | now owns a camera. But only perience of the substance was London agent (publicity agent) o ha Gg festival, Lord Mon Po one Briton out of every five | hasty, meager and Siac id | dreaming up new gimmicks to agu had to cancel his long- - . : reoccupation with what the 3 make ital worth while. standing engagement to race his THE NEW PRINCE -- Queen Mother Elizabeth appears to have bo 044 agg gb dn Pros oe "seeing. »n Taltimore What can happen in the mod- traction engine against the Duke quite an armful as she helps little Prince Andrew pose for his cording to the. weekly, one of Sun. i " ras rather Lhioty of ating Jogy, vasing Arse latest photograph. -- every three individuals claims Ulugirated {10 olnel day al- on sngine * 4: mateur photographer. ace House, historic home of Lord historic country palace of the Migh Sg i. Do ograpner Brave! Men And Montagu of Beaulieu (pronounc- | Bedfords. Britain may very well catch' up Cowardly Cats ed Bewley) where his lordship The many thousands of peo- at the rate interest in the hob- | . ple who had gathered at Woburn by is growing. Then, in passing, Six' husky young men walked | Abbey from the 14 corners of it observes: Juisty ne the lions cage at ] For Half Sizes {the United Kingdom to race or It is not for nothing that the eno Par oo fn Tokyo one sinply i wgeh taster Fin caricature of the American id Jems pad Momplly bes . Ww gimnes -- ere was a grea ~ is i movie cam- . -- | PRINTED PATTERN nual Traction-Engine Rally ad- BA ise ih exposure | cyes. After five minutes, the : 4618 vertised -- although they kept a meter and filters dangling at his lions grew fidgety, stopped star- } 12%--22% stiff upper lip, were a mite dis- side, .and his tripod strapped ing back, and, tails tucked be- { appointed. Woburn somehow tightly over his arm . . . psy- tween their legs, retreated to R! didn't seem the same, writes chologists assert that taking far corners of the cage. Having i John Allan May in the Christian photographs has now become out-stared the king of beasts, the bh Science Monitor. N TAR such an ingrained habit among | members of the Japanese Olym- i For it is not enough these days Americans that pointing a cam- ple Nr be paonsunced | to oifer a landscaped garden, era has itself become an essen- r training complete. { lunch in the historic Dn Sentury by Guondolne D .Clarke pi he of seeing a view. issiing begon whea Bones i Bopgusting Boll, 8 ra ul ine It isn't fall yet but the blue- 1 catch them by the dozen in the Sine in habit Ba nation ey ant Moin A Villa Lord Hertford jays evidently think it should be. | fleld. So she curled up on the | & TAC pel hara, who coaches the Japanese for instance, when he invites you They are congregating in the tall chesterfield and went to sleep. wrestlers, "Survival depended i to Ragley Hall, Alcester, War- | trees nearby, occasionally leav- | Then came the weekend when on watching the animal's eyes. ! wickshire, AS offer a Picasso fag sem io Yop Sow 30 he sur Aeighhonss Ned Visions, The It's still good training for a A chibiti : ; is- sunflower heads, picking at the ns i -- wrestler to face living beasts." A i Nd poe seed before it is even ripe. Blue- which naturally led to a mouse- Sasahara ply "It ws have ) P ay take but A ne some jays are such lovely birds -- catching discussion. Said Ron to been better inside the cage," he \ who are a little doubtful whether lovely but with an ugly voice, Bill -- "Why don't we shoot it -- said. Lord. Hertford has yet gone far even worse than the crows. ii you've got ig we havent - Jka your guest on ely By 7 ver a different from the pretty little you?" So, to cut a long story with these linens nusual de- oe: Bikes hts canaries, their flashing yellow short, that's what they did. The Hard To Slow sign combines embroidery with 1 tioedod matched by songs of lilting mel- mouse was under the "frig" so Old Master Down a crocheted edging. J red Towers" advis ody. We have quite a number they blocked the sides to make -- Perfect for lowsls, plliows h Visit Alton Towers: advises around here. 1 love to watch | sure it would have to come out For seven months of the year cases, scarf ends. Pattern 5351 Jothe! : advertisement, Alton them, and I have been able to at the front. They waited . he gads about the world in his bam, J of 514 x 19% Arch Motifs i ok adi BR ic do quite a lot of watching late- two grown men against one lit- Rolls-Royce or by boat and train. is 414 x 133%; crochet drecr ay i " ly as I have been sitting out- tle mouse! Presently it appeared, He feasts on his beloved cities : ' and i fel advertisement states, sido knitting mitts for the boys. friendly and fearless as ever. Bill street by street, prowling the Hons, 8 the "Former Stately Home o Mitts! Yes, that's right -- eight got it -- first shot. So that's one antique shops and the art gal- Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS | the Earls of Shrewsbury." It has, pairs of them, two pairs each way to get rid of a mouse. Per- leries, plunging into out-of-the- (stamps cannot be accepted, use I is said, the most magnificent for the four oldest grandsons. To sonally I would rather put up way neighborhoods to take in postal not for safety) for this gardens in the British Isles. But avoid rushing don't you think it's with a mouse than have any kind the sights and stores and people. pattern to Laura Wheeler, Box it now has also "fountains, tem. a good idea in summer to get of a guri used in the house. Even Not long ago he hied himself to 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Tor- } By on ready for winter -- and in win- | an air-rifle. nine operas in ten days in Vien- i ME ghinty FAT. j oe Lo! : 15 ter to prepare for summer? Not | My nephew Klemi was staying na. He drinks a cocktail before iR, your / ig JE A : race that Palrays practise what 1 | with us most of last week. He lunch, another before dinner, and ADDRESS. | hace Vere reach but that doesn't alter the | arrived from Peterborough in a and dines on anything that New! New! New! Our 1960 i Seone Ialiway, Po a Fact of it being a good idea, does | new Hillman, his first long drive strikes his fancy -- and plenty Laura Wheeler Needlecraft 6 p78 w/v 8 Sterna ean a © | it? Of course, most of us are pre- | since getting his driver's permit. of it. All this must stop, a fin- Book is ready NOW! Crammed ! | ne am§ lll a. "paring to a certain extent any- | I don't know whether to say he ger-wagging doctor cautioned with exciting, unusual, popular, 3 « nto this' -- Such is the English love of | way -- by canning, pickling and | had beginner's luck or the con- 86-year-old British author designs to crochet, knit, sew, em- | Sep mio thiy scooped, hac locomotives that the sure-fire © ;iming. Last night T put down | fidence of a limited experience. Somerset Maugham; better he brodier, quilt, weave--fashions, ripped sheath--step out inpoiiy way of drawing in a million nine jars of raspberries. It is Anyway he drove through Tor- : should find a quiet nook in his home furnishings, toys, gifts, all summer! Easy-sew in brecze- | visitors a year apparently is 10 pice 5 sce them stacked on the onto during the rush-hour {traf- COLLECTION -- Little Linda | 40; 100m villa on the Riviera, | bazaar hits. In the book FREE : Holt Jeotions or saanung wih fill your stately home with trac- shelves for winter consumption. fic, via the Kingsway, with its Huguely drags a few of mom- | punk down in a big, soft chair, --3 quilt patterns. Hurry, send | jacket to contrast or match. tion engines. You would be well In our family, during the sum- detours and construction confu- my's pans and utensils out of and take life easy. 25 cents for your copy. | Printed Pattern .4618: Half advised also to race them, such mer, we hardly touch preserves sion at the Six Points -- a drive the cupboard. Linda thinks CA Sizes 12%, 143, 16%, 18%, 20%, is the English love of racing, at all -- not with fresh fruit on that even 'hardened drivers try these will never be missed. The world's shortest sermon: 22%. Size 16% dress takes 3% over the historic landscape, to the market. Raspberries, even at to avoid if at all possible. But Wait and see, Linda. "When in doubt, don't." ISSUE 35 --1960 yards 35-inch; jacket, 134 yards. Be found of trumpets (Dixic- thirty-five cents a pint, are still | he arrived happy and serene and i i i . and). ust as economical as opening | all in one piece. He offered to Wigs ig po Ab, there is no home ihe 2 J jar or can of hasan, If you a Fe wih Io om pis setup palace, as they say In England, row your own that's even bet- ! o eterborough, {rom ere Send FIFTY CENTS (stamps and it is certainly a far cry from fre YY hich, unfortunately, we could go on to the cottage. Also cannot be accepted, use postal the days of moats, archers, oil- don't. 1 just can't get Partner invited me to the Stratford Mu- note for safety) for this pattern. boilers, and rock-droppers. Or, ' interested in growing berries of | sic Festival next week. I appre- Please print plainly SIZE, as Lord Montagu of Beaulieu any kind. ciated both offers but after a. ER DDRESS, STYLE might well wonder, is i? Is it Sometimes [ wonder where the | trial run I decided a ninety-mile * all that far after Will they supermarkets buy their stuff. | jin Soe poy, gefuse me Send order to ANNE ADAMS, make a comeback? The other day 1 was in a hurry | {0 a state of jitters. Not but what Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New -- and bought a five-pound bag of Klemi is a careful driver but Toronto, Ont. It's foolish to worry about the "new" Ontario grown potatoes. > well, you 'probably know confused teenagers. Give them Almost<half of them were partly w De hr too busy look time and they'll grow up to be rotten. The next day I stoppe . DRIVE WITH CARE! confused Reedy 8 : at a well-known fruit market ing after properties around here for raspberries and noticed they belonging to vacation neigh- mo had freshly dug Irish cobblers bours, Lawns to cut, plants and that might have come from our gardens to water and berries to own garden. They were a treat pick. Also basements to bale out to scrape and to eat. As for fruit, if the hydro should go off dur- {1 never buy it from a supermart ng a storm! As far as we are | -- except bananas and citrous personally concerned we find it | fruit. There are times when you casier to be away one at a time. definitely DON'T got what vou That way we know that things pay for. i will be all right at home. After well this is the time of year all we don't noel 2 vacation, the when little field mice try to; find jvay thos, people do, a way into the house to set up 5 sad