FL WIS ig HORTA Ter a a A ; : Br se EME tires tuts a amt a CDRP HY 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd, 1960 - USETHE CLASSIEIES FOR Quick Piano Tuning . Cm--t €0 Erm CN V. P. STOUFFER Piano technician and tuner. gram consisted of readings by Mrs, Blackstock ~e iy! A on de eX > a Jessie's Beauty Salon YUkon 5-7991, Port Perry INSURANCE Are your Policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be consult EMMERSON INSURANCE Wed., 9-12 noon. Mon.-Fri, 7 to 8 p.m. Phone for an Appointment. YU 5-2383 RA 3.2721 Aug. 26/60 Ted Veenho! WELL DIGGING CLEAN OUT AND DEEPENING COMPRESSOR WORK PHONE Oshawa RA 8-3864 1.26 Sept. 16 For TAXI SERVICE month, FOR SALE-- McCormick Thresh- ing Machine with built in straw shred- der in good condition. Apply Bruce Holtby, YU 56-2029. WANTED--Room and Board for a male teacher from Sept bth, in Port Perry. Reply to Box 22, Port Perry Star, FOR SALE--4 speed Record Player and Rotary riding Lawn Mower. Call YUb-2680. Phone 7r13 Reverse charges 1.6 : Oct, 6-60 Auction Sales SAT., AUG. 27th--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of Mrs. Florence Moyer, Victoria Avenue in the village of Omeémee. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Wm. Weldon, Clerk. ' CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. FA. 4-3912, Reaboro, Ont. SAT., SEPT. 3rd--Giving up farm- Tommy and Gordon and daughter, Barbara, spent the week end wth Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mitchell, Deep River. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas. Ashton vis- ited at the homé of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Slack of Beamsville on Sunday; Mrs. Henry Doble and Miss Hilda Hopkins returned with them after spending the week end with the Slack family. Brian Wright of Oshawa spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Batten. Miss Joy Bradley of Oshawa spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerr have re- silver dollar each. Lunch' and social chatting brought the evening to a close. Mr, and Mrs, Percy Collins and boys moved to Oshawa on Sat. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells, of Nestleton moved into the house they vacated. Eighteen members of the 0. N. O. Club attended the August meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilma VanCamp on Thursday night. Several items of business were dealt with. It was de- cided to have a Hallowe'en party for the children at the end of October. On behalf of the Club Eileen McLaugh- lin presented Florence Collings with a cup and saucer, Mr. Gordon Paisley is spending a few days in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sinclair of Oshawa spent the week-end with the Gordon Strongs. Beverley Anne was with her grandparents last week as Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair attended Young People's Camp at Hamilton. Sunday afternoon Beth Strong and the Sin- clairs visited friends in Cambrey. Mr. and Mrs,. Everett Sanderson, Hespler, called on Mr. and Mrs.' C. Venning and Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, C. Smith spent Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuade, Cadmus. Msds. P. Romeril, J. Carnaghan, R. Ry : ing, auction sale of Farm Stock, Tm- : SE Y Ukon 5-2421 PORT PERRY \ . hg. aus don Supe i arm 951 Cock-| turned to their home after spending The roll call, If I had a $100. how Taylor, E. Larmer and C. Hill attend- RI call YUkon 5-7365 LOST--A blue Budgie. Call Mrs, | Plements and Furniture, 1 oc : : : ! s& Cc : gle. Ca "S| chutt Tractor, No. 30, live power|® cauple of weeks with their daugh- [would I spend it?, brought a great!ed the school for leaders at Whitby all 3 BRIGNALL TAXI Oi #2 YUS7740, Reward take off, 1956 Tt % ton truck, Team | ter» Mrs. Howard Stiver of Union- | variety of replies. Lunch was serv-|day Tuesday and Msds, Glenn Larmer, SF A * Cg ; EN 2 MARGWILL FUR FARM 1 LH.C. manure spreader, rubber tires Sitverwood Dairies Lu, Phoms SATURDAY, SEPT. 3rd at 1 p.m. JUST WON'T PEEL : g Tyrone, Ontario oli Tent. U 56-7971, Port Perry. TF| + bin Aug. 80. 1960 ' Auction Sale HOUSEHOLD FURN- o Guaranteed "Blister-Proof" ive oo So il * [1 John Deere 14T baler, used. ITURE, including 2 refrigerators, en previously unpainted 25 8 - TT I READY-TO-LAY White Leghorn, Chesterfield Suite, Kitchen Tables & wood when self-primed. GILLSON, SLEEP & MePHADEN General Insurance Victor F. Gillson - George McPhaden Offers courteous 24 hour service. FOR SALE--Thor Electric Wash- er and Singer Sewing Machine. YUb- of Horses, Hogs, 45 head of Hereford and Shorthorn Cattle, the property of J. M. Sandy, Lot 1 & 2, Con. 14, Ca- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen, Brook- lin were Sunday visitors with Mr. and ed and a social time enjoyed. There was a good attendance at the Anglican W. A. which met in the Par- ish Hall on Thurs. night, Ernest Larmer, Ralph Larmer, Carl Wright and Cecil Hill attended the Thursday evening session. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry, Carol and Mrs. Evelyn E. P. Allen --X-- 7969. van Twp., 8% miles South of Ome-|Mys, Russell Richardson. ! . . K rn mee on the old C.N.R. Road. Terms In the absence of the president and | Larry and Mrs. Neil Bailey spent a YUkon 5-2341 Port Perry AMBULANCE SERVICE "| Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. |, Mies pels Jomsin and Mee Joe secretary the vice president Mrs. T. H, | few days last week with Dr. and Mrs. Oct. 6/60 . d ; "Clocks | StoN of Uxbridge, were recent visii- Ie 1|J. Marlow and family, Lively, and re- / ee FOR SALE: Lacomb Landrace & Ward Holmes & Wm. Weldon, Clerks. ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nel- Shemilt presided and Mrs. Langfeld turned home via Manitoulin Island. REAL ESTATE FARM HOMES. BUSINESS LOTS MARGARET BALLARD, Realtor Ww d - F LOT FOR SALE--60 ft. x 160' good \ er for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry, " . ; Gomdertoedd, Gite. hoo 18 or 124 ante arms dow oF Lave Seago: Full price Baler, New Boyes Spreads, Bl ie Bod Otis Hall on Tues, evening the prayer partner of W. A, A pro-| Continued on Back Page Dec. 29/60. We need good medium priced farms | $600.00. Phone YU 65-2174 sept 1] ° d ners 2 ge y © 'phil Mrs. Russell Taylor of Myrtle Sta., from 100 acres up, for waiting clients. ard Forder, Don-loddie karm, at Ihe) hans the week end with Mr. and Mrs. ro Some with all cash. - - village of Blackstock, Durham County, | wr Gardner, : : ; Contact GLEN WOOD REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED |7 miles East of Port Perry, 16 miles| = ny ang Mrs, Walter Anderson of ROOFING | mo Sidi 1am, | ore oar ome "Hid rt eee | CHAS. A. BRADLEY & SON || @ We have a much needed service one of the outstanding Auctions of ° . Box 3, Markham, Ont. Rs 8 and 'Mrs. Norman Anderson during TRI ' ! for farmers as well as town dwellers. | the fall season. The herd is in ex- : j OF ALL KINDS Phone Markham 710 or AX 3-7701 the week, 3 Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. WALLACE Ont. APEX TV SERVICE Television & Radio Repairs EARL Port Perry Dead Farm Stock Queen St., Port Perry (next door to Flamingo Restaurant) 1.5 T.F. T.F. BROCK MOTORS FOR A BETTER BUY! BETTER TRY! 1957 Chevrolet, radio, heater, a tur- quoise color. 19565 Chevrolet, a 2-tone green, radio three furrow Fleury-Bissell tractor plow, power lift. three furrow John Deere 3 point hitch tractor plow. age; also a few bred sows. Apply to Alan Crosier & Son, Saintfield, YUS5- 2712, Sept 1. We require a representative ih your area. A car is essential and the man selected will have an opportunity to establish himself in a business that pays well and has repeat business coming in regularly. This is a full time position but we will start a man on a part time "earn as you lern" plan. Write at once for full inform- ation to Sales Manager, Box 817, Lon- don, Canada. C h Sept.16 BU, MUST SELL--Trailer, 42 x 8 fully Village of Epsom, would consider ex- change for home in Port Perry. Wes- ley Boynton, Aug 26 Lacmob Yorkshire Boars, servicesble | CARL HICKSON, Auctioneer. FA. 4-3912, Reaboro, Ont. TILURS., SEPT. 16th--Auction Sale of 76 Reg. Holsteins, Herd Listed, Ac- credited, Vaccinated, 2 Tractors, New cellent condition, all young, many cows & heifers just fresh or spring- ing. In short a real good Commer- cial herd. The Implements including 2 Tractors, New Baler, New Power Spreader & other machines are what you would find at a well equipped Farm. Cattle Sold subject to Blood Test for Export. Farm has been sold. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Machin- ery sale at 12 o'clock (noon) sharp. Cattle sale at 2 o'clock. LORNE FRANKLIN and TED JACKSON, Auctioneers. of 40 Holstein "Springers at Stouff- ville Cow Palace (% mile north of Stouffville on Hwy. 47) on Friday, August 26th at 7.30 p.m. Registered son Ashton. | Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Fisher, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. D. Ashton and Mr. Grant Parrott attended the show- Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GARY LEROY GIBSON, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Gary Leroy Gibson, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Surveyor, who died on or about the 24th day of July, Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario. Solicitors for the above estate. SOP POPPI P® ING TRENCH PICKED UP PROMPTLY '1 two furrow John Decre plow for M wad Digh fusde belfers Sue on ont & Highest prices paid for dead and tractor, hydraulic type. Help Wanted listed and accredited. Don't miss this EXCAVATING size . / according to For fastest service crippled animals and condition. Phone Collect Hampton COlfax 3-2721. Backhoe Work 1 three furrow Cockshutt power lift tractor plow. Cockshutt manure spreader on rub- ber. Peterborough boats and Scott met- ors sold at 20% discount, _| Pullets. Truck Driver for country cream route. Part week requirements only. Permanent Job. Company benefits. Apply Vie Willis, 3rd Con, South from Greenbank on Hwy 12, opportunity to obtain good quality, fall freshening females. Frank Bennett & Lloyd Wilson, sales managers and auctioneers Chairs, Bedroom & Livingroom art- icles at Ted Jackson's Auction Lot, FREE ESTIMATES Water Lines -- Septic Beds, Ete. acted as secretary. The devotional was conducted by Mrs, John Scott. The Dresden Plate quilt has been finished and sold. A bale is to be sent in the fall. Special greetings are to go to Miss June McNab, Jamaica, Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril and Den- nis left Monday for holidays on Van- couver Island and a visit with his son Rev. John and Mrs. Romeril and family. Decorating Phones: Scar. AT 2.0961 Contractors INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Wall Papering a Specialty | Oliver 5-4441 Brooklin, Ont. Whitby MO 8-3559 Port Perry--Phone--YUkon 56-2282 Hon Buick sedan, dyno-flow trans- equipped, including TV and washing DO ae TwieEY Anlfitd to Leslie McDonald, Service Man ' machine. Two bedrooms, one with THURS. AUGUST 25th--A d to th dersigned bef 1955 Meteor sedan, radio, 2-t . " -- Auction | sen e undersigned on or ore _ i Dec. 31/60 | at and joonge AON Cor bunks. $3000. Terms. N. Chek-| gale of G0 High Grade Holstein Cat- [the 15th day of September, 1960, full NG 15d, For sd Co Vi. Bp luck, Box 98, Uxbridge, Ont. tle, Vacc. & Blood Tested, Tractor, |particulars of their claims. Imme- f$ a, y oy 'ot se no ¥adio, <:tone. Combine, Machinery, Hay, Wheat, the | diately after the said date the assets Ww h ere ¥ 954 Meteor sedan : kenstoel, Lot|of the said deceased will be distri- : Ak FOR SALE--Harris Tweed Coat, property of Ted Kroekenstoel, ) (hd PERCY J. ADAMS 1956 Ford 48-passenger school bus. beige. Ladies Cire 40. Now Spins 33, Con. 7, Darlington, just West of |buted among the parties entitled onventional paints i PAINTER and DECORATOR 1953 Chevrolet bb-passenger school op Fall. Cost $35.00. Sale price $25. Bradley's School, Terms Cash, Sale thereto, having regard only to claims Rie ' bus.. YU 5-2270 sept8 at One O'clock Sharp. Harvey | of which they shall then have notice. fail he . . : : ann A All Work Guaranteed - 1952 Chevrolet 20-passenger school Pascoe, Clerk. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 8 Phone Sunderland 3-r-12 Bus. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. | 4th day of August, 1960. . 1 oo FOR SALE--Modern Home, all con- GREER AND KELLY, ; 1. Jy 7 TF. IMPLEMENTS veniences, sunroom, garage. In the| AUCTION SALE--Twilight Auction | Aug. 26th Barristers, &c., PAINT o Guaranteed more blisters resistant on previously painted wood. TRENCHING -- BACKFILLING 207; off all boats and outboard | YU 65-7895. / aug26 opposite the new Town Offices, Port SEPTIC TANKS _ a " [ / Perry, Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. C.| Septic Tanks and Disposal Beds o No special primer--use NEW RAIPMENT -- aah G.M.A.C. terms to suit Heayn, clerk. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. supplied and installed. "Blister-Proof" 4 A § (F " [ 1 ) i FRESH MILK FED CAPONS © A low sheen alkyd paint IVAN MOUNTIOY Phone Blackstock 87-r-4 Before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 1.6 Aug. 26/60 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT BROCK MOTOR SALES Phone 73, Sunderland, Ontarie A General Motors -- Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Dealer * * RATES Classified ads, 3¢ per word per issue The minimum charge 60c. per issue if paid within 14 days. If it is necessary to send an invoice Ready for oven or freezer, delivered, 12 months of the year, BRUCE MILLER, Prince Albert Phone Port Perry YU 5-2430 1. Sept. 28/60 Summer Tours and Cruises THURSDAY, SEPT, 8th, Auction Sale of 40 Registered GUERNSEY CATTLE vaccinated, accredited, list- ed area R. O, P. Records, the property of James Batty with added entries Sale at the farm on 7 & 12 Hwy, 1mile north of Brooklin at 1,30 p.m. Terms Cash. For sale catalogue write The Guersney Cattle Breeders Assoc. of Ont.. Box 99 Guelph. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. from Murray Potts and W. C. Sonley |" KEN MIDDLETON Phone YUkon 5-7648, Port Perry T.F. S900 PPOVOPI0DP0000009000 LIVE BETTER Electrically .... with an..ELECTRIC available in Ranch White and 120 beautiful shades, CROWN DIAMOND 0. LIMITED k check bof the minimum charge will be 66c. { will accept bookings now to England |... --_-- : 11:1: Save Jour tank go ve Zod 20m Sefure or a billing charge of 16¢. added and the continent by air or WATER i PAINT to account. steamship. : 4 7 - FRET THY REG. ARMSTRONG * * F. G. CROSBY hb [1 HEATER JOHN BALLARD LUMBEX Port perry Fons Ukon §:3326 Beautiful Personalized Stationery Travel Agent, Uxbridge Jah LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Jan, 14/61 may be obtained from The Port Perry Star, UL 2-8411 1.5 Sept 8/60 Phone: YU 65-2491 PORT PERRY - - oid Py A, FOR RENT-- Six room house on Sewing Machine Ashburn A. L. Bailey and Mrs. R, Graham and Res: YU 6.2334 |Queen St. availe Oct. lst. Adults a solo by Mrs. W. W. VanCamp, The 1. Sept. 9/60] 0": Fhone YUG-2549. REPAIRS and SERVICE Sunday School was well attended at Some neighbonrs and friends of Mr. meeting closed with prayer. '4 Needles, Bobbins, Burn's Church on Sunday Aug. 21st. ry edn Bg Parey Collins surprised them 'Mr, and Mrs. A. B, Manson, Strat-* FOR RENT-- Three roomed apart- Parts for all makes. at 10:16 am. Mr, Wm, Perry was in - (6 Crier EO wid CE ford and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ness, Mar- A E Johnson ment with bath, laundry and dryer Phone Blackstock 77 charge of the evening service at 7.30 evening. After 4 pe! Again go, Marilyn and Ian of Montreal were > 4 facilities. T. V. Aerial. In Port Per- |! TF and Mrs. A. Paynter and Mya. G. Low" | Martyn called order and expressed re- | Week end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Mc- OPTOMETRIST ry. Phone collect, Sunderland 9313. : oll sang duet, "The Beautiful Gard oo "0y 1ooing the Collins from this | ATEHU: EGS. RRAMISED HIGHEST PRICES PAID en » rayer-, ; j village and wished them good fortune Mrs. W. W. VanCamp attended the . APARTMENT FOR RENT--Self-| for Live Poultry, Goose Feathers Miss Donna Cromie of Toronto is in their new home in Oshawa. Mrs. wedding of Mr. Jack Berry and Miss PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED tained. heat. hydro ire First or Live d 42 Ticks visiting with her cousins Faye and Hector Shortridge and Mrs. Will Ford- Marjory Read in Guelph on Saturdey. Mary St, Port Perry on pon ple id Ee tl St., wm M. FLATT ® Mary Heron, er presented Percy and Florence with U5 Yoram yams Foy Hours: I'P. Available now.. Rent $66 per R.R. 1, Bethany, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. E. Humphreys, sons nag so Aa bn Bai nmi