Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Sep 1960, p. 4

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aa Foe ar LA pA awl sa et wats a RN { ELA 1 ER FRR SHALE 4 SR aN 3 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1960 THE CHURCHES AA CHURCH CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Kev, BE. W. Fuller, B.A., L.Th, Rector Sunday, Sept. 18th-- 11.30 a.m.--Holy Communion Harvest Festival, | 2a 8ST. JOHN'S ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Mouerator: ev, B. D. Armstrong, B.A. D.D. Minister: ' Mr, William Perry, B.A. Sunday, Sept. 18th-- Coming Events Fashion Review Set side Wednesday evening, Bept. 21st, 8,16, to meet your friends at the Port Perry United Church and see the finest in fashions,' Draws, Spon- sored by the East group of the W.A. Admission b0c. Anniversary | Service At Utica United Church on Sunday, Sept, 26th at 7.80 p.m. Hot Turkey Supper on Saturday, October 1st, 5.00 ad wove we Mics do savin aon ie bien 3 United Church W.M.S. The September meeting of the Af- ternoon Auxiliary was held Tuesday the 13th with 22 ladies present, The President Mrs. Griffen opened meeting with the harvest hymn and prayer. Officers reports showed an active summer despite holidays. Plang for a get together banquet Sept, 28th 'were discussed when Mr. Ronald Peel will show pictures of their ! European tour. Tickets for supper and pictures $1.00. Murs. Leask told of going to a meet- ing in Seagrave to hear a Mission- ary couple tell of their work in a leper zat & <4 : CAAA WT Fis gids: MN at xr | ZANE FREY | inaiie sixty dt # x +. AHL, Soak RPE SSR BARRA RI PR Mr. Milt Butson has crop of both strawberries and rasp- berries in hig garden this week. He also has peonies coming into bloom again, ) No doubt this is a sign of some- thing! Are the prophets busy pre- dicting ? "Blackstook Fair ts SHEEP Hampshires-- All prizes taken by Lloyd Apis of Bowmanville & Keith VanCamp* of Second Crop ked a second Draft--E. Armstrong, 6. One year old Filly or Gelding V. Mark, K. Hobden, V, Mark, 6. Two year old Filly, '~ Gelding K. Hobden, Robert Robertson, 7. Percheron. Team in Harness, Heavy Draft--Wilmot Shea. . 8. Percheron Team in Harness, Light Draft--K. Hobden, Leslie Co- chrane, 9. Belgian Team in Harness, Heavy V. Mark, L. Stephenson, 10. Belgian Team: in Hamnods! Light Draft--K. Hobden, L. Stephenson, C. Buckley. 11, Special Four Horse Team--Ru- ' gell Cochrane, Heber Down, L. Ste- phenson, K. Hobden, A. Mark, Shea & Armstrong, L. Cochrane & Buckley, WAGON HORSES . 8. Team, Mares or Gelding, hitched Ralph Sadles 2 6. Single Mare or Gelding, over 16% hands--Ralph Sadler. 7. Single Mare or Gelding, 156% hands and under--~Ralph Sadler, Ralph Sadler. SPECIAL--Best Type Horse, Road- ster or Carriage on line--L, Hoskin, R. Sadler, L. Atchison, Burtondale Stock Farms. : ; THE CHRISTIAN 18 | DAY! MONITOR Oakah L, Jones, President and Gen- 1. Team in harness, hitched--A. Mark, Russell Cochrane. p.m. until all are served. Admission AM INTERNATIONAL 10 a.m. --Lwvine Worship Adults $1.60. Children '12 & under a ca colony in South America. Mrs, Leask Burketon. eral Manager of The Consumers' Gas DAILY NEWSPAPER iv iw £¢ 11 a.m.-->abbath School, Clagses ] 1 7 to head- I Suffolk-- A ih .. 6c. Sept. 29 | #180 read a letter from Toronto head- 2. Single Horse, hitched--A. Mark, Company, announces the appointment v4 10r-ull ages. 0 | 4 i. quarters acknowledging the 491 1b Wo ng taken by Boyd Ayre of { Russell rab Russell Cochrane, of pred) Lee as Vice Rl and Pas -- 2 2 bale shipped last sprin ampton. . : he 3 ! Organization : 2 pe! 4-4] A. Mark. * Good Reading General Superintendent, Gas Supply. South dOWR-- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Miss Harris called on Mrs. Leask South down 3. Team Hitched--Russell Cochrane Py A To Wr ee a She hy "> Do wr a RR A SA a ~~ ob FY S a pin 4 vv A Rev. E. 8. Linstead, B.A., Minister Sunday, Sept. 18th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Marning* Worship and Junior Sunday School. EVERYONE INVITED { 'the United Church of Canada SLULUGL PADTUKAL CHARGE Minister: "Rev. J. K. Braham, 'M.A. B.D. Sunday, Sept. 18th-- k 9.16 a.m. --PROSPECT Church (Anniversary Service) No service at Manchester. 10.16 a.m.--SCUGOG "Head" 11.16 a.m.--SCUGOG Church 10 T S.5. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Stuart A." Mulligan, Pastor Sunday, Sept. 18th-- SUNDAY--9:60 Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-- Worship 7:00 p.m.--Evangelism MONDAY--T7 p.m.--Jr. Young People WEDNESDAY--8 p.m.--Bible Study and Prayer Meeting © Parsonage--Crandell 8t., YU b5-7838 EMMANUEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH EC Lilla St., Port Perry Sunday, Sept. 18th-- Sunday School -- 10 a.m. Morning Worship -- 11 a.m. Evening Service -- 7 p.m. Special Speaker at these Services. Wednesday--Prayer Meeting--8 p.m. We Invite YOU to Worship with us. Thursday--7 pm. Young People's outdoor Activities. '(All enquiries for Youth meetings-- 79665.) (8ept.) 11a LI Birth FREEMAN--Don and Dorothy are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Darla Ilene, 7 lbs., 11% ozs., on Sept. bth, 1960 at the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. A _ little sister for Debbie, Engagement Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Strong announce the engagement of their daughter, June Ethel~to Mr. Garry Allan-Mecs Hugh, son of Mrs, Cruickshanks of Port Credit, Ontario and the late Mr. Clarence McHugh. The marriage to take place on Saturday, October 8th, 1960, in Port: Perry United Chureh. Engagement Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Espie wish to announce the engagement of their | only daughter Karel Leona to Mr. John Eric George Nottingham, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Roy Nottingham of Raglan, Ont, The marriage to take |! place in the United Church, Port Perry on October 8th at 2.80 pm. " Piano Lessons The following teachers: who are all members of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association are be- ginning their clagses this month, Mrs. Florence McClintock, AT.CM. Mrs. Helen Stouffer, AT.CM. . Mrs, Gertrude Jackson, AT.C.M. Mrs. Barbara Baxter, AT.CM, Mrs. Marie Taylor, AR.C.T, : Their fees for lessons remain the TE nn iad 5 60 per lesson for Theory. Pupils taking both piano and theory $1.25 for each lesson, Also 2 or more pupils ina fip $1.26 per person. ' | Draw Tickets Meeting Public Meeting for the election of new officers for the 1960-61 season Port Perry Hockey Club at 8 p.m, on Wednesday evening, September 21st at the arena. | Thursday Night Bowling League A meeting will be held of the men's Thursday Night Bowling League on Tuesday, Sept. 20th at 7.30 at the Causeway Bowling Lanes. Captains or representatives please attend. Anniversary - Service Epsom United Church is holding their "anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 18th at 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. K. Braham of Manchester charge will be the guest speaker, Our senior choir will provide music. A welcome awaits each one. Plan now to attend, Bowling _Monday Night Bowling will com- mence on Sept. 19th. Bowling to de- termine handicap only. Anyone wish- ing to bowl at 7 p.m. on Monday con- tact Mrs. Ray Cook at YU 65-2398, Draw tickets for the week-end trip | to Buffalo, sponored by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary are still available. Draw will be held on Saturday after- noon, September 24th. . All represen- tatives are asked to collect their out- standing books of - tickets, by Sept. 17th. You may phone Mrs, Wanamaker, or leave same with Mra. M, B. Dymond. = It is necessary we have these ticket stubs in early-- please co-operate with the Committee, Rummage Sale The Rummage Sale sponsored by the Evening Guild of the Church of the Ascension will be held on Satur- Hall. Also Tea room and Bake table. TEE 'ostponed The Scout Mother meeting has been postponed until Sept. 26th. Fur- ther information next week. Card of Thanks | We wish to thank tne relatives, friends and rieighbours for flowers, cards and acts of kindness, also Mec- Dermott-Panabaker Ltd. and the pall- beaters for their kind assistance dur- ing our recent bereavement. The Read family Phone YUkon 5.2672 PORT PERRY ONTARIO Bert. day, Oct. 1st at 1.80 p.m. in the Scout |. "bite. to review Dr. Chandler's book--"Tow- er of Refuge". Mrs, Colbear's .reading--*Did you have a nice holiday" brought out the Christian Stewardship Message. Mrs. McDonald's group: conducted the worship service. Mrs, Z. Jackson, read the scripture lesson and Mrs, McDonald led in prayer. Mrs. Griffen and Mrs. Cornish in: troduced the new Study Books--*Ship under Cross and Turning World". The theme for study--""Into All the World Together". _ The programme was opened by singing the theme song, "He holds this World in His Hands". Ecumuncial Mission will be the key thought throughout the year in all our studies, striving to bring the whole Christian Church in a world wide service. Mrs. Griffen closed EY. with prayer. Mrs. McDonald's group ser- ved: lunch, Prince Albert Sunday, September 4th we were all pleased to welcome our regular "min- ister back in the pulpit after his holi- days. At the conclusion of the ser- vice Mr. Linstead on behalf of the congregation presented Mr. Robert Heayn with a Bible prior to leav- "|'ing our midst to enter Toronto Bible College, Robert was the recipient of another gift when Mr. B. Snelgrove presented Robert (who is "a valued choir member) with a hymnal from the choir. Mr. Heayn in turn véiced his "thank you" for the two remem- brances for which hé would benefit during period of training. Tuesday evening about twerity ladies gathered in the home of Mr.-and Mrs. E. Huntley for a miscellaneous shower in honour of their daughter (Carol) Mrs. Glen Hughes, who was recently married. The usual variety of gifts were unwrapped after which Carol thanked everyone. A liberal lunch was served with Mrs. J. Doupe and Mrs. C. Newnman managers of the party. Friday night the weather had cool- ed to comfort for the Sunday School outing held in the bush acres of the Supt; Mr. E. Martyn. in cars, others via tractor and wagon --Bruce at the wheel, The ever pop: ular bon-fire, the hot dogs and steam- ing corn proved delicious to the last former resident here, visited-in the village recently. Mrs. Rattenberry has returned to here home across the southern border after enjoying an extended holiday with her sisters Mrs. Wm, Martyn and Mrs, MacPherson plus the rest of the relatives, Mr. Robt. Heayn has commenced a three year training at Central Bible College, Toronto. We wish you every ccess Bob. "A speedy get well is wished for Miss Vera Newnham who was rushed to Wellesly hospital, Toronto, where she will remain for a time, Mr, J. Kiezibrink, Harry and Ino & Mr. and Mys. Les Beacock were guests at Kiezibrink--Van Zanten wedding in Hebron Christian Reformed Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, We welcome Mr. Oc¢kenden of Scarborough who is a new member of 'Area Teaching staff. ~ Mrs. H. Spencer of Brooklin, visited Mrs. F, Stanton recently. Mrs. Raymer spent two weeks with relatives in' Stouffville, Recent week-end company with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Davidson plus Jr. and family included her brother, Mr, and Mrs. St. Martin and Lyn; Mr. and Mrss. Ken Roberts and family; Mr, and Mrs. MacFarland and: family, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rees, all of Hamil- ton; also Mr, and Mrs, Glen Flindall, 'Mr. and Mrs, K, Kubinz, of Toronto; from Sudbury, Mr. W. at. Martin and My. As st. "Martin. bat Guests of Mr. and Mr. | H. Hodgins : were her brother Mr, J. Campbell of Bancroft; Mr, and Mra, Stan Glass, Mr, and Mrs, Murrin, all of Toronto. Some arrived -~ Everyone reports a happy-time, | - Miss E. McCullough, of Toronto, a Aged Ram--1st & 2nd L. Ayre. Shearling Ram--1st K. VanCamp, '2nd & 3rd L. Ayre. JRam Lamb--1st & 2nd L, Ayre. Aged Ewe--L. Ayre, R. H. Dow, Bowmanville; 3rd & 4th K, VanCamp. Shearling Ewe--1st & 2nd L. Ayre, K. VanCamp, R. H, Dow. Ewe Lamp--1s8t & 2nd L, 8rd K. VanCamp." . Oxford-- } | All Prizes taken by H. Skinner & 'Son, Tyrone; and R. H. Dow, 'Market Lamb--L. Ayre, K. Van- Camp, H. Skinner, R.* H, Dow. Market Lamb shown by boy or girl --1st & 2nd L. Ayre, 3rd K. VanCamp. Best Flock of Sheep on the grounds --L, Ayre, H.: Skinner, K. VanCamp, R. H, Dpw. Ayre, SWINE Yorkshire-- Boar 6 month to 1 year--Donald Bradburn, Burketom: Sow 6 month to 1 year----Jim Byres, Burketon; Donald Bradburn. Sow under 6 month--1st & 2nd D. Bradburn. Herd--Donald Bradburn. Tamworths-- All Tamworth prizes were taken by leslie Taylor, Burketon, - -- (continued next issue) Port Perry Fair CLYDESDALES-- 1. Yeld Mare or Gelding -- Heber Down, 8, R. Dawson, Heber Down. 2. 8 Year Old Filly or Gelding-- S. R. Dawson, Heber Down, Heber Down. Eo } 3. Brood Mare with Foal--C. Buck- ley, R. Robertson; K. Hobden. 4. Foal of 1960--R. Robertson, C Buckley, K. Hohden. 6. 2 year old Filly or Gelding-- Robert Robertson. . 7. Heavy Draft Team in Harness-- Heber Down, S. R. Dawson, 8. Light Draft Team in Harness-- Heber Down, 8, R. Dawson. BELGIANS or 'PERCHERONS-- 1. Yeld Mare or Gelding--E, Arm- strong, V. Mark, L. Stephenson, c. Buckley. 4, Single Horse, hitched--Russell Cochrane, Russell Cochrane, "ph. Best Horse on Grounds--E. Armstrong, Rockwood, Ontario. 6. Best Team on Grounds--Heber Down, Brooklin, | LIGHT HORSES-- 1. Brood Mare with foal -- Leslie Cochrane. 2; Foal of 1960 Leslie PRR 3. One Year Old Filly or Gelding--- Leslie. Cochrane, 4. Two Year Old Filly or Gelding-- Ray L. Cochrane. © INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE Custom-Made Drapes Broadldom -and Rugs Drapery Rods and Tracks Draperies by the Yard Vetenian and Cloth Blinds _Instalation 'and - Measuring "HOWARD DRAPERIES HOWARD VICE, Prop. 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH "OSHAWA RA 5-3144 ~~ Slip Covers and Upholstering for the Whole Family News Facts - Family Features The Christian Science Monltor One Norwgy St, Boston 15, Mass, Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find Jy check or money order, | year $20 [J 6 months $10 0 3 months $5 O Born in London, Ont, in 1916, Led graduated from the University of Western Ontario in 1937 'with a B.A. in Honour Physics and Chemistry. While with the Cliemical Division of the Ontario Research: Foundation he completed the University of Toronto requirements for his M.A. in Chemis- try. He joined Consumers' Gas in 1940 as Chief Chemist," Works De-= partment. In 1948 he was registered as a Professional Chemical Engineer. Mr. Lee became General Superinten- dent of Works in 1962. As General Superintendent, Gas Supply, and Superintendent of Niagara Gas Trans- mission Limited, he is responsible for gas purchase, underground storage, peak shaving, maintenance of gate stations and all large volume measure- ment of gas.' THEATRE -- UXBRIDGE "RA DAVID LADD Thursday to Saturday, September 16th, 16th, 17th -- TWO BIG HITS IE" JULIE ADAMS AN FAMILY (Color) (Cinemascope) Car News and 9 p.m. OUR POLICY Thursday Night--First Run Movie starts at 7 p.m. 09 p.m. Bingo. from 9 p.m. on -- Doors open at 6.30 p.m, Friday and Saturday--Two shows Nightly starthig at 7 pm, : Doors open at 6.30. + QUALITY ~~ +SERVICE < « RELIABILITY Enjoy the perfect comfort found in the "warmest homes in town. Buy 'blue coal', and get more heat, and better heat. .the best heating value your money. oan buy! Phone us today. ESOR EL and LINGER : YUkon 6.7961 hy es crt asi pz PORE. PERBY... THIS'YEAR GET CEN RON A A tn sm RA sam CEE x amit 4 TE pig | DEE

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