_anniversary, at a October 28rd, 1960 yer Authorized as Second Clauss Mail, PORT PERRY STAR ZEN Post Office Department, Ottawa PORT PERRY, POPPY DAY VETERANS WILL SELL POPPIES ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH, 1960 Well Known Couple Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs, C. Russell Butson of Prince Albert, were honoured by their celebrate their golden reception which was planned and arrranged by them, at their parents' home on -Sunday, children, to ____One hundred---and-seventy-five re- latives and friends called to extend good wishes and congratulations dur- mg the afternoon and evening. The guests were welcomed by their daug- hter Helen and their two sons, Milton and Lawrence. The bride of fifty years, received guests, gowned in a two-piece sheath-style ensemble of Dior Blue und the happy pair were presented with a feather gold carnation corsage «nd bouttonniere,. Official congratulations were re- ceived from Governor-General and Madam Vanier; the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. John B. Diefenhaker; Premier Hon. Leslie M. Frost; Hon Michaed Starr and Mrs. Starr; Hon. M. B. Dymond and Mrs.- Dymond and offi- "cial "framed congratulations was re- ceived from the Provincial Secretary on behalf of the people of Ontario. Telegrams were . received from the Regan Family. The tea table was attractively ar- ranged with a unique centrepicce of golden candelabre and fifty -golden rosés, The three-story wedding cake was Fade and decorated by a friend of the family, Mrs. Lawrence, of Oshawa, Presiding, was Mrs. But- 'son's mother, Mrs. C. Whitby, who is celebrating her 91st birthday in the near future, and she was assisted by Mrs, Jack Weldon, ! of Rodney and Miss Effie Brawn of Raglan. Assistant hostesses were Mrs. Clarence Butson, of Port Perry; Mrs. Kenneth Barnes of Cannington; Miss Greta Brawn, of Raglan; Migs. Forsythe ofe Uxbridge; Mrs, Joséph Roberts and Mrs. Melville Roberts of Windsor; Mrs. Murray Geer of Utica; Miss Iris Morrison, of Toronto, Mrs: Albert Jeffrey, of Prince Albert, Mrs. Harold Redman and Mrs, Roy Fowler .of Port Perry. Out-of-town guests were present from Cannington; Blackwater, Sun- devland,-Greenbank, Uxbridge, Uticg, Myrtle, Raglan, Whitby, Osawa, Bow: manville, Cobourg, Port Colborne, Wel- land, Rodney, Chatham, Toronto and Windsor, The happy pair recéived many beautiful and useful gifts among which was a preséntatien of a walnut coffee table from the immediate fam- from relatives, They also received several large baskets of golden roses which made a colorful background for the couple to receive their guests. A rdse-colored leather footstool was pre- sented from the grandchildren and the oldest grandson and his wife, Mr. "and Mrs, Lorne Wagg, Oshawa, over- whelmed them with delight .with the presentation of a great granddaughter who is to be named Arlene, The bride of fifty years was the former Louise Bryant, daughter of Mrs. C. O. Clay, of Whitby, and the late Henry Bryant. Clarence Russell Butson, is the son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Robert Butson, all of Port Perry. They were married at a quiet cere- mony at the home of the bride's par- ents by the United Church Minister, Rev. Robert Leach, on the 19th day of October, 1910. They were attended by Mrs. Oliver Roberts, sister of the bride, who was in attendance for the celebration and the late Mr. Percy Costello, of Epsom. Mr. and Mrs. Butson have made their home in Reach 'Township all their lives, settled. in and around Port Perry many years. They now re- side in Prince Albert, Ont. The But- sons are well known and respected citizeng of this community and have enjoyed good health and interest: in all. worthwhile activities. Mr. Butson for-years was connected with the Can- adian'*National Railway and for the | past sixtéen years has been an em- ployee of The Pedlar People, Oshawa. ' He has been a prominent member of C. 0. Clay, of ge Orange and Black Knight Lodges and both of them take a keen interest in their church work, (Continued on back page) - 'Recent Recital 'A retital of a very high standard of musicianship was held in the Oshawa McLaughlin Public Library on Satur day evening, October 29th. * Prize winning students in violin aud singing who were pupils of Jshawa and District Registered Music Teachers, presented the program. Pupils of Port Perry teachers who took part were: Grade I--Lexie Love (Mrs. Jackson) Grade II--Mary Lynn' Holtby (Mrs. Jackson) Grade II[---Esther MacDonald (Mrs. Stouffer) Mrs, Marie Taylor was congratulat- ed on having the highest mark in ily and a pair of end tables to mateh Grade' IX Organ, in the Province. THE GIRL GUIDES WILL MAKE A HOU SE TO HOUSE CANVAS ON FRI. 11 TO SELL POPPIES re Ay - VE ASTERN STAR Blue Ray Chapter | i Chapter, No. 238, 0.E.S. was held in dates for the | | The regular meeting of Blue Ray the Masonic Temple, Queen Sureet, with a splendid attendance of mem-' bers and visitors from various chap- ters in the district. The Worthy Ma- tron, Margaret Carnegie and her staff! of officers carried out the opening ex- ] $ op . , ercises in fine fashion and all officers were in their respective positions with the exception of one. The guests were warmly welcomed hy the Worthy Matron with the assistance of the Worthy Patron, The minutes were read by the sec- retary, Helen Colbear, I'M. and busi- ness deriving from same dealt with. < All annual reports were received from | | piano, wishes for a speedy rcovery to the the various convenors and the finan. | cial report presented by the treas- urer, Alma Reesor. Invitations were received from various chapters and plans were made to attend the Instal-' lation of Sunbeam Chapter and also! the Church Service which was held in St. George's Anglican | Oshawa, a. : i The Worthy Matron Welcomed | three Presiding Matrons and three Presiding Patrons to the East Along, with seven past Matrons and two past . patrons. Chapters represented were Durham; Starlight; Sunbeam; Sun- | (Continue don Back Page) i l 1 'Work on the Causeway ~The work on the Causeway rfigh- way project has progressed with amaz- ing speed due to the exceptionally fine weather we have had this fall. Most of the "i is in place on the west "section, "The big hill hag+Heen cut down--and- back and a considerable amount of progress has been made on 'the east end of the job. Reports have come to us that the job is six weeks ahead of schedule at this time. Al- most no time has been lost due to in- clement weather, A great deal of difference is noted! in the approach to road building to-, day. Possibly this is a good part | due to better equipment for handling johs which would have been _too big: for the manual labour of an early gen- eration. A much better foundation is needed today because of the greater number and heavier weight of the! cars and trucks with which we-are so familiar. In some cases it has heen necessary to go-down as much us 26 feet in order to insure a proper found- ation for a permament road. When this causeway is completed it' will be as nice a piece of road as you will see in many a mile, and without a doubt will carry a greater increased volume of traffic en route to eastern and cen- tral Ontario, a oe. \ Eta eat Recently the Ex-Wardens of Ont, County held one of their semi-annual dinners and get to-gethers at Mart- in's Hotel, Shown here following the { ber Shop Quartet Singing m America {and Oshawa Chapter Sweet Adelines i Joined forces to present a most enjoy- ~C A _ >] | Nominations mat December 5th, (Monday) has hee n set as the day to name your candi- Municipal Offices fo 1961, The Annual Public Mecting for the | receiving of reports and the nominga- tion of officers for the coming vem | will be held in the Municipal Office thsyyear., Be sure to come out and take an interest in the §ffairs of your | community. -. Running the town is "big" business and it is to your in- | terest to see that good men ave no- | nominatd and placed in office. If an election is necessary it will he held on December 12th with three polling subdivisions as follows: No. 1° Municipal Office, | Len Colbear, D.R.O. No. 2-----United Church Basement, Cec. Heayn, D.R.O. No. 3--Public Jos: Allen, Library basement, D.R.O. Night of Harmony Very Successful A new adventure in entertaining proved very successful for the Port Perry Lions Club when the Oshawa Chapter of the Society for the Pre- servation and Encouragement of Bar- able evening. - A very good attendance came oul to hear these wonderful singers and to sce the new Iigh School auditorium where-thecoticert was held. Four black faced entertainers pro- vided a- humorous touch which crowd really enjoyed. Thetarmony of the quartettes indehoruses was do- lightful and well received by an en- thusiastic audience. Top Club Members Attend Convention On Saturday, Oct. 29th the local Tops Club, Port Perry Heavy Weights left Port Perry on a chartered bus en route to the annual Ontario Provincial Recognition Day at Prudhommes Hotel at St, Catharines, This was an especially important day for us as we had two division win- nérs Lillian Leach and Betty Ashmore. ners Lillian Leach and Betty Ash- more, and had two honourable mentioned winners Reta Brown and Shirley Cummings. We also brought ONT., THURS AY, NOVEMBER 1 lof Clarence i Victor Ling the approved statement for in- | ~ term | payment of same, the} back the plaque' for the most pounds! lost .per person for all of Canada. With the membership of fourteen wel lost the average of 22.4 pounds per ud hy Vietor Aldred to meet again on | $100, 00 Grade XIII- person, Another Champion for Port; Perry, | dinner are (front row): Rae Fergus- on, Uxbridge Town; John A. Mac- Donald, Beaverton; Grant Christie, Reach Twp.; Harry Peel, president of ; 1960 o $2.00 Per Year, Single Copy 5¢ Wear a Scugog Township Council LL TENG NO, 19-- A pleasant night favoured the An- . tir (5 i" i nual Commencement Exercises held in He regulary mee 1 of deugoyp wp. | . ¥. ¥ K Gi Kg ! the new auditorium of the Port Perry was held in the Township . . . ol | High School, when parents & friends I'uesday, November 1st at | i came out in large numbers to the pre- sentation of awards to the deserving Reeve Anson Gerrow ahd Couneil- | students of the 1959-1960 school year. lor Cecil Fralick, Victor Aldred and | Clivrence Carter were present. | Council Hall, on X pan, some forty people--members of the. School Board ,the teaching staff, re- presentatives of various groups con- tributing prize s and honour graduates. Minutes of the read and last meeting were, adopted as read on motion Carter and seconded by Aldred, The student body came in singing the School Song and Mr. Wm, Perry | made the Invocation. Mr Grant Mac- Donald, Principal of the High School in introducing the "Chairman of the Board, Mr. Wm. T. the New wing of the school and said that it represented a great deal of extra work by the members of the Board and he thanked them for a fine job well done. CORRESPONDENCES I. From Depto of Highways enclos- Beare, Road = Subsidy, and enclosing $2,943.23, 2. Front the Municipal World ve the revised Statutes of Ontario, and quot- ing the price of a new Ballot Box. Mr. Beare brought greetings f 3. From Frank Cowan Insurance : . ' v greetings from : the Central Ontario County District Cao. Ltd. re Insurance on the new truck 2 " 3 ] High School Board and then presented I. I'vonu the County of Ontario re : the Court Appeal | Volodimir Hatschinski. against the Equalization By-Law of Mr. the County of Ontario, Hearing of the Hatschinski deserves mention for his achievement as he came to Canada from Venezueln in May of 1959 and had to learn Eng- lish, which makes his "highest stand- ing" in the nine Grade XIII subjects a noteworthy accomplishment. special 5. Irom Fmergeney Measures Or- four civilian rescue panics in the County of Ontario. 6. Irom the Dept. of Municipal Af- fairs enclosing the final payment of the. Unconditional :Grant. 7. I'rom the County or Peel Resolution passed by the Council of Peel requesting additional grants for panizing com- During the evening many prizes, scholarships and awards were presented: -- re a Scholarships hospital "construction from the Do- Honeydale Women's Institute- minion and Provincial Governments. | Prize for Home Economies -- Bonnie MOTION: Moved by Clarence | Wallace. Carter seconded by Victor Aldred that the Resolution from Peel County be this Council re Hospital Honeydale.. Women's Institute. Sr. Prize for Home Economies --- Jeanne Williams, i Dymond Scholarship--To the best all-round student of the Junior Matri- culation Class--Jim Read with 85¢] average. J endorsed by frrants, MOTION: seconded hy Moved by Cecil Fralick Victor Aldred that the date for the Court of Revision he Nov. . Lath, 1960 at the hour of one o'clock 1.O.D.I. For the stu- (1 p.m.) [dent with the highest standing of the MOTION for the Relief account for first two years. Value $50.00 -Bonnic month of November, © carried. | Wallac e, Bruce Ballinger. By-latv No, 1190 being a by-law | 1.O.D.E. English Prize (Grade 12) to set the date of nomination | -- Constance Hancock. Nov. 26 and Polling Dec. 3rd. and to! Laura LL. Jones Scholarship Ing appoint a Poll Clerk, Sam Arnold, "lish Grade XI, Value $15.00 No PAY LIST; It was moved by C | award. Carter and seconded by Vietor Aldred Lions Club Scholarship To the an that the following standing student in Senior Matriculn proved and that the treasurer he in-| tion Class, Scholarship and School Ae- sthruetcd to pay the tivities, Value $26.00- Kathleen Tren- la with BAe, average, Scholarship accounts he ap- same; toads $1,491.00 District General ny 486.18 Central Ontarlo County PE meee = -Hgrh- Sehonl Board=--To student "with Total ieee $1,977.27 the highest aggregate standing in Gr There being no further business he- | XI Value $25.00, Volodimir Hat. fore the Council" motion ta adjourn | chinskl. wis made by Clarence Carter second- 'rovineinl Ald Se holarship Value Kathleen Trenka 1960, or at the eall of | Atkinson F oundntion Award Va- lue $400.00 to Brian Taylor, Tuesday, Dee 6, the Reeve, Ontario County Ex-Wardens Meet in Uxbridge the group, Port Perry; John M. Low, and John Rae, Uxbridge Township. Back Row: Duncan McIntyre, Whitby; Ferguson Mun Brock Township; | Mara Twp.; Walter Heath, East Whit- by; Morley Bain, Scott Township; and I'he stage was large enought "to hold - referred to! the Bord of Education Scholarship to other Heber Down, Whitby Twp.; Pat Duffy,| Wn. Poppy | | Commencement held i in the New High School Auditorium Naismith Feeneh Scholarship Va Tue $50.00 extablished by Mr. bh, IF, Nasmith, of Arvida, Quebec and a- warded for the first time to Jame: | Read and Dorothy Tripp (to encow are Mvisites interprovinciales") Academic Trophies 1. Smallman (R. B.) Trophy--Gen- dal Proficienew in Grade 1X--George Tino Jackson (urtraie) Trophy--For in Grade XI June | Home Feonomies | Wires. 3. Peel (Ron AL) Trophy--For Shop | Work, Grade X1- Lorne Smith. | I Hutcheson (Mr. and Mrs.) Tro- [phy For Commercial Work, Grade XI-June Wires Jackson (Zula M.) Trophy--Ma- trie lation I'rench and Latin - Faye Asling, . 6. Lawrence (A. M.) Trophy ---Ma® triculation Science and Mathematics Kathleen Thnk. 7. Lundy (Ir. J. B.) Trophy--Ma- triculation BA and History---Ka- thleen Trenka. 8. Cawker (A.B) est Standing in five Subjects Volodimir 0. Letcher (WW, Lory, open to Williams. 10: Mr. & Mrs, S. Farmer- ~Agri- culture and Home Economies" Project Grade X Jim Gibson and Beatrice lee, Trophy -High- Upper School Hatsehinski. M.) Prophy----Ora- 'any student ---- Jeanne Extramural Trophies I. The William Aldred Trophy and Scholarship Athlete Philip Clark. The Griffen Trophy, donated by Jack Griffen --Most Valuable Basket Memorial - All-round Ron Willerton and Elaine Medd. 3. The Student Council Trophy Drama, Music, Literary Jeanne Wil- listg, a . The Valedictorian Trophy-- To wh Clements, donated hy KF arl Dol- son, The Student Council- Pianist, Miss Itizabeth Couves favoured us with u delightful piano selection." At the close of the program the Choir, under the dircetion of Miss 'McFadyen, ren- dered several fine selections. The Valedictorian for the 1460 wraduates, Miss Linda Clements, pole briefly of the b years of work aud play, paying tribute to the teach- ri of Port Perry High School. Miss Clements is now attending Toronto Teachers College. " A.B. B. Moore, B.A, B.D,, D.D., Lh. president of Victoria College, ¥ of I. was introduced by Miss Alice Chrysler, He was an entertaining speaker at all times and succeeded in piving the graduatng class, and inci- (Continued on back page) rs Fr TT pe Ieron, present Warden of the oanty, Township of HiGck, hota hy Ustuides, Times-Journal Hockey I awa Juv. vs Port v - Fri. Nov. 11, 8.30pm. Bab-Feam-Players--=Giiy Edgar and 7777 The puest speaker of the evening, i LIS - Pan A = oe LAS od cing J i ou N + ge? Foy " 5) EET Sm, a nr bi 5 it Fo Da AT SA Eo AL " a { I~ ya. nt ot he fon