M d = Mosquitoes 4 onday Night [wh : -. Sunderlands 4 Bowling League North Stars ............ 5 1 JOS iturin b Sept. 25th Team Standing-- Spitfires 5 Gold--17 Black--3 Over 210-- Grey--1 Brown--3 B. Hanlin--304, 219; I. Lewis--278; - Red--56 Yellow--3 M. St. John -- 253; J. Ballard - - 261, White--4 Orange--2 214; R. Moore -- 248; E. Summers-- Purple--4 Green>--0 234; G. Hastings--228, 224; J. Goode Pink--A4 Blue--0 240; W. McLaughlin--228, 217; M. High Triple-- Wallace -- 228; E. Bailey -- 228; M. Teresa Hall--660 Enge--221; B. Oke--214, 212; J. Me- High Single-- . Laughlin -- 215; A. Snooks -- 219; N. T. Hall--269 Howsam---213. Over 600 Triples-- Over 600-- T. Hall--660 B. Hanlin -- 706; W. McLaughlin-- Lorraine Raines--618 639; J. Ballard--627; E. Bailey--616; Over 200 Singles-- . I. Lewis--606, Teresa Hall -- 220, 269; Lorraine] | Raines--264; Vera Fawns--237, 243; Marj. Burneft--228; Grace Hastings-- | | 228; Janet Vernon--223: Norma Scott --222; Faye Dowson--221; Joyce Em- merson--=220; Ella Dickinson--213; Marg. Eden--213; Helen Bathie- -211; Dorothy McLean--205; Ev. Stevens 204; Audrey Chapman--201. Ss a Wednesday Night |' Bowling League p September 20th-- Teams P. Tak. T. Pts. Helicopters .................. 2 9 Hurricanes ... 2 9 Bombers ........... o Kittyhawks .... ud 7 Lancasters ................... 10 a PIVEES uti sivmsmminens 0 b ligh Triple-- Bert Hanlin--706 ligh Single-- B. Hanlin--304. DID YOU KNOW There are 1,390,794 young Canadians erving the community, the country nd the world through the Canadian unior Red Cross. Young Canadians in Red Cross con- tributed over $146,500 last year to their fund for handicapped and crip- led children. * DID YOU KNOW ; Young Canadians in Red Cross work 12 along side Senior Red Cross volunteers at blood clinics, in the port nurseries nd at hospitals, This is Junior Red Cross Week in Canada. \ a CAWKER 'Barhecue Chicken YUkon 5-2221 "The Famly Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls .. Rindless Bacon - I's eats Choice Rump Roast Beef vas FREE TOWN DELIVERY EVERY MORNING UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK 'BROS. v4 19" Ta NTE ag Butcher" PORT PERRY 'ture fields, by the use of good seed PETA THE PIRATES OF PENZANCE The Major General's bevy of lovely | van's tuneful operetta, The Pirates of daughters picnic in the pirates' lair | Penzance--to be tele cast on CBC- TV's Festival series, Monday, Oct. 2. in this scene from the Stratford Fes- tival production of Gilbert and Sulli- As the opening production of the ser- | ies, The Pirates of Penzance comes | . . . . ! to television direct from its success- Dr. Young, Speaker at Pasture Meeting balanced farm -managem f pragram- me was stressed by Dr. Stan Young, 0.A.C., Guelph, when he addressed a | all the cantestants in the competition card that was used for judging the The importance of having a well | competition, Mr. Eugene Lemon, Stouffville, the official judge for the Ontario County Pasture Competition, complimented this year, for the very fine job that they did. He also reviewed some of the more important points on the score Mr. Ken Fallig, Field Crops Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, stress- Pasture Improvement Meeting held on the farm of Mr. Murray Holtby, Port Perry, R. 4, on Thursday even- ing, September 21st. Dr. Young also pointed out the im- | portance of establishing and main- taining high producing hay and pas- mixtures, proper seeding methods, and the maintenance of a high fer- tility level for maximum production. Mr. Murray Holtby, host for the meeting, outlined his crop rotation, seed mixtures used, and his pasture management practices. Prjtes Effective This | / Week-End WED. - SAT. SEPT. 27, 28, 29, 30 STORE HOURS Daily 8.30 a.m to 9 p.m. Tuesday, 8.30 to 1 p.m. SPIC & SPAN NO WIPING, NO RINSING -- 8¢ OFF Gt. Pkg. FE SRE 3 AYLMER RASP., With Pectin JAM ...................... A 24 oz, Jar PUSS-N-BOOTS CAT FOOD ..... ...... 15 oz, Tins 2-33 KELLOGS 'K" CEREAL 6 Y0z. Pkg. 21 CIC I I Phone: TTT FREE DELIVERY 985-2492 PLENTY 'OF PARKING SPACE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AT MARKET PRICES (612 [0] [61 3, | TA) RS CANADA'S STEAK or ROAST - Ib. FINEST LEAN ROUND -13¢. MAPLE LEAF 'WEINERS - 1 Ib. package - 45¢ FRESH SLICED Beef Liver "3 -MAPLE- LEAF DEVON Side Bacon Ib Flat Pkg. _. BURNS End Cuts Centre Cuts by the piece or sliced "yy BOSTON, LOS ANGELES LONDON THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (OMEN) AN INTERNATIONAL DAILY NEWSPAPER Interesting Accurate Complete International News Coverage The Christion Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass, Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. [J 1 yeor $20 [0 6 months $10 [J 3 months $5 Name Address city Zone TTT sue a Oddly enough, singer Denyse Ange owes her sucess partly to illness--a bout of laryngitis four years ago which resulted in her distinctive throaty voice. She's curently heard on CBC radio's Camilleri and Company, Thursdays on the Trans-Canada net- ful Stratford run. | ed the importance of good pasture | management in the overall hay and | pasture programmes. He also an-| swered questions that had to do with weed control in pasture. One of the main supporters of the Pasture Competitions in the Province is the Ontario Plant Food Council. | Mr. G. C. Callister represented the | Council at this meeting. He stated | that competitions of this kind are very | much worthwhile, particularly when | the contestants and ofjer interested farmers are given the res of | going over a farm where good pasture management is practiced, and hearing an outstanding speaker like Dr. | Young. sek - | the Canadian Mr. Norman Lehmif, President in oT HE PORT PERRY STAR, THURS, SEPTEMBER 26th, 1961-8 the Ontario County Soil and Crop Im- Association, Mr. Murray Holtby, Chairman of the Pasture Com- mittee and Mr, Lynn Fair, tural Representative for Ontario County, were in charge of the meet- ing. provement « \ DID YOU KNOW Last year 49,236 items--clgthing, i school supplies, health kits, ldyettes, quilts and afghans were made by Red Cross Juniors and were ghipped to 13 nations. This is Junior Red Cress Week in Canada, | LL DID YOU KNOW Over 96 per cent of the 10,000 vie- tims paralyzed by adulterated cooking (oil in Morocco in 1959 have been re- habilitated. This is due, in part, to physiotherapists who were sent to the stricken avea by the Canadian Junior Red Cross. Agricul-! DID YOU KNOW There's a group of young volun- teers in Red Cross who have origin- ated a new-idea in services to their fellow man. Each week, they visit the homes-of elderly ladies and manicure theif nails, set and comb their hair, 'and help them with their make-up. a 7 DID YOU KNOW Junior Red Cross Week, September 256-30, is not a campaign period for funds, but a week to inform the pub- lic of the Red Cross and its work. » » LJ . DID YOU KNOW The objectives of the Canadian Jun- ior Red Cross are to promote good health, to serve others and to pro- mote and further international under- standing amongst the young people of the world, These objectives are also applied to cultivating good cit- izenship in the community. This is Junior Red Cross Week in Canada. Paper by Montag ~ For an exciting gift... one that is truly personal and practical . "eelect a or of "Truly Yours" . Personslized Social Stationesy Featuring. _ Personalizing by IntesNational See thts beautiful album wow at . . . YORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. PORT PERRY : 3 Phone 985-2331 - DEPARTM Craft Coats - $12. %, $3. 3 BRITAIN!" Stock Suits - "NEW DURA:-PRESS -- Charcoal Gh Trousers - $15.95 Several Patterns -- 2 Pant Suit--8$75.00 $59.95 | AT TIP TOP TAILORS FROM GREAT BRITAIN TIP TOP shopped Britain's finest mills to bring you superb all-wool twists, flannels, worsteds and other k fine cloths for the season ahead! Plan H, to logk them over, soon. Have TIP : TOP tailor your choice into-a new suit to your personal measure from the fabric collection we call "BEST OF HAND CUT AND TAILORED TO MEASURE SUITS AT one price 0 0 5 Si. 3, $29.95, $35.00 COMPLETE STOCK FOR FALL Poslun Coals AVWBROCIK ENT STORE Elsewhere, these Fabrics will be found in Suits selling for as much as $95.00 and more! Shop and Compare! FOR LADIES $19.95 to $34.95 work. PHONE: 985-2521 PORT PERRY pian ho A psy 54 f ¥ A