9.00 p.m. é¢ Thursday Night 1-2 Meteors ---- Bill's Ref. 3-4 Carnegie -- Black Jacks Bowling Shin 6-6 Archers -- Blow Kings March 8th--Ninth Week Ind Schedule 7.00 pan. : 1-2 lead Pins -- Archers Jan. 11th--First Week 3-4 Black Jacks -- Meteors : ! 5-6 Bill's Ref. -- Carnegie 1 : . 7.00 pam, 9.00 pm. Bb 12 Stars -- Black Jacks 1-2 Stars -- Blow Kings } 34 Hooters -- Archers 3-4 Whiz Bangs -- Legionaires 5-0 Head pd ly Ret. 5-6 Goofers -- Deluxe 1-2 Legionaires -- Blow Kings March 15th--Tenth Week - ~¢ 3-4 Deluxe -- Whiz Bangs 7.00 p.m. 6-6 Carnegie -- Meteors 1-2 Meteors -- Deluxe 3-4 Stars -- Legionaires Jan. 18th--Second Week 5-6 Goofers -- Blow Kings 7.00 p.m. , 9.00 p.m. 1-2 Whiz Bangs -- Head Pins 1-2 Bill's Ref. -- Archers 3-4 Deluxe -- Blow Kings 3-4 Head Pins'-- Black Jacks 5-6 Digioheney -- Meteors 5-6 Carnegie -- Whiz Bangs x .m. 1-2 Archers -- Dis March 22nd--Eleventh Week 3-4 Bill's Ref. -- Stars 7.00 p.m. 6-6 Black Jacks -- Goofers 1-2 Blow Kings -- Bill's Ref. 3-4 Head Pins -- Carnegie Jan. 25th--Third Week 6-6 Whiz Bangs -- Archers 7.00 p.m. 9.00 p.m. 1-2 Bill's Ref. -- Black Jacks 1-2 Goofers -- Legionaires 3-4 Goofers -- Carnegie 3-4 Meteors -- Stars 5-6 Blow Kings -- Whiz Bangs 5-6 Deluxe -- Black Jacks 9.00 p.m, | 1-2 * Deluxe -- lily PLAY-OFFS TO START 8-4 Stars -- Head Pins : Mahon = 65-6 Meteors -- Archers --000-- Feb. 1st--Fourth Week © u ht 7.0 pon Wednesday Nig . 1-2 Carnegie -- Stars x 3-4 Archers -- Legionaires B li L 5-6 Meteors -- Goofers ow ing cague 900 pm. TT 1-2 Black Jacks -- Whiz 'Bangs Wednesday, Dec. 20h- 3-4 Bill's Ref. -- Deluxe Teams Pts. T. T.Pts. . 6-6 Blow Kings -- Head Pins Spitfires icon b 2 : North Stars . | p Feb. 8th--Fifth- Week Hurricanes ... . 6 19 7.00 p.m. Mosquitoes .......... 2 16 1-2 Blow Kings -- Meteors ~| Lancasters .......... b 16 3-4 Whiz Bangs -- Bill's Ref. Mustangs .... 2 14 ~6- 6 Deluxe - -- Head Pins | Kittyhawks 18 rT 9.00 p.m. Bombers... 2 13 1-2 Stars -- Goofers Helicopters ... wb 12 3+ Black Jacks -- Archers FIVers wv iimsnssmine b 12 65-6 Legionaires -- Carnegie Jets .oveeniiiniiininin 2 7 Feb. 15th--Sixth Week Sunderlands .............. 0 | 4 . 7.00 p.m. Over 210-- 1-2 Archers -- Deluxe .B. Collins--276, 212; A. Chandler-- 3-4 Blow Kings -- Carnegie 278; D. Marlow--266; M. St. John-- 5-6 Black Jacks -- Legionaires 256, 239; N. Howsam---263; E. Sum- 9.00 p.m. } mers -- 261, 216; J. Goode -- 249; J. 1-2 Head Pins - -- Meteors Morris--246; H. Heard--242; M. Enge 3-4 Bill's Ref. -- ~ Goofers --239, 236; G. Hastings --.236; A. hiz Bangs -- Stars | Wakeford--238, 218; I. Doupe--234; ik M. Prentice--230; W. McLaughlin-- Feb. 22nd--Seventh "Week 229; I. Lewis -- 227; M. Sweetman-- 7.00 pam. "| 227; B. Bell--227; R. Cooper--226; C. 1-2 Black Jacks -- Blow Kings | Tanton -- 226; M. Healey -- 225; E. 3-4 Meteors -- Whiz Bangs | Bailey--219; M. Wakaford--217; S. 5-6 Archers -- Stars | Brignall--211. . 9.00 p.m. Over 600-- 1-2 Carnegie -- Deluxe B. Collins--697; E. Summers--871; 3-4 Head Pins -- Goofers M. St. John--660; G. Hastings--687; 5-8 Bill's Ref. -- Legionaires M. Enge--622; W. McLaughlin--620; March 1st--Eighth Week A. Wakeford--601. 7.00 p.m. High Single-- 1-2 Goofers -- Whiz Bangs Betty Collins--276. 3-4 Legionaires -- Head Pins High Triple-- 5-6 Deluxe -- Stars Betty Collins--697. _ | present. of gifts. A pleasant visit was enjoyed '| Primary Department, Ladies Curling 6 for Hayes -- 6 for Terrett Figure that out--or just grin and bear it, 7 for Dowson -- R. Mitchell 6 We wonder if this too, could be a "fix", Gray ahead with a gorgeous 10 1. Mitchell had 2 -- but will try it again, Cox 7 and Buller 6 Even "Vernie" can take a dive. 8 for Beare, 6 for Bruton Come on Rebecca -- Don't let Beare do the tootin', Clara M. rolled home with 10 Helen T. will get you ma frien'. Doyle real smug with a pretty eight Holdershaw 5---but a wee bit late. Kenny romped home with a mighty 12 While Snooks, for her 10--had to dig and delve. Merry Xmas to every gal and a {lappy New Year from your secret Pal, Blackstock The O.N.O. Club meeting for Dec- ember at the home of Mrs. Jean Me Laughlin took the form of a Christ- mas party, There were 23 members The nominating committee brought in the slate of officers for 1962 as follows: President--Ruby Van Camp; Secretary -- Joan Graham; Treasurer--Dolly Lee. Elaine Bailey acted Santa Claus for the exchange with make-your-own sandwiches and Christmas cake with coffee for lunch. The Public School Auditorium was crammed for the excellent Christmas Concert presented by the 200 pupils of Grades 1, 2, 8, 4, 6, and 6 of Cartwright Central School on n- Thurs. day night, -- The United Church, decorated in keeping with the Christmas season, was filled to capacity for both serv- ices on Sunday. In the morning the choir sang the anthem, "Star of Night" and Rev. Romeril chose as the subject for his sermon, "He is Here". In the evening a Carol service was held at which Nestleton Junior Choir sang two lovely choruses. Mrs. Phyllis Sinclair sang a solo, "Jesus Bambino". The Primary Department of the Sunday School sang two, Christ. mas songs, The Hi.C a carol, and Blackstock Senior Choir the anthem, "Nazareth". These were interspersed by scripture "passages, and short stories by the Pastor along with con- gregational singing of Carols. There was a good attendance at Sunday School following the Morning service and gifts were distributed to the There also was a splendid attend- ance at the regular morning service in St. John's Church on Sunday morn- $5.0 BREESE Eid i Good for $5.00 If used on the purchase of io new snow grip Tires at HOSKINS GENERAL STORE, BLACKSTOCK (Valid until Feb. 28, 1962) fat Se ed Sa The Officers and 2 Members of ~ PORT PERRY LIONS CLUB "WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR At this Season when Goodwill and Fellowship are upper- most in our thoughts, we wish to express our thanks to you for your support of our activities during the past year. Without your support, much of our welfare work through- out the year would be impossible. May your Holiday Season be a happy one because, with us, you have helped to make the Christmas of others happier than 'it otherwise might have been, ROSES FROM O'CONNOR Bouncing Billy O'Connor has a novel way of rewarding listeners of his weekly: CBC radio program: Fans who write in asking Billy to play their favorite tune are rewarded with a bouquet of one dozen red roses. O'- Connor's Quarter is heard Thursday aa tra TEES SSPE b WR AE EAR It Lh Ash 4 mg. The beautiful decorations formed a fine setting for the services. Canon Ashmore preached a splendid sermon on "The Birth of Jesus". 'was larger when a most interesting] Pageant was presented. This come menced with the Christmas story represented by the Shepherds. The Wise Men,Mary, Joseph and the Babe and led on to ways and means by which we of to-day may present our gifts. In this part a member of the Boy's League, the Girls Auxihary, a Girl 'Guide, a Boy Scout, a Brownie, a Cub, and two of the Junior Choir told of ways of rendering help and kindness at home and to neighbors. This service was followed by dis- tribution of gifts to Sunday School pupils from the lovely tree. Mrs. Margaret Carley and Miss Anne of Whitby, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Bill. Mrs, N. H, Marlow was alse a Christmas guest. Rev. P. Romeril spoke by telephone to Mrs. Romeril and her parents in Guernsey, Channel Islands on Thurs day, Dec. 21, The day of the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, Miss Catharine Bailye and Mr. Gordon Paisley left Friday for Florida to spend the holidays with Mrs. Velva Bailey and other friends. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Pearce on the death of his brother, Mr, Lewis Pearce in Oshawa on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson and Mrs. Roy Drummond of Toronto were week-end guests of Messrs. Roy and Bill Ferguson, and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Dunbar and girls of Scarboro; Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morton and David of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright and family Doined them for 'Monday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, Lloyd and Earl spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and family at Enniskillen. Miss Betty MeArthur of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dysart are spending the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. J. A. McArthur and Ardis. Mrs. Dysart has been relieved of her teaching duties in London and expect to drive to their home in Fort William this week-end. Mrs. Dysart will be teaching in Fort William. Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers and family weve: My. and Mrs. Leith Byers; Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Swain and boys; Mr. Rupert Byers, Bowmanville; Miss Miriam Swain and Mr, Bob Bennett, Oshawa. Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and boys were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton and Catherine; Mr. and Mrs. Martyn; Mr. and Mrs. D. Glover, Ted and Cindy; Mr. and Mrs, A. Martyn and family, all of Oshawa, and Mrs. N. Wotton, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Curtis, David and Robbie, Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cox and Jeffrey, Peter- boro; Miss Anna Belle Kelly, peer | ton; Rev. P. Romeril and Dennis were Monday guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. Strong and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Avery and family, Tillbury; Mr. and Mrs, Keith Johns- ton and girls, Belleville were Christ- mas Day guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Johnston and Mr. Earl Dorrell. The Avery's are spending the holi- days with the numerous relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Rusgell , Mountjoy spent Monday with Mrs. Cecil Fer- guson and Mr. and Mrs, 8. Ferguson and girls of Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs, Austin Beacock spent | Christmas with. Mr. and Mrs. John Mew and family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, Toronto were week-end guests and Mr, Vin- cent Archer, Bowmanville and Mr, and | Mrs. Elmer Archer and family, Whit- by were Monday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Archer and Mr. Dever, | Marilyn remained for a week. Miss Brenda Dunsmore and Mr, and Mrs. Barry Dunsmore and Kevin of Toronto with their parents Mr. and Mrs. K. Dunsmore and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson, -| Linda -and- Terry; -Oshawa called on' Miss Ethel Thompson, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Thompson, Mr. Alex. Dever, Mr. and 'Mrs, Donald Thompson and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Thompson and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Kewen, Tommy and Elizabeth of Beaconsfiedl, Que. are visiting her father Mr, Everett Trewin and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Wright and family joined the Stinson family at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Stin- son, Yelverton on Sunday. Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samells were: Mr. and Mrs, Melville Samells and family, Oshawa; 'Miss Anna. Samells, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy, Hampton. Mz, and Mrs. Mervyn Graham spent afternoons on the Trans-Canada radio network, 'Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Don, Par- gater and family, Port Perry. a nn In the afternoon the congregation |fnd Miss Helen VanCamp, Oshawa; Es | 8 Ar BEE ' > 4 5 8. Pe 3 2 ad pal Ro eis fen ad: 4 £4 4 - A f 4 FL he say {A S344 ' .r =A pkg 1% ut ARSE aa a LA I x sini tn fesif¥ iF drain snr dsb beommeinaddisd badd daniel ovola cd deste sia rE EL » i LE oreiis EE an i ant THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, DE CEMBER 28th, 10615 rev Me od ASH spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Carnaghan and family. Monday guests of Mrs. W. W. Van Camp were Rev. and Mrs. F. Riding, Paul and Barbara, Chicago,; Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Saywell and Margaret Mrs. Horord Hawkins, Port Perry. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor were Mr, and Mrs. Anson Tay- lor, Scarboro; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and Murray & girls, Cresswell; Mis. Jog, | family, Solina, Mv. and Mus. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drinkwater and] Forder, Nestleton and Mr. and Mys, | avmer dnd funy; Mr. and Mrs. .. family, Ottawa; Miss Mabel VanCamp Arnold Taylor and girls, = © Glenn Larmer and boys were guests Toronto; Mr. Jack VanCamp and Mr,] My. and Mis. Awold Taylor ang] of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer on girls visited Mr. and. Mis. Kenneth | Stturday. and Mrs. Blake Gunter and family. 4 ' y Noble, Uxbridge, on Tuesday. Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. : Meo and Mrs. Ralpl . ) . ; Nn Co Mr Mies. Ralph Larmer and McLaughlin and family were: Mr. and a Sunday gata of Mr. and Mrs. Id. family spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Murphy and family, and ris, Ju, tela and Verna were: Miso Eber Snowden, Courtice Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Edgerton, Cad- : Mrs ' ' mus; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Magill, Mero and Mis. Glenn Larmer and and Mrs. Hugh Murphy and boys we y S family, and Mr. Albert Murphy and 0S Welt to Bt. Oshawa; Mr. Murray Birkett, Raglan; Mr. Jack Chapman, Port Perry; Mis, Mary's Tuesday for a gathering of the MacDougald fami- Gary, Bowmanville; - Mr. and Mrs, ; i C. McLaughlin, Grant and Neil lies. Harold Murphy and family, Lon ' h ; Sault Phy Y, g Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris, Mrs. (. Mio and Mrs. Bill Taylor spent : ' McLaughlin, Grant and Neil were | Christmas with Mr. and Mis, Dave Mr. and Mrs. Ross McCann, Oshaw ' ' i ) « s. Ross McCann, Oshawa Saturday evening guests of Mr. and | Harris and Miss Pauline Jamieson, were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs, Stan. Rahm and family. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Abbott and Miss Willa 'Robb, Ottawa were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Oliver. Mrs, Marion Philp and Mr. Bob Smith, Toronto joined them on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wright and family, Bowmanville and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin Faint and family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain -- Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gunter and| Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Laura Jo, Napanee; Miss Nora Venn | veinon and family, Prospect. ing, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mrs. W. J. Carnaghan, Scarboro, Venning, Port Perry visited their parents Mr.sand Mrs. Chas. Venning, CL Wayne and Linda during the week- oe oe eo oN NCE NE WENT end. Mrs. Mary Pereman, Columbus and = Mrs, Bertha Hudson- Oshawa were na week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hoskin. Their Monday guests were: Mr, and Mrs. George Wilson, John and Paul, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hoskin and family, Courtice. The Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Mrs, Joe Flett, Scarboro. Mr. and Monday with Grant and Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Butcher, Tillsonburg, were week-end guests and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sandham and family, Port Hope, were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kyte and family. Myr. and Mrs, David Swain, London spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain. Bowmanville. Mrs, Ed. Harris spent Mis, CC. MeLaughlin, Pom whee ut clothes clothes dryer Saves Work! SRINE i enjoyed a Christmas party in the © Commonly Hall Sang, night, fo Dec. 23rd. -- - O Mr. and Mrs. Hara 'Swain, Jim and Helen attended the Public School C concert at Glen Ross, where Jack Swain is teacher. Canon and Mrs. Ashmore and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hooey were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wolfe and boys. i Miss Doris Hamilton, Toronto, spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy and family . spent several days with her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Man- ning and Mr. Walter Manning, Mea- ford. . 2 | Mrs. Fred Toms, My. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorrell and Darcy, Mr. and Mrs. Keith VanCamp and family were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms. 4 Eight little girls enjoyed a party Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold McLaughlin on Linda's eighth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and family spent Monday with Mr. and RB SL PS OO Year's Day p.m. to 8 p.m. Te New Year's Dinner Served 3 2 & 3 Tre Cr = A ET Season's Greetings 0 SHE K. Jackson, Proprietor # joes aasnsmensacacal | At the close of anot er year hid L realize how much your f {endship a d good will have meant t\ us and ank Jou. welcome the opportunity to May you have much happinéss in the years to come. The Manageme: and Staff eS} PHONE: 985-2521 PORT PERRY a de de Je He He He He He He We We Ho We Wie Wg SI SOW, 7 no # | ACA A AAS ASAT AT AT ATA ATA A ¢