ar ) es a SAAR SEN ¥ FILE < RE [4 "Going Steady' Atl) Ywelve Years Old! How early do American young- sters begin dating? A lot earlier than most parents think, a Pennsylvania sociologist who has been studying pre-teen dating habits reports in the cur- font edition of PTA Magazine. Je even found fourth graders who dated," said Carlfred B. Broderick, professor of family golationships at Penn State Uni- versity. "We may have to go down to the second grade to find & 'dateless' class. "Ten years ago dating was con- gldered an adventurous and unu- gual activity for a 12-year-old," Dr. Broderick explained. "Today teachers in many communities across the nation report that some 9-year-olds are beginning to date and 12-year-olds are go- Ing steady. In one middle-class school district that we studied, 40 per cent of the fifth graders (mostly 10- and 11-year-old chil® dren) had started to date." Broderick, a father of five, based his observations on inter- views with 264 youngsters in a small Georgia city (sample ques- tion: "Have you ever kissed a boy?""). On the strength of his preliminary findings, the U.S. Public Health Service has given him $25,000 for a full-scale inves- tigation of pre-teen dating in three types of communities in Pennsylvania -- upper-middle- class suburban, depressed urban, and rural. "Out hunch," said Dr. Broderick, "is that children in middle-class towns are more pre- cocious -than those in poorer areas. Buf sooner or later, every community will hive to contend with the phenomenon." While the 29-year-old Broder- ick believes there's a bright side to early dating (it gives yvoung- ters "a chance to develop poise, social skills, and self-assurance"), _he feels the negative aspects far. outweigh the positive. His major objection is that too-carly dating often leads to too-eariyv marriage. "Of course it would be foolish to suppose that every boy or girl who starts dating in elementary school will end up in some kind of difficulty," he said. "There doesn't seem to be much doubt, though, that early daters are more likely than others to become favolved in difficulties." To prevent these problems, Professor Broderick advises pa- p . -- Fabian tries on a fancy Lap- lander cap presented to him as he landed at Stockholm for a tour of Sweden. At left, re- flecting the delight of his fans, _ Is Gitre~Henning, 15, a vocal- ist wire wit, ear with him "A LAP AHEAD--Singing star "Jaw among the islands in gaiety breaks through. "in a tent ents to work through the PTA and other groups to get a coliec- tive agrecinent to 'at least not encourage premature pairing off." Just what can the individual parent do? -Not much. "My 8- year-old girl came home crying the other day because the boy with whom she is 'madly in love' told her he likes some other girl," Professor Broderick said. "To tell the truth I didn't know how to handle the situation." --From NEWSWEEK Lovely Princess Makes Great Tour "Alexandra the Great," Prin- cess Alexandra is being styled in Britain. ' She has earned the title on a packed six-weeks tour of the Far East where she represented Queen Elizabeth II. All reports point to the Queen's cousin as having done a '"mag- nificent job." Her good looks, youth, and gaiety, as on former tours, have infused royal pomp and protocol with refreshing spontaneity. The daughter of the elegant Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, the princess wears a head- scarf as easily as a tiara. In the same way fun and formality characterize her tours. In Hong Kong she represented Queen Elizabeth II as patron of the university at its golden jubi- lee celebrations. She received the honorary degree of doctor of and later opened the new student union building, In between the formal recep- tions she drove a train, took a tramcar in the rush hour, and rode the ferry in Hong Kong harbor after placing a coin in the slot to buy her own ticket, Sailing in the governor's yacht the princess enjoyed t..o of her favorite sports -- wadter skiing and swimming. Back on the job the princess received a boisterous welcome when she attended a mammoth party given in her honor by Chinese welfare organizations representing a million people working for refugees. Even "on duty" the princess's Her pic- tures show a princess enjoying herself whether using chopsticks in Hong Kong, sitting on the r of a Japanese style meal eating pieces of her finger: at ve Bh JArab chiefs ian desert, On leaving Hon pricess flew to Tok and the Empress was the first member of the Brit- ish royal house to be received in the Imperial Palace since 1929. The Emperor wore the Order of the Garter for the first time since World War II. The princess paid her hosts a delicate compliment by wearing dresses with an Ori- ental theme. In Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan she stayed at the Omiya Palace normally reserved for the exclusive use of the imperial family. At a reception she met the elder statesman, Mr. Hushida, pre-war Ambassador to Briain and Bernard Leach, the British pottery artist. ~The princess also paid a. pri- vate visit to her friends King" Bhumibol and Queen Sirikit of Thailand whom she visited on a former occasion and who came on a state visit to London in ©1960. At Aden the princess took the salute at a trooping the color ceremony of the 1st Battalion, Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment. ---- Ep x BEAUTY OFF-DUTY---Just sitting around home catching ww with school work, Martha Sissell Is still pretty as a picture. ¢ 18-year-old student was named queen of the New Year's Day Tournament of Roses, + harbor _ Kong. uta) the guest of Emperor Hirohito Nagako she" somewhat WHITE HOUSE GREETINGS -- This reproduction of the color photo of the White House bears the inscription in Mrs. Kennedy's handwriting. 'With our appreciation and best wishes for a happy Christmas." The photo was presented to White House staff members. fe cm MEET MRS. AMERICA--Lila Masson-of Detroit, smiles her delight at being chosen the new "Mrs. America" in the an- nual Fort Lauderdale, beauty contest. Nylon Snow For Indoor Skiing. : The biggest muscle - bending craze since trampolines may well turn out to be indoor skiing--if the bankroll of entertainment « entrepreneur G. David Schine, "Ing, is really smart money. The former McCarthy sleuth, whose "Schine Enterprises encompasses thirteen hotels and 64 movie theatres, recently bought a solid interst in Ski-Dek, Inc., a firm that has developed a mechanical conveyor belt, set at an eightcen- degree slope and covered with a deep-pile white nylon carpet on which skiers may frolic indoors, in the manner of a squirrel on a treadmill. The invention of Aspen ski- instructor Ray Hall, who thought it up while nursing a broken leg, the Ski-Dek until now has been little more than a curiosity at sports shows and on television, But this month, Schine plans to open the world's first Ski-Dek {center in a Buffalo movie-house --and, he emphasized the other dey as he watched ski pros slith- er down the rug at the Winter Sports Show in New York, "this | is just the beginning." "By the end of next yar," Schine promised, "we'll have six more ski centers--in Boston, New York, Montreal, San Francisco, ~Los.Angeles, and Miami- Beach." | Ultimately, Schine hopes to have "1,000 franchised operators" and he figures the annual net yield for each will be $150,000. ~~ The Buffalo installation will have only nine moving carpets (Schine plans centers with up % 50 units), and will accommodate 102 skiers simultaneously. Cram~ med into what -was once the Schine Riverside Theatre, which will get appropriate Alpine mur- als, the centre will cost about. "$300,000, $1.75 an hour for use of the car- Customers will. pay pet and rental of skis, boots, and poles, and 75 cents for each ad- ditional hour. it cova The ebullient Schine, who points out that a Ski-Dek in the middle of a city eliminates the need for paying lift fares and travel, hotel, and equipment costs, views his, newest acquisi- tion with nearly religious fervor, ~ "This will mean more skiers, and more proficient skiers," he said. - happily, "This will help the physical fitness of the nation; It will be a new common denom- inator between people!" Sign in antique shop. -- "You think this is junk? Come in and price it." ; - FETE TERT IIR TITIES DRIVE CAREFULLY ~ The life yon save may be your own. Dan, | em RO NICLES GINGER FAR ' Gwendoline P.Clarke ==-Well--w-e=have-just-come-- through an experience that comes every so often, generally once in two years. I am referring to civie elections. It got pretty hot around here last week - phone calls, elec- tion cards in the mail or deliver- ed by hand. Candidates calling and one neighbourhood meeting to see and talk with a would-be council member. We went along with i all a o quite a kick out of it-until I was asked to act as a scrutineer. That liftle office 1 declined. I have done my share at that sort of thing - now 1 think 1 am entitled to sit back and watch "othersatit.,. 7 TT Partner always takes a lively interest in any election - civie, provincial or federal - but he never campaigns for any particu- lar party. He llkes to be free to == Toss Pillows Use these pillows .in a "rec" room -- or give them to young- sters to decorate their beds! TWO identical pieces plus ears -- whip up gay pillow pets of. fabric with features of felt. Pat- tern 516: transfer 3 faces; direc- _ tions for 10 x 10-inch. pillows, Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal note for safety) for this pattern to Laura Wheeler, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont. DRESS, ~ ; FOR THE FIRST TIME! Over ~200 - designs in our---new,; -1962 Needlecraft Catdlog -- biggest ever! Pages, pages, pages of fashions, home accessories to knit, crochet, sew, weave, em-= broider, quilt. See jumbo - Knit hits, cloths, spreads, toys, linens, afghans plus free patterns. Send 26¢ add tax par. Ontario residents must include' - 1c: Sales Tax for each CATA- 'LOG ordered. There is nolsales tax on the patterns. : Print plainly PATTERN . NUMBER, your NAME and AD- --attend: meetings on--either--side; to ask questions and to express hls views, which don't always coin- cide with those of the person running for office! That doesn't mean Partner makes a habit of sitting on the fence. It just means that he has an open mind goncerning the issues at stake. One thing neither of us can stand - that is apathy on the part' of so - called electors. Partner will often say and do things Just to start an argument that e hopes will make his friends and neighbours take more in- terest In what is taking place. Really it is amazing the number of young married gouples who don't bother to vote. But yet they have plenty to say among themselves about what the council does or doesn't do... why don't they give us better roads; why don't they bring the sewerage through; why are res- idential areas so often rezoned commercial; why are we taxed for improvements that are only of benefit to those living on the - 'other side of the township; why shouldn't we have more im- provements here? You have doubtless heard the same thing over -and-over. Then comes an election. How many of those who complain the loudest turn out to vote? You know the answer as * well as 1 do - but 1 do hope YOU are not one of the non - voting complainers! Y Well, although electioneering and voting is to all intents and purposes a serious business. yet --it-also-has its: funny side. At a. Ward meeting that we went to the candidate, In answer to a specific question, was trying to think in what year the present | slump began. Partner said with _ a laugh - "When the Conserv- atives got in!" He didn't really mean to make a loaded .observa- tion = it was just a quip to raise a laugh - which it certainly. did. At home Partner and 1 had - been arguing about the candi- dates and, their policies and, as you 'know {it is generally taken --for-granted-that- a "husbang and _ wife will vote the same way. But Partner and 1 'didn't - al though Partner didn't know 'it until 1 told him. He was quite amused, Now 1' must see to it that he doesn't broadcast the fact otherwise 'the neighbours. may wonder whom . they can trust- . especially with the possibility of" | a federal election coming up, Another matter around here that is' providing plenty of dis- cussion is a "fall-out -shelter". | Our doctor is building one in his . own backyard. This doctor x orginally came from Central Europe. He has first hand know- ledge of the horrors of war and is quite convinced that Khrushchev means business, also that Canada is sadly lacking in defence preparations, therefore every man should take means to protect his own home and family. He sald to me - "Mrs. Clarke, the situation has become so serious that only God can save us." : "And why not?" I asked. "God created mankind - why not place your faith in Him? Do you think He will be content to let what He has created be destroyed by an evil genius? Personally 1 would rather trust my Creator than the strongest fall-out shelter made by man." Perhaps 1 am wrong. Perhaps in our flagrant disregard of Divine Law we are inviting dis- aster and the near extinction of the human race, A certain meas- ure of punishment may be com- ing our way but I cannot believe the Western world will be wiped out and the Communists allowed to triumph. Well, my immediate problem is dishing up a hot dinner which today is quite an adventure, Ad- venture? Yes, For the first time in years I've made a Yorkshire pudding. Will it be like Mother used to make or a dismal failure? We love roast beef and Yorkshire pudding but I lacked the courage to try it. I'll add a postscript later. P.S. The pudding was quite a success !!! Racehorse Raised On Baby Food Baby-food manufacturers in Australia have their eyes on a racehorse. called Mighty Oak. Might Oak, a three-year-old who won his first race in record time recently, was brought up on _ baby food. This came about be- | - "cause his owner, Mrs. Jennifer Churchill, of Sydney, went as a spectator to an auction sale of thoroughbreds. For fun she bid $50 and found, to her astonish- ment, she had bought a brood mare in foal. al Eventually, the foal, Mighty Oak, was born in Mrs. Churchill's back garden. Not being familiar with foals, she about rearing him from her em- ployers, a group of Sydney doc- tors for whom she is a secretary. The doctors didn't know much about foals either, but they knew a lot about babies and recom- mended a well-balanced diet of "Thy fOORT A + "Mighty Oak throve so well on it that the doctors joined Mrs. Churchill in a syndicate to race him. He won at his first attempt, and ro parents could have been prouder than Mrs. Churchill and the doctors as their "baby" flashed past that winning post. Bernard Shaw On Parliament "I think that the real function" of Parliament in this country is to prevent anything being done by endlessly talking about it. - Parliament reminds me of a lo- comotive engine, but a locomo- tive 'engine made in a peculiar way. You know a modern loco- motive is attached to 75 trucks with 10 fons of coal in each, and it has to move the lot. In order asked advice - a i to do that, théte must*be am enormous pressure of steam im the 'cylinders to make the wheels go round with.all that weight against them. To prevent that pressure from blowing the boiler to bits there is a hole in the boiler which is closed with a spring strong enough to resist the pressure needed to move the 4rain; but if the pressure goes beyond that the spring lifts and the steam evaporates. This con- trivance is called a safety valve. 'Now, the only difference be- "tween the parliamentary locomno- tive and the engineers' locomo- tive is that the safety. valve in the parliamentary locomotive is made so extremely weak that i% blows off in hot air before there is the slightest possibility of the train moving at all" -- From "Platform and Pulpit" Ultra-Easyl PRINTED PATTERN 7 This dashing, side - buttoned wrap is. the season's most ap- plauded casual! Sew it swiftly, -sash-it smartly with a quick tie --it has no waist seams. Choose cotton, surah, faille. = Printed Pattern 4776: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 takes 4 yards 35-inch fabric. Send FIFTY CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal nota for safety) for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St.,, New Toronto, Ont. LL FALL'S 100 BEST FASHIONS --separates, dresses, suits, en- sembles, all sizes, all in our new Pattern Catalog in color. Sew for yourself, family. 35¢. Ontario residents must include 1c Sales Pax for each CATA--. LOG ordédred.. There is no sales tax on the patterns. LACY TRIO -- Lace-and-organdie ensembles for three big days in a girl's life are suggested by a Paris fashion house, Christening dress (on doll), First Communion dress, left background, .and wedding ensemble all follow the same general style. i . -